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Mains 2021: Doubt and strategy discussion thread

I don't know what to say, really. Prelims is over. The discussion as regards the authenticity of answer keys is the most futile discussion. So, I am creating this thread as a necessary and much-needed diversion. Three months to the biggest battle of our professional lives begins now. All comes down to how we heal and grow from now on, and either, we heal or we're gonna crumble. Day by day

We're in a toxic environment right now, fellas. Believe me. And, we can stay here, get the s**t kicked out of us, or we can fight our way back into the light. Mains is the road ahead for everyone of us notwithstanding our current predicament. So, let's continue to fight and not let our guard down.

Yours faithfully

Civil Services (Main) Examination, 2020 is to be conducted on 8,9,10,16,17 January, 2021.

1.Topic wise questions compilation from PYQs-

2.Previous years' question papers collection- Essay, GS I, GS II, GS III, GS IV, PSIR

3.New emerging technologies fodder

5. This is awebsite by CSE 2019 selected candidates. Contains a lot of info ontest series/answer writingand alsohasGS notes.Must go through! =>   

6. World history notes of Shreyans Kumat Rank 4, UPSC CSE 2018:  

7. Download Anudeep Sir's hand made notes from here. From GS 1 to GS 4, everything:

8.Ethics keywords' definition table:

This will keep you going-
jack_Sparrow,Deepak802and112 otherslike this


@Piyadasi_Doe same. Which batch?
It has been 6 days since I have studied a word for the upcoming mains. Why do you ask? DENGUE. Won't be able to do so for 2-3 days more at least. I feel so dejected at my present circumstance right now.
Just came here to advise you guys to take extra care and caution for the upcoming two months so you peeps do not suffer the same fate as mine. Stay safe guys.

Take care boss. Some unsolicited advice coming. Dengue is bad, same time last year suffered from it. Platelets went down to 50k. Just telling this to tell you to not do the mistake I did. Post-dengue care is important. Dengue being a viral infection breaks you from inside and has effects even after the fever subsiding. please start some Yoga, meditation and taking multivitamins-multimineral post fever. Post dengue, fever subsides but the body is still fatigued from all the fight it had to do. Ensure nourishing it well. slight exercise may help, but longer walks/jogs not recommended. (I got severely fatigued when I thought I was the super man and did a jog) Joint pain would be a reality post fever, try finding a comfortable space, chair and posture to study. 

And for now, Fluids fluids fluids. Force yourself to drink more than you can. (Water) 

That was all for today's episode of Unsolicited advice. :D Take care man. 

P. S Dengue has turned deadly in the last few weeks in North India. We have more patients of Dengue than COVID here in my hometown. Do not let even a single mosquito survive around you. Time is too important. 

Oasis,Auroraand8 otherslike this

Same. Which batch?


Me with my new V7 :) experiment worked, hope you all find the pens you deserve.

Hoping that the pen releases a solid patronus, sheilding you from those ugly dementors while writing mains. 

Few tips with V7:

1. It oozss ink if you press it hard while writing. And if paper quality is bad, then the ink will reflect on the other side of the paper. Try this- remove pen's body, and then try writing it with bare refill. If it suits you, then your hand will feel liberating, as the heavy body will no more trouble you.

2. Instead of purchasing a new refill, try to refill it yourself with luxor's official ink cartridge. ₹15 per bottle. Sasta. Sundar. Tikau.

Hey, Looks like I am missing something please help me here. The V7 I have started to use does not seem to have a refill. Isn't This the popular V7? This was working pretty good, but can't find a refill in this. Either I am using the wrong pen or I have lost ability to change a refill. :D


Me with my new V7 :) experiment worked, hope you all find the pens you deserve.

Hoping that the pen releases a solid patronus, sheilding you from those ugly dementors while writing mains. 

Few tips with V7:

1. It oozss ink if you press it hard while writing. And if paper quality is bad, then the ink will reflect on the other side of the paper. Try this- remove pen's body, and then try writing it with bare refill. If it suits you, then your hand will feel liberating, as the heavy body will no more trouble you.

2. Instead of purchasing a new refill, try to refill it yourself with luxor's official ink cartridge. ₹15 per bottle. Sasta. Sundar. Tikau.

Hey, Looks like I am missing something please help me here. The V7 I have started to use does not seem to have a refill. Isn't This the popular V7? This was working pretty good, but can't find a refill in this. Either I am using the wrong pen or I have lost ability to change a refill. :D

Same one. Have you tried twisting the top half of the pen? 😛

Anyone here who has joined Dipin Sir’s CA classes? 
@AlexanderSupertramp Already taking those papaya leaf extracts mate. My doctor has given me some platelets increasing tablets too. By God's Grace, My platelets are north of 1 lakh now.
@thepolicydreamer  I totally agree mate. Currently, I feel weak even if I sit for more than an hour straight. I have to plan strategically according to my present health levels!
P.S.- thanks for the advice guys. It serves well!

Oasis,EiChanand6 otherslike this
Anyone here who has joined Dipin Sir’s CA classes? 

Yes, Me. 


@whatonly yes that is the refill. It looks like patanjali's divya eye drop ka dabba. Easily available in local stationary shop. Can be used to refill both v5 &v7

@thepolicydreamer ,to refill, remove the refill from middle. And slowly pour the drops from the bottle. ROTATE 180° AFTER POURING THE DROPS, SLOWLY, so that the ink seeps into the catridge. Warna, the roller won't allow that easy seepage. Don't try to insert ink via twisting the top part. Scissors plyer leke mat baith jana :)

Watch it from 2:50 minutes, this will clear the enigma- 


@whatonly yes that is the refill. It looks like patanjali's divya eye drop ka dabba. Easily available in local stationary shop. Can be used to refill both v5 &v7

@thepolicydreamer ,to refill, remove the refill from middle. And slowly pour the drops from the bottle. ROTATE 180° AFTER POURING THE DROPS, SLOWLY, so that the ink seeps into the catridge. Warna, the roller won't allow that easy seepage. Don't try to insert ink via twisting the top part. Scissors plyer leke mat baith jana :)

Watch it from 2:50 minutes, this will clear the enigma- 

Sorry to be this like this, from morning every hour I have been trying to get a refill out of this pen but to no use. I was almost done chewing the pen to get a refill out and then I realised something is wrong. I searched, I realised actually this is not V7 I have. There are two types of V7 apparently,  and the 


Same. Which batch?



@whatonly yes that is the refill. It looks like patanjali's divya eye drop ka dabba. Easily available in local stationary shop. Can be used to refill both v5 &v7

@thepolicydreamer ,to refill, remove the refill from middle. And slowly pour the drops from the bottle. ROTATE 180° AFTER POURING THE DROPS, SLOWLY, so that the ink seeps into the catridge. Warna, the roller won't allow that easy seepage. Don't try to insert ink via twisting the top part. Scissors plyer leke mat baith jana :)

Watch it from 2:50 minutes, this will clear the enigma- 

Sorry to be this like this, from morning every hour I have been trying to get a refill out of this pen but to no use. I was almost done chewing the pen to get a refill out and then I realised something is wrong. I searched, I realised actually this is not V7 I have. There are two types of V7 apparently,  ) and . Mine is the first one Sada V7. And this 2nd Masala V7 is "V7 cartridge system"I hopethis is the right thing, hope I have cracked it, buying the new masala V7 will sort this out and I have not lost my ability to change refills. :D 

P. S I was supposed to study Indo-Afghan relations apparently but how about a 15 Marker on types of V7. :D 

Edit: Links are behaving weirdly,   

Do we have to send Hard Copy of DAF to UPSC (anyone who has read 25 page instructions..Plzz confirm )
@thepolicydreamer  there is no original ink for V7.I bought Pilot ink for INR 400 . Yet, the quality differs. Better for rough you may try refill and while writing mocks and mains exam go for original V7 pen. 

*DAF Query*

Should we write about our internships in the employment column ? .. as there is an option of Ad Hoc employment ? 

I had done two months paid foreign internships during my engineering back in 2015-16. I was thinking of writing about it as it maybe a differentiating factor for my DAF. 

But then it was way back and technically an internship is not an employment. 

Any suggestion guys ? 

*DAF Query*

Should we write about our internships in the employment column ? .. as there is an option of Ad Hoc employment ? 

I had done two months paid foreign internships during my engineering back in 2015-16. I was thinking of writing about it as it maybe a differentiating factor for my DAF. 

But then it was way back and technically an internship is not an employment. 

Any suggestion guys ? 

Completely your choice. Lot of people have put it in their DAF under employment. Have not been penalised for it. if you put it, be prepared to answer questions from that part. Thats all.

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir

@Neyawn Thank you, Sir. 

Hello guys, can someone tell me if there’s any specific committee that has given recommendations on e-Governance apart from the 2nd ARC? Thanks in advance. 

    Seems irrelevant to post here but much needed.... pls 

Do anyone has saumya's contact either email or mobile number. she is the main petitioner in EWS Case... is you have i pls PM me... i will very applaud your act....   thank you so much


Hello everyone!

Can someone tell me which test series for GS is good for Mains 2020?

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