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Mission Mains 2021: GS 4 Ethics Discussion

This is for those of you who are planning to write Mains 2020. Primarily, the agenda of this thread would be 

1. Answer Writing Practice

2. Sharing examples - anecdotes from Current affairs relevant for GS4 Answer writing

3. Any doubts wrt. Paper 4!

Feel free to pool in your suggestions!

jack_Sparrow,Neyawnand91 otherslike this



@TheNotorious Had they been true, I would have loved to take those two adjectives as compliments. 

If possible don’t write a structured answer, just write pointers. Aim is for your brain to get adept at thinking about diverse questions 

I agree totally. It's a brainstorming session. 



3) What do each of the following quotations mean to you in the present context? 

- Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness.

The spread of Corona virus in 2020 has only compounded the impending crisis that humanity faced. From irreversible environmental damage highlighted by IPCC report, to rise in conflict in violence in Middle East ; the many crisis only made matters worse collectively.

In this light, the role of consciousness as cause of the ongoing crisis and also as a remedy is instrumental. Consciousness refers to an individuals awareness and resulting responsiveness to its surrounding. 

Absence of consciousness and it’s role in crisis 

1. Political- despotic government are unaware and unresponsive to needs of citizen. Which when unmet results in protests, instability and conflict. Eg- beginning of Syrian conflict 

2. Economic- the privileged class are often criticised of not being conscious of their responsibility to do more for the society. Their preference for living in a isolated bubble perpetuates inequality evidenced by Oxfam report 

3. Social- Not being aware of duties and boundaries of ones right often leads to societal clashes. Eg Gun violence in USA 

4. Environmental- Developed countries not taking cognisance of their historical responsibility and contributing financially and technologically is delaying achieving Paris agreement goals. 

Living in an interconnected world and being social animals, humans needs to be more conscious of their surrounding. That’s the first step in insisting remedying action. Doing our duties as global citizen and raising our voice when injustice is committed is the need of the hour. 

+ ethical principles of international conduct

+ Transparency in information sharing - world is one unit

+ Required: more accountability in the way global decisions are made

+Threat to rule based order by ignoring multilateral institutions - can quote Peter Singer's One World wherein how a global ethic rather than a nationalistic approach can provide illuminating answers to important problems.

+ need compassionate view to address problems that affect entire humanity

+ Social: quote George Floyd incident

+ Economic: Quote Migrant Crisis 

Deepak802,ssver2and2 otherslike this

I somehow get really stuck in quotes based questions. Looking forward to learning from@rashiv and@upsc2020.keep posting more of quotation based/ Section-A questions. :)


I somehow get really stuck in quotes based questions. Looking forward to learning from@rashiv and@upsc2020.keep posting more of quotation based/ Section-A questions. :)

Try answering this one :). 

Shall be posting more for sure. 



3) What do each of the following quotations mean to you in the present context? 

- Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness.

The spread of Corona virus in 2020 has only compounded the impending crisis that humanity faced. From irreversible environmental damage highlighted by IPCC report, to rise in conflict in violence in Middle East ; the many crisis only made matters worse collectively.

In this light, the role of consciousness as cause of the ongoing crisis and also as a remedy is instrumental. Consciousness refers to an individuals awareness and resulting responsiveness to its surrounding. 

Absence of consciousness and it’s role in crisis 

1. Political- despotic government are unaware and unresponsive to needs of citizen. Which when unmet results in protests, instability and conflict. Eg- beginning of Syrian conflict 

2. Economic- the privileged class are often criticised of not being conscious of their responsibility to do more for the society. Their preference for living in a isolated bubble perpetuates inequality evidenced by Oxfam report 

3. Social- Not being aware of duties and boundaries of ones right often leads to societal clashes. Eg Gun violence in USA 

4. Environmental- Developed countries not taking cognisance of their historical responsibility and contributing financially and technologically is delaying achieving Paris agreement goals. 

Living in an interconnected world and being social animals, humans needs to be more conscious of their surrounding. That’s the first step in insisting remedying action. Doing our duties as global citizen and raising our voice when injustice is committed is the need of the hour. 

+ ethical principles of international conduct

+ Transparency in information sharing - world is one unit

+ Required: more accountability in the way global decisions are made

+Threat to rule based order by ignoring multilateral institutions - can quote Peter Singer's One World wherein how a global ethic rather than a nationalistic approach can provide illuminating answers to important problems.

+ need compassionate view to address problems that affect entire humanity

+ Social: quote George Floyd incident

+ Economic: Quote Migrant Crisis 

Novel point of Peter Singer’s One world. Will note it down 


Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness. 

Our world is in crisis at multiple levels. Rising temperature, nuclear arms, sectarian conflicts, boundary disputes, financial woes, pandemics, declining trustability and the list goes further. If human world is marked by ability of man to be aware of and rationally respond to its surrounding, that is consciousness, humans need to demonstrate more of it. For these crises are reflections of irresponsible, insensitive, and apathetic actions of mankind.

Mindless extraction of natural resources and exploitation of environment all over the world have resulted in global warming, frequent instances of drought, flood, severe cyclones, forest fires, etc. That the world has not been able to yet implement a Paris Climate Accord signed in 2015 shows the lack of concern and seriousness towards the 'tragedy of commons'.

The long  power conflicts in Africa and Middle East and the humanitarian crises therein (famine in Yemen for instance) show the absolute apathy of leaders towards their citizens.

Failure of the global community to reach at consensus over elimination of terrorism, nuclear arms, space war, threats from state funded organized crimes further reflect lack of consciousness to resolve these crises.

In fact responses to COVID 19 or racial discrimination where there are global mechanisms to deal with, show that there is dearth of respect and sense of obligation.

 Philosophers like Rousseau and Locke believed that it was the urge for common good that drove humans towards collective organized life. The highest points in recent human history such as formation of UN, Rio Agenda, agreemnets on SDGs are all outcome of responsible and conscious efforts towards larger human welfare.

The need of the hour is mutual recognition of accountability, empathy, and compassion towards fellow humans and the surrounding ecology. With conscious acts the world can overcome the crises.

Deepak802,chamomileand3 otherslike this

@AlexanderSupertramp Here is the format for answeringQuote Based questions.

Follow if you like to.

Answer Format:


- Write who said it(if you know) and then explain the quotes in simple words.


- Break the quotes into parts and explain their relevance(i.e. How?) 

-Connect with various dimensions and then explain like social, political, environmental, economical, international, administrative etc.

- provide recent example

- provide positive and negative aspects (if any)


- write its application + any similar quote

ssver2,Allen_Barryand8 otherslike this
Social values are moreover important than economic values. Discuss the statement in context of inclusive governance 

@AlexanderSupertramp Here is the format for answeringQuote Based questions.

Follow if you like to.

Answer Format:


- Write who said it(if you know) and then explain the quotes in simple words.


- Break the quotes into parts and explain their relevance(i.e. How?) 

-Connect with various dimensions and then explain like social, political, environmental, economical, international, administrative etc.

- provide recent example

- provide positive and negative aspects (if any)


- write its application + any similar quote


would try answering on these lines next.



Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness. 

Our world is in crisis at multiple levels. Rising temperature, nuclear arms, sectarian conflicts, boundary disputes, financial woes, pandemics, declining trustability and the list goes further. If human world is marked by ability of man to be aware of and rationally respond to its surrounding, that is consciousness, humans need to demonstrate more of it. For these crises are reflections of irresponsible, insensitive, and apathetic actions of mankind.

Mindless extraction of natural resources and exploitation of environment all over the world have resulted in global warming, frequent instances of drought, flood, severe cyclones, forest fires, etc. That the world has not been able to yet implement a Paris Climate Accord signed in 2015 shows the lack of concern and seriousness towards the 'tragedy of commons'.

The long  power conflicts in Africa and Middle East and the humanitarian crises therein (famine in Yemen for instance) show the absolute apathy of leaders towards their citizens.

Failure of the global community to reach at consensus over elimination of terrorism, nuclear arms, space war, threats from state funded organized crimes further reflect lack of consciousness to resolve these crises.

In fact responses to COVID 19 or racial discrimination where there are global mechanisms to deal with, show that there is dearth of respect and sense of obligation.

 Philosophers like Rousseau and Locke believed that it was the urge for common good that drove humans towards collective organized life. The highest points in recent human history such as formation of UN, Rio Agenda, agreemnets on SDGs are all outcome of responsible and conscious efforts towards larger human welfare.

The need of the hour is mutual recognition of accountability, empathy, and compassion towards fellow humans and the surrounding ecology. With conscious acts the world can overcome the crises.

That's a very well structured answer. 

Social values are moreover important than economic values. Discuss the statement in context of inclusive governance 

Inclusive governance- Governance where every citizen has equal access to government services. Every section of society, especially the weaker section's interests are secured in the decision making. features of inclusive governance- ease of access, equal access, special provision for weaker sections, social justice.

Economic values in govenance-

  • Profitability
  • Efficiency- People with higher creditworthiness given loans on better terms.

Social values in inclusive governance-

  • Equality- everyone should have equal access to the services.
  • Special provision for certain weaker sections- interest subvention scheme for MSMEs.
  • Maximum coverage- PM SVANidhi Yojana,PM MUDRA Yojana to give better loan terms to erstwhile uncovered sections.
Social values are moreover important than economic values. Discuss the statement in context of inclusive governance 

- Max Weber advocated the importance of social values to maintain the balance and solidarity in the society.

-In hierarchical societies, focus on distributive justice. Concept of development is different in developing countries as they have to focus on inclusive growth and creation of egalitariansocieties which is enhanced through dimensions like gender empowerment, development of vulnerable sections of society.

-social values - bring stability, general guidelines of social conduct

-Programs which include both social values and economic values like NREGA more successful.  

_ Govt realises this dictum - tax benefit on social spendings of trusts

- Private healthcare institutions focusing only on profitability have less social acceptance. Humanitarian approach ethical - eg: RIL Covid Hospital
Deepak802,chamomileand1 otherslike this
@AlexanderSupertramp can we in terms of economy completion leads to inclusion and unethical practices whereas social values leads to co-opertivism which leads to harmony and happiness 

@upsc2020 is the max weber wala glee correct?

@upsc2020 is the max weber wala glee correct?

Yes, as per what I have read. Weber believed that modern societies were obsessed with efficiency (Economic Values)– so much that questions of ethics, affection and tradition are brushed to one side – and that has the consequence of making people miserable and leading to enormous social problems. 

  1. How to cover current affairs ??for mains in online format or in hard copy??
  1. How to cover current affairs ??for mains in online format or in hard copy??

That would be entirely your prerogative. Whichever mode is more comfortable. If you are able to save all files - online is fine. If you need a pen and a highlighter, go for hard copies

i want to practice for mains .but i want to write regularly and seriously on weekends so can somebody suggest how should proceed
@sic_mundus_creatus_est also which mains test series is best in terms of feedback and suggestions for improving answers?

The option boils down to MGP (Forumias) and VisionIas. Both have good test series in terms of feedback and suggestions. Which one is better depends on you and how you use a test series 

Social values are more important than economic values. Discuss in the context of inclusive governance. 
Inclusive governance is guided by the principle of "leaving no one behind" in the pursuit of welfare for all. Values as preferred ideals are integral to social conduct. In the context of inclusive governance participatory approach, equitable outcome for all, integrity and accountability, empathy and compassion towards weaker sections are some key values.
Social values like tolerance, empathy, justice, responsibility, equality etc. enable dignity and peaceful coexistence of all. The fundamental rights in the Indian Constitution like abolition of untouchability and Right to life are based on such social values.
Economic values corresponds to the economic model adopted by a state, like profit and consumerism in capitalist economy or redistribution of resources in a socialist economy. 
Nonetheless any thriving economy requires certain social conditions for smooth functioning such as
1. Values of tolerance and respect for diversity are seen as important to build investor's confidence in an economy 
2. Corruption and red tapism can prevent inflow of capital in an economy 
3. Sustainable development is based on environmental ethics calling for just and responsible usage of nature.
Inclusive governance cannot take place if profit making takes place as the the cost of environmental degradation and loss of livelihood for people dependent on these resources. If redistribution fails tof reduce inequality then it is not inclusive governance. 
The Yellow Vest movement in France or protests in Chile show that economic development without social values like justice, dignity, equality hampers inclusive governance. 
Hence mere economic values cannot result in inclusive governance. Therein lies the importance of social values.

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