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Mission Mains 2021: GS 4 Ethics Discussion

This is for those of you who are planning to write Mains 2020. Primarily, the agenda of this thread would be 

1. Answer Writing Practice

2. Sharing examples - anecdotes from Current affairs relevant for GS4 Answer writing

3. Any doubts wrt. Paper 4!

Feel free to pool in your suggestions!

jack_Sparrow,Neyawnand91 otherslike this


@upsc2020  red book review pls.

It's a nice read. Can be used. Focus should be on internalizing and then practising answer writign. Not much to memorize. 

Anyone joined Forumias Ethics+ course 2020?Can anyone give any review of it?Thanks in Advance.
We have no eternal allies and we have no perpetual enemies. Critically examine the statement in the context of Ethics in International relations.
We have no eternal allies and we have no perpetual enemies. Critically examine the statement in the context of Ethics in International relations.

This statement has now become an example for all countries of the world and they attempt to set their relations on this basis. It means that the countries of the world make efforts to put national interests on top of their agenda in their relations with the entire world.

GaryVee,Silentobserverand1 otherslike this

Civil servants getting caught in the political crossfire is nothing new, but this creates a dilemma in the minds of young officers. Their hearts would want to perform and deliver but their minds would tell them to beware of the risks associated with honest performance. They start believing it may not get rewarded. They wonder if they should also master the art of being servile to those who matter and learn how to become ‘visible’ through glamour, without doing much so they would not commit mistakes. Once this doubt enters their mind, they either learn the tricks of the trade or become useless. In either case, they consider themselves safe. For some young recruits, the issue gets settled pretty quickly.

Must read. 

Integer,EiChanand3 otherslike this

Political alignment can create problems for a serving civil servant. It violates a defined and codified code of conduct. However, a civil servant is expected to be politically neutral even if such conduct evidently or explicitly does not violate an express provision of conduct rules. Therefore, there is a huge debate on whether civil servants in general and those occupying constitutional positions in particular, such as that of  Election Commissioner, should be allowed to join a political party after their tenure.

EiChan,GaryVeeand1 otherslike this

@upsc2020 eye-opener to the question I was dealing since starting the prep, why do the young recruits go corrupt and inefficient when we see them 2-3 yrs down the line, who after selection seemed to be very promising. the consequences of even one going dishonest is damaging to the future recruits, efficiency , reputation and overall functioning of the system. 

the political bosses have learnt the mastery of taming and dictating civil servants and CS have learnt the art of being puppets. 



I am not able to complete the paper even after writing 3-4 full test ( usually miss 40 marks paper straight away) due to time crunch. Can some please help me with this.




I am not able to complete the paper even after writing 3-4 full test ( usually miss 40 marks paper straight away) due to time crunch. Can some please help me with this.

This happens a lot. Especially with Ethics. Try changing the order. Attempt case studies first. Check word limit. Try to incorporate more flowcharts if time crunch is too much. 


What is probity? How can we exercise probity?



@Janamashtami contach him on telegram if you wants lukmaan ethics 2020 full course


What is probity? How can we exercise probity?


Probity (Satyanishtha in Hindi) literally means a complete and confirmed integrity; having strong moral principles. Probity in Governance is defined as adherence to ethical and moral values like honesty, Integrity, rectitude, uprightness etc. It is the presence of procedural integrity with high standards of ethical behaviour. It is vital for executing the governance system and socio-economic development.

Probity in Governance seeks to fulfil the following purposes:

  • It preserves public confidence in Government processes
  • It maintains integrity in public services
  • It ensures accountability in governance
  • It ensures compliance with processes
  • It seeks to avoid the potential for misconduct, fraud and corruption

Measures for ensuring probity in government:

  1. Moral education: Moral education is a must to ensure probity in governance. To make an individual high on integrity, it is necessary to provide him with ethical training that will inspire him to improve governance. The moral education will surely ensure that this takes place. For example, training on the importance of avoiding bribes.
  2. Accountability: Accountability reduces chances of malpractices in governance. When an individual is expected to give answers to higher authorities, he/she avoids performing acts that will reduce his/her position. This will translate into good governance. For example, Social audits ensures accountability and thus lead to probity.
  3. Information Sharing and Transparency in Governance: Sharing information and transparency are indispensable pillars of good governance that compel the state and civil society to focus on results, seek clear objectives, develop effective strategies, and monitor and report on performance.
  4. Access to information:Many laws were enumerated to bring probity in governance for sharing information to the public by putting information in the public domain and which includes the following:
  • Right to information Act.
  • Ombudsman Office in the local/state level.
  • Accountability bill for disclosure of Income and Assets.
  • Records Management laws.
  1. Grievance redressal: Easy access of government officials to the public is important for grievance redressal. It can be ensured through:
  • Availability of Contact numbers of senior servants to Public
  • Details in Departmental websites
  • Facilitation counters for citizens
  • Assessment and Monitoring
  1. Code of conduct: Probity is maintained by formulating and employing model code of conduct for ministers, bureaucracy, judiciary, and civil society groups.
  2. Institutional reforms: Introducing public delivery of service agreements by executive agencies for ensuring accountability, objectivity and transparency. Allowing stakeholders like citizen committees to participate in various decision making processes and encouraging and facilitating public participation through the following:
  • Public Hearings.
  • Citizen Advisory Boards.
  • Government Contract Committees.
  • Public Watchdog Groups.
  • Independent Anti-Corruption Agencies.
  • Capacity building of citizens and civil society groups.

Probity is a crucial feature of governance which endows government to act ethically and perform its duty as per the norms only. It is significant for the government to follow the rules and regulations as well as adopt policies of impartiality, to gain confidence from the public. When government becomes its system streamline as well as transparent, then the public and government employees concerned to it follow the same criterion. Hence, no corruption, fraud, and irresponsibility will happen.


Allen_Barry,GaryVeeand3 otherslike this
Ethics and Law

Mahatma Gandhi - 1920s- civil disobedience movement against Rowlatt Act which was an 
unjust law that was passed by a lawful government. Mahatma Gandhi's movement was justified on the ground that unjust laws must be disobeyed.


Two Delhi Police constables have been trying their best to save the lives of critical COVID-19 patients by coordinating for blood plasma. The duo has managed to help at least 20 patients so far. Constables Ravinder Dhariwal of 2012 batch and Amit Phogat of 2010 batch, posted in 6th battalion and outer district respectively, have been relentless in their life-saving mission. Not just to COVID-19 patients, Mr. Ravinder and Mr. Amit have been donating and coordinating donation for blood and platelets to all since 2018.Interestingly, Mr. Amit has donated platelets 64 times and Mr. Ravinder has donated 48 times. Most of them have been for civilians, including family members of Delhi Police officers.

Allen_Barry,GaryVeeand1 otherslike this


In the model district of Mochha, Chhattisgarh, people are using RTI as a tool for transparency to secure employment and scholarships for the youth as well as for the elderly. They also pressured government doctors and school teachers to show up at work regularly. Villagers in Madhubani district, Bihar used RTI to expose a solar-light scam, leading to charges against 200 corrupt officials.

Allen_Barry,GaryVeeand1 otherslike this


IAS officer utilizes the lockdown time to rejuvenate Kalyani river. IAS officer, Deputy commissioner, MNREGA-Barabanki, ND Dwivedi and Block Development officer Hemanth Kumar Yadav, adopted measures such as sensitizing villagers, eliminating encroachments, reducing garbage dumping, and open defecation on the river bank. After officially registering 500 odd workers in Mavaiya cleanup and 300 in Haidargarh, the officials instructed the workers about the process. The district authorities also sensitized people about open defecation and dumping garbage in the river.

Allen_Barry,GaryVeeand1 otherslike this
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