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Mission Mains 2021 - GS Paper 2 & 3

This is for those of you who are planning to write Mains 2020 ( subject to prelims happening ) and we clearing it. Nevertheless, in this time of lull, I am iniviting all people to come up with Mains related study material and Daily Q & A. I will be regular with the newspaper, my self and try to post questions. Anyone else interested, please contribute!

Let us have separate thread for GS Paper 4 & Essay as GS 2 and 3 are largely from current, and we can pool lot of questions.

If @root can help to pin it up, then we can begin with a small group.

Will help in daily accountability. 

root,Neyawnand62 otherslike this


‘Despite implementation of various programmes for eradication of poverty by the government in India, poverty is still existing.’ Explain by giving reasons.

Poverty is defined as unfreedom with respect to making choices and lack of opportunities to develop oneself fully.

 post independence Indian led govt has took the eradication of poverty in mission mode. Despite the best efforts poverty existing because.
1 traditional rural agrarian society dependent on agriculture for subsistence
2 lack of education and requisite skills to be employed
3  risk averse attitude - more job seekers than job givers
 4 deeply embedded concept of karma forcing people to believe in destiny
 5 lack of social over head capital , investment and entrepreneurial skills and zeal
6 high incidence of morbidity and mortality forcing people the out of pocket expenditure on Heath
7  side effects of collectivism seen in “ char log Kay kahenge “, status and prestige show off through big fat marriages And many cases even in daily life
 8 Indian economy is working with one hand with low Presence  of women In labor force
 9 many false claim of BPL by people to avail govt benefits
 10 low level of awareness and active participation of the people who actually need it

way forward
 promoting  awareness, active participation , self confidence, atma nirbharatha and spiritual uplifting  of people. Key lies in making masses understand the mantra “ where there is a will there is a way” .


@Yo_Yo_Choti_Singh How 2 manage ths ques in 10 min??The need for cooperation among various service sector has been an inherent component of development discourse. Partnership bridges bring the gap among the sectors. It also sets in motion a culture of ‘Collaboration’ and ‘team spirit’. In the light of statements above examine India’s Development process.(15)



@Yo_Yo_Choti_Singh How 2 manage ths ques in 10 min??The need for cooperation among various service sector has been an inherent component of development discourse. Partnership bridges bring the gap among the sectors. It also sets in motion a culture of ‘Collaboration’ and ‘team spirit’. In the light of statements above examine India’s Development process.(15)

Please excuse me but as I found this question interesting, I will try to give some insights as to what all came into my mind post reading this question and how i will tackle this question. Please let me know if I cater to the demand of the question and also feel free to provide suggestions/improvements.

Introduction- mention service as Tertiary activity and talk about how India skipped the middle level and jumped directly from primary stage to tertiary stage. Will also define what collaboration and team spirit is.

Body:-give certain explanations and examples abount/of services sector in India and how intra and inter-service collaboration works in India’s development.

Example 1:- explain how warehousing and transportation services are important in establishing food security in our country. Talk about how railway services and FCI storage services along with farmer’s effort are able to meet the food requirements of our country.Benefits-Stable income to farmers, food security, increased exports.

Example 2:- explain how telecommunication services are enabling India to excell in IT sector. For e.g., foreign investment attracted in India like the recent Jio-FB deal, companies such as Huawei will invest in India for 5G development. How these intra-service collaborations will ease the life of common citizens of India.

 Example 3:- explain how  increasing urban transportation service demand is helping in developing innovative transportation techniques and also attracting foreign investment like Ola-Über and how it is benefitting Indians like enabling people to move from one point to another and how income nets are offered to a large number of people. Also mention how such platforms and insurance companies are helping Indians to ensure a safe travel.

Example 4- Explain how collaboration of health services and insurance services have helped develop sound health Infra structure in India like how Health workers are helping India fight the pandemic and how Insurance companies are securing the health workers and citizens by providing diverse insurance products as safety nets.

Way forward:- here, ill try to suggest measures which can be adopted to address the gaps in above mentioned points like:-

a) further strengthen the storage infra as a large amount of food is wasted.

b) as a number of service provisions in future will require use of citizens data, a secure system should be established to prevent breach of privacy.

c) As Ola-über drivers, food delivery men etc are playing a vital role in present economy, they should be provided with some benefits as compared to that of a formal economy like paid leaves, insurance , pf etc.

Dijkstra,sonderand1 otherslike this


#2 Write a critical note on challenges to Self-reliance in the context of India's economy.

In an attempt to work on the famous saying of Winston Churchill "never let a good crisis go to waste", India has embarked upon a bold program of Self-reliance in the midst of Covid-19. The program is named 'Atma Nirbhar Bharat Abhiyaan'.

Components of Self-reliance -

Economy, Infrastructure, Systems, Demography, Demand

Challenges in achieving Self-reliance - 

1. Economic challenges - land acquisition, complex and rigid labor laws, low investment in R&D, lack of innovation and push towards entrepreneurship

2. Infra challenges - lack of forward and backward linkages for the industry, investment, technology

3. Systemic challenges - tax structure, financial system, supply chains, technology access and use, governance-related red-tapism and complex law structure, financial literacy

4. Demographic challenges - low employability, lack of skills, quickly rushing through the golden period of demographic dividend

5. Demand related challenges - As per Household Consumer Expenditure in India Survey conducted by NSO -consumer spending has declined for the first time in four decades in 2017-18

A clear path to work on aspects related to land, labor, liquidity, and laws will prove to be a big boost to attract investment and serve as a strong foundation of our Make In India program. Promoting local will help revive the demand that will eventually help achieve a Self-reliant India.

I think someone is deleting my comments. Anyway, this is a little off the mark. There are inherent challenges to Self Reliance. 4 Areas Primarily - Energy Security, Defence Procurement, Forex Reserves, and a few more. 

Just suggestions. It was covered in Hindu Article 2 days back. 


Q1 Discuss the impact of Covid-19 on Society. What new social problems has arisen out of it?  ( GS 1 )

Negative impacts of the COVID- 

1. Financial burden on the families of daily wage workers, vendors etc. 

2. Hostilities against the people with travel history and  Corona warriors such as doctors, nurses, pilots etc being shown by their landlords or their neighbours. 

3. Panic buying leading to actual shortage of goods.

4. Due to migrants workers returning to their villages- defeminization of agriculture.

5. Since Schools not opening, MDM also affected and thus the hidden hunger issue rising up. 

6. Cases of domestic violence and child abuse increasing. 

7. Increased uncertainty, stress and anxiety - leading to more mental health related issues. 

8. Migrant workers badly affected - unable to go to their village - dying of hunger, road accidents, heat strokes.

9. Since lesser expenses - no transport being used, energy requirements less, the personal disposable income increasing. Also the govt. need extra measures to cater to vulnerable section and to boost the economy - FD will increase. 

10. The PwDs facing lot more issues due to the lack of availability, accessibility and affordability of the health care services. The stigma associated with COvid - stopping the people from being helpful, since many require human manual support.   


1. Environment impact.

2. Social institutions like family bond etc - getting stronger since more time with family. 

3. Elders being taken care of.

4. The savings increasing. 

4. Behavioral change in people - towards the street vendors, house help, doctors, nurses, house wives etc. 

5. The duty enshrined in the FD i.e. to ensure harmony and brotherhood among its citizens - being reassured.

Way forward - 

1.The DBT is proving helpful in the current situation, but the district administration need to make sure, those not having the Jan dhan account - also are addressed.

2. The MDM as being continued in states - the concerned authority need to make sure it reaches all those who are enrolled, keeping in mind the 2 gaz ki doori principle.

3.Call centers can be made active and reach out to those suffering from domestic violence, child abuse or depression.

4. The migrants workers who are stranded, can be made to stay in the closed schools or other public places - till the time proper arrangements for their transport aren't made. 

The hostilities being shown against the corona warriors and against the people returning from abroad - seems relatively a whole new problem- but this seems to be a temporary issue. However the intensified version of all the already existing social issues need to be addressed with a better approach as well. 

No 1,goldberryand1 otherslike this

Q1 Discuss the impact of Covid-19 on Society. What new social problems has arisen out of it?  ( GS 1 )

Negative impacts of the COVID- 

1. Financial burden on the families of daily wage workers, vendors etc. 

2. Hostilities against the people with travel history and  Corona warriors such as doctors, nurses, pilots etc being shown by their landlords or their neighbours. 

3. Panic buying leading to actual shortage of goods.

4. Due to migrants workers returning to their villages- defeminization of agriculture.

5. Since Schools not opening, MDM also affected and thus the hidden hunger issue rising up. 

6. Cases of domestic violence and child abuse increasing. 

7. Increased uncertainty, stress and anxiety - leading to more mental health related issues. 

8. Migrant workers badly affected - unable to go to their village - dying of hunger, road accidents, heat strokes.

9. Since lesser expenses - no transport being used, energy requirements less, the personal disposable income increasing. Also the govt. need extra measures to cater to vulnerable section and to boost the economy - FD will increase. 

10. The PwDs facing lot more issues due to the lack of availability, accessibility and affordability of the health care services. The stigma associated with COvid - stopping the people from being helpful, since many require human manual support.   


1. Environment impact.

2. Social institutions like family bond etc - getting stronger since more time with family. 

3. Elders being taken care of.

4. The savings increasing. 

4. Behavioral change in people - towards the street vendors, house help, doctors, nurses, house wives etc. 

5. The duty enshrined in the FD i.e. to ensure harmony and brotherhood among its citizens - being reassured.

Way forward - 

1.The DBT is proving helpful in the current situation, but the district administration need to make sure, those not having the Jan dhan account - also are addressed.

2. The MDM as being continued in states - the concerned authority need to make sure it reaches all those who are enrolled, keeping in mind the 2 gaz ki doori principle.

3.Call centers can be made active and reach out to those suffering from domestic violence, child abuse or depression.

4. The migrants workers who are stranded, can be made to stay in the closed schools or other public places - till the time proper arrangements for their transport aren't made. 

The hostilities being shown against the corona warriors and against the people returning from abroad - seems relatively a whole new problem- but this seems to be a temporary issue. However the intensified version of all the already existing social issues need to be addressed with a better approach as well. 

@goldberry Am i approaching this question correctly? 

I think i haven't addressed the second part of the question sufficiently. What can i add in. Please suggest.

Thank you :) 



@Yo_Yo_Choti_Singh How 2 manage ths ques in 10 min??The need for cooperation among various service sector has been an inherent component of development discourse. Partnership bridges bring the gap among the sectors. It also sets in motion a culture of ‘Collaboration’ and ‘team spirit’. In the light of statements above examine India’s Development process.(15)

Development processes and the development industry- the role of NGOs, SHGs, various groups and associations, donors, charities, institutional and other stakeholders - GS 2 Topic 10/11

Ye topic agar yaad h mind mein to contour will be easy and comprehensive. 

Such questions are largely BAKAR QUESTIONS which need flow charts and overall touching of points with specific examples at some points.

I will TRY to include following things in my answer (NOT WRITING EXACT ANSWER AS IT DOESN'T MATTER - APPROACH IS IMPORTANT)

"EXACT Copy Paste Headings" can best save in such questions like

1a.Need of Cooperation across sectors and how it's inherent development discourse (4-5 lines opening remarks with one good example like Telecom/Airways !) 

1b. How the partnership or collaboration bridged the gaps and help set in motion a culture of cooperation and team spirit : again give one two specific examples.

2. India's Development process : better to make a basic flow chart here about various era like Nehruvian >>Indira >>Rajiv >>LPG era >>New India era

3. How cooperation, collaboration and partnership impacted India's development discourse : HERE DUMP IN WHATEVER COMES IN YOUR MIND. GIVE MAXIMUM EXAMPLES POINTS DATA etc here andMENTION ALL SYLLABUS TERMS IN BETWEEN LIKE PPP SHG CHARITY ORGANIZATION NGOs etc You can also go paper wise examples like one from history one from geography one polity one or two from pub adm one two from economy and ONE FROM ETHICS PERSPECTIVE !

4. Limitations / challenges till now in this development discourse and collaboration and Way forward: 

Drop key points /names of NITI AAYOG ECO SURVEY MODI JI BUDGET SPEECH WTO etc in this part.

Bss ban gayi khichdi. Jesa vague question vesa vague answer ;)


Deepak802,Tetsukoand11 otherslike this

Q1 Discuss the impact of Covid-19 on Society. What new social problems has arisen out of it?  ( GS 1 )

Negative impacts of the COVID- 

1. Financial burden on the families of daily wage workers, vendors etc. 

2. Hostilities against the people with travel history and  Corona warriors such as doctors, nurses, pilots etc being shown by their landlords or their neighbours. 

3. Panic buying leading to actual shortage of goods.

4. Due to migrants workers returning to their villages- defeminization of agriculture.

5. Since Schools not opening, MDM also affected and thus the hidden hunger issue rising up. 

6. Cases of domestic violence and child abuse increasing. 

7. Increased uncertainty, stress and anxiety - leading to more mental health related issues. 

8. Migrant workers badly affected - unable to go to their village - dying of hunger, road accidents, heat strokes.

9. Since lesser expenses - no transport being used, energy requirements less, the personal disposable income increasing. Also the govt. need extra measures to cater to vulnerable section and to boost the economy - FD will increase. 

10. The PwDs facing lot more issues due to the lack of availability, accessibility and affordability of the health care services. The stigma associated with COvid - stopping the people from being helpful, since many require human manual support.   


1. Environment impact.

2. Social institutions like family bond etc - getting stronger since more time with family. 

3. Elders being taken care of.

4. The savings increasing. 

4. Behavioral change in people - towards the street vendors, house help, doctors, nurses, house wives etc. 

5. The duty enshrined in the FD i.e. to ensure harmony and brotherhood among its citizens - being reassured.

Way forward - 

1.The DBT is proving helpful in the current situation, but the district administration need to make sure, those not having the Jan dhan account - also are addressed.

2. The MDM as being continued in states - the concerned authority need to make sure it reaches all those who are enrolled, keeping in mind the 2 gaz ki doori principle.

3.Call centers can be made active and reach out to those suffering from domestic violence, child abuse or depression.

4. The migrants workers who are stranded, can be made to stay in the closed schools or other public places - till the time proper arrangements for their transport aren't made. 

The hostilities being shown against the corona warriors and against the people returning from abroad - seems relatively a whole new problem- but this seems to be a temporary issue. However the intensified version of all the already existing social issues need to be addressed with a better approach as well. 

While your answer has good points, my suggestion would be to structure it better. 

Impact On society - create subheadings and subpoints - Women/Labour/Children/Elderly/Disabled etc. 

Similarly for social problems. 

I think it would reflect more clarity of thought. 

In this answer I am most likely to not read post point 3. 


Q1 Discuss the impact of Covid-19 on Society. What new social problems has arisen out of it?  ( GS 1 )

Negative impacts of the COVID- 

1. Financial burden on the families of daily wage workers, vendors etc. 

2. Hostilities against the people with travel history and  Corona warriors such as doctors, nurses, pilots etc being shown by their landlords or their neighbours. 

3. Panic buying leading to actual shortage of goods.

4. Due to migrants workers returning to their villages- defeminization of agriculture.

5. Since Schools not opening, MDM also affected and thus the hidden hunger issue rising up. 

6. Cases of domestic violence and child abuse increasing. 

7. Increased uncertainty, stress and anxiety - leading to more mental health related issues. 

8. Migrant workers badly affected - unable to go to their village - dying of hunger, road accidents, heat strokes.

9. Since lesser expenses - no transport being used, energy requirements less, the personal disposable income increasing. Also the govt. need extra measures to cater to vulnerable section and to boost the economy - FD will increase. 

10. The PwDs facing lot more issues due to the lack of availability, accessibility and affordability of the health care services. The stigma associated with COvid - stopping the people from being helpful, since many require human manual support.   


1. Environment impact.

2. Social institutions like family bond etc - getting stronger since more time with family. 

3. Elders being taken care of.

4. The savings increasing. 

4. Behavioral change in people - towards the street vendors, house help, doctors, nurses, house wives etc. 

5. The duty enshrined in the FD i.e. to ensure harmony and brotherhood among its citizens - being reassured.

Way forward - 

1.The DBT is proving helpful in the current situation, but the district administration need to make sure, those not having the Jan dhan account - also are addressed.

2. The MDM as being continued in states - the concerned authority need to make sure it reaches all those who are enrolled, keeping in mind the 2 gaz ki doori principle.

3.Call centers can be made active and reach out to those suffering from domestic violence, child abuse or depression.

4. The migrants workers who are stranded, can be made to stay in the closed schools or other public places - till the time proper arrangements for their transport aren't made. 

The hostilities being shown against the corona warriors and against the people returning from abroad - seems relatively a whole new problem- but this seems to be a temporary issue. However the intensified version of all the already existing social issues need to be addressed with a better approach as well. 

While your answer has good points, my suggestion would be to structure it better. 

Impact On society - create subheadings and subpoints - Women/Labour/Children/Elderly/Disabled etc. 

Similarly for social problems. 

I think it would reflect more clarity of thought. 

In this answer I am most likely to not read post point 3. 

Ohh okay. Thanks for your feedback @Upsc_2020 .Will work on that. 


Q1 Discuss the impact of Covid-19 on Society. What new social problems has arisen out of it?  ( GS 1 )

Negative impacts of the COVID- 

1. Financial burden on the families of daily wage workers, vendors etc. 

2. Hostilities against the people with travel history and  Corona warriors such as doctors, nurses, pilots etc being shown by their landlords or their neighbours. 

3. Panic buying leading to actual shortage of goods.

4. Due to migrants workers returning to their villages- defeminization of agriculture.

5. Since Schools not opening, MDM also affected and thus the hidden hunger issue rising up. 

6. Cases of domestic violence and child abuse increasing. 

7. Increased uncertainty, stress and anxiety - leading to more mental health related issues. 

8. Migrant workers badly affected - unable to go to their village - dying of hunger, road accidents, heat strokes.

9. Since lesser expenses - no transport being used, energy requirements less, the personal disposable income increasing. Also the govt. need extra measures to cater to vulnerable section and to boost the economy - FD will increase. 

10. The PwDs facing lot more issues due to the lack of availability, accessibility and affordability of the health care services. The stigma associated with COvid - stopping the people from being helpful, since many require human manual support.   


1. Environment impact.

2. Social institutions like family bond etc - getting stronger since more time with family. 

3. Elders being taken care of.

4. The savings increasing. 

4. Behavioral change in people - towards the street vendors, house help, doctors, nurses, house wives etc. 

5. The duty enshrined in the FD i.e. to ensure harmony and brotherhood among its citizens - being reassured.

Way forward - 

1.The DBT is proving helpful in the current situation, but the district administration need to make sure, those not having the Jan dhan account - also are addressed.

2. The MDM as being continued in states - the concerned authority need to make sure it reaches all those who are enrolled, keeping in mind the 2 gaz ki doori principle.

3.Call centers can be made active and reach out to those suffering from domestic violence, child abuse or depression.

4. The migrants workers who are stranded, can be made to stay in the closed schools or other public places - till the time proper arrangements for their transport aren't made. 

The hostilities being shown against the corona warriors and against the people returning from abroad - seems relatively a whole new problem- but this seems to be a temporary issue. However the intensified version of all the already existing social issues need to be addressed with a better approach as well. 

While your answer has good points, my suggestion would be to structure it better. 

Impact On society - create subheadings and subpoints - Women/Labour/Children/Elderly/Disabled etc. 

Similarly for social problems. 

I think it would reflect more clarity of thought. 

In this answer I am most likely to not read post point 3. 

Post point 3 of what?

Negatives, positives or way forward?

» show previous quotes

Post point 3 of what?

Negatives, positives or way forward?

Point 3 was allegorical. But yes, an examiner burdened with 100 copies isn't going to read 20 points. An answer needs to be made presentable. 

Every candidate has similar points. What differentiates a Dabi from a Tabi is the way the answer is written. Esp in such questions wherein you've multiple stakeholders, impact areas. 

It's just a suggestion. I may be wrong. 

GaryVee,mickeyviruand3 otherslike this
» show previous quotes

Point 3 was allegorical. But yes, an examiner burdened with 100 copies isn't going to read 20 points. An answer needs to be made presentable. 

Every candidate has similar points. What differentiates a Dabi from a Tabi is the way the answer is written. Esp in such questions wherein you've multiple stakeholders, impact areas. 

It's just a suggestion. I may be wrong. 

Baaki sab samjh aaya first sentence ko chor kar.

» show previous quotes

Point 3 was allegorical. But yes, an examiner burdened with 100 copies isn't going to read 20 points. An answer needs to be made presentable. 

Every candidate has similar points. What differentiates a Dabi from a Tabi is the way the answer is written. Esp in such questions wherein you've multiple stakeholders, impact areas. 

It's just a suggestion. I may be wrong. 

Baaki sab samjh aaya first sentence ko chor kar.

Just a way to put it. I am not specifically referring to Point 3. 

» show previous quotes

Point 3 was allegorical. But yes, an examiner burdened with 100 copies isn't going to read 20 points. An answer needs to be made presentable. 

Every candidate has similar points. What differentiates a Dabi from a Tabi is the way the answer is written. Esp in such questions wherein you've multiple stakeholders, impact areas. 

It's just a suggestion. I may be wrong. 

Baaki sab samjh aaya first sentence ko chor kar.

Just a way to put it. I am not specifically referring to Point 3. 


» show previous quotes

Post point 3 of what?

Negatives, positives or way forward?

Point 3 was allegorical. But yes, an examiner burdened with 100 copies isn't going to read 20 points. An answer needs to be made presentable. 

Every candidate has similar points. What differentiates a Dabi from a Tabi is the way the answer is written. Esp in such questions wherein you've multiple stakeholders, impact areas. 

It's just a suggestion. I may be wrong. 

True that!!

The most crucial aspect of answer writing.

» show previous quotes

Post point 3 of what?

Negatives, positives or way forward?

Point 3 was allegorical. But yes, an examiner burdened with 100 copies isn't going to read 20 points. An answer needs to be made presentable. 

Every candidate has similar points. What differentiates a Dabi from a Tabi is the way the answer is written. Esp in such questions wherein you've multiple stakeholders, impact areas. 

It's just a suggestion. I may be wrong. 


Tabi and dabi, how did you make that up? 

» show previous quotes

Post point 3 of what?

Negatives, positives or way forward?

Point 3 was allegorical. But yes, an examiner burdened with 100 copies isn't going to read 20 points. An answer needs to be made presentable. 

Every candidate has similar points. What differentiates a Dabi from a Tabi is the way the answer is written. Esp in such questions wherein you've multiple stakeholders, impact areas. 

It's just a suggestion. I may be wrong. 


Tabi and dabi, how did you make that up? 




#2 Write a critical note on challenges to Self-reliance in the context of India's economy.

In an attempt to work on the famous saying of Winston Churchill "never let a good crisis go to waste", India has embarked upon a bold program of Self-reliance in the midst of Covid-19. The program is named 'Atma Nirbhar Bharat Abhiyaan'.

Components of Self-reliance -

Economy, Infrastructure, Systems, Demography, Demand

Challenges in achieving Self-reliance - 

1. Economic challenges - land acquisition, complex and rigid labor laws, low investment in R&D, lack of innovation and push towards entrepreneurship

2. Infra challenges - lack of forward and backward linkages for the industry, investment, technology

3. Systemic challenges - tax structure, financial system, supply chains, technology access and use, governance-related red-tapism and complex law structure, financial literacy

4. Demographic challenges - low employability, lack of skills, quickly rushing through the golden period of demographic dividend

5. Demand related challenges - As per Household Consumer Expenditure in India Survey conducted by NSO -consumer spending has declined for the first time in four decades in 2017-18

A clear path to work on aspects related to land, labor, liquidity, and laws will prove to be a big boost to attract investment and serve as a strong foundation of our Make In India program. Promoting local will help revive the demand that will eventually help achieve a Self-reliant India.

I think someone is deleting my comments. Anyway, this is a little off the mark. There are inherent challenges to Self Reliance. 4 Areas Primarily - Energy Security, Defence Procurement, Forex Reserves, and a few more. 

Just suggestions. It was covered in Hindu Article 2 days back. 

Hey, thanks for the feedback@goldberry. I did not stick to the challenges specifically related to the economy of the country. I'll work on it and also check out the article.

The life cycle of a joint family depends on economic factors rather than social values. Discuss. (200 words) 10 marks
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