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Practice Essay writing - Likho, Padho aur Seekho

Creating this thread for writing an essay each week.

Current schedule (plz suggest if needs to be changed)  -

1. Write one essay on sunday from 3:00-4:30 PM

2. Submit here by 5 PM (okay 5:15 PM)

3. Read others essay by 6PM

4. Comments/Review/Extra discussion post that.

Everyone is welcome. Though, it is feasible if we have relatively smaller groups. Excited to read awesome essays and write some also.

jack_Sparrow,sonderand31 otherslike this


New sunday ,new essay:smiley:

Lets do it folks.

@nerdfighter@Aalsibalak@Aquaman@sstarrr@babu_bisleri@walterwhit3- up for today ?

Me and a friend are writing an essay on Wisdom Finds Truth (2019).

You guys? 

We too can do this. PYQ are a good way to start. 

I found it most challenging among the 4 in 2019. If you guys are willing for it, then PYQs are the best way in my opinion. 

Wisdom finds truth then !

Let our and other's wisdom find the truth about our writing skill !!:sweat_smile:


Actually I am new to essay writing essays. I wrote 1-2 essays in mgp without a framework, I wrote whatever was coming to my mind. I got good scores for those essays so never cared for writing any more. Now when see some of the essays here I am doubting the evaluation. I will post the essays here It would be really helpful if I could get a review or two about that.

Also please if anyone can jot down a few points about how they structure their essays and how do they brainstorm before the essays I mean what points do they think of before writing the essays. 


Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication

Please review. Thanks.

Jai Shree Ram !


Sorry ! 

Can't download the pdf. 

Jai Shree Ram !


New sunday ,new essay:smiley:

Lets do it folks.

@nerdfighter@Aalsibalak@Aquaman@sstarrr@babu_bisleri@walterwhit3- up for today ?

Me and a friend are writing an essay on Wisdom Finds Truth (2019).

You guys? 

We too can do this. PYQ are a good way to start. 

I found it most challenging among the 4 in 2019. If you guys are willing for it, then PYQs are the best way in my opinion. 

I agree.. rather going for test series essays covering themewise PYQ essays will give confidence.. 


Wisdom finds truth !!

Very hard topic.:sweat_smile:Took 15~20 mins extra. Will be very interesting on what lines others thought on this topic. My attempt.





Please DM if you have these... Thanks in advance


Wisdom finds truth !!

Very hard topic.:sweat_smile:Took 15~20 mins extra. Will be very interesting on what lines others thought on this topic. My attempt.


Hello@farzicoder,I went through your essay. 
Here are the points that I noticed: 


  • Really simple language, barring few flowery terms like Borderless and Bottomless sea :D
  • Ample examples from Indian context: Freedom Movement, Economy, LPG, Environment. 
  • The number of dimensions explored here. I think you went into 8 to 9 dimensions. 

Possible Scope of Improvements: 

  • The idea of Wisdom in terms of philosophical knowledge could have been explored in a better manner.
  • Knowing facts alone does not amount to wisdom. The nature of wisdom which you explored around page 8 could have been elucidated around page 2 or 3.  I feel the example of MKSS could be somewhat trivial here. But that's just my opinion. 
  • Don't just say recent advancements like something: Add an example. Like, say Quantum Tunnelling, mRNA etc. 
  • The para where you went into what all have you discussed in this essay is perhaps avoidable. The examiner has already seen it. Rather than writing it in this manner, you can better use it by saying: Thus truth and wisdom are intertwined by multiple threads: so and so. 

Keep writing  


Wisdom Finds Truth.pdf

Here is my attempt.

Time taken: 1 hour 40 mins. 


Wisdom finds truth !!

Very hard topic.:sweat_smile:Took 15~20 mins extra. Will be very interesting on what lines others thought on this topic. My attempt.


Hello@farzicoder,I went through your essay. 
Here are the points that I noticed: 


  • Really simple language, barring few flowery terms like Borderless and Bottomless sea :D
  • Ample examples from Indian context: Freedom Movement, Economy, LPG, Environment. 
  • The number of dimensions explored here. I think you went into 8 to 9 dimensions. 

Possible Scope of Improvements: 

  • The idea of Wisdom in terms of philosophical knowledge could have been explored in a better manner.
  • Knowing facts alone does not amount to wisdom. The nature of wisdom which you explored around page 8 could have been elucidated around page 2 or 3.  I feel the example of MKSS could be somewhat trivial here. But that's just my opinion. 
  • Don't just say recent advancements like something: Add an example. Like, say Quantum Tunnelling, mRNA etc. 
  • The para where you went into what all have you discussed in this essay is perhaps avoidable. The examiner has already seen it. Rather than writing it in this manner, you can better use it by saying: Thus truth and wisdom are intertwined by multiple threads: so and so. 

Keep writing  

Thank you for your analysis and comments on improvement areas. Will try to address those.

I will go through your essay at sometime today and give my views. :)

@walterwhit3  how did you remember so many quotes ??  . Do you like reading philosophy ??



@walterwhit3  how did you remember so many quotes ??  . Do you like reading philosophy ??

Yeah. I like to read some stuff about it from time to time. 

I was writing below average philosophical essays. Then I started paying attention to some quotes. 

I still might be writing below average because essays are so subjective. 

please review
please review

Hi. Just a thing , its a collective platform -instead of asking someone to review yours , pls review someone else as well so that even they get feedback , atleast on the similar ones - your's would be automatically reviewed. 


Hi. Just a thing , its a collective platform -instead of asking someone to review yours , pls review someone else as well so that even they get feedback , atleast on the similar ones - your's would be automatically reviewed. 

Exactly my thought. I was going to post this myself. If you are posting your essay for a review, please consider doing one review yourself simultaneously. Just read thoroughly and post your opinion in an honest manner. 

Let's make itdecentralizedrather than a centralized copy submission and receiving review style.


Wisdom Finds Truth.pdf

Here is my attempt.

Time taken: 1 hour 40 mins. 

@Walter_White Don't take it otherwise but don;t you think you have made it an essay of philosophy? Although i haven't written the essay but i was going through some videos on telegram where people said to show your knowledge in your area of specialization as it is your domain but don't go too far. Otherwise, the Intro was too good and the first three paragraphs were brilliant but then it started to get too much of philosophy.


Wisdom Finds Truth.pdf

Here is my attempt.

Time taken: 1 hour 40 mins. 

@Walter_White Don't take it otherwise but don;t you think you have made it an essay of philosophy? Although i haven't written the essay but i was going through some videos on telegram where people said to show your knowledge in your area of specialization as it is your domain but don't go too far. Otherwise, the Intro was too good and the first three paragraphs were brilliant but then it started to get too much of philosophy.

I found the topic really philosophical and thus approached it in the same manner. Although philosophy is not my specialization, I am having Physics optional. But it is possible that I might have overdone it. 

Thank you for pointing it out. 

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