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Mission Mains 2021 - GS Paper 2 & 3

This is for those of you who are planning to write Mains 2020 ( subject to prelims happening ) and we clearing it. Nevertheless, in this time of lull, I am iniviting all people to come up with Mains related study material and Daily Q & A. I will be regular with the newspaper, my self and try to post questions. Anyone else interested, please contribute!

Let us have separate thread for GS Paper 4 & Essay as GS 2 and 3 are largely from current, and we can pool lot of questions.

If @root can help to pin it up, then we can begin with a small group.

Will help in daily accountability. 

root,Neyawnand62 otherslike this


Discuss the possible factors that inhibit India from enacting for its citizens a uniform civil code as provided for in the Directive Principles of State Policy.2015 (200 words

Pls reviews. 



Discuss the possible factors that inhibit India from enacting for its citizens a uniform civil code as provided for in the Directive Principles of State Policy.2015 (200 words

Pls reviews. 

Well written answer. Met the demand of the question. A good way forward.

Some suggestions:-

1. You can also say that how imposition of UCC may violate the religious freedom under article 25.

2. You mentioned under a point “cousin marriage”. Instead, you can reframe the sentence via saying “intra-familial” marriage.

3. Just to make your answer a bit more rich, in a line or two, you can say how UCC will lead to more peace and fraternity in society. It May also promote inter-religious marriages.(e.g. in case of marriage disputes, the case will be dealt via one common code and not via two separate laws, for e.g. Hindu marriage act and Shariat law in case of Hindu-Muslim marriage).

4. You can mention that Goa is the only Indian state with a UCC and how inputs can be derived from it to form a national UCC.

“Discuss some of the strategies that India can adopt to dismantle the covert and overt threats from non-state actors” (150 words)

Although it's not a difficult question, it stumped me. I wasted quite a bit of time just framing the answer. 

Non State actors and threats from them - divide into covert and overt

Strategies that can be adopted by India


Passing this one. 


@Upsc_2020 @TheNotorious 

some pointers 

1. Introduction- define non state actors. Eg NGO, pressure groups etc 

2. Body 

A. Overt threats 

- IB report notes 2-3% loss to gdp due to protest and stalling of developmental project. 

- Promoting inciting speech and radicalising youth. Eg Zakir Naik’s Peace TV 

B. Covert threats 

- source of trafficking of arms, drugs, people

- exporting terrorist. Eg JeM

- implementing vested interest. Eg Compassion international engaged in conversions to Christianity 

3. Strategies 

- Using Darpan portal as a means to check legality and genuineness of NGO’s 

- Implementation of FRCA to watch flow of illegal funds/foreign funds 

- Strengthening intelligence agency, community awareness and legal remedies against such association 

- Good governance ensuring welfare society, to reduce scope of non state actors and their functions

4. Conclusion - Proactive measures need to be taken to protect unity and integrity of India while also promoting pluralistic society. Government  must be careful to not paint all non state actors in same light. Eg Pratham, there must be rule based and evidence based action. 

prashantshukla,GaryVeeand4 otherslike this


@Upsc_2020 @TheNotorious 

some pointers 

1. Introduction- define non state actors. Eg NGO, pressure groups etc 

2. Body 

A. Overt threats 

- IB report notes 2-3% loss to gdp due to protest and stalling of developmental project. 

- Promoting inciting speech and radicalising youth. Eg Zakir Naik’s Peace TV 

B. Covert threats 

- source of trafficking of arms, drugs, people

- exporting terrorist. Eg JeM

- implementing vested interest. Eg Compassion international engaged in conversions to Christianity 

3. Strategies 

- Using Darpan portal as a means to check legality and genuineness of NGO’s 

- Implementation of FRCA to watch flow of illegal funds/foreign funds 

- Strengthening intelligence agency, community awareness and legal remedies against such association 

- Good governance ensuring welfare society, to reduce scope of non state actors and their functions

4. Conclusion - Proactive measures need to be taken to protect unity and integrity of India while also promoting pluralistic society. Government  must be careful to not paint all non state actors in same light. Eg Pratham, there must be rule based and evidence based action. 

Thanks ! great inputs. 


How far do you agree with the view that administration in India requires specialists instead of generalists? 


In questions like these, we have to take sides. How to make what side to choose? Should it be subjective? ( like I think that pros of generalists outweigh specialist then I should conclude by giving importance to generalists).

Or should it be balanced views? ( like generalists are more preferable but even if govt recruits specialist would be fine. etc.)

Which type of answers would garner more marks? 


What will the impact of pandemic of types of questions this year?

Want your views,



How far do you agree with the view that administration in India requires specialists instead of generalists? 


In questions like these, we have to take sides. How to make what side to choose? Should it be subjective? ( like I think that pros of generalists outweigh specialist then I should conclude by giving importance to generalists).

Or should it be balanced views? ( like generalists are more preferable but even if govt recruits specialist would be fine. etc.)

Which type of answers would garner more marks? 


The management of public affairs isto be learnt by working in the field; coupled with a sense of dedication, professionalism, and experience from years of working as a field officer and in the secretariat, which are the key requirements to make an administrator.

However, due to growing demands oftechnical specialization, as recommended by 2nd ARC, the govt should resort to lateral recruitment to provide the right balance. They are of vital importance to provide high quality technical inputs, and raise the quality of approach to complex issues.

While there is stress on continuous training to learn specializations, lateral recruits also ought to be exposed to field postings in order to be in sync with the ground realities. The increasing need for both scientific concepts and theories as well as experiential knowledge have made the dichotomy of generalist vs. specialist meaningless. What they need is high level intellectual ability, commitment anddetermination to accomplish the desired results. 

Q: Do you think that constitution of India does not accept principle of strict separation of powers rather it is based on the principle of ‘checks and balance’? Explain.(10)

Criminalization of Politics

- February 2020 Supreme Court judgment by Justice Nariman on criminalisation in politics will first be implemented in the Bihar elections in October 2020.

Last week’s encounter killing of Uttar Pradesh-based don Vikas Dubey by the State police brings into focus once again the nexus between politicians and criminals and has sparked off a wider debate.

Previous Reforms initiated to curb CoP:

1. Association for Democratic Reforms(ADR) v. Union of Indian, 2002: SCmade it obligatory for all candidates to file an affidavit before the returning officer, disclosing criminal cases pending against them.

2. PUCL v. Union of India, 2013: SC upheld the constitutional right of citizens to cast a negative vote in elections. 


4. Lily Thomas v. Union of India, 2013:  SC struck down unconstitutional Section 8(4) of RPA 1951 that allowed convicted lawmakers a 3 month period for filing appeals to the higher court and to get a stay on the conviction and sentence.

5. Public Interest Foundation and Ors. v Union of India, 2014: SC directed all subordinate courts to decide on cases involving legislators within an year, or give appropriate reasons for not doing so to the CJ of HC.


What will the impact of pandemic of types of questions this year?

Want your views,

1. Disaster Management 

2. Migration , Reverse migration

3. Globalized world and free movement 

4. International Trade relations amidst disaster 

5. Online education - I foresee an essay here. 

6. E commerce - again essay 

7. Role of WHO and such bodies 




I gave my first attempt/mains in 2019 but couldn't clear it. 

While i was trying to figure what went wrong - one important thing was proper deconstruction of some of the questions! For example in these questions, what heads/dimensions one need to cover  - can anyone experienced, who cleared this year's mains can answer? =     

1. ‘In the context of neo-liberal paradigm of development planning, multi-level planning is expected to make operations cost effective and remove many implementation blockages.’-Discuss. 

2. Performance of welfare schemes that are implemented for vulnerable sections is not so effective due to absence of their awareness and active involvement at all stages of policy process – Discuss

3. What introduces friction into the ties between India and the United States is that Washington is still unable to find for India a position in its global strategy, which would satisfy India’s National self- esteem and ambitions” Explain with suitable examples

4. Performance of welfare schemes that are implemented for vulnerable sections is not so effective due to absence of their awareness and active involvement at all stages of policy process – Discuss

For example in 1st one, what i wrote was = 1. Definition of Development Planning2. Key components of Planning (in neoliberal paradigm), example - Role of PPP, Use of Indices, Inter-sectoral convergence, Local level Plans, Bureaucracy, Use of Pragmatism, etc.3. Issues faced in current planning models = Corruption, Red tapism, bureaucratic delays, Over-centralization4. Definition of Multi-level Planning 5. Significance of Multi-level planning = Bottom up approach, auditing, participation of local level community, etc.6. Case Study of Jal Jeevan Mission (Local Level Planning, Paani Panchayat)7. Conclusion 

My question is - it has been asked about making operations cost effective and remove multiple implementation blockages; So how these be focused in the point? Should i go more deep and dig into specifically how it makes operations cost effective and remove implementation blockages. 

This issue I have faced in almost all the "discuss" wale question with a statement. Can anyone tell me how to deal with these questions; Should i deconstruct them in generic - About, Issue, Solutions type or should i specifically deal with the complex statements given in the question? 

Say in the 3rd question, should i only write = what are the contentious points between USA and India and how should India approach them or should i deconstruct in What position USA is aspiring for India, What India wants, How there is conflict.... ? 

Similarly in the 4th question should i focus specifically and dig why there is lack of awareness and why there is no active involvement at all stages of policy process or simply = What Schemes, Issue in Schemes, and Way forward types? Please help here. Would appreciate! 


I have it on TG. DM me your user id and ill share it with ya!



I gave my first attempt/mains in 2019 but couldn't clear it. 

While i was trying to figure what went wrong - one important thing was proper deconstruction of some of the questions! For example in these questions, what heads/dimensions one need to cover  - can anyone experienced, who cleared this year's mains can answer? =     

1. ‘In the context of neo-liberal paradigm of development planning, multi-level planning is expected to make operations cost effective and remove many implementation blockages.’-Discuss. 

2. Performance of welfare schemes that are implemented for vulnerable sections is not so effective due to absence of their awareness and active involvement at all stages of policy process – Discuss

3. What introduces friction into the ties between India and the United States is that Washington is still unable to find for India a position in its global strategy, which would satisfy India’s National self- esteem and ambitions” Explain with suitable examples

4. Performance of welfare schemes that are implemented for vulnerable sections is not so effective due to absence of their awareness and active involvement at all stages of policy process – Discuss

For example in 1st one, what i wrote was = 1. Definition of Development Planning2. Key components of Planning (in neoliberal paradigm), example - Role of PPP, Use of Indices, Inter-sectoral convergence, Local level Plans, Bureaucracy, Use of Pragmatism, etc.3. Issues faced in current planning models = Corruption, Red tapism, bureaucratic delays, Over-centralization4. Definition of Multi-level Planning 5. Significance of Multi-level planning = Bottom up approach, auditing, participation of local level community, etc.6. Case Study of Jal Jeevan Mission (Local Level Planning, Paani Panchayat)7. Conclusion 

My question is - it has been asked about making operations cost effective and remove multiple implementation blockages; So how these be focused in the point? Should i go more deep and dig into specifically how it makes operations cost effective and remove implementation blockages. 

This issue I have faced in almost all the "discuss" wale question with a statement. Can anyone tell me how to deal with these questions; Should i deconstruct them in generic - About, Issue, Solutions type or should i specifically deal with the complex statements given in the question? 

Say in the 3rd question, should i only write = what are the contentious points between USA and India and how should India approach them or should i deconstruct in What position USA is aspiring for India, What India wants, How there is conflict.... ? 

Similarly in the 4th question should i focus specifically and dig why there is lack of awareness and why there is no active involvement at all stages of policy process or simply = What Schemes, Issue in Schemes, and Way forward types? Please help here. Would appreciate! 

Before I answer it, 2 caveat- Firstly, the below is my personal opinion. Secondly, it is easier for me to sit at home and give gyaan, than for you to attempt it in the examination hall. 

Let’s take 2 questions to see what approach to follow in such types of questions 

Question 1- What introduces friction into the ties between India and the United States is that Washington is still unable to find for India a position in its global strategy, which would satisfy India’s National self- esteem and ambitions” Explain with suitable examples

Approach- 1st step is to quick read the question and know that it’s about India USA and maybe issues between them

 - 2nd reading will be with pen underlining the major theme. Theme 1= friction(issues) between the two, theme 2= how Washington looks at india in its global strategy, Theme 3= India’s ambition and self esteem

 - The next thing is to do is chronologically arrange the themes in order for a structured flow. So for me it’ll be writing about theme 3 in the introduction. Body will be started with Theme 2 and linking it to theme 1. Conclusion will be way forward 

 - I am not diving into the exact content of the question for that’s not important. What’s important is the approach 

 - By doing the above, you ensure that you’ve covered the entire demand of the question. Even if you lack exact content you will be given average marks for covering the question holistically. That’s a pretty good outcome for a question which you feel is tough. 

Will the above approach make you write an ideal answer ? No. But it will give you the best chance to get average marks, which is better than thousands of others who made a mess of the question. 

Question 2 - Performance of welfare schemes that are implemented for vulnerable sections is not so effective due to absence of their awareness and active involvement at all stages of policy process – Discuss

Approach- in the first reading you ascertain that vaguely this question deals with critically analysing government scheme for vulnerable on 2 parameters

 - In 2nd reading on underlining we know that Theme 1= welfare scheme for vulnerable (you need to select few schemes), Theme 2= ineffective for reason of unawareness and not participatory, Theme 3= giving other reasons too (since it is discuss), theme 4= Way forward. 

 - In this question for me, the chronology fits as Theme 1-2-3-4

Now coming to the questions you’ve raised 

1. You will have to write 2-3 specific points on how multi level planning will aid in cost effectiveness and removing implementation blockage. Planning and implementing at local level will reduce leakage of funds, it will be easier to spread awareness and mobilise people, regular social auditing will ensure no corruption etc 

2. The big sentence type of questions need to be deconstructed to ensure you address the demand very specifically. If in the India-Usa question you talk about generic issues and way forward, you would have not met the demand of the question. You need to specifically talk about how usa views India in its global strategy and how that is bringing up issue. Eg Rather than an ally, it looks at India  from a transactional view->leads to economic issue like GSP/developing country status etc + USA looks at India as a counter to China but not a natural partner, this leads to issue over CAATSA 

"Cultural links are important but soft power has diminishing results." Examine.
@Villanelle That’s a very good answer. Some additions from my side.

Nye has categorised soft power into:
  1. Cultural
  2. Ideological
  3. Institutional
  • According to him soft power is always an extension of hard power. Soft power cannot exist on its own.
  • Also, soft power should have been decoupled from ideological supremacy and forcing other nations to adopt its culture, ideology and institutions.
  • E.g, of China: It has allowed other nations to follow their own path while working to increase interconnectedness. For instance, its BRI project to leverage of its capital and infrastructure led development.

@Naadan_Parinda I’ll take note, thanks :) I actually have PSIR optional so I could have written about soft power at length but I figured GS answer doesn’t need that. 

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