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What are some mistakes you made in your earlier Prelims ?

We all make mistakes . What mistake did you make in your previous attempt if any that you would like to warn people about ?

Integer,DMand23 otherslike this


I have seen that external factors like the bench is not proper ( Last year, I got to sit on a chair with very short table which kids use) , or say invigilator whispering/ talking very loud  have been very irritating . The attempts in which I could not clear prelims , made me think in the exam hall that  these factors are ruining my chances of clearing. But some how makes me feel ,that lack of systematic preparation makes us vulnerable to get distracted by these things which are not in our control.

When I had cleared prelims with comfortably good score, mostly such things did not matter much. 

Staying as calm as possible helps .

Neyawn,DMand15 otherslike this
First make peace with whatever circumstances you are in at exam centre. Train your mind to work even when surrounding is not conducive. Don't complain about facilities offered at the centre or annoying invigilators. It does happen but let it not affect your concentration. My two failed attempts were in 2018 and 2019 when exam happened in peak summers. I was not prepared for many things be it scorching heat, noisy fans or primitive benches, invigilator inference etc. These things aren't in your control so better train your mind to be immune from these. Rest is CHILLAX...attempt decent no of questions (for most people it's between 80-90 Q's). Be alert and take risk also. No matter how your preperation is, let your wisdom be the guiding light.
Neyawn,GaryVeeand12 otherslike this

I have seen that external factors like the bench is not proper ( Last year, I got to sit on a chair with very short table which kids use) , or say invigilator whispering/ talking very loud  have been very irritating . The attempts in which I could not clear prelims , made me think in the exam hall that  these factors are ruining my chances of clearing. But some how makes me feel ,that lack of systematic preparation makes us vulnerable to get distracted by these things which are not in our control.

When I had cleared prelims with comfortably good score, mostly such things did not matter much. 

Staying as calm as possible helps .


So I had a room mate who was seemingly very studious ( his room was locked most of the time ) and his father was a very senior IPS officer. 

He once came down to the place. Another Flatmate complained about the landlord / maid / food and what not.

This man, because of lack of space and maybe habit, humbly decided to sleep on the floor , despite all of us insisting to sleep on the floor ( the roommate felt so bad for his father, he couldn’t sleep all night )

In the morning, he said something that has stuck with me through the years.

He said, beta, when you see the fish”s eye, you don’t see anything else. That’s the kind of focus that is needed before the Prelims.

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir

ssver2,Itachiand28 otherslike this

Sorry for hijacking this thread with a question, but this seemed like the most appropriate place to ask. The Pre instructions ask us to not write anything on the question paper. Does this also include making ticks/crosses/dots/circling/striking through on the options or questions(other than in the rough space of course)?

And if yes, how strictly is this enforced? Do the invigilators care? What do they do if they see you doing any of the things that I mentioned above?

@fortarach63 don't think so much on these petty things. I have participated in many exams of this type. Normally 99.99% invigilators behave in a cordial way. If any invigilator asks not to write anything on paper then also you may tick the answers with a dot. As far as I know till date no action has benn taken against these things. I am saying it on the basis of experience and some of my colleagues or seniors always perform the invigilator task, so. Secondly just focus only on content rather than this. All the best for your preliminary exam. 


Sorry for hijacking this thread with a question, but this seemed like the most appropriate place to ask. The Pre instructions ask us to not write anything on the question paper. Does this also include making ticks/crosses/dots/circling/striking through on the options or questions(other than in the rough space of course)?

And if yes, how strictly is this enforced? Do the invigilators care? What do they do if they see you doing any of the things that I mentioned above?

Make small marks, basically if someone thinks you are trying to cheat / help others cheat you get in trouble. Mostly it is not enforced, but if you have one heck of an examiner, they may interrupt. I have not heard of someone being debarred for this so far.

All the Best!

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir

@Neyawn Thank you for the response!


I got an email from a member, who did not want to disclose his/her identity and yet wanted to contribute.

Here it is

I have failed all 3 Prelims (2018,2019,2020) which I wrote.

Background : Have been a so called topper during school days. Got into decent college. Basically, my downfall started from there. After getting into college I started having inferiority complex because, almost everyone who came there was a topper in school and most of them had better jee performance than me. I used to get taunts for my achievements as well my failure whole life by society as well as few family members but i never let them affect me because i was so naive to think that educated and broad minded people from the college where i'm going won't be like that but  one incident which happened during 1st semester's interaction with one senior changed my whole life and, I believe i'm yet to get out of that zone completely though I have made quite a progress. And I passed out of college as one of the last rankers of my stream in my final year. 

Now coming to my UPSC attempts

1st attempt:
Attended all the classes diligently and made proper notes and tried to revise them daily but didn't touch them after that [Mistake 1], [might have missed only 1-2 classes which i felt weren't useful at all and skipped entire Biology module because I felt sleepy in the first class itself]. So, I didn't re revise my notes and since classes ended less than 2 months before prelims i couldn't finish all the reference books also properly [Mistake 2]. Current affairs I barely touched and revised [Mistake 3], though i used to read newspaper daily till 2 months before prelims. Did look at some Previous Year Papers superficially without any proper analysis. [Mistake 4]. Didn't practice a single Mock [Mistake 5]. I knew I won't clear the exam but still somehow pushed myself after looking at the sacrifices my mother was doing for me. I finally gathered the courage to tell her the night before the exam that i don't think i'll clear it because i haven't given my 100%. But she said i trust you, it's the exam fear only otherwise you are prepared i have seen you this whole year you didn't even skip classes, you studied daily etc. But i tried convincing her again but she said okay fine but atleast go and give the exam because if not this time then you will clear it next time for sure. [Mistake 6- I thought I'll clear it next time for sure and this time i'll give it to have a feel- And please no one has to judge my mother, she's the best mother and she trusted her child that's why advised me this]

Exam Day: Went with under confidence and lots of stress and past baggages [Mistake 7]

Result: Failed 2018 prelims miserably. 

2nd attempt: Did not bother to analyse 2018 paper even after few days.[Mistake 1] Did not even bother to take a break for few days.[Mistake 2]Directly started watching infinite number of toppers interviews, strategy videos, motivations etc. Started searching for best test series, best classes (yeah again, see), best this, best that and what not.[Mistake 3]Ended up joining so many modules and test series, downloading infinite number of pdfs from internet, but, didn't bother to join any optional/ethics/essay module and didn't even bother to study those (though in my first attempt's classes ethics and essay were covered but they didn't cover whole syllabus, and in my first attempt i bought optional notes but didn't get the time to read those even once )[Mistake 4]. In this attempt also i didn't focus on gs mains, essay and optional at all despite joining few gs modules and didn't do any answer writing, didn't write a single test despite joining test series [Mistake 5].In this attempt i did not read newspaper daily and didn't read any monthly magazine also[Mistake 6]. I read all the basic books properly except complete history, culture, (because of my fear of history) and environment (because i thought i don't need any basic knowledge for environment and only current would be enough) [Mistake 7]. I did solve previous year questions diligently and but didn't analyse them properly [Mistake 8]. I read Current PTs (not all but important ones like ir, polity, env, s&t) but because i didn't read newspaper so i thought of doing 2 institutes PTs which was a terrible idea because in the end i couldn't even revise one properly [Mistake 9]. I did not solve pre test series despite joining it [Mistake 10]. I could not revise all the static subjects also properly [Mistake 11].  Didn’t bother to focus on csat [Mistake 12].

Exam Day: Went with positive mind but couldn’t sleep the night before the exam because of weird sleep cycle I had during preparation days[Mistake 13]

In this attempt I was struggling through infinite number of family issues. Everyday seemed like a nightmare, a never ending nightmare. But one thing which helped me keeping my sanity was my Never Give Up attitude. Though whatever has been happening around me was never related to me at all but it was ensured by few people that I should be the one who has to feel guilty about this, I should be the one who has to feel the pain, I should be the one who shouldn’t be allowed to show my pain because of course that would be an excuse for not studying. If I would try to express my frustration then they would be like that people who live in the most noisiest surroundings and disoriented families also clear the exam you are just making an excuse. I had lost track of my days and nights, my sleeping habits, my health everything 2 months before the exam because I was somehow trying to study whenever there was peace, whenever I was not being constantly watched (because a certain someone in my family always used to think that how can parents believe her to study only when she’s alone in her room, maybe she’s watching movies, maybe she’s reading novels, maybe she has a boyfriend. That person always used to think that despite her failing in 1st prelims why she’s not being mentally tortured by her parents). It was made sure that I should be tortured every single day, I should be taunted or scolded and my parents also should be taunted because I was studying late nights and sleeping in the day and spoiling my health (because of course according to few people only physical health matters and there’s nothing called as mental health), I’m not talking to my family much etc. To summarise it, I had to account for my every breath. But I have very good friends and supportive parents. Though I couldn’t interact much with my parents without being overheard. But I used to hide and talk to my best friends and they were my constant support. But my most important companion was I myself. I have been tested to limits unknown, my self respect, my character was blown to pieces but it was known by everyone that I value life a lot and I never for once tried to give up on it. But I couldn’t give my 100% and I take full responsibility of my failure.

Result: Failed in 2019 CSAT in quantitative terms, by 1 mark only. But in qualitative terms, by around 25 marks. (Though we have to score 66 only in this paper but still we can not go to the exam hall keeping 66 as the cutoff in my mind, we have to keep at least 90 marks as our target to be at peace after the exam)
Failed to clear general cut off in paper 1 (though cleared my ph category cut off but that was not my aim in the first place)

3rd attempt : This time I corrected Mistake 1,2,7,8,11 to a great extent. And mistake 4,5,9(to some extent but not completely). I repeated mistake 3,6,10. In this attempt I partially covered mains portions but nothing completely completely, no answer writing done. The huge mistakes I did in this attempt were not solving mocks again, and not revising PTs properly. I did focus on csat but I still felt something was lacking which again showed in the result. In this attempt I tried to conquer my fear of history and read the old ncert for modern and new certs for all portions of history and culture but I think I did not revise them properly.

Exam Day: Went with positive mind and confidence but couldn’t sleep the night before the exam because of weird sleep cycle I had during preparation days

In this attempt again the never ending torture continued and it became worse because of corona situation which lead to more disturbances in the house. And a week before the exam a big drama happened which shook me to core but I still kept going even though I was constantly disturbed because of it. I again take full responsibility of my failure.

Result: Official marks not yet announced for 2020 prelims. But, I for sure know that I failed in csat again. And in paper 1 in general cut off for sure I failed again.

4th attempt 2021:

The never ending torture continued but, in this February I got a chance to shift to my relative’s place who moved out of country. Though shifting here was not smooth because there was lots of drama again. And after shifting my mother fell ill, I too fell ill many times (not covid). I have recovered. But my mother is still not well but nothing serious but she had to move back home.
In this attempt I have decided to go for other exams as well but I’m not giving up on cse. But before moving onto something else I want to give my 100% to this pre in these last 40 days.

I still haven’t done optional, answer writing and gs mains completely. Was again not regular with newspapers. Doing PTs now. But have covered all the static subjects and pyqs properly. Will give few mocks in September. I’m also doing csat seriously.

I know most of you might be thinking that most probably I’ll fail in this prelims as well because I’ve resumed prelims preparation very late. But still I’ll try to give my 100% to this pre.

Summary : I know most of you don’t have time to read this whole write up, so I want summarise it for you by giving you an important message. Don’t ever let anybody get into your head, I did this and didn’t give my 100% to the past 7-8 years of my life (my btech and my last 3 attempts as well as most of the preparatory phase of this attempt), though I’ve introspected and improved a lot since moving out this Feb. You and only you are responsible for what is, was and will happen to your life, take full responsibility. You can not change people and situations but you can mould yourself according to the situation and make everything work in your favour and if it’s not possible then detach or move out etc. Don’t let failure affect you too much, accept it, learn from it and move to the next step of success. I have accepted that I am, was and will always be judged by people even after I succeed because according to them everything I have achieved is because I belong to a certain category. And I am also judged by people, my co aspirants, when I take my cut off for prelims as general cut off. According to few I’m trying to show off, according to few others I’m taking unnecessary burden. But this is a special concession given to uplift people like me, and give that equal status in society, it isn’t there to stop us from giving our 100% percent. People think and say so many bitter things but I’m not here to prove a point to anyone. I and people close to me know what I think.

No matter what happens. Never Give Up on your goals.

Summary of Prelims Mistakes:
- Not revising properly
- Not focusing on Csat
- Not reading newspapers regularly
- Not solving mocks
- Bad sleep Cycle due to which didn’t sleep properly the night before pre
- Unnecessary focus on pre CA. (One pt per subject is fine)
- Not integrating Static, Current and Contemporary portions of a topic while revision.
- Downloading n number of materials from internet and joining n number of courses and test series and not following them properly.
- Letting external factors affect me (Most important reason for my failure)

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir

D503,GaryVeeand20 otherslike this


I got an email from a member, who did not want to disclose his/her identity and yet wanted to contribute.

Here it is

I have failed all 3 Prelims (2018,2019,2020) which I wrote.

Background : Have been a so called topper during school days. Got into decent college. Basically, my downfall started from there. After getting into college I started having inferiority complex because, almost everyone who came there was a topper in school and most of them had better jee performance than me. I used to get taunts for my achievements as well my failure whole life by society as well as few family members but i never let them affect me because i was so naive to think that educated and broad minded people from the college where i'm going won't be like that but  one incident which happened during 1st semester's interaction with one senior changed my whole life and, I believe i'm yet to get out of that zone completely though I have made quite a progress. And I passed out of college as one of the last rankers of my stream in my final year. 

Now coming to my UPSC attempts

1st attempt:
Attended all the classes diligently and made proper notes and tried to revise them daily but didn't touch them after that [Mistake 1], [might have missed only 1-2 classes which i felt weren't useful at all and skipped entire Biology module because I felt sleepy in the first class itself]. So, I didn't re revise my notes and since classes ended less than 2 months before prelims i couldn't finish all the reference books also properly [Mistake 2]. Current affairs I barely touched and revised [Mistake 3], though i used to read newspaper daily till 2 months before prelims. Did look at some Previous Year Papers superficially without any proper analysis. [Mistake 4]. Didn't practice a single Mock [Mistake 5]. I knew I won't clear the exam but still somehow pushed myself after looking at the sacrifices my mother was doing for me. I finally gathered the courage to tell her the night before the exam that i don't think i'll clear it because i haven't given my 100%. But she said i trust you, it's the exam fear only otherwise you are prepared i have seen you this whole year you didn't even skip classes, you studied daily etc. But i tried convincing her again but she said okay fine but atleast go and give the exam because if not this time then you will clear it next time for sure. [Mistake 6- I thought I'll clear it next time for sure and this time i'll give it to have a feel- And please no one has to judge my mother, she's the best mother and she trusted her child that's why advised me this]

Exam Day: Went with under confidence and lots of stress and past baggages [Mistake 7]

Result: Failed 2018 prelims miserably. 

2nd attempt: Did not bother to analyse 2018 paper even after few days.[Mistake 1] Did not even bother to take a break for few days.[Mistake 2]Directly started watching infinite number of toppers interviews, strategy videos, motivations etc. Started searching for best test series, best classes (yeah again, see), best this, best that and what not.[Mistake 3]Ended up joining so many modules and test series, downloading infinite number of pdfs from internet, but, didn't bother to join any optional/ethics/essay module and didn't even bother to study those (though in my first attempt's classes ethics and essay were covered but they didn't cover whole syllabus, and in my first attempt i bought optional notes but didn't get the time to read those even once )[Mistake 4]. In this attempt also i didn't focus on gs mains, essay and optional at all despite joining few gs modules and didn't do any answer writing, didn't write a single test despite joining test series [Mistake 5].In this attempt i did not read newspaper daily and didn't read any monthly magazine also[Mistake 6]. I read all the basic books properly except complete history, culture, (because of my fear of history) and environment (because i thought i don't need any basic knowledge for environment and only current would be enough) [Mistake 7]. I did solve previous year questions diligently and but didn't analyse them properly [Mistake 8]. I read Current PTs (not all but important ones like ir, polity, env, s&t) but because i didn't read newspaper so i thought of doing 2 institutes PTs which was a terrible idea because in the end i couldn't even revise one properly [Mistake 9]. I did not solve pre test series despite joining it [Mistake 10]. I could not revise all the static subjects also properly [Mistake 11].  Didn’t bother to focus on csat [Mistake 12].

Exam Day: Went with positive mind but couldn’t sleep the night before the exam because of weird sleep cycle I had during preparation days[Mistake 13]

In this attempt I was struggling through infinite number of family issues. Everyday seemed like a nightmare, a never ending nightmare. But one thing which helped me keeping my sanity was my Never Give Up attitude. Though whatever has been happening around me was never related to me at all but it was ensured by few people that I should be the one who has to feel guilty about this, I should be the one who has to feel the pain, I should be the one who shouldn’t be allowed to show my pain because of course that would be an excuse for not studying. If I would try to express my frustration then they would be like that people who live in the most noisiest surroundings and disoriented families also clear the exam you are just making an excuse. I had lost track of my days and nights, my sleeping habits, my health everything 2 months before the exam because I was somehow trying to study whenever there was peace, whenever I was not being constantly watched (because a certain someone in my family always used to think that how can parents believe her to study only when she’s alone in her room, maybe she’s watching movies, maybe she’s reading novels, maybe she has a boyfriend. That person always used to think that despite her failing in 1st prelims why she’s not being mentally tortured by her parents). It was made sure that I should be tortured every single day, I should be taunted or scolded and my parents also should be taunted because I was studying late nights and sleeping in the day and spoiling my health (because of course according to few people only physical health matters and there’s nothing called as mental health), I’m not talking to my family much etc. To summarise it, I had to account for my every breath. But I have very good friends and supportive parents. Though I couldn’t interact much with my parents without being overheard. But I used to hide and talk to my best friends and they were my constant support. But my most important companion was I myself. I have been tested to limits unknown, my self respect, my character was blown to pieces but it was known by everyone that I value life a lot and I never for once tried to give up on it. But I couldn’t give my 100% and I take full responsibility of my failure.

Result: Failed in 2019 CSAT in quantitative terms, by 1 mark only. But in qualitative terms, by around 25 marks. (Though we have to score 66 only in this paper but still we can not go to the exam hall keeping 66 as the cutoff in my mind, we have to keep at least 90 marks as our target to be at peace after the exam)
Failed to clear general cut off in paper 1 (though cleared my ph category cut off but that was not my aim in the first place)

3rd attempt : This time I corrected Mistake 1,2,7,8,11 to a great extent. And mistake 4,5,9(to some extent but not completely). I repeated mistake 3,6,10. In this attempt I partially covered mains portions but nothing completely completely, no answer writing done. The huge mistakes I did in this attempt were not solving mocks again, and not revising PTs properly. I did focus on csat but I still felt something was lacking which again showed in the result. In this attempt I tried to conquer my fear of history and read the old ncert for modern and new certs for all portions of history and culture but I think I did not revise them properly.

Exam Day: Went with positive mind and confidence but couldn’t sleep the night before the exam because of weird sleep cycle I had during preparation days

In this attempt again the never ending torture continued and it became worse because of corona situation which lead to more disturbances in the house. And a week before the exam a big drama happened which shook me to core but I still kept going even though I was constantly disturbed because of it. I again take full responsibility of my failure.

Result: Official marks not yet announced for 2020 prelims. But, I for sure know that I failed in csat again. And in paper 1 in general cut off for sure I failed again.

4th attempt 2021:

The never ending torture continued but, in this February I got a chance to shift to my relative’s place who moved out of country. Though shifting here was not smooth because there was lots of drama again. And after shifting my mother fell ill, I too fell ill many times (not covid). I have recovered. But my mother is still not well but nothing serious but she had to move back home.
In this attempt I have decided to go for other exams as well but I’m not giving up on cse. But before moving onto something else I want to give my 100% to this pre in these last 40 days.

I still haven’t done optional, answer writing and gs mains completely. Was again not regular with newspapers. Doing PTs now. But have covered all the static subjects and pyqs properly. Will give few mocks in September. I’m also doing csat seriously.

I know most of you might be thinking that most probably I’ll fail in this prelims as well because I’ve resumed prelims preparation very late. But still I’ll try to give my 100% to this pre.

Summary : I know most of you don’t have time to read this whole write up, so I want summarise it for you by giving you an important message. Don’t ever let anybody get into your head, I did this and didn’t give my 100% to the past 7-8 years of my life (my btech and my last 3 attempts as well as most of the preparatory phase of this attempt), though I’ve introspected and improved a lot since moving out this Feb. You and only you are responsible for what is, was and will happen to your life, take full responsibility. You can not change people and situations but you can mould yourself according to the situation and make everything work in your favour and if it’s not possible then detach or move out etc. Don’t let failure affect you too much, accept it, learn from it and move to the next step of success. I have accepted that I am, was and will always be judged by people even after I succeed because according to them everything I have achieved is because I belong to a certain category. And I am also judged by people, my co aspirants, when I take my cut off for prelims as general cut off. According to few I’m trying to show off, according to few others I’m taking unnecessary burden. But this is a special concession given to uplift people like me, and give that equal status in society, it isn’t there to stop us from giving our 100% percent. People think and say so many bitter things but I’m not here to prove a point to anyone. I and people close to me know what I think.

No matter what happens. Never Give Up on your goals.

Summary of Prelims Mistakes:
- Not revising properly
- Not focusing on Csat
- Not reading newspapers regularly
- Not solving mocks
- Bad sleep Cycle due to which didn’t sleep properly the night before pre
- Unnecessary focus on pre CA. (One pt per subject is fine)
- Not integrating Static, Current and Contemporary portions of a topic while revision.
- Downloading n number of materials from internet and joining n number of courses and test series and not following them properly.
- Letting external factors affect me (Most important reason for my failure)

And here I thought my problems were the biggest!

Whoever this person is, more power to you friend!

D503,Oasisand15 otherslike this

My only regret as far as prelims goes was my 2018 attempt. Prior to that and also after 2018 I easily cleared the cutoff of civils and many a times of Forest service also.

I will tell you only 1 thing.

In last one month, those 10 odd basic books like Shankar, Laxmikant Spectrum etc will be of paramount importance. Just keep on reading same geography NCERTs, same macroeconomic NCERT etc and you will sail through.

At the end of the day , 60 questions will come from these sources. You need 45 Net correct. From next 40, even with 2-3 readings of Current Affairs one can get 10 net correct. 

110 is more than enough to clear this exam.

PS: I scored 128-135 in 2020. 

Neyawn,ssver2and32 otherslike this
@fortarach63 bhai/behen 
Seriously dont take so much load.... generally invigilator nahi bolte ye sab ke baare mein especially in UPSC... kabhi kabhi kuc jyada talented aur padhe log invigilator ban jaate hain....dont worry... jab wo aapko aise krne bole tab bol dijiye sorry sir/sorry mam unke jaane k baad phir karne lago... rangna padta hai paper and at times ganda bhi ho jaata hai

@fortarach63 bhai/behen 
Seriously dont take so much load.... generally invigilator nahi bolte ye sab ke baare mein especially in UPSC... kabhi kabhi kuc jyada talented aur padhe log invigilator ban jaate hain....dont worry... jab wo aapko aise krne bole tab bol dijiye sorry sir/sorry mam unke jaane k baad phir karne lago... rangna padta hai paper and at times ganda bhi ho jaata hai

Haha thanks. Very comforting to read that. I find quite a difference in my performance when I'm not crossing things out on the paper. So if they had in fact been serious about enforcing it I would have had to practice solving without scribbling lol. 


I became complacent and lost track during the CSAT paper! Lost it there.

Learnings from my previous attempts which has always helped me

1. Strictly doing pyqs only. No coaching mocks. 1 or 2 just to get  feel sometimes. Pyqs has to be done very seriously, its just like laxmikant everytime you read it you get new insights, so i have also discovered some patterns in their options framing and important topics which are repeatedly asked.

2. Reading static more, even if you are bored of reading same books try to spice it up by active recalling. Scribble concepts on a piece of paper, try and list down say Gandhian principles of dpsps. Or features of biosphere reserve. Sometimes auch practice helps in internalising well.

3. While reading current affairs, just read get a general idea, no need to get into minute details, you won't remember in the exam!! That's how the process is designed 

4. Integrate static and current, best strategy.

5. Have 3 strategies about how you will solve the paper. Be prepared for a very different yet lengthy paper. Tell your mind that paper is not going to be difficult, it would just be different which will put you in an uncomfortable position and that's where your real test will lie.

6. Be courageous yet confident! You have to attempt 90+ irrespective of how the paper is, and its ok if you get even 25 questions incorrect, paper is designed in such a manner that you are bound to commit silly mistakes. Idea is not to panic. Be bold enough to mark that damn option. If you can eliminate one option you have to attempt the question.

7. Dont overthink, its always counterproductive, even if you get the question correct, you eat up time of other questions! So just go ahead mark that bloody option with confidence and gut feeling.

8. Plan the last week today, what you are going to do in those 7 days. It is very important, it will actually help in finding a path in times of chaos and uncertainty of last week.

9. Get into examiners mindset now, what would have they thought before framing questions and options, where is that hidden hint? 

10. Don't be anxious on exam day, i know it's easier said than done. Being anxious before the paper is fine, but once you get the paper, you have to go all guns blazing.

Neyawn,D503and25 otherslike this

I became complacent and lost track during the CSAT paper! Lost it there.

Learnings from my previous attempts which has always helped me

1. Strictly doing pyqs only. No coaching mocks. 1 or 2 just to get  feel sometimes. Pyqs has to be done very seriously, its just like laxmikant everytime you read it you get new insights, so i have also discovered some patterns in their options framing and important topics which are repeatedly asked.

2. Reading static more, even if you are bored of reading same books try to spice it up by active recalling. Scribble concepts on a piece of paper, try and list down say Gandhian principles of dpsps. Or features of biosphere reserve. Sometimes auch practice helps in internalising well.

3. While reading current affairs, just read get a general idea, no need to get into minute details, you won't remember in the exam!! That's how the process is designed 

4. Integrate static and current, best strategy.

5. Have 3 strategies about how you will solve the paper. Be prepared for a very different yet lengthy paper. Tell your mind that paper is not going to be difficult, it would just be different which will put you in an uncomfortable position and that's where your real test will lie.

6. Be courageous yet confident! You have to attempt 90+ irrespective of how the paper is, and its ok if you get even 25 questions incorrect, paper is designed in such a manner that you are bound to commit silly mistakes. Idea is not to panic. Be bold enough to mark that damn option. If you can eliminate one option you have to attempt the question.

7. Dont overthink, its always counterproductive, even if you get the question correct, you eat up time of other questions! So just go ahead mark that bloody option with confidence and gut feeling.

8. Plan the last week today, what you are going to do in those 7 days. It is very important, it will actually help in finding a path in times of chaos and uncertainty of last week.

9. Get into examiners mindset now, what would have they thought before framing questions and options, where is that hidden hint? 

10. Don't be anxious on exam day, i know it's easier said than done. Being anxious before the paper is fine, but once you get the paper, you have to go all guns blazing.

This Preety much sums it up. Thank you.

It is important to remember that 85-90 is around the number of questions one may be required to attempt. If the paper is very tough, this can fall to -5 and if you find it very easy it can be +5 questions.

But these days it is difficult to attempt very less questions and make it to the cut off. 

A lot of people following this thread may have the take home that you are being forced to mark 90 questions. That is far from the case. The argument here is you have to reach a level such that you are able to attempt 90 questions.

And if you have done 4-5 months of intense preparation, you should be confident to go ahead with attempting as many questions.

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir

ssver2,Rambo93and3 otherslike this

I became complacent and lost track during the CSAT paper! Lost it there.

Learnings from my previous attempts which has always helped me

1. Strictly doing pyqs only. No coaching mocks. 1 or 2 just to get  feel sometimes. Pyqs has to be done very seriously, its just like laxmikant everytime you read it you get new insights, so i have also discovered some patterns in their options framing and important topics which are repeatedly asked.

2. Reading static more, even if you are bored of reading same books try to spice it up by active recalling. Scribble concepts on a piece of paper, try and list down say Gandhian principles of dpsps. Or features of biosphere reserve. Sometimes auch practice helps in internalising well.

3. While reading current affairs, just read get a general idea, no need to get into minute details, you won't remember in the exam!! That's how the process is designed 

4. Integrate static and current, best strategy.

5. Have 3 strategies about how you will solve the paper. Be prepared for a very different yet lengthy paper. Tell your mind that paper is not going to be difficult, it would just be different which will put you in an uncomfortable position and that's where your real test will lie.

6. Be courageous yet confident! You have to attempt 90+ irrespective of how the paper is, and its ok if you get even 25 questions incorrect, paper is designed in such a manner that you are bound to commit silly mistakes. Idea is not to panic. Be bold enough to mark that damn option. If you can eliminate one option you have to attempt the question.

7. Dont overthink, its always counterproductive, even if you get the question correct, you eat up time of other questions! So just go ahead mark that bloody option with confidence and gut feeling.

8. Plan the last week today, what you are going to do in those 7 days. It is very important, it will actually help in finding a path in times of chaos and uncertainty of last week.

9. Get into examiners mindset now, what would have they thought before framing questions and options, where is that hidden hint? 

10. Don't be anxious on exam day, i know it's easier said than done. Being anxious before the paper is fine, but once you get the paper, you have to go all guns blazing.

CSAT is like the hidden hunger thing. It is very much there but you won’t see it. Make sure a weak CSAT does not pull you down. It will be wonderful if you are able to practice a full length CSAT paper every five days or so. At least.

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir

ssver2,dalphaand5 otherslike this

Not cleared prelims but thought should share mistakes.

1.Too shy to ask questions /doubts/problems. 

2. Watching too many toppers strategies and referring to too many sources. Later realised something are to be done by everyone and some things may work for someone else but not for you. 

3.Too anxious and having headache during and after exam. So much in csat that I could barely solve maths questions. Noticed the same headaches around college exams and a few days back too. Thought maybe exam fear/ anxiousness is causing headaches. But when headaches increased too much, had to go to a doctor. He told that it likely a migraine. More than painkiller, it is important to know why it is causing it. It can be due to vision (different power in both eyes so brain has to adjust thus headache), sleeping less/more, eating less /more or unknown reasons. Found out that for me it was due to vision(different power in both eyes) and low blood sugar. Then it hit me, I generally eat less before exams. I always felt nausea before exam and avoided eating much and thought first lets give exam, then will eat peacefully. 

@Neyawn Absolutely, this time around i have done CSAT seriously. More importantly have given the respect it deserves.

@Rambo93 +1 
Scored 125-130 in Paper 1 but took CSAT for granted. 

After clearing prelims in 2019  (first attempt) got complacent with the prelims in 2020 (didn't do static part thoroughly and ignored fundamentals. Ended up making blunder errors in polity and ecology leading to a debacle and one full year going to waste. Taking no prisoners this time.

MikeWozniak,EiChanand3 otherslike this
@Neyawn Absolutely, this time around i have done CSAT seriously. More importantly have given the respect it deserves.


"The respect it deserves"

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir

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