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Practice Essay writing - Likho, Padho aur Seekho

Creating this thread for writing an essay each week.

Current schedule (plz suggest if needs to be changed)  -

1. Write one essay on sunday from 3:00-4:30 PM

2. Submit here by 5 PM (okay 5:15 PM)

3. Read others essay by 6PM

4. Comments/Review/Extra discussion post that.

Everyone is welcome. Though, it is feasible if we have relatively smaller groups. Excited to read awesome essays and write some also.

jack_Sparrow,sonderand31 otherslike this


Humanity Humane.pdf

I wrote it last week. Today I wrote on another topic.
@farzicoder @sstarrr 

Please take a look and submit yours. 

Read both of your essays. :)
Thanks to you guys, I now have confidence in writing "Wisdom finds truth" and this one too. I was very lazy in attempting Mains 2020 paper.
Anyways, back to essay

Things I liked
- very good intro like your previous 2 essays + ending with the same
- Panchantantra stories about animal showing humane side opens new dimension
- Good example of Tamil quotes
- Overall nice flow

Other points
- felt intro was tad long
- I was also hoping to find definitions of human, humane etc
- Page 3 - saving from thrashing. Does that always happen ? - can refer it in page 8 when humane part is not shown

Other points have already been mentioned by@sstarrr 
Overall, good attempt. :)

Also came to know that this is Gandhiji's quote. We can add Gandhi's mantra - Talisman + service of humanity


Good attempt :)

Things I liked
- Intro good emotional story + happy ending in conclusion + very good handwriting
- Defined humane, human etc - makes it easy to understand your ideas
- Use of thinkers to start the statements especially Locke to bring out diff b/w man and animal
- You are asking questions in beginning and trying to answer. This felt good as I also try to do the same

Other points
- Break paragraph on 1st page
- I was hoping that some NGO will help them in that poor condition to show humane side in the beginning itself to drive home the topic point or maybe two contrasting situations showing humane part and not showing humane part
- Some grammatical errors - an human (p2), an lion danger for an deer (p4)
- Covid-19 biggest test of humanity (p4) - perhaps substantiate with suffering, loss of employment and lives etc before mentioning protectionist measures

Keep it up :)

Edit - Same ->Also came to know that this is Gandhiji's quote. We can add Gandhi's mantra - Talisman + service of humanity

» show previous quotes

Good attempt :)

Things I liked
- Intro good emotional story + happy ending in conclusion + very good handwriting
- Defined humane, human etc - makes it easy to understand your ideas
- Use of thinkers to start the statements especially Locke to bring out diff b/w man and animal
- You are asking questions in beginning and trying to answer. This felt good as I also try to do the same

Other points
- Break paragraph on 1st page
- I was hoping that some NGO will help them in that poor condition to show humane side in the beginning itself to drive home the topic point or maybe two contrasting situations showing humane part and not showing humane part
- Some grammatical errors - an human (p2), an lion danger for an deer (p4)
- Covid-19 biggest test of humanity (p4) - perhaps substantiate with suffering, loss of employment and lives etc before mentioning protectionist measures

Keep it up :)

Edit - Same ->Also came to know that this is Gandhiji's quote. We can add Gandhi's mantra - Talisman + service of humanity

Thank you :) and you have read very deeply my essay. And complement about my handwriting. I am on cloud nine, nobody has said so :) :) :)

- about grammatical mistakes - By god how can I do this? Ashamed is a small word. :(

- I thought of Covid 19 but I though I have written such big intro , didnt feel like writing more. 


Humanity Humane.pdf

I wrote it last week. Today I wrote on another topic.
@farzicoder @sstarrr 

Please take a look and submit yours. 

  • Liked the variety of examples 
  • The 2nd subheading - Instead of kindness, would have been better if you used the word humane or humanitarianism. Kindness is one aspect of being humane. Though you have written about other aspects as well , so someone who is reading might feel you are equating the two.
  • Instead of just briefly mentioning names of buddha and prophet muhammad, I feel it would be more enriching if you elaborate on one properly. 
  • I feel the content is good but the structuring can be worked on.  Like, after writing the aspects of humanity, you can use the word from essay topic for the next subheading "The greatness in being humane/What is so great about being humane" in which you write how it is beneficial. The next could be "What happens when humans  lose their humanity", in which all the negative aspects and examples are given


Please review this essay on Wisdom Finds truth.


Jai Shree Ram !


Review Please.

Dont waste your time if you are giving mains. 

Jai Shree Ram !



@babu_bisleribro writing ki legibility par thoda dhyan do, i tried to read but found it difficult to make sense of words. My writing suffers from same issue.

essay evaluation plz , if the thread is still not dead

I think you have adequately talked about human-ness and humane-ness, but have not focused on the "the long journey" aspect. A better structure could have been:

1. Introduce idea of being human and being humane, distinguish between the two.

2. Explain the process through which we go towards being humane from being human (basically value inculcation part from GS4)

3. Elucidate with the help of examples from life of great people

(e.g. Gandhiji's journey ->parents as role model, did not cheat in school, made some mistakes such as stealing, watched Harishchandra play, South Africa train incident, struggle in SA, finally became a mass leader, became humane)

(e.g. Ashoka's journey ->killed his brothers to get the throne, battle of Kalinga, adopted buddhism, became humane)

(e.g. Verghese Kurien ->went to America with government permission to study agri, but switched to physics, reluctantly joined agri department, met Patel, change of heart and dedicated himself to Amul, became humane) (*all details may not be correct please cross-check)

4. However, there can be stumbling blocks to prevent oneself from becoming humane. Again substantiate with examples: Hitler, terrorism, communal riots.

5. What can be done to eliminate such stumbling blocks.

6. Conclusion on a positive note. 



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I think you have adequately talked about human-ness and humane-ness, but have not focused on the "the long journey" aspect. A better structure could have been:

1. Introduce idea of being human and being humane, distinguish between the two.

2. Explain the process through which we go towards being humane from being human (basically value inculcation part from GS4)

3. Elucidate with the help of examples from life of great people

(e.g. Gandhiji's journey ->parents as role model, did not cheat in school, made some mistakes such as stealing, watched Harishchandra play, South Africa train accident, struggle in SA, finally became a mass leader, became humane)

(e.g. Ashoka's journey ->killed his brothers to get the throne, battle of Kalinga, adopted buddhism, became humane)

(e.g. Verghese Kurien ->went to America with government permission to study agri, but switched to physics, reluctantly joined agri department, met Patel, change of heart and dedicated himself to Amul, became humane) (*all details may not be correct please cross-check)

4. However, there can be stumbling blocks to prevent oneself from becoming humane. Again substantiate with examples: Hitler, terrorism, communal riots.

5. What can be done to eliminate such stumbling blocks.

6. Conclusion on a positive note. 

tysm for feedback. you correctly pointed out completely missed that linking part between the two. i tend to write impromptu with respect to philosophical essays and incorporate ideas as they come to me. will try to structure first.
awsm examples




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I think you have adequately talked about human-ness and humane-ness, but have not focused on the "the long journey" aspect. A better structure could have been:

1. Introduce idea of being human and being humane, distinguish between the two.

2. Explain the process through which we go towards being humane from being human (basically value inculcation part from GS4)

3. Elucidate with the help of examples from life of great people

(e.g. Gandhiji's journey ->parents as role model, did not cheat in school, made some mistakes such as stealing, watched Harishchandra play, South Africa train accident, struggle in SA, finally became a mass leader, became humane)

(e.g. Ashoka's journey ->killed his brothers to get the throne, battle of Kalinga, adopted buddhism, became humane)

(e.g. Verghese Kurien ->went to America with government permission to study agri, but switched to physics, reluctantly joined agri department, met Patel, change of heart and dedicated himself to Amul, became humane) (*all details may not be correct please cross-check)

4. However, there can be stumbling blocks to prevent oneself from becoming humane. Again substantiate with examples: Hitler, terrorism, communal riots.

5. What can be done to eliminate such stumbling blocks.

6. Conclusion on a positive note. 

tysm for feedback. you correctly pointed out completely missed that linking part between the two. i tend to write impromptu with respect to philosophical essays and incorporate ideas as they come to me. will try to structure first.
awsm examples

Cant find your esasy :p


Humanity Humane.pdf

I wrote it last week. Today I wrote on another topic.
@farzicoder @sstarrr 

Please take a look and submit yours. 

good essay dude. great flow, relevant examples, good handwriting, almost everything was perfect. but as others have pointed out, human part could be elaborated more, and counter examples could be used.

» show previous quotes

Cant find your esasy :p

felt a bit insecure so removed the link XD


Due to paucity of time, could not join any test series for essay. If anyone is ready, we can start the thread again.

Writing 1 or 2 essays this weekend !!?

Wont be able to write whole essays, but I can post an outline and review other's essays. 

Essay writing day.

Write on any one of the following

1. Best for an individual is not necessarily best for the society. (Mains 2019)

2. Values are not what humanity is, but what humanity ought to be. (Mains 2019)

Will try to submit by 9 PM today.

Target is to write one and review one atleast. :)


Wrote on "Values are not what humanity is..".

Faced difficulty in interpreting the topic and points were difficult to write. Hope someone else also post their essay on this topic. Here is mine. :)



Wrote on "Values are not what humanity is..".

Faced difficulty in interpreting the topic and points were difficult to write. Hope someone else also post their essay on this topic. Here is mine. :)


my structure would have been: intro- what are values-importance of values- values and change examples like roy, ambedkar, gandhi etc- crisis of value todays world-how to cultivate values - role values can play in solving contemporary issues- conclusion

@brownianMotion Overall the essay is decent. There are some suggestions I would like to give: 
1. I think the introduction example is good, but could have been framed better. 
2. What are the values of humanity in present context has been dealt well but I think 'what values ought to be' could have been explained better. You could think of examples in context of media, education, vulnerable sections like elderlies. 

Hope it helps. All the best! :)

 @D503Thank you.
Your structuring is better. I got slightly confused due to the phrases 'humanity is and ought to be' and faced difficulty in linking the paragraphs to it.

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