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[Community Initiative] Thread for Posting Performance Sheet. (Reviving For SFG 2022)

Post your performance sheet of SFG  in this thread,It is to  track our own mistakes and also to compare our mistakes with others.

Rationale behind continuing with same thread

  • it becomes a good repository for longtime.
  • Creating new threads making confusion in forum.
  • Back then during discuss platform oldies used single thread so we will do it in old way.
  • The previous work motivates some to participate.


  • Pls don't use this thread for discussing anything.
  • Only use it,for uploading ur performance sheet(dont just upload score,pls do upload ur mistakes n if possible add a "y")(u can take reference from others previous work).

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1)Sfg Related Discussion Thread:

2)Any UPSC Related Doubts:

3) Previous Year UPSC Prelims Questions Thread:

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SFG 2022 - Level 1 - Test 13
  1. MGNREGA | at least 60 percent of the works undertaken must be related to land and water conservation | one-third of the workers should be women | payment in 15 days | social audit
  2. Fixed term employment : can be hired directly w/o middleman ,not required to provide retrenchment benefits,The Code on Social Security (2020) does not specify a minimum or maximum tenure for hiring fixed-term employees.
  3. Tendulkar Committee: shift away from calorie consumption, focus onhealth and education too,uniform poverty line basket (PLB) across rural and urban India,Mixed Reference Period.
  4. The Agreement on Trade-Related Investment Measures (TRIMS)
    1. applies to investment measures related to trade in goods only. Thus, the TRIMs Agreement does not apply to services,not concerned with the regulation of foreign investment.
    2. TRIMS vs TRIPS
  5. Depreciation of Indian rupee
    1. FD➚ :risk of seeing the value of the currency fall
    2. Fed Tapering
  6. Worker population Ratio
    1. The worker-population ratio= total number of workers/ population in India
    2. In urban areas, the proportion is about 34.1, whereas in rural India, the ratio is about 35.3. Thus, the level of participation of people in economic activities is greater in rural areas as compared to urban areas.
    3. According to the Periodic Labour Force Survey released by the National Statistical Office (NSO), more than half of the population of workers in Rural India are self-employed.
  7. India's population
    1. Decadal growth rate 17%, expected to be 12.5% in the 2011-2021 decade.
    2. As per NFHS-5 Phase II, Total Fertility Rates (TFR) of India has declined from ****2.2 to 2.0 at the national level. Further. as per demographic concepts, replacement level rate is 2.1. Thus, India's TFR has gone to sub-replacement level.
    3. Nagaland was the only state that recorded a negative decadal growth of population (minus 0.40 per cent) as per the Census 2011.
  8. Post 1991
    1. Since 1991, theabsolute level of income per worker i.e. worker productivityhas increased for both rural and urban areas.
    2. rural workforce decreased , because shifting towards urban/non-agri sectors.
    3. The growth rate in rural employment decreased |increased informalisation and de-unionisation of workforce
    4. increase in casual labour and not a decline.
    5. total number of operational holdings in the country has increased, The small and marginal holdings taken together (0.00-2.00 ha.) constituted 86.08% of the total holdings [share in the operated area stood at 46.94%] , more women in the southern states hold land as compared to the rest of the country.
Patrick_jane,Homo Neanderthalensis
1.      Co-operatives- help procure cheap inputs n platform for selling produce

2.      External Commercial Borrowings- RBI decided to keep minimum average maturity period at 3 yrs

3.      After 1991 Growth rate in rural employment decreased

4.      Different poverty lines for states- because of price differences.

5.      Highest operational holdings- UP>BR>MH>MP

6.      Investment in US treasury bonds is Currency>, hence part of FOREX

7.      1stFYP- trickle down approach(read properly)

8.      TRIMS- quantitative restrictions prohibited, only goods, not concerned with foreign investment its about the investment in production which leads to discrimination.

9.      Invisibles in Foreign trade- Service(travel+transport+insurance), transfers(official+pvt.), Income(investment+employees)

10.  Trading Partners South Asia- NP>SL>Pak>Bhu>Af>Maldives

11.  Population Growth- See trends

12.  Fixed Exchange Rate – Govt. fixes not the IMF

13.  Read FDI/FII in detail

14.  SDR- neither currency nor claim, just potential claim. Reserve Tranche- quota, every country has to pay, part of it can be withdrawn

15.  Read Poverty types

16.  Unemployment Trends

17.  MFI charge high rate of interest.

18.  Migrationis a source of Human Capital formation.


This is a very good score. And a good accuracy. I remember one Aditya from earlier who used to attempt 45-50 questions and would get 40+ correct.

Try to replicate this on a waider syllabus. Like, if a test were to happen on whole of economy, would you be able to do it.

As in not now, but let us say if you would be able to do it on a wider syllabus / full syllabus by March April. Remeber March April is the time when you have your revisions, not read the stuff for the first time.

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir

dalpha,DMand8 otherslike this
@Neyawn Sir What is good score for Economy sectionals considering SFG level 1?Even it seems questions are not a Level 1 type , it needs wide range of application. 

Homo Neanderthalensis ,JoMarch2021

2) MGNREGS60%must be for land & water conservation; min 1/3rd should be women

3)all casual workersguaranteed to EPF

8) economic growth limited in selected areas of service sector 

11) largest operational agricultural land holding: UP

12) human capital formation leads to intangible wealth accumulation 

13) NRI depositsNOTa part of Forex Reserves 

17) Read up about 5YPs

18) TRIMSdo notapply to services 

22)Nagaland-only statewith negative decadal population growth 

23) Types of currency in foreign market

32) fixed exchange rate determined by Central Bank 

33) Read up about current acc deficit

35)Capital account: partial convertibility; Current: full 

37) Reserve tranche position with IMF; Special Drawing RightsNOT a currency

41) Unemployment rate higher in urban areas

42) devaluationimproves competitivenessof domestic exports in foreign markets 

48) level of participation of people higher in rural areas


Test 14

1) World Bank aims at reducing poverty; IMF: facilitation & expansion of a balanced trade growth 

3) rice prices affected due to: govt trading, MSP, stockpiling, subsidy 

4) fluctuations in interest rates due to external debt 

7) Industrial Relations Code: min notice period of 14 days, reskilling fund: wage of last 15 days

10) silly mistake 

13) inflations boosts investment, bond yield increases & bond prices fall 

16) criterion for determining domestic systemically important imp insurers: size of operations in terms of total revenue, premium underwritten, global activities; NPA not included

17) insurance penetration: % of insurance premium to GDP 

18) silly mistake 

22) cobweb phenomena: prices of certain goods witness fluctuations that are cyclical in nature 

23) CPSEs for disinvestment identified by NITI Aayog 

25) MSME: 99%+ micro enterprise; MSME contribution to export market: 48%; no items reserved for MSME

28) steel sector: PLI not extended to all steel grades; cooking coal for smelting is limited

31) compulsory licensing: production of patented product w/o permission from patent's owner; India allows this

32) read about investment methods

33) sulphur is a by-product of oil refinery

35) silly mistake 

50)R&D: WIPO India ranking-46; dominated by healthcare; majority expenditure met by govt; no country spends more than 5%

 Test 15

4) non-annexation of Bengal after the Battle of Plassey because the local rulers were ready to grand the EIC special privileges (thereby reducing the need to annex the said area)

14) policy of non-annexation initiated under Lord Hastings (not Governor General)

22) Mughal army comprised of cavalry & infantry who were trained in archery and use of sword; cavalry>infantry; early 19th cent-Brits adopted uniform military culture 

29) main reason for indigo plantation in India: decline in indigo production in the world

31) gomastha: paid agents of the EIC to assist weavers 

34) Indigo rebellion: food

36) Azamgarh Declaration: Revolt of 1857

44) read up properly about Carnatic Wars

Test 16 

1)Dufferinwas the Viceroy when INC was formed

6) National Social Conference formed by MG Ranade in 1887. Reason: Cong didn't want to include social reforms in its agenda 

7) Western influence made the Indians realise the potential of Indian culture: reason behind social reforms; regenerationnotcreated due to colonial presence 

13) silly mistake

16) activities undertaken for socio-religious reform movement: revitalising Indian medicine system, regeneration of traditional institutions 

17)Aurobindo'sswaraj meant complete freedom; Aurobindo developed the idea of passive resistance 

19)widow remarriage association: Vishnu Shastri Pandit

24) Lala Lajpat Rai: wrote biographies of Mazzini, Garibaldi, Shivaji

25)Hali system: bonded labour 

30)read up about founders & years of pre-Congress organisations 

31) Mohammedan Anglo Oriental Defence Org:Sir Syed Ahmed Khan (1893); Brits could also be members

Test 17

1)Anant Laxman Kanherekilled Justice Jackson of Nasik to avenge Savarkar's arrest

2) Savarkar influenced by Gopal Ganesh Agarkar; presented Mazzini's philosophy in Marathi, started Hindu & Sikh festivals in London, set up Free India Society (open for all); sent delegates to the Int'l Socialist Union at Suttgart; Talwar was an organ of Abhinav Bharat

4) Sardar Singh Rana: scholarship to Indian youths, shelter to the revolutionaries who escaped from India; gave economic help

8) Ghadr Party: HQ- San Francisco; members: soldiers and peasants; Defence of India Act (1915) to crush them

22) Sachin Sanyal involved in: Komagata Maru incident, Delhi conspiracy case (1912), HRA formation, Yound Men's Association

38) AITUC: influenced bysocial democratic ideals of the British Labour Party, founded by Lala Lajpat Rai, GS: Dewan Chaman Lal; NM Joshi founded All India Trade Union Federation 

Test 18

5) Hindustan Seva Dal: est in 1924 within the INC; Nehru- 1st President; purpose- to recruit volunteers for the Congress

8) misunderstood the question

14) misunderstood the question

20) Prati Sarkar under YB Chavan, Nana Patil in Satara during Quit India Movement

39) K Kelapan marched from Calicut to Payanneer 

41)MLno majority of seats in any Muslim majority provinces

Test 20

7) Policy of Ring Fence:created buffer zones to defend the EIC's frontiers; Subordinate Isolation (1813-57) Indian states acted in subordinate coordination with the British govt & acknowledge its supremacy (sovereignty- no- external; yes- internal) 

11) Narkelberia Uprising: led by Titu Mir; by Muslim peasants against Hindu landlords;merged later with the Wahabi movement

25) Ahom revolt led by Dhanjoy Borgohain & Jairam Khargharia Phukan,Gomdhar Konwar; cause: occupation and attempt of the Brits to annex the Ahom kingdom

31) Bombay Mill Hands Association: NM Lokhande; Madras Labour Union: B.P. Wadia

33) silly mistake 

35) All India Kisan Sabha: formed in Lucknow Session (1936)

37) Mountbatten Plan ruled out the independence of princely states; join either India or Pak 

Test 21

QI) Kesari started by Tilak & Agarkar (also the 1steditor); laterAgarkar started Sudharak; both co-founded Deccan Education Society (1884)

Q3) GoI Act, 1919: gave the provinces more legislative powers for the framing of rules for devolution of authority bw Centre & Provinces

Q6) funds used for waging wars outside India by the British NOT a part of Home Charges

Q10) Macaulay: headed the Law Commission (1833) for codification of Indian laws; 1stlaw member of the GG in Council; introduced the idea of a merit based modern Civil Service in India

Q13) misunderstood the question

Q14) silly mistake

Q24) Dayaram GidumalSahani: DJ Sindh College (Karachi), Seva Sadan, authored Sata saheliyun & Chabak mana lai ain rihan;Gurusaday Dutt: Bratachari movement, started Bangalakhmi; D.K. Karve: first women uni called SNDT Women’s University;Amritlal Vithaldas Thakkar: founder of Bhil Seva Mandal

Q34) read up phases of colonisation properly

Q44) Silly mistake 







1. MGNREGA provisions- Mandatory Social Audit and 33% Women

2. Agri operational land holding: UP>BH>MH

3. NRI deposits are maintained in Rupees

4. Tendulkar Committee- Uniform Poverty Line Basket, and a shift away from calorie consumption based estimation

5. Demographic Dividend->Decline in country's Mortality and Fertility

6. Nagaladn was the only state with a negative decadal growth acc to Census 2011

7. Hard Currency in Forex Market

8. Increase in REER = exports are expensive

9. Problem of International Liquidity is the non availability of Dollars and other hard currencies


@Neyawn Thank you Sir. Will replicate the same in FLTs for sure.


SFG 2022 - Level 1 - Test 14

  1. labor code on Industrial Relations | 14 days notice before strike

    1. Reskilling Fund has been established to skill the workers who are fired from their jobs. The contribution to the fund by employer is 15 days of last wage drawn by the employee.
    2. worker definition - earning more than 18K excluded
    3. Negotiating Union :If more than one trade union, one with more than 51% of workers as member will be recognized as sole negotiating union
    4. If none eligible,negotiating councilwith representatives of union having at least 20% of workers as members
  2. DSII[NPA option could have been eliminated but Dimag nahi chala ]

    1. Criteria : global activities , size of operation | LIC, GIC, NIAC
  3. ULB

    1. The Property tax can only be decided by state government and not by Urban Local bodies.[Correct/false ?]
  4. Models

    1. EPC Model - project cost was fully covered by the Government, private entities are only exposed to the construction-related risks.
    2. In Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT-TOLL) model, the toll collection is the responsibility of theGovernment.Private
  5. Capacity utilization of power sector

    1. The capacity utilisation of thermal power plants (also called Plant Load factor or PLF) has declined from 78% in 2009-10 to 61% in 2018-19.
  6. Corporate tax [22% ]

    1. Direct tax collections for FY21 were at the lowest since 2017-18 registering a contraction of 13.1%, while indirect tax mop-up saw a growth of 12.6%. As a result, the proportion of indirect tax collections was higher than direct taxes, indicating an uneven impact of the pandemic on income and consumption. The primary reason for this was the windfall gain from excise duty collections and higher goods and services tax collections.
  7. MSME | MSME sector contributes around 48% in India's total exports basket | Currently there are no items reserved for MSMEs sector.

    1. India has 6.33 crore MSMEs out of which 6.30 crore i.e. 99.4 per cent are micro-enterprises while 0.52 per cent i.e. 3.31 lakh are small and 0.007 per cent i.e., 5,000 are medium enterprises.

    PYQs In which I committed blunder ! 

  8. GST Exemption[PYQ]**

    1. The items that are kept outside the purview of GST are petroleum products (such as petroleum crude, motor spirit, diesel, aviation turbine fuel and natural gas), electricity and alcohol for human consumption**.**
    2. Items exempted from GST include fresh or pasteurized milk, butter milk, curd, chena or paneer, and non-vegetarian items like eggs (cooked or raw), chicken, fresh meat, and fresh or chilled fish. Fruits, vegetables, as well as unit container-packed frozen branded vegetables (uncooked or steamed) are also exempt.
    3. There are other items on the exempted list like manuscripts, postal items like envelope and post cards sold by the government, newspapers, journals and periodicals, whether illustrated or containing advertising material etc.
  9. Chemical fertilizers**[PYQ**]**

    1. Ammonia, which is an input of urea, is produced from natural gas. Sulphur, which is a raw material for phosphoric acid fertilizer, is a by -product of oil refineries.
    2. The retail price of chemical fertilizersis not market -drivenas the government subsidizes the fertilizers. Under Nutrient Based Subsidy Scheme (NBS), the fertilizers are provided to the farmers at the subsidized rates based on the nutrients (N, P, K & S) contained in these fertilizer
  10. Non Financial debt [PYQ**]

    1. Non-financial debt consists of credit instruments issued by governmental entities, households and businesses that are not included in the financial sector.
    2. The Housing loans owed by households, amounts outstanding on credit cards and Treasury bills all are examples of non-financial debt.
  11. Devaluation to reduce CAD[PYQ]**

1.      Co-operatives- help procure cheap inputs n platform for selling produce

2.      External Commercial Borrowings- RBI decided to keep minimum average maturity period at 3 yrs

3.      After 1991 Growth rate in rural employment decreased

4.      Different poverty lines for states- because of price differences.

5.      Highest operational holdings- UP>BR>MH>MP

6.      Investment in US treasury bonds is Currency>, hence part of FOREX

7.      1stFYP- trickle down approach(read properly)

8.      TRIMS- quantitative restrictions prohibited, only goods, not concerned with foreign investment its about the investment in production which leads to discrimination.

9.      Invisibles in Foreign trade- Service(travel+transport+insurance), transfers(official+pvt.), Income(investment+employees)

10.  Trading Partners South Asia- NP>SL>Pak>Bhu>Af>Maldives

11.  Population Growth- See trends

12.  Fixed Exchange Rate – Govt. fixes not the IMF

13.  Read FDI/FII in detail

14.  SDR- neither currency nor claim, just potential claim. Reserve Tranche- quota, every country has to pay, part of it can be withdrawn

15.  Read Poverty types

16.  Unemployment Trends

17.  MFI charge high rate of interest.

18.  Migrationis a source of Human Capital formation.

Day 14

1.      IMF- trade expansion(commercial activities), WB- Poverty/development stuff, to take WB loan IMF membership required, IMF only to members while WB(IFC) to private as well.

2.      Heated Currency- domestic currency under pressure and not the one exiting the economy.

3.      Rice – affected by government trade to keep check on market.

4.      Code on Industrial Relations needs revision

5.      Equalisation Levy- introduced by Finance Act,2016, not income tax so no claim under DTAA

6.      Cobweb Phenomenon- Price up>excessive production>price down(problem of plenty)

7.      MSME- more than 99% micro, 48% in exports, no reserved items.

8.      Compulsory Licensing included in WTO

9.      Swiss Challenge Method- pvt. player submit proposal without invitation.

10.  Sulphur- raw material for phosphoric acid fertilizer, by product of oil refinery

11.  ULBs have power to raise property taxes , 80-95% revenue from external sources

12.  Bank of International Settlement-1930, owned by 62 central banks, Basel Switzerland. 


Patrick_jane,GPSand1 otherslike this


- NCERTs are really important(8th one specially)

- Trust 1st instinct(marked 4 wrong in 2nd iteration)

- Happy that I got chronology n war questions correct.

Yo_Yo_Buddy_King,Patrick_janeand2 otherslike this

Patrick_jane,SAand1 otherslike this

SFG 2022 - Level 1 - Test 16 | January 28, 2022

  1. Swadeshi movement was also called Vandematram movement

  2. Events

    1. Indian national association 1876
    2. The first Delhi Durbar 1877. Here decision was taken about the creation of privy council.
    3. The Arms Act 1878, Vernacular Press Act
    4. In 1883, Ilbert Bill.
    5. Neeldarpan Dinabandhu Mitra - 1858-59 (During the Indigo Revolt)
    6. Satyendranath Tagore first ICS 1863
    7. Swami Dayanand Arya Samaj in 1875
    8. Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay Anandmath in 1882
  3. Rakhmabai case of 1884 | child marriage

    1. Rakhmabai Defense Committee was formed byBehramji Malabari and Pandita Ramabaiin her defence.
    2. The case was instrumental in the drafting of the Age of Consent Act in 1891.
    3. first legislation in British India which regulated child marriage: TheNative Marriage Act (or Christian Marriage Act, 1872)was passed in 1872 which signified legislative action in prohibiting child marriage.
  4. Hali system

    1. Hali system was related to the bonded labour system. Kaliparaj communit Bardoli taluq laboured as hereditary labourers for upper-caste landowners.
    2. Leaders such as brothers Kalyanji and Kunverji Mehta and Dayalji Desai worked to abolish the Hali system.
  5. Jagannath Shankar Seth(fondly called as Nana)

    1. Bombay Association was established by Jagannath Shankar Seth in 1852 to represent traders and businessmen. It was later revived in 1867 by Naoroji Furdoonji.
    2. co-founded the Elphinstone College and Native School of Bombay
    3. first Indian to be nominated to the Legislative Council of Bombay and a member of the Asiatic Society of Bombay, when Indians were not welcome there.
    4. With Jeejeebhoy, Jagannath Shankar Seth helped set up the Indian Railway Association, which was later incorporated into the Great Indian Peninsula Railway, now the Central Railway.
  6. Tilak vs Aurobindo

    1. Tilak, swaraj meant some sort of self-government, whereas, Aurobindo's meant for complete independence from foreign rule.
    2. The new party of the radicals wanted to use new methods against the government to secure political rights for the Indian people.Aurobindo thought that the method of passive resistance, which was used by the Irish nationalists, would be ideal for India. Hence, he developed theory of passive resistance in a series of articles published in the weekly called'Bande Mataram".
  7. Associations

    1. The All India Depressed Classes Association was formed by M.C Rajah (and not Baba Walangkar). This association had come into being in the wake of the All India Depressed Classes Leaders’ Conference held in Nagpur in 1926. M.C. Rajah was elected as its first president and Dr Ambedkar, was elected one of its vice-presidents. Ambedkar later resigned from this association and in 1930 at a conference in Nagpur, founded his own All India Depressed Classes Congress.
    2. B**. R Ambedkar (and not M. C Rajah)** organised the All India Scheduled Castes Federation at a conference in 1942 in Nagpur, with its constitution claiming the dalits to be "distinct and separate from the Hindus".
    3. Mahatma Gandhi set up the All-India Anti-Untouchability League at a meeting in Bombay in 1932 presided by Madan Mohan Malaviya of the Hindu Mahasabha. Industrialist G. D. Birla was made the President of the Anti-Untouchability League and Amritlal V. Thakkar, a social worker, its secretary. Gandhi started using the term Harijan for untouchables, and strove to establish dignity of labour by performing the tasks Harijan were traditionally assigned.
    4. Mohammedan Anglo Oriental Defence Association , in 1893 by Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, as a part of the Aligarh Movement., uniting the Muslims in India.Apart from Muslims the British too were its members, The Britishers, too, encouraged the formation of this association as they wanted to use it as a buffer and a counter against rising sentiments of Indian Nationalism, led by the Indian National Congress.
    5. British Indian Association
      1. British Indian Association was established in Kolkata (1851). Radhakanta Deb was its first President and Debendranath Tagore, the first general secretary of the association.
      2. Its main objective was to promote interests of the Indian Zamindari class, by getting concessions from Britishers. However, a few common issues like abolition of salt duty, etc were also raised by it. However, most of its interests and agendas were overwhelmingly concentrated on the zamindari class.
      3. It was formed in 1851 by combining the Landholder's Society and Bengal British India Association. This was done as both the individual associations had limited agendas and resources, and combining them helped increase their combined influence.
  8. Sir William Wedderburn and W.S. Caine committee | 1893

    1. TheBritish Committee of Indian National Congresswas founded in 1889 by Sir William Wedderburn as Chairman and William Digby as it's secretary to achieve political reforms in India by gathering support from British public.
      1. It was founded as a branch of the Indian National Congress in Britain, closer to the main British Government, which was its target. So its headquarter was located in London itself.
      2. It had INDIA as its organ (not Voice of India which was published by Dadabhai Naoraoji) in order to spread its message.
    2. Dadabhai Naroji and W.S.Caine were some of its important members. Sir William Wedderburn entered House of Commons in British Parliament in 1893 as a Liberal member.

    The British Committee of Indian National Congress decided to carry Indian Propaganda on three fronts:

    1) In House of Common by organising the Indian Parliamentary Committee

    2) On platform, by arranging meetings and lectures

    3) In the press, by founding the journal ‘India’

    The role of Sir William Wedderburn and W.S. Caine were instrumental in setting up the Indian Parliamentary Committee in 1893. Wedderburn played a key role in passing the resolution forsimultaneously conductingCivil Services Exam in India.

  9. Calcutta Unitarian Committee

    1. TheCalcutta Unitarian Committeewas established by Rammohan Roy, Dwarkanath Tagore and William Adam in 1823.

      1. It sought to bring together prominent Brahmins who were friends of Roy's and supporters of his agenda for the promotion of religious monotheism and social reform among Hindus with British and European residents of Calcutta who were Unitarian Christians.
    2. On the occasion of the anniversary festival on 24th January 1886, Keshab Chandra Sen laid the foundation stone of his mandir called the Tabernacle of New Dispensation. Keshab and his followers marched to the proposed spot early in the morning performing sankirtan and this was the first Brahmo street procession and it was the first of its kind in Calcutta.

    3. Indian Reform Association was established in 1870 at Calcutta by Keshab Chandra Sen to create put into practice ideas that he got during his visit to Britain.

      Indian Reform Association was formed with Keshab Chandra Sen as its President. It represented the secular side of the Brahmo Samaj and included many who did not belong to Brahmo Samaj.

Patrick_jane,SAand1 otherslike this

Homo Neanderthalensis ,schrute_farmsand1 otherslike this

- Read questions carefully.

- again marked 2 questions wrong in 2nd iteration :( 

- no straight-jacket interpretations needed, mild approach works

Patrick_jane,Homo Neanderthalensisand1 otherslike this

- Revision required

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