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: yesterday i ate momos out of hunger while i was studying. I blindly ordered food without an ounce of thought.  This junk food disease is torturing me! Got to meditate and work out tomorrow a little! 
"Aranold Schwarzenegger has long praised the benefits of a strict daily routine, claimed that it’s “a good way of introducing more discipline and control in the rest of your life.” Having a routine that you follow religiously ensures that you not only get things done on a consistent basis, but also that you make the most of the hours you have in each day."

It feels impatient to get back to the days of fitness. But its gonna take time. We got to be patient. Everyday counts. Small changes lead to big. Work out teaches us values which are more important to crack the exam than completing the syllabus using speed. Consistency beats speed. Hard work beats smart work. No short cut to lose weight.

Quantitative changes result into qualitative changes over a period of time- Karl Marx



@MachineGunJoe bro if you wanna lose weight. Focus more on your diet. It’s always 80% diet and 20% exercise. The problem is most time we don’t know that we are consuming too much calories 

True Murali. Made some modifications. Not eating many times. Started yestetday. Have to stop junk man! Such a big obstacle. True. Food is the main thing i gotta control! 


Hey@Murali you are nutritionist right? I guess you could help us, give some tips, challenges which u face once in a while.  :D That would be of great help!



Increase your protein intake. Keeps you full. Also try to get 7-8 hrs of sleep. Atleast more than 6 even during peak studying period. Regulates hormones related to hunger , also keeps your mood positive 

oohh yeah i should. I heard calories burn more during sleep! And  I really dont have a peaceful sleep. Should work on that!



One thing that kinda helps is that , take a picture of you , either showing those fatty areas or in clothes that are a bit tight. Actually helped a mentee to avoid overeating. Once you start shedding , you’ll feel guilty to spoil your progress. Self discipline will automatically kick in once you start seeing results 

Yeah this is a great idea! 

I’m glad you posted this OP! 4 years back when I was preparing for engineering entrance exams, I gained around 20 kg and crossed the century mark. I was morbidly obese. Fortunately, the exams went pretty well, but it took me a year to get down to healthy levels (still overweight though, BMI around 26). I became a fitness freak in my 1st year, and have been enthusiastically involved in working out since then.  

Now with CSE prep, it's been around 7 months since I started, I fell into my old habits again unfortunately, and gained around 8 kg in this period, and have become way too overweight. 

The effects obesity had on my mental health, on my self-esteem and confidence are enough to remind me that exercising regularly and a healthy diet are non-negotiable now. 

Fortunately, I have been on the right track for the past month, and hope to continue it. My efficiency has also increased in terms of completing daily targets. Some pointers which have helped me, before and even presently:

  • Increase your protein intake, and if possible, lift weights. I lost weight by lifting (no cardio) AND a protein rich diet.
  • Have patience, and wait for a month or so to see some results. It may be fitting into your old tight clothes, or feeling more energetic during the day. These results have a reinforcing effect and makes one actively want to be fit. 
  • Learn to say NO, specially to your family members.
  • Have a cheat meal (meal, not a full cheat day) once a while, but please make sure NOT to make it a frequent event.
  • Take it one day at a time. (this is very crucial)

Same here Nimbus! Crossed 100 in 2020 October. Took efforts to get back to some decent weight! Gained weight again in 3 months! Thanks a lot for sharing and for ua advice! You are a FIREBOLT! 

Anybody doing intermittent fasting ?

I am....started again after 2 months day before yesterday!

Been a rough day today!

How do you guys even push it to 18 hours in intermittent fasting? Its insane and sounds brutal!!!! How many meals do you even have during those 6 hours? so its 12 to 6? I cant even focus on what i am studying when I am that hungry! I am hardly making it to 14 hours!!!!
Guys, please tell some foods which wont break the fast while doing the intermittent fasting! Is there any such food which prevents insulin spike or very less spike and satiates our hunger?
@MachineGunJoe you can try prevents insulin spike(my father does that although he is not on intermittent)
And also you can try foxnuts(roasted)..a great substitute in case you are super hungry ( i started having it few days ago)

Crazy thanks a lot!



How do you guys even push it to 18 hours in intermittent fasting? Its insane and sounds brutal!!!! How many meals do you even have during those 6 hours? so its 12 to 6? I cant even focus on what i am studying when I am that hungry! I am hardly making it to 14 hours!!!!

Heard of the ranveer show...that runs on YouTube? BeerBiceps wala... There is an episode with Luke Cautinho talking about intermittent fasting and all things health. Must watch it is. Will post the link if I find it. It will address your query...

My 2 cents - fasting is not about pushing your body into unease. Progress slowly. Our focus is to build health... Not starve ourselves. Do it like this - start with x hours of fasting, where x should be greater than 8, assuming you sleep for 7-8 hrs atleast. Then gradually increase half hour every 2 days. Drink water when you feel hungry during your fast. I don't think eating during this kind of fast would be a good idea. 

In the video that I mentioned above Luke has actually mentioned about other kinds of fasting methods...full day fast once in a week, or once a fortnight. Try them if you want instead of everyday fasting. Fortnightly fasting for full day has some spiritual benefits too...people do it on what is known as 'ekadashi'... Some do it on purnima...and you don't have to be religious to do it actually. Anyways I m no expert at all can reasearch more if you are interested.

will surely explore those. because i seem to have lost touch with intermittent fasting. Thanks@Muffin 


@MachineGunJoe Wonderful initiative! 

Thankyou Sstarrr :)

@MachineGunJoe black coffee without sugar, cream, butter, milk will be your best

 friend during fasting window. I usually take it in the morning asap so that it doesn't make me hungry till 12-12.30. Black coffee has hunger suppression property that will help you to stay for longer periods without being hungry. Just don't drink it after 4 pm. 

So no milk in the coffee ? 

Thanks to intermittent fasting, the best part of my day is eating food :')
i used to run 5km daily. Rn 3km is taking so hard to complete. Doing HIIT to compensate deficit in running! 
Tried black coffee. But couldnt drink it. Shifted to green tea. Heard it increases metabolism and helps in weight loss. Also I dont feel hungry after waking up till 2-3 hours. So i drink green tea as soon as i wake up!  It makes intermittent fasting much better i felt! Worked great today! Lost 200 grams yesterday! (Thankyou digital scale😂😂)
Don't try intermittent fasting on alternate day, or 3-2 days a week. That simply don't work. Every day fasting with cheat day twice or four times a week will work wonders.

Yes, it's easy for me to do IF 7 days in a row if I have done it the previous few days as well. But doing IF even for a day after feeding myself day and night is so so difficult.

Exactly. The first day i trued IF arter 2 months its a nightmare. Could hardly make it to 12 hours. Maybe cuz our body requires time to adapt to new food habits and timings! 


Its so enriching to see that people finally opening about how to utilise the gods given treasure . 

I ll share how I ve ahd managed , managing , will manage . 

You have to admit that nobody likes to  re read Spectrum , Lakshmikanth etc . Obviously , we are doing a tiresome thing to our mind already . 

so weight lifting is again going to be  a mentally driven tiresome activity . I am speaking about the long term . You can lift for one month comfortably with all that demi god motivation , Eat OMAD, Intermittent , Green tea and what not . 

But Please hear this without Judgemental , Nothing is going to help you if you fail to practice all these  in a sustained manner, So Practice all these diets only you can inculculate in your following years to come by . 

Try to Find protein in your regular diet with soem moderation. You cant expect a South Indian to eat Bread an Pea nut buttter for the rest of his life. He will relapse soon . 

so where was I ? On hitting the Gym etc , Hit mostly 3 days a week with compound lifts for a years  . More than enough with adequate protein . 


Treat your mind and body kind in these prep days. 

Best of luck !

funny how. i bought David Goggins' book recently. Anyways what you said is absolutely right! Should keep that in mind! Practice stuff which we can sustain

Any recommendations for dance HIIT workout videos?

Not much of a dancer but i keep seeing Zumba videos on Youtube. They are a little intense though.  I once explored Walk at Home by Leslie which was nice! its not so intense.

Shifted my workout schedule to evening. In mornings had to break my fast before workout to eat something.  I eat cuz i am scared after seeing footballers collapse on the field due to heart problems and insufficient food.
Successfully completed a 16 hour intermittent fast after ages! Ate yesterday at 6PM and eating at 10AM now! Had green tea in the morning along with some apple cidar viniger later on! Yet not at all hungry! Best way to prolong IF is sleeping by 11 cuz its in nights we feel hungry. Dont know whats the magic but mornings arent hungry at all!
Well I worked out 6 days continuously. Took a break yesterday. I rewarded myself too much by having a desert extra 2 hours after what should have been my last meal. Night meals are the worst kind of meals. I have this bad habit of eating late night. Should find ways to overcome that! Looking into what mindfulness is and how to practice that. This junk food problem have to stop. The problem boils down to the question we all ask ourselves when we misuse time by binge watching. How do we control temptations?
Well I worked out 6 days continuously. Took a break yesterday. I rewarded myself too much by having a desert extra 2 hours after what should have been my last meal. Night meals are the worst kind of meals. I have this bad habit of eating late night. Should find ways to overcome that! Looking into what mindfulness is and how to practice that. This junk food problem have to stop. The problem boils down to the question we all ask ourselves when we misuse time by binge watching. How do we control temptations?

For post-dinner food temptations, what I do is that I brush and floss after 30-45 minutes of having the meal. It increases the opportunity cost of eating again by having to repeat the whole dental hygiene. So it works that way.

For binge-watching, I am yet to devise anything. However something on a similar line by increasing the opportunity cost works. When I just start to feel like an addict and unable to go away from the screen, I remove the laptop from charging and place the cord away. My laptop dies pretty soon. So, I am left with no option but to get up and plug in the charger. Which kills the joy and gets me away from the screen (for a while at least :P).

woah thanks a lot! those are some really wise solutions! awesome! :D

Well I worked out 6 days continuously. Took a break yesterday. I rewarded myself too much by having a desert extra 2 hours after what should have been my last meal. Night meals are the worst kind of meals. I have this bad habit of eating late night. Should find ways to overcome that! Looking into what mindfulness is and how to practice that. This junk food problem have to stop. The problem boils down to the question we all ask ourselves when we misuse time by binge watching. How do we control temptations?

For post-dinner food temptations, what I do is that I brush and floss after 30-45 minutes of having the meal. It increases the opportunity cost of eating again by having to repeat the whole dental hygiene. So it works that way.

For binge-watching, I am yet to devise anything. However something on a similar line by increasing the opportunity cost works. When I just start to feel like an addict and unable to go away from the screen, I remove the laptop from charging and place the cord away. My laptop dies pretty soon. So, I am left with no option but to get up and plug in the charger. Which kills the joy and gets me away from the screen (for a while at least :P).

Don't know why but first part read krne k baad meri bhookh mar gayi. 




For controlling junk food problem, I assign one day (one meal) ever week/two week to junk food but the catch is I have to cook it myself if I want to eat junk food. Many times I am too lazy to cook or even when I decide to make it I try to make it healthier. Eg pink sauce pasta- using semolina/sujji pasta, adding more vegetables, avoiding cheese, etc.

I have also deleted food delivery apps. (because they force you to download apps by giving coupons/discounts so that once you download the app, your access to app increases, and you easily order food.)

same ! removed all food apps! but i download them again! i shoouldnt have taken Swiggy One membership!!!!

So what you do is you cook your own cheat meal?




For controlling junk food problem, I assign one day (one meal) ever week/two week to junk food but the catch is I have to cook it myself if I want to eat junk food. Many times I am too lazy to cook or even when I decide to make it I try to make it healthier. Eg pink sauce pasta- using semolina/sujji pasta, adding more vegetables, avoiding cheese, etc.

I have also deleted food delivery apps. (because they force you to download apps by giving coupons/discounts so that once you download the app, your access to app increases, and you easily order food.)

same ! removed all food apps! but i download them again! i shoouldnt have taken Swiggy One membership!!!!

So what you do is you cook your own cheat meal?

Don't worry. At least you did initiate deleting of app, even though you downloaded again. After few times, you won't download again. Don't be harsh on yourself. Give it some time. 

I am not dieting but got ill sometime back (may be due to eating junk food. I don't know?). So I am trying to eat healthy  and avoid oily/fried and junk food. 

Thankyou :)

Does anyone want to comment on hairfall? Nutrition, prevention. I tried all kinda of shampoos and conditioners . Nothing work! 


Does anyone want to comment on hairfall? Nutrition, prevention. I tried all kinda of shampoos and conditioners . Nothing work! 

Waiting for people to answer thisssss.

I give absolutely 0 attention to haircare. Even oiling and washing them once a week is an uphill task for me, more so in North Indian winters (there is no logic in it but I somehow feel that hairwash consumes too much time ...aur uske baad jo mithi mithi neend aati hai...).

Having said that... Scalp health is a prerequisite for good keep dandruff at bay by keeping your scalp clean (scratches head)

I hope this community won't judge me 🙈

Thanks to North Indian winters, we arent judging 



Does anyone want to comment on hairfall? Nutrition, prevention. I tried all kinda of shampoos and conditioners . Nothing work! 

Very very important question. My hair health got extremely bad. So I shaved it off. Because of that I started taking care, applying some oil etc. If you can't shave it off, make it as short as possible. Take good amount of protein and Amla( Indian Gooseberry)/ powered form or raw. If possible use some onion shampoo/ oil (natural one) from Khadi India or mama earth or from anywhere else with no chemicals. Although I am not doing the requisite rt nw, but oiling in 2-3 days is definitely a healthy habit.

Started oiling. Bought this pure coconut oil stuff from market. Should start amla. Thats a nice solution! Thanks a lot!

They say that exercise actually reduces our biological age. What if the problem of hair loss is because we are ageing cuz of lack of it? Like many people as they age lose hair naturally! Well we all know stress, nutrition, hair care are more important. But what about this?
Lesson learnt: never skip a meal. I skipped breakfast today because didnt feel like eating. Turns out, consumed more carbs than usual for lunch. Its actually a protein heavy diet for breakfast. 
Well I worked out 6 days continuously. Took a break yesterday. I rewarded myself too much by having a desert extra 2 hours after what should have been my last meal. Night meals are the worst kind of meals. I have this bad habit of eating late night. Should find ways to overcome that! Looking into what mindfulness is and how to practice that. This junk food problem have to stop. The problem boils down to the question we all ask ourselves when we misuse time by binge watching. How do we control temptations?

For post-dinner food temptations, what I do is that I brush and floss after 30-45 minutes of having the meal. It increases the opportunity cost of eating again by having to repeat the whole dental hygiene. So it works that way.

For binge-watching, I am yet to devise anything. However something on a similar line by increasing the opportunity cost works. When I just start to feel like an addict and unable to go away from the screen, I remove the laptop from charging and place the cord away. My laptop dies pretty soon. So, I am left with no option but to get up and plug in the charger. Which kills the joy and gets me away from the screen (for a while at least :P).

I used to binge watch massively and I found that the best way to stop is to quit cold turkey for 2-3 days. I watched a video (i see the irony) which was detailing how binge watching is leading to dopamine overproduction and the way to counter is to let it drain out of your body. Essentially you have got to bore yourself. It works though

Interesting! Thanks a lot! 


I've been doing HIIT for quite a few years. Recently started strength training. Currently, I follow fitness blender's videos but I want to develop some specific training routine for myself with the reps and sets format (Fitness blender mostly uses 45sec on 15sec off format, which is fun and challenging but I fail to measure my progress as the routines fly by)

@KingSlayer23@MaeveWileyand others who train, can you share your routine and learnings here?

i only understood "training routine", "HIIT" and "fitness" here  :')

@Thunderstorm Try using Minoxidil and Finasteride solution for atleast 3 months daily twice. Wash your hair daily. It's us fda approved treatment for hair loss. 

Minoxidil is not good i guess. It should be used thorughout a person's life. Its actually something to do with Blood pressure or hypertension whose side effect is growing hair.


I've been doing HIIT for quite a few years. Recently started strength training. Currently, I follow fitness blender's videos but I want to develop some specific training routine for myself with the reps and sets format (Fitness blender mostly uses 45sec on 15sec off format, which is fun and challenging but I fail to measure my progress as the routines fly by)

@KingSlayer23@MaeveWileyand others who train, can you share your routine and learnings here?

i only understood "training routine", "HIIT" and "fitness" here  :')

Hahaha, sorry for that. here goes the explanation-

HIIT- high intensity interval training- doing short bursts of high intensity cardio and rest for some time and then a short burst of cardio again. This is called interval format- exercise-rest-exercise.

45s on 15s off-doing the exercise for 45 seconds and taking a break of 15 seconds. Then proceeding to the next exercise for 45 seconds and then another break and so on.

Strength training- exercising with an aim to increase bodily strength. The most common method is weight/resistance training. Here we train our muscles to become stronger by lifting weights. The weight puts extra resistance to the movement of the muscles. The muscles slowly overcome the resistance by improving their strength and load-bearing capacity.

Fitness blender-the website (and a youtube channel by the same name) which is my go-to place for any kind of workout. There are videos of various levels and times. Short videos of high intensity, long video of low, long video of high etc etc. This is the website, you can search for videos here easily by using the filters for- time, level, intensity

Reps and sets format-the workout routing is divided by specific repetitions and sets for the exercises. For example- 3 sets of 10 reps of squats, 3 sets of 8 pushups, 2 sets of 12 russian twists etc. (doing 10 squats at a time and then taking a break, then doing 10 squats again. Doing this repetition of 10 squats for three times (with sufficient rest in between) is called 3 sets of 10 reps),

thanks a lot@chamomile 


Bro, all I would suggest is to keep things as simple as possible. If you’re looking to cut down on your weight then do this for like 15 minutes everyday.

>start with skipping for 50 - 60 sec then take a 10 seconds break followed by 10-15 push-ups. 

>Do 7-8 sets of the above mentioned 

This should suffice! I’ve followed a lot of programmes like “Shortcut to Shred by Jim Stoppani” in the past but these are Vv intense and it takes a lot out of you. So, you’ll eventually give up after 1-2 weeks. 

Also, I’m sharing links of few songs/beats which are very high on intensity! They’ll charge you up like crazy :





Seeing these songs here, despite knowing there'll be Punjabi songs playing at gym. XD

Some time ago I used to train at a gym early morning and the owner had a ritual that in first hour he would only play religious things. So yeah I can say I have deadlifted to the voice of Gulshan kumar singing hanuman chalisa :P 

Why would you do deadlift on Hanuman Chalisa :/

I would have preferred Dand baithak instead, for akhadhe wali feel xP



Forum fam when they find me in real life 😭😭😂

Is it only me or all people with non-hindi  mother tongue read hindi stuff only when they feel its absolute necessity? XD

@necromancer Agree with you. But there's no credible and proven alternative to Minoxidil and Finasteride solution treatment for hair fall or balding or androgenic alopecia especially for men. As far as hair transplant is concerned it's pretty expensive and also involves Minoxidil usage for certain period after the surgery. Finasteride and Minoxidil usage has undergone years of clinical trials and proven to be effective in reducing hair fall to large extent and promote hair regrowth. 

between Monoxidil and bald head, i would choose the latter. who wants cardiovascular irregularities? Monoxidil is artificial! Atleast we can wear a wig instead of forever using a cream or a medicine! have a good muscled bod instead of using such things honestly. Its dangerous. once we stop using our heart rate will start fluctuating and hence blood pressure. Doctors write that for hair but its not good.


Guys, today is the first time I pulled off an 18 hour fast. Been doing 16 hours (6PM-10AM), skipped breakfast today. Drank black coffee, apple cider and lemon juice (all without sugar).

Talking about apple cider, anyone drinks it too? wanna discuss some advantages?

Those without Fitbit can use Nike NRC app. My parents have a Fitbit but I am still using NRC. Anyone willing to join me on Nike NRC app for running? DM Me :) 


@MachineGunJoe what about walking challenge?

Anything is good...but not challenges...just cooperation, run/walk together, look at each others work...thats it...just like ypt haha



@Duryodhan yeoman people team🙃

It's kind of an online library where people log in and then do their work. This helps in keeping an online company, just like a physical library and attaining their targets and posting the number of hours of study. So it brings in a healthy competition too.

Oh this one ?


Girnar is making Green Tea exciting. No need to add honey(extra calories).
Girnar is making Green Tea exciting. No need to add honey(extra calories).

But why to add honey in green tea in the first place.. Ruins the entire purpose of Green tea... 

Dont like the taste. 

» show previous quotes» show previous quotes

Dont like the taste. 

Instead of ordering tea bags for green tea, I would recommend getting loose tea leaves. They have an authentic green tea aroma and taste. Teabags are just heavily processed in the name of 'flavours' like tulsi, ginger, mint, jasmine etc. Moreover, loose tea leaves might seem like some expensive shit but they've actually cost-effective compared to teabags. 

Something like these 

really? can you please also tell me where you buy from? I will surely buy them!!!


Since we are on the green tea topic, I would like to share my favourite tea too.

I take a few green tea leaves, add a few inches of lemongrass to it, a few tulsi leaves (both fresh from the balcony) and then a few chamomiles or rose petals.

I am a very lazy person who hates the idea of putting all this in the pan, boiling it and then straining it. I use a mesh strainer like this

and it's done!

woah looks awesome! nice idea!

» show previous quotes» show previous quotes

Dont like the taste. 

Instead of ordering tea bags for green tea, I would recommend getting loose tea leaves. They have an authentic green tea aroma and taste. Teabags are just heavily processed in the name of 'flavours' like tulsi, ginger, mint, jasmine etc. Moreover, loose tea leaves might seem like some expensive shit but they've actually cost-effective compared to teabags. 

Something like these 

really? can you please also tell me where you buy from? I will surely buy them!!!

You can check these two based on your budget. 

They seem costly given the price to weight ratio but you just need a small pinch of tea leaves for one cup. If you want quantification, somewhere around 4-8 tea leaves. 
I haven't checked these particular teas but used similar products from the same website in past. It was quite good.
Happy exploring!  

Oooo crazy. thank you! sure will! :D 



Is there anyone who was skeptical of all the mindfulness business but then tried it for sometime and saw significant changes in oneself? 

I am willing to try. should read more about it and see how it turns out. Can you tell me your experience please?


@Pam123 i found myself in such situations many a times. And everytime it was spirituality whuch helped me come out of it. It always gave me patience and a will to progress. It heped me accwpt my present state and have patience to bring changes in myself. U can read some teachings of Swami Vivekananda . Such great philosophy of Vedanta. Buy some book on amazon. Trust me. It helps!

Does spot reduction work? I want to focus on some abdomen exercises! Need to reduce some "Mains Tummy"
Does spot reduction work? I want to focus on some abdomen exercises! Need to reduce some "Mains Tummy"

You can definitely spot reduce. Your body picks up the spots though! 

I didn't get you. 

Does spot reduction work? I want to focus on some abdomen exercises! Need to reduce some "Mains Tummy"

You can definitely spot reduce. Your body picks up the spots though! 

I didn't get you. 

Spot reduction doesn't work based on what I have read.

I tried to crack a joke there! Ignore that. 😅

ooo okay. haha no I got it now. I was a little slow I guess. MachineGun (my brain) didn't fire this time. 


I want to resume running. There was a time when I was very fast and could run at a stretch for quite some time.. 

Right now my knees are screwed.. Maybe it's genetics.. Maybe it's because I have gained weight... Or maybe it's because I don't run properly or don't wear the correct shoes.. 

Can anyone recommend how I should resume running? .. I want to get it slow but steadily so that I don't mess up with my physical health or hurt my knees... 

P. S: Last time when I used to run properly, I lost 8 kgs in a month( no kidding).. Of course it was also associated with change in my diet... 

8kgs? damn! Amir Khan reduced at that rate for Dangal and he says its not good always! Anyways, slow and steady like you said. I run everyday a minimum of 3km and max 7km before switching to other exercises. slow and improving time. Use a digital watch or nike run club app. As far as knees are concerned, some good stretching exercises on YouTube will help!


Awesome thread. I have been doing Intermittent Fasting for past 2 years. 16:8 has worked out for me with some on and off. Helps with my sleep patterns too. I recently tried OMAD and it was wonderful. Butalso bewarethat your vitamins and micronutrients intake may not be sufficient in the meals you would take after IF. So, proceed with caution here.

For good information sources, followDr. David Sinclair, he works in the aging/longevity field and has some good advice regarding this. He came on the Huberman podcast and has recently started his own youtube channel sharing what to eat and how to eat it. 

I follow him on twitter. he is just awesome. all science based! Well after IF in order to sustain gap between meals, enough good fat must be consumed. Like yellow of an egg, little butter during breakfast or dinner, ghee during lunch. That's my technique to not eat always or feel hungry immediately. 


I want to resume running. There was a time when I was very fast and could run at a stretch for quite some time.. 

Right now my knees are screwed.. Maybe it's genetics.. Maybe it's because I have gained weight... Or maybe it's because I don't run properly or don't wear the correct shoes.. 

Can anyone recommend how I should resume running? .. I want to get it slow but steadily so that I don't mess up with my physical health or hurt my knees... 

P. S: Last time when I used to run properly, I lost 8 kgs in a month( no kidding).. Of course it was also associated with change in my diet... 

8kgs? damn! Amir Khan reduced at that rate for Dangal and he says its not good always! Anyways, slow and steady like you said. I run everyday a minimum of 3km and max 7km before switching to other exercises. slow and improving time. Use a digital watch or nike run club app. As far as knees are concerned, some good stretching exercises on YouTube will help!

Actually, she was one of the actors in Dangal herself.

Really? Damn! I dont know! Which role? 


I want to resume running. There was a time when I was very fast and could run at a stretch for quite some time.. 

Right now my knees are screwed.. Maybe it's genetics.. Maybe it's because I have gained weight... Or maybe it's because I don't run properly or don't wear the correct shoes.. 

Can anyone recommend how I should resume running? .. I want to get it slow but steadily so that I don't mess up with my physical health or hurt my knees... 

P. S: Last time when I used to run properly, I lost 8 kgs in a month( no kidding).. Of course it was also associated with change in my diet... 

8kgs? damn! Amir Khan reduced at that rate for Dangal and he says its not good always! Anyways, slow and steady like you said. I run everyday a minimum of 3km and max 7km before switching to other exercises. slow and improving time. Use a digital watch or nike run club app. As far as knees are concerned, some good stretching exercises on YouTube will help!

Actually, she was one of the actors in Dangal herself.

Really? Damn! I dont know! Which role? 

If you look closely she’s one of the extras in the background. It’s a blink and miss role, but kya acting thi even in that little time

Really? Which scene ? 


found this interesying article on food combinations. Have a look into it! 

Increased 6 during Mains. Reduced  4 post mains till today. Question is how fo we know whether it is fat loss or muscle loss and how much is it?
How many of you here suffering from Junk food problem? just wanna see if there is any significant number :) just a short reply tagging this comment would do! 
How many of you here suffering from Junk food problem? just wanna see if there is any significant number :) just a short reply tagging this comment would do! 

Feeling sad to say ki junk food is a problem..:( weird thing I have started now a days is.. whenever I go back home i cover my face properly so that no smell can attract me..;) #avoiding the fast food gullies..;)  

And because of workout also..have controlled a lot..! Cz it feels so good to see yourself on the other side..:) 

thats true. The day i workout good, I dont eat junk. I can always feel the loss of all the hardwork like exercise, fasting etc when I cheat. My problem is when I dont exercise. The day i dont exercise I am cheating big time!


For all those who are looking to reduce weight:

I have used his channel to reduce many many kgs. I hope it helps you too! Even for those who are already fit, you can refer the channel for some good practices!

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