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Mains 2021: Doubt and strategy discussion thread

I don't know what to say, really. Prelims is over. The discussion as regards the authenticity of answer keys is the most futile discussion. So, I am creating this thread as a necessary and much-needed diversion. Three months to the biggest battle of our professional lives begins now. All comes down to how we heal and grow from now on, and either, we heal or we're gonna crumble. Day by day

We're in a toxic environment right now, fellas. Believe me. And, we can stay here, get the s**t kicked out of us, or we can fight our way back into the light. Mains is the road ahead for everyone of us notwithstanding our current predicament. So, let's continue to fight and not let our guard down.

Yours faithfully

Civil Services (Main) Examination, 2020 is to be conducted on 8,9,10,16,17 January, 2021.

1.Topic wise questions compilation from PYQs-

2.Previous years' question papers collection- Essay, GS I, GS II, GS III, GS IV, PSIR

3.New emerging technologies fodder

5. This is awebsite by CSE 2019 selected candidates. Contains a lot of info ontest series/answer writingand alsohasGS notes.Must go through! =>   

6. World history notes of Shreyans Kumat Rank 4, UPSC CSE 2018:  

7. Download Anudeep Sir's hand made notes from here. From GS 1 to GS 4, everything:

8.Ethics keywords' definition table:

This will keep you going-
jack_Sparrow,Deepak802and112 otherslike this



Hello friends, do any library in ORN charge on daily basis

I want to write mains test there, as the coaching institutes are not available to write offline tests

I'm currently working as School teacher in a Private school. Should i mention this in employment or not. If yes then employment is permanent or temporary?

Mention it! Will help you in interview. One of their fav things to are teacher tell us how an ideal education system should be? :D


Can anyone help me to understand this-what is automated or automatic mutations? 


VisionIAS is engaged in Gross Malpractise. They charging for the test series without mentioning about non-availability of offline test centre. I took the test series for Mains 2020 and cannot write it at home....

What should i do? Please help. I live in Chhatarpur, Delhi.


Right, so I have a lot of individualised ideas regarding mains in my head, and this is an attempt to achieving some clarity in those thoughts.Penning them down for my own further reference.Feel free to ignore.

In other words, here is a "Bunch of Thoughts"I write to myself(Although much more benign than Golwalkar's) lest I forget or lose sight of them later. They are mostly in the nature of thumb rules I intend to follow:


1.93 daysmust be used forconsolidation of information, achieving crystal clearclarityon the things you already know, andpractice. Revision andRe-revisionis key. For this, the crispest of notes is necessary. You are not a genius, do not act like one. Consolidate and consolidate again.

2.Prioritise maximising score over acquiring information.

3.Prioritise certain parts of the syllabus over others, but do not ignore anything at all.

4.Cost-benefit analysisfor every single thing you do. Time is the most scarce resource.

5.Optional>Essay, Ethics>General Studies 1, 2 and 3in that order in terms of variability of score.

6.Plan less and execute more.

7.Too many cooks spoil the broth.Listen to yourselfand trust your understanding of the exam when in doubt. However, this should not stop you from being adaptable, when it makes sense to tweak own understanding.


8.Answer writing practice without content is useless. However,do focus on presentation as well so that the battlefield in the mind is not accurately represented in the sheets in front of you.

9. Do not fall into thetrap of trying to draw too many diagrams/ flowcharts at the expenseof quality content. You are terrible at drawing things. Your chicken looks like a horse. Quality first, always. You cannot hope to dupe the examiner with a flowchart.

10. 30-45 seconds tounderstand the demand of the question and structure answer accordingly will pay you a rich dividend.

11. 150 and 250 words isn't a lot at all.Each word must be pregnant with meaning, as far as possible. Do not exceed word limit; adhere to time limit.Filling space without content is a waste of time.

12. Must learn todifferentiate the paper from that of the crowd. Sell what you have produced over what the next person has.Statistics help, relevant graphs help, examples help, SDGs help, best practices help. But only if they are relevant to the demand of the question.Otherwise, you would only succeed in looking like a blithering idiot.

13. Be a generalist in GS.Prioritise breadth over depth as a rule. Converse is the exception. Deeper you go into one point, the less of other dimensions you'll be able to show in one answer. 

14. Be a specialist in optional as a rule.Prioritise depth over breadth as a rule. Converse is the exception.

15. Try andlink everything with what is happeningin the world around you.

16.Ready made intros and conclusions for hot topics.

Essay and GS

17.GS1:Too many books involved and too little time; must do bare minimum in new topics such as World History to achieve average marks. Be good atmodern History, use quotesto add value. LearnMaps for Geography,they can add value.Use examples and link Society with Current Affairs. In fact, as a rule, Point 15.Accept that I cannot aim for top marks in this, aim for above average and do not be disappointed with average.

18.GS 2:Mustde-specialise. I might know Constitutional law, but the paper is not about that.IR is generally high yielding; overprepare, but don't underprepare. No room for complacency,tread extremely carefully. Go back toPoint 15.

19.GS-3:Do not underestimate the utility ofEconomic Survey for the past 2 years. Paper is extremely dynamic in nature.MUST MUST MUST adhere to Points 11 and 15 to maximise score.Consolidate from Newspapers, online sources. Can be highly scoring if dealt with appropriately.Paper is dynamic, answer sheet must correspond to that demand.NITI AayogVision Documentis a goldmine.

20. GS4:Do not get too bookish. However, basis past year papers,do not ignore books altogethereither.Think deeply about the keywords in the syllabus, and use it as an opportunity to express myself as an administrator on the answer sheet.This takes work. Can creep up on you if ignored. Must give due focus every single day.Think about case studies.Read up on renowned officers in service.

21.Essay:Could be ticket to interview if dealt with appropriately. Learn the art fromtopper copieslike Vikram Grewal's. Content from GS preparation will be enough. But the beauty of the essay lies elsewhere. Focus onpossible themes, have ready ideasto be used and work on them.Maximise breadth of dimensionsin both the essays. Focus onflow of thought. Best opportunity to show clarity of thought.Do not yap awayjust because you have 1200 words.Write concisely, and stick closely to the topic.Do not go on a tanget because you think the tangent is beautiful. Demand of the paper>Beauty of the essay.


22. Make or break.Work on it every single day.Differentiate answer from a guide-based answer at every possible occasion.Examiner is a specialist. Attempt to speak to the examiner at the same level.

23. Be careful not to show off knowledge.Demand of the question is paramount.

24. MUST NAIL IT, no two ways about it.Study for 320, be content with 300. Nothing less than that.Single most important thing.

Compulsory Paper

25. No room for complacency. Get evaluated basis past year papers early enough. Do not wait till the last minute to do this.

Freedom in the mind

Remember that in mains, the ball is in your court. It's about what you show to the examiner. Flaunt the good, hide the bad.Prune the good so they appear fantastic, work on the bad to the level they seem passable.Play to your strengths, work on your weakness.If you ignore your weaknesses, you will be found out.Stay authenticduring the preparation, do not follow the herd.Do not do things that do not work for you.Do not try to be a person different from yourself.Work on yourself, get closer to yourself.Victory in the mind is key to victory elsewhere.

Can we just appreciate the Golwalkar's Bunch of Thoughtswala humor in this post, which@Patootie has smartly slipped in while writing it?


Will Donate monthly completed material(mrunal P.Y.Q book,past 3 magazines in 15 days)send postal adress to premchand253@gmail


560- Keywords for Mains 2019 & 20_theIAShub_F_S_I.pdf  

Keywords to enhance Mains answers. 

@peterparker heres the link

Has anyone signed up for mains 365 classes? Have they provided you with their booklets?


Has anyone signed up for mains 365 classes? Have they provided you with their booklets?

I have not signed up, but I have intel input that social issues and 1-2 more are out there in orn copiers .

Has anyone enrolled in IAS NETWORK evaluation? or have knowledge of its quality ?
pls suggest some topics for Essay ? to prepare fodder points. . 

If anyone can get the full access to this article, kindly plz share the PDF. Thank You. :)

Dengue took away 15 days of preparation. Please reshare the important links that needs to be added to the post. I've not been regular with the thread.
Can someone suggest a good summary of the ARC reports? Thank you - kind people of Forum!
A teacher is needed

Someone posted here that QCAB of Mains has slightly different dimensions than A4. Does anyone know what are the dimesnsions of answer writing space.. I mean how much border should I leave in A4 while practising? 

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