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What are some mistakes you made in your earlier Prelims ?

We all make mistakes . What mistake did you make in your previous attempt if any that you would like to warn people about ?

Integer,DMand23 otherslike this



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Nope. You will have to manage by brining a smile on your face and say - Sir it is my first attempt, I am not able to concentrate. Don’t say - “Please don’t talk.” Don’t say that. You just say what you are feeling. They may not follow at first , but they will understand you are asking them to Shut Up.

Try to have a fake smile and not show that you are irritated given the existing stress of the exam.

Sir, So many of the candidates here have pointed this out. It is not a one-off problem. 

Anyone could be the next victim of such mistreatment and it might be his/her only attempt at this exam. UPSC surely takes good care of the examination process. They might take this up seriously if we make a joint complain. You/this platform can help, esp as we are so close to Pre. website has a feedback email address.

 If anyone else feels the same about this issue please +1.Maybe@Neyawn Sir will consider taking up this issue. 

Personally, I was distracted only for a few minutes in the exam. But I felt bad for the guy who spoke up for all of us but had to bear the brunt of it. I would NOT want it to happen to me during Prelims. 

Glad you found it helpful. All the best! :)

Thank u for sharing the link. Has useful stuff.

@Archand I kept forwarding questions which I had to revise on a telegram chat which had only 1 member - me. This meant it I didn't have to spend time noting it down + I could revisit the incorrect options posed by UPSC.
I revised these mostly at the end of the day twice or thrice a week. Took 30 mins max. 

That “sending to a group where you are the only member” is a wonderful lifehack I heavily use !

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir

Joeyisthebest,sernihiloand4 otherslike this

Don't know whether this is the appropriate thread, but feel like sharing.

Spoke to my father after a very long time, he gave me a piece of gyaan.

Success in life has always been a game of approximation than perfection. If everyone is putting in sincere hardwork, the odds of success always favour the one's who pursue approximation and not perfection.

Thanks. The reinforcement helped. :)

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir

ssver2,Rambo93and1 otherslike this
Thanks, made the single member group :)

Learnt this lesson last year

Aurora,EiChanand6 otherslike this
I have a query regarding Wrist watch . Do they allow wrist watches ? I have heard that in some centres in past , they have not allowed wrist watches. and if they allow..then Digital wrist watches r allowed or not ? Personally i feel more comfortable in digital than analog one. 
I have a query regarding Wrist watch . Do they allow wrist watches ? I have heard that in some centres in past , they have not allowed wrist watches. and if they allow..then Digital wrist watches r allowed or not ? Personally i feel more comfortable in digital than analog one. 

Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination, 2020

e-Admit Card

Important Instructions

11. Candidate should not be in possession of or using any mobile phone (even in switched off mode), pager or any electronic

equipment or programmable device or storage media like pen drive, smart watches, etc., or camera or Bluetooth devices or any other

equipment or related accessories either in working or switched off mode capable of being used as a communication device during the

examination. Any infringement of these instructions shall entail disciplinary action including ban from future Examinations.


Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination, 2020

e-Admit Card

Important Instructions

11. Candidate should not be in possession of or using any mobile phone (even in switched off mode), pager or any electronic

equipment or programmable device or storage media like pen drive, smart watches, etc., or camera or Bluetooth devices or any other

equipment or related accessories either in working or switched off mode capable of being used as a communication device during the

examination. Any infringement of these instructions shall entail disciplinary action including ban from future Examinations.

12. Use of normal or simple wrist watches by candidates is allowed inside the Examination Rooms/ Halls. However, use of watches

fitted with any special accessory that might be used as communication device or smart watches is strictly prohibited and candidates

are not allowed to take such watches into the Examination Rooms/ Halls.

There are a lot of questions on Gandhian philosophy being asked in the previous 2-3 years. Apart from Spectrum, where do you guys cover these from? Are there any points to remember/ some basic underlying ideas to keep in mind with such question? Maybe someone with History background can help me out here. Thank you. 
Aurora,EiChanand14 otherslike this
@Shailputri +1 

i even wasted whole year due to this issue. half an hour wasted . the invigilators kept on talking talking and talking until i interrupted.

I sent this today to

It would be great if few others could also email UPSC.


I have sent a mail too :)

I think others can also send this email. Will definitely help the commission provide additional guidelines.

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir

ssver2,EiChanand8 otherslike this


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I have sent a mail too :)

I think others can also send this email. Will definitely help the commission provide additional guidelines.


Thank you for taking it up @Neyawn Sir.

So many experiences, mistakes and suggestions. I too have my share of regrets. Being into fourth attempt when I look back I see only mistakes and mistakes. Can anyone here join me into this guilt of not doing enough for the exam? Countless spells of weeks without reading a single line. Always distracted, putting barely 3-4 hrs/day except when nearing the examination. Fast forward to my fourth attempt and again only a month left! And here I am again thinking why Aspirant why! Why can't you accelerate little earlier? Why everytime you woke up when it's too late? Why to make everything so difficult for you? Anyway it's the Past. From today exactly one month is remaining for prelims. Will promise myself to make best use of these days. Will see.... 
missionmangal,Auroraand18 otherslike this

Aurora,Just_relentlessand11 otherslike this

1st attempt - Cleared - Single source and multiple revision - Solved only 3 full length mocks- Fullsleep

2nd attempt - Failed - CA neglected + Very less mocks +Sleepissue due to stress

3rd attempt - Cleared - Only one source for CA & Static(Only 1 month of prep for pre) + Solved 3 full length mocks+ Couldsleptpeacefully

4th attempt - Failed -Sleepissue + No mocks given 

5th attempt - Cleared - Balanced mocks + CA + Static ->Butsleepissue and stress in exam hall resulted in clearing with little margin 

Only takeaway for this attempt ->Less stress more performance +Sleep well before exam+ Everyone studied for exam , only who could control stress and anxiety can be succeeded 

ssver2,dalphaand29 otherslike this
I committed way too many silly mistakes in areas like polity and economy. Although i cleared civils cut-off 3 times in a row, i will definitely revise my static well so that i can get a shot at forest service mains this time.

Civils Mains:2017,2018,2020,2021,Forest Mains:2021.

Aurora,EiChanand4 otherslike this

2015- i was not prepared at all, had very little idea of exam, still gave it in the peer pressure..... Failed

2016- prepared only 15-16 days due to a hospital issue... Cleared prelims 

2017- prepared everything but didnt pull up the game in last 20 days failed prelims by 0.67 margin

2018 - prepared everything... 100+ mocks failed misrebly

2019- prepared for only a month no mocks only pyq... Cleared prelims

2020- covid made me lethargic couldnt give my 100% fail

2021- still yet to start the prepaaration little nervous but i guess i will be able to do justice even in 24-25 days bcoz i exactly know that only this much time is enough to respect the exam, rest everything is very unpredictable.... No mocks and no pt365 this year too... Will rely on very basic bare minimum books and only ias CA revision booklets only

EiChan,GaryVeeand2 otherslike this
Guys completely unrelated to the topic but any idea when the results are coming out?
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