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Interview Transcripts: CSE/IFoS 2020

An attempt to crowd-source transcripts for future reference and use

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Date of Interview: 10/09/21

Board: RN Choubey Sir

DAF Terms relevant to interview:

Graduation: Material Science and Engineering, IIT Kanpur

Optional: Anthropology

Hobbies: To read about human behaviour.



1. Tell me about your education and work experience.

2. What is rule based order?

3. But China is saying they are following rule based order?

4. What are the bodies where such concerns can be resolved?

5. National security is something which protects our national interest? What are our national interest?

6. Have we documented them somewhere?



1. What is Material Science and Engineering?

2. Difference between MSE and mechanical?

3. What is MSE and Metallurgical engineering?

4. How are Scheduled Tribes defined.

5. Which is most primitive tribes.

6. Whey are tribes unhappy?

7. What will you do?



1. So you look like a sportsperson, What was the motto of Olympics?

2. What is Nipah virus?

3. How much population is below poverty line?

4. Child labour? Extent to which it is happening in India? What acts to prevent it? What can be done?

5. Can we not print money and give it to the people? What's the problem in that?



1. So you read about Human behaviour, How does value and culture affects polity and economy?

2. Agriculture is a state subject, What was the legality of farm laws by center? Some follow up questions?

3. What is your opinion?



1. Is ther any other bodies above Supreme Court?

2. Where is International Court of Justice headquarter.?

3. Why was priority not given to fast speed train at the time of independence?

4. What was other sector of priority during time of independence?


Chairman.: Do you want us to know anything? Okay your interview is over.

optional- Political science IIT Roorkee, branch Geological technology Working in Coal India ltd State- MP RN Choubey board 8.09.2021 Chairman- told me to be comfortable and ask the question again if not understood and said if I am forgetting anything or dont know then say it clearly. Asked if I had food and where and with whom I am staying in Delhi. Q. Tell us about your academic and professional background. Q. If I dig a tunnel across the earth and drop a stone into it would it pass to the other side, where will it lie? M1 ( lady)-what do you understand by the phrase one can not be the judge of its own case. ( Said it is the fundamental principle of justice) what is the fundamental principle of justice? What do you understand by judicial activism? What is PIL? Does it have a legal backing? In which judgement it was defined? What do you understand by separation of powers?. So does judicial activism is allowed by the constitution? What is you opinion on women participation in armed forces? Can they fight in a combat role? Do you know any country having women in combat role? M-2 Can i become a rajyasabha member? ( Said no) Can I file the nomination? How many members in RS? Are there any nominated member? Does a Chief minister has the authority to remove HC judge? Then who does have ? Is there any set up in which states govt cooperate ( said inter state council) who presides it? Where is the high court of MP. Where is its session courts? What is bhedhaghat famous for? M-3- What are different types of coal? Do we also import coal? What is the height of atmosphere above earth surface. What does atmosphere consist of? What do you understand by climate change? What is ozone layer? How it helps? What pollutes the river? Doesnt it clean itself ? Then when do we need to clean it? M-4 ( chairman ordered tea) Which is the highest tea producer country. Which state is highest producer in india? What is organic farming ? Should we transition agriculture in india into organic farming completely. Which state in india is organic state? Chairman- your interview is over. Do you want to share anything or want us to ask anything from you.

Date : 13 September

Board : Sathiyavathy Mam

Optional : PSIR

Graduation- btech ECE

Interests: Quizzing, e sports, technology trends


Chairperson asked to remove face shield. Read the DAF.

 1. What have you been doing since graduation 2017?

 2. Reason for success of byjus ( DAF)

 3. Why ed tech after ECE?




 1. What is electronics synchronisation?

 2. Coming from ECE , why civil services?

 3. Why did you play e sports?

 4. Artificial intelligence- how will it be used in decision making?



 1. Tell us about your graduation project.

 2. Why didn’t you continue it?

 3. You conducted quizzes or participated too?

 4. Do you know about masterminds?

 5. What are the hinderances with e learning?

 6. Why do we need multilateral institutions? Do they solve any purpose?



 1. Digital divide - bharatnet , tell us about it ?

 2. What is the potential of technology in rural areas ?

 3. During Paris climate India proposed something about polluters pay principle, what was it?

 4. What is the objective of swachh bharat, is it just about making toilets and ODF?

 5. How will you bring behavioural changes ?

 6. What is IOT? How does it work?

 7. What are the applications of IOT ?

 8. Give me more examples for IOT.



 1. You have shifted recently to Gurugram, what striking changes did you see?

 2. What about traffic?

 3. How will you improve traffic as a DM? ( chairperson Mam smiled at him)

 4. What is happening in Afghanistan?

 5. What should be India’s approach?


Chairperson Mam - Thank you


Interview transcript

Board : Manoj Soni sir

Greeted everyone

Chairman: Welcomed me by name

Asked to sit and remove faceshield and mask

Then said faceshield is optional but mask compulsory



1. is it first time that you are coming to delhi

2. Why did you come to delhi so I early ( I came 1 month ago)

3. What did you learn from mock interview

( My earlier answer was to attend offline mock)

4. What did these people told you about us

( I said that board people are very knowledgeable so don't try to bluff )

Everyone laughed

 So which places you have been in delhi

Have you have street food

Did you visit chandni chowk and pratha vali gali

How was your stay at delhi you are from bharatpur.are you completely based out of bharatpur

6. Tell us about famous bird sanctuary

7. Have you visited it?

8. Your hobby conversation with strangers is very unique. Isn't it very rare

9.tell us any conversation where you learnt most

10. Some follow up questions

11. You also have hobby of ghoomar dance so what is the theme of it

12. Do you perform it

13. What is the taal associated with it

14. What are navarasa



1. What is quality ( categorically mentioned that you have studied from IIT Bombay so want professional answer)

2-3 follow up

2. Tell us about padmavat controversy

Follow up questions


3. How to manage violent protest

4. If you are dm and people are protesting , burning public property.then would you use force to curtail it

Some follow ups




So what is historical significance of bharatpur in indian history

Chairman interrupted and asked how Bharatpur rulers were able to defeat Mughals


2. Historical significance of deeg mahal

3. Mains crops in bharatpur

4. Is farming in bharatpur profitable

5. Why these actors actresses advertising product which they never use. Is it moral to do so

6. Any actress advertising a product and simultaneously using it


( My answer was Kareena Kapoor using preganews)

Everyone laughed


M3 :

1. who is bhramkumari ( not knowing)

2. Tell us about Gargi

3. Gargi yajnavalika dialogue and follow up

4. Asked about controversy in kendriya vidyalaya about compulsory prayer

( I said not aware)

5. Why so many rape in india

6. How to ensure safety security of women

7. If you are dm of bharatpur then how would you make Bharatpur women safe



1.  tell us everything which you know about marathon

2. How did it started

3. What did you learn from ncc

4. What did you learn from yoga

5. Some follow ups



We hope that you implemented your learning from mock very well here

We hope that your experience here is very good

Asked again that is your experience good

Then , suggested that conversation with strangers is very good but proper precautions should be there otherwise it becomes dangerous

Then , said stay safe healthy and enjoy in delhi

Your interview is over


Nothing from optional, engineering, no single current affairs, no general studies questions


ackground: MBBS

Optional: Anthropology

Board: RN Choubey Sir

2nd to go in forenoon

Duration: 30 min



Welcomed me and asked me to sit.

Since we are sitting at a safe distance, you can remove your mask.

We are good people. This isn't a police interrogation. If you are unable to hear us, you can ask to repeat. If you do not know any answer, you can say no.

->What did you have in breakfast?

->Introduce yourself with educational

background and work experience if any?

->Gave a background and asked should doctors be brought under Consumer protection act?

2-3 follow up question


Member 1

->Should we print money to finance public spending?

2 follow up questions

->What is Anthropology?

->Who are Aborigines? Do we use the term in Indian context also?

->Who are Schedule tribes? Why called "Scheduled"?

->Which authority can make changes in the list?

->Tell me a subject apart from Anthropology on which we can talk. 

->Astrophysics (DAF): What is the Size of the observable universe?

->What is a Light year?


Member 2

->What is Northeast Region?

->What challenges we are facing in our Act East policy.

->What more we need to do.

->Opinion on women in combat roles

1or 2 more questions, unable to recall


Member 3 (Lady)

->Are you practicing?

->What doctors as civil servants could do differently?

1-2 follow up questions

->Opinion on Police reforms

->What were those 7 directives in Prakash singh judgement?

->Tell us about two most important issues in our policing system?


Member 4

->Difference between DBT and ICMR?

->Some very basic questions on Covid vaccines.

->What types of Universities are there in India?

->Specific guidelines by Central govt to central universities.

->What is there in NEP about central universities?

->How my players on each side in volleyball? (DAF)

->What are the latest change in the rules of Volleyball.

->Which country won Gold in Olympics this year.



->We all have asked what we wanted. Do you want to tell us something

I spoke about my hometown.

Thank you, your interview is over. You may leave.

Extremely cordial board, was a very pleasant experience


S Nagraj Madam Board


Date: 14 Sept

 Points: eco optional, eco honours, SRCC, Jaipur

Hobbies: ott tv shows, diary and journal writing


  no introduction



1. How to achieve 5 trillion dollar economy? Is the target a little bit ambitious?

 2. What are 2nd generation reforms?

 3. What are fiscal reforms?

 4. Dont you think these reforms will have repercussions

 5. How labor laws will improve manufacturing

 (Almost all questions were follow up on previous answer)


 1. What will you do to improve rajasthan water scarcity? I started with agriculture but he wasn't impressed. Wanted to focus more on conservation.

 2. What is river basin? River basins in Rajasthan (gave very less satiafactory definition of river basin)

 3. What is Watershed?

 4. What specific things to improve conservation of water?



 1. What are Accounting standards?

 2. Which particular standard js helping the government very much? (Didn't know)

 3. Medicinal plantation promoted in  Rajasthan. (Could only say opium)



 1. Specific modus operandi of government for Air India disinvestment. ( I fumbled as I said govt is looking for 100% disinvestment. Apologised and said I have to read more)

 2. National asset monetisation

 3. What is journal writing?

4. What will you do to improve agriculture at the micro level



 1. What is NCERT

 2. Is performing poorly in exports due to govt high handedness?

 3. What will you suggest govt to improve exports?



 Thank you


Felt that the panel was less engaging. No questions from ott tv shows or college or Jaipur or HR types.Overall very factual and less satisfied as geography has been my weak area.


Date: 14 September

Board: Sujata Mehta Ma'am

Background: Defence kid, NIT Warangal, Work Ex - 6 months, Sociology Optional



1. Introduce yourself with your education & your job experience

2. Do you think technology leads to job losses. What should be done.



1. If you have to make a case for a matriarchal society, give some points in support of it. Do we have such a system existing anywhere in India.


2. You have an interesting hobby. Tell me something about it.


3. Role of social media in the times of pandemic.





1. Your opinion on women in army * probably the highlight of my interview, she spent good about 10 minutes talking about various aspects*




1. How has National Health Mission brought about a difference in other health aspects.




1. Tour opinion on India being a welfare State.


2. You did Btech, then took up a humanities subject as an optional. Why are humanities important.


3. So much stress on students these days, specially from good colleges like yours. Why is that & suggest some remedies.



Would you like us to ask something else. I said no. Greeted her & left the room


Key takeways:


1. Please stick to the question. My introduction went for a six because she asked me about my education & i started with the well rehersed introduction, she interrupted me twice, but I justified it saying that I've had multiple schools due to the nature of my father's profession (army)


2. Chairwoman asked me to adjust the mask. I was blinded & fogged by the end of it. So please don't let that discomfort show on your face.


3. Nothing factual was asked. All opinion based. The interview barely lasted for 20 minutes.


Last but not the least, it'll be unexpected. And that's the beauty of it! Just enjoy the process & yes, women candidates,  please get your own gloves if you don't want to ruin your saree with the white powder from the gloves they provide. Keep yourself hydrated.


I benefitted from the transcripts immensely.  Doing my bit. All the best.


Optional: PSIR.

Graduation: mechanical engineering.

Interests: teaching small children.++

Board: Bhonsle sir, last one to go in the afternoon.



Read DAF, asked how I'm feeling, told me to be comfortable.

1. What have you learnt from teaching children.

2. Challenges in teaching them, took few specific challenges such as low attention span and asked me solutions to them.

3. Few case studies about teaching,and problems in rural areas.(because I'm staying in village).



1. Discussed Afghan issue in detail from various angles.( Many cross questions).

2. How will you use your experiences such as mechanical engg,rural background, teaching,etc in administration.

3. What are your strengths,

4. Okay, tell me do you have any weaknesses



1. What's the importance of empathy for a civil servant. ( Earlier I mentioned empathy while talking about my strengths)

2. Are you against the elite section? I feel you're more inclined towards poor, are you biased?

 ( I used "sabka sath sabka vikas" in my answer, which was asked by chairman at the last)

3. Questions on role of caste in politics.



1. Questions on Kautilya, Machiavelli.

2. Success of UN as a multilateral body.

3. Present condition of automobile industry, and what is govt doing about it.

4. Pollution norms in india, vehicle scrappage policy



1. Bhoodan movement

2. State legislation vs central legislation from federalism perspective

3. Who is your favourite Indian philosopher .(I said Mahatma Gandhi)

4. Asked about Ideas of Mahatma Gandhi, picked few concepts from that and then asked are they feasible today.

5. Concept of Antyodaya



What do you understand by "Sabka sath,Sabka vikas,sabka vishwas,sabka prayas"?

What are your plans after the interview?



*There were more questions,which I'm not able to recall now.

*There were no questions on state, only few on current affairs. *Questions were mainly from my DAF, optional, and they picked many questions from my answers .

*Board was cordial, very good experience


Date 14 Sept 2021

Time 12:55 to 1.:20 . Last to go

Board - Sujata Mehta Madam (2 female members including madam)

Optional - PSIR

Civil engg

College in Pune




A medium sized room

Full circular table. Members not too far from me



1. Introduce urself with education and work ex

2. Did ur college give u placement

3. Did u complete any internship in college (I said yes )

4. Tell about the internship firm

5. Elaborate on what you did in internship

6. Floods in mh , what measures are required

7. Do you think retrofitting of structures is cost effective ?

8. Tell about defence establishments in Pune

9. Why were they pune

10 Extreme weather events -- floods in Kolhapur. Civil engg measures that can be taken



Why psir as ur optional

We have engg , who do jugaad and chuna lagaana . What's your take on these things

What is your perception of jugaad . Is it good or bad

Whatis difference in innovation and jugaad



M2 - lady

1 Urban planning .. long question .... Are our cities dying because of only few urban centres in all states

What are the measures that can be taken

2. What are the issues that indicate cities are under stress

3. What are your views on e commerce. Are they benefitting or causing loss to the retailers

4. Can we cover all the retailers

5. Repeated q4 again , can we connect the retail grocery shops




1. What is diff in nation and state

2. What is quad

3.give arguments in favour of introduction of presidential system in india

4. Politicisation of governors. What measures can be taken

5. What was Tashkent agreement



1. Do you know about whole to part and part to whole

2. SL food emergency

3. Do u know about issues due to organic farming that led to food crisis in SL

4. Green buildings are not beneficial due to increased use of glass, etc what are your views

5. If u are given choice for physical infrastructure and social infra , what will u choose

6. Ease of living index and its parameters

7. Pune rank in ease of living index

8. Is slum rehab an indicator in ease of living ?

completely ignored hobbies and activities page

I might have forgotten few que


Chairman ( smita nagraj)

Briefly talked about my service in railways.I told about my posting place as bathinda.

Date 2nd sept

Optional  Geography

State - bihar

Q1 What is the highlight of your 6 month in bathinda?

Talked about 3 reforms I did there. Absenteeism in disaster management, coordination between yard and sickline,vaccinations of my employees at office premise.

Q2 she told vaccinations is your duty and it is not reform as such.

I told about empathy part

Q3 she asked whether I should be awarded for this or not?

I told no mam,and said as it is normal routine work

Q4 Is less salary reason for inefficient in govt sector

Q5 Reforms in railways are enough to improve it?

Q6 What are the ground level reforms you suggest ?



1.Nuclear summit recently (No idea)

2.Preplanning required in railways disaster?

3 . Reason for corruption?

4 What is honesty

5 one quote on honesty (till power is not there everyone is honest,

6 difference between empathy and sympathy



1 bullet train ,hyperloop

2.bullet train caters to rich only what about poor

3.if u r made commissioner of bihar sharif

A)  implement sbm, financial inclusion, health schemes, skill development , agriculture reforms

4 how will you confirm that toilet is constructed on ground and not only on paper

5 how do you see railways  in 5 years



1) bihar floods

2) govt efforts on bihar flood

3) pradhan mantri adarsh gram yojana ,prasar bharti ( said sorry sir )

4 ) technology in policing




1 ) how to increase enrolment in higher education

2) discusses on that

3) issues in policy or implementation

4)issues of human trafficking

5) Solutions for human trafficking

6) privatisation in railways

7 ) I talked about issues of increased tariff

8) How to balance tariff and and social

Talked of limited privatisation of higher end train like tejas,vande bharat


Thanks by chairman



Sorry for delay, had been stuck with documents for past one week.


Interview date: 07/09 BB Vyas sir


Details: IRAS(EOL), ex software engineer, IIT kanpur, hobbies: dancing and machine learning


Chairman :

Few clarifications about internship and iras eol.

Full form of irms and views on irms

Post covid global order broad points

How is globalisation related to less multilateralism

Functions of niti ayog

Niti ayog vs pc

How are federal disputes resolved

Can niti ayog help in that


Member 1

What is paralympics and when did it start

Difference between cricket and baseball (not related to daf) quickly three points

Indo pacific what is it? is it against china?


Member 2

Why psir over engineering?

A state that has declared food emergency? Couldnt answer

Unsc resolutions on taliban and their numbers


Member 3

India has how many ftas?

Challenges that we are not able to utilise ftas?

Is it right time to start negotiations on ftas?



Member 4

Ethical hacking ? Steps taken?

Which institution in south asian region is dead ? Why?

Is india stumbling block in most organisations?


Interview over.


Sathiyavathy Mam Board

Date : 14th Sept Forenoon.

Profile: Manager in RBI

Optional: Anthropology

Graduation : Electrical Engineering

Hometown : Aurangabad,MH

Activities mentioned: Startups, Worked with NGO in tribal Health.


Chairperson asked me to remove the face shield and then read aloud my DAF.



1. What have you been doing since graduation (2017)? 

2. Why you choose Anthropology as your optional after graduating in Electrical?

3. Explain why you are so much interested in tribes?

4. What was your role in tribal health while working with NGO?

5. What are the major tribal health issues ?


M1 :

1. What is Start Up India initiative? What are the objectives?

2. Under which ministry is the Start Up India initiative?

3. Reforms in power sector ?


M2 :

1. You come from Aurangabad and it has a very interesting history. It's famous for it's Ajantha and Ellora caves but I won't be asking you about it. Tell me about the Bibi ka Maqbara.

2. What is the climate of Marathwada region?

3. Topography of Marathwada ?

4. You've been selected in RBI and there's a lot of debate about crypto currency. What is the status of crypto currency in India?

5. In which countries it is recognised as legal tender?



1. Major issues in Indian power sector?

2. How can we reduce the TnD losses?

3. Analyze the success of UDAY scheme?

4. You've worked with NGOs. How do NGOs fill in the gap left by the government in development?

5. What will be your role in RBI?

6. What can be done to improve the Financial Inclusion in the country and tackle the issue of dormant accounts?


M4 :

1. Have we contacted all the tribes in India?

2. What is the strategic significance of Andaman and Nicobar islands?

3. Why AnN is not developed? What can be done for the development of AnN islands?

4. What is the government's approach for development of AnN?


Chairperson :

Your interview is over. You may leave.


Chairman RN Choubey


Date : 01/09/2021.  FN.



Graduation : BE ECE

Optional : Tamil literature.

Work exp : SDM, Tamilnadu civil services.


1. Introduce yourself- your academic background and work experience.

2. Is your training over?

3. Do you like your job as RDO(Revenue Divisional Officer?

4. Subsidies distort prices in the market. Shall we do away with subsidies. Explain with example. 




1.  Two important things you want to concentrate in your administration

2. Why population control? What impacted you?

3.  Its impact on women?

4. Why people bear large number of children? Does education has any impact on this?

5.  States with good population control receive less grants. Is that good?

6.  States with high population have more representatives in the parliament. What is your opinion?

7. In your present district, which water bodies you want to rejuvenate? (Since I mentioned water bodies rejuvenation as the second thing)

8. How will you do this?

9. Are the  schemes to rejuvenate water bodies are implemented?

10. what are the challenges municipal bodies are facing? Are there adequate human resources?




1. Opinion on appointment of women as priest?

2. What is the state of caste violences in tamilnadu?

3. What is the state of corruption in tamilnadu? Can we minimize corruption?

4. What are india's soft powers?




1. What is specific about the present delimitation process in J&K? What are the specific demands?

2. What do you know about the issue between Mizoram and Assam?

3. You are from salem district. Do you know the word salem occurs five times in Bible?


1. What are the external threats coastal india is facing?

2. What steps have been taken to address fishermen issue? (Since I mentioned)

3. Other coastal security threats?

4. Disaster management you have planned? What Other departments are involved? (Since I mentioned disaster management)

5. Since you have studied ECE, what is the stage of IRNSS? Its limitations?



BA, MA political science

Delhi University

Daf tags - RIMC, cyber olympiad topper


Chairman(Mrs Sujata Mehta)

- Introduce yourself highlighting education background and work experience.

- Why did you leave RIMC?

- What is national security according to you?

- are students in universities protesting a national security issue ?

- is the Uttrakhand deluge a national security issue?

- Corona virus a national security issue?

- Should dissent be allowed?



- Haryana SDM case : what instructions would you give if you were in his place, was his action okay?

- What would you do if casualties arise during a lathicharge ?

- forest right act impedes  development, shouldn't it be amended to make it less strict?

- shouldn't development take priority over environment? What would states like UK earn if they care about environment ?

- difference between Gandhi and karl Marx

- difference between china and indian growth story

- political executive more important or permanent executive ?

- why legislative Council in West Bengal? 2 disadvantages of Leg council

- what did you learn at RIMC?

- what is trojan?

- why is cyber security important for india?

- what steps to improve cyber security?

- should we have a cyber offensive strategy?

- future possibility of space warfare

- aren't cyber attacks more dangerous than space warfare?

- strategic importance of Maldives for India?

- some achievement of ISRO

Contrary to what I was expecting after reading transcripts, the aura was very formal and members looked serious faced, at least under the masks. Interview started right away, no tempo building and no light moments during the interview.


07 Sep 2021

Preference - Indian Foreign Services


B Tech in Petroleum Engineering, 2018 - IIT ISM Dhanbad

Working in Schlumberger (oil and gas firm)

Hobbies - reading books and travelling

Defence upbringing: cities - Mumbai, Vishakhapatnam


TCA Anant Board


I was last to enter, 4:45 PM

Chairman -

 1. No introduction, no time to calm down or get acquainted

 2. Basic questions on what I am doing, what is my role in the company, what does it do, all this in a casual manner while flipping through DAF

 3. Where all I have actually lived? - no follow up

 4. From DAF - About an international organisation I worked with in university that facilitates student exchange - what did I learn from foreigner interns who visited India?



 1. What is Quad? Who are the members? Is it beneficial for India?

 2. Did India do the right thing by aligning with the unipolar world leader (I respectfully argued that world is not unipolar and then defended the stance)

 3. With crude oil running out in next 40 years (I respectfully argued that not in 40 years) - he gave space for me to counter mid question by asking whether I agree or not (in both unipolar world questions and crude oil question)

 4. Assume oil ending in 100 years - paint a picture of that world without oil, how will it be?



 1. Making handsome money - Why Civil services?

 2. Which book you read - it was an IR book so directed to another question on Indo Pacific and what it means, why important


M4(Lady Member):

 1. Asked about have you worked in any NGO in Mumbai? - said no, she didn’t follow up

 2. Name any three Heath sector schemes - I named any random three, no followup

 3. How to handle COVID (took a moment for fake thinking - she further expanded the question in that time to clarify that I can also say what is being done)

 4. How to handle COVID in congested spaces - I explained Dharavi Model

 5. Out of the blue - what is Account? (I have zero background in the subject) - I looked surprised, she explained she just wanted to know my understanding of what accounting is - explained that simply, no follow up


 1. Name the Submarine that was grounded in an accident in Visakhapatnam (I can’t recall Sir)

 2. Which tribe is going extinct in Port Blair (my birth place, also asked how did I end up being born there )

 3. Important monument in Port Blair

 4. Marine life of Andaman - I cant recall Sir

 5. According to us, your firm, Schlumberger is not doing well, what is your opinion (perhaps a loyalty test: I defended my firm)

 6. Questions of Petroleum engineering - what is the use of Bentonite clay? What are it’s alternatives? What is 80/20 in bitumen? - didn’t know that last two so said I can’t recall sir, he said okay and pointed to Chairman sir to carry forward


Chairman sir - pointed for me to leave, you can go now, done.



 1. By design or inadvertently - the board didn’t ask followup question for any question at all. There was zero grilling on any stance.

 2. I tend to move my hands a lot while speaking, one board member was continuously watching that.

 3. M5 ended eye contact the moment I started answering anything confidently

 4. No in-depth questions on IR, nothing out of DAF, it did feel like the last interview of the day for them.


14/09/2021 afternoon session

IRAS. Haryana. BITS Pilani Goa Campus - Electrical and Electronics Engineering. Playing Football and Reading History and other Non - Fiction Books.


Sujata Mehta Ma'am board. Second to go.




Introduce yourself with reference to your education and work experience.

What is the status of IRMS

What do you think about IRMS

Privatisation has been followed in other countries' railways systems with mixed results. Should India go for it?

What would be thhe benefits for consumers?

Is cost the sole concern of railway passengers or does quality of services matter? What approach should IR take?




Why are the farmers protesting in Haryana? (No follow up)

What do you think about recent events in Afghanistan? (very broad question)


(a few more questions which i cant remember)




Should India go for bullet train?

Why are we redeveloping railway stations to attract more traffic when traffic is already an issue?


I didnt lose my composure. Remained confident enough and apologised.


As an Electrical engineer, tell me if we should go for complete solarisation in electricty generation when we know that solar is cheaper than hydro.

Why does railway not follow commercial accounting?

Tell me about FIFA world cup 2018. (again a very broad question)

Tell me if you have ever attended the chaupal proceedings in Haryana.

What did you learn from chaupals?




Private operators would take only the plum routes in railways. what is in it for railways to privatise?

(I said that we will get revenue sharing and haulage charges)

But you can get 100% revenue if you run. your own trains. why are you sharing?

Do you think that the private Operators will carry the social sector obligations which you mentioned earlier?

What did the railways do during COVID?

Anything related to farmers?




Started with a long monologue on "Presumptive loss" and asked me if CAG should be going in this direction? //I said i had heard of the term but wasnt aware of the specifics.//

Asked me the same question again, and i said i didnt know.

Do you read newspaper?

So recently a judge from Allahabad HC said that cow is the only animal which both inhales and exhales Oxygen. Do you subscribe to this view?

But it is a judgement by the HC judge. How can we reject it? //I said we can file an appeal with the SC in case it is a judgement.//

So you feel that theres no option against the judiciary when they do wrong? Do you feel that there are different sets of rules for the executive and the judiciary?

How is Afghanistan's situation similar to that of Myanmar?

But everyone is talking only about Afghanistan and not Myanmar. Why is that the case?




Would you like to be asked any questions from any other area?

//I said she could ask me about my hometown//

What is your hometown?


Does it fall in the Aravalli belt?

Ok then tell me something about Rohtak?

Why is there good infra in Rohtak?



Overall a great experience. Over half of the questions were from Railways.

Didnt know how to respond to one question. Some questions were impossibly broad to answer, one was somewhat unreasonable. Got chided by the chairperson who is very strict about masks. Felt lucky she didnt throw me out of the room, and went on to have a good interview in my estimation.


S.Nagaraj Ma'am board(3M +2F)

Sept 14,

Forenoon, 2nd to go

Duration: 27 mins

DAF : Commerce and accountancy, Badminton, strength training, Delhi


Chairwoman: (no introduction, straight to business)

1. Why did you leave your job?(worked for very brief period so expected)

2. Tell me one very good thing and very bad thing in governance that the govt has done in the past 5-10 years?(couldn't come up with any bad thing so mentioned GST as work in progress and requiring serious improvements. Though was tempted to say demonetization but didn't have credible data to support my arguments. However, I somehow realised they wanted to hear demonetization)

3. Follow up questions on GST- did government implement without preparation or was it the right time since someone someday had to start?

4. What all items not covered under GST?

5. Why not covered?

6. Why there's so much noise and fuss when petrol price rise by even a rupee?


 M1(male- was constantly looking down, very difficult to comprehend his accent, poor eye contact)


1. Demonetization- failure or success?

2. Asset monetization pipeline- what and why?

3. Principles of Sikhism?

4. Why Golden temple is called Harmandir sahib?




1. What are the precautions to take in strength training and what is the role of protein?

2. Vivaad se vishwas scheme- success or failure? ( I said not aware about the data or what all the govt has achieved under it but it's a good concept towards bridging the trust deficit and increasing the tax compliance. However, sir kept on insisting to comment on success or failure and wasn't satisfied at the end)

3. Chartered Accountants, these days and in the past 2-3 years, have encourage their clients to manipulate their accounts and evade taxes. Is this correct? ( I said yes but can't really comment for all. Also not aware of any surveys/reports conducted in this area. Talked about window dressing and other tax avoidance strategies they use but sir didn't look convince)




1. List 5 problems that Delhi faces today.

2. Problem of governance, Delhi Govt vs LG- Why arises and solutions.

3. Why pollution persisting for so long?

4. What will you do to deal with pollution?




1. Do you know that CBSE toppers are exempt from engineering examinations and get direct entry into colleges? (DAF related)

2. Does CBSE officially announce the toppers?

3. Role of auditing firms in recent scams and frauds?

4. Follow up questions on the conflict of interest auditors face and issues in their appointment.


Chair: Thank you


Overall experience: Cordial environment but felt that board members were disinterested and less engaging. Couldn't establish a connect and not even a single light moment was there, very formal and serious. Though they were wearing masks, all throughout the interview, they maintained this expression-less poker face which troubled me a bit. All in all a good learning experience. All the best everyone:)


Date: 15th September

Optional: Agriculture


Hobby: Traveling, teaching.

Board: Sujata Mehta



1. Briefly tell me about your education and work experience?


2. Why did you leave the job?


3. Are you a big gambler?


4. Have you experienced corruption in your interaction with govt departments?


5. How to reduce corruption in the system?


6. What good practices you can bring from your corporate job to govt job?


Member 1:

1. Why did you choose agriculture optional being a electrical engineer?


2. What are major crops grown in the Rajasthan?


3. What problem farmers are facing in rajasthan?


4. How Indira Gandhi canal has impacted agriculture in Rajasthan?


5. Why people bring soil from hanumangarh region to rest of Rajasthan?



Member 2:

1. Tell me about UNCBD?


2. What are the issues in Insolvency and Bankruptcy code?


3. How High oil prices affect consumers?


Member 3:

1. Should India allow its bases to be used by USA to do air strike on Afganistan?


2. Why commenwealth of nations is there? What is its importance?



Member 4:

1. How effective has been India strategy to counter terrorism?


2. If India allow USA to use its bases for strike on Afganistan, will not taliban create problems in Afganistan?



1. What are ethical issues with AI?

2. How to resolve them?

3. Best place you have visited? What were the facilities there?


07 September 2021

 Kerala ,Chemical engineering background. Public administration optional Following cricket as hobby.


R N CHOUBEY sir board. 4th to go.Made me comfortable. Explained the process.


Where are you staying in Delhi? Did you get tested?

Tell me which is the highest post a civil servant can become?

Issues and changes needed in election process and solutions for the same.( Gave 3 points, further questions and discussion based on that. )



Started off by asking should women wear sarees like those in Kerala and north east do and celebrate festivals like Vishu and Bihu.

Cultural similarities between people of North East and Kerala and have you thought about reasons for the same.


What are UFO's? Where are they found?


What is Bermuda triangle?


Do you know about Rafale fighter, not the issue but the vehicle.


Difference between defence forces and paramilitary forces and give examples


Why Kerala is god's own country while north-east is





Since you studied in a KV , tell the differences and issues between private and public schools.

Based on the discussion asked me about the impact of covid and students migrating to public schools.

As the education secretary what are the measures that can be taken to improve quality in public schools.


Explain is what is meant by  less goverment and more governance.

Tell me the difference between output and outcome based. ( in the context of outcome budgeting of govt)


Why communism continue to thrive in Kerala even after setbacks in other parts of the country and the world?



Difference between chemistry and chemical engineering.

Oldest chemical company in India?

What did they manufacture?


As the secretary to govt of India how will you address the issue of sewage treatment plants?


On cricket tell me about Gary Sobers and why the

present generation does not produce players of his stature?

Do you know about Jim laker? What record does he hold?

Is there anyone from India who has achieved the same?



Questions based on MSMEs their contribution, issues and some specific solutions.


Importance of textile industry. And why Bangladesh has an advantage over India?

What measures can be taken to improve the sector.



Is there anything that we've missed or you would like to tell us?


Board: M. Sathiyavathy Ma'am

Date: 13/09/2021, Afternoon, 1st one to go


Name: Deepak Gupta, from Agra(UP)

Graduation:  B.Tech(IT) from Assam University, Silchar

Optional: PSIR

Company: Huawei technology in Bangalore

Hobbies: Travelling to new place + Walking everyday


Ma'am asked me to remove the face shield & wear mask. Read the DAF

1. You are from Agra so why you went to Assam ?

2. So after graduation, how you got selected in Huawei ?

3. After resigning from Huawei, what are you doing now ?

4. Asked about my previous year interview experience ?

5. Tell me why lots of controversies going on against Huawei ?

6. What govt of India is doing regarding it ? Any recent guidelines issued by govt in this context ?

7. Why Huawei is so famous ? Whats its speciality ?

8. Whats your opinion about Huawei's connection with Chinese govt ?



1. What is BRI ? How its cause of concern for India ?

2. What is debt trap diplomacy ? Your opinion ? Tell me few countries name as well ?

3. What is OPEC ? What it is doing ? Is it cartel group ?

4. Stone age ended after stone so what would be the future of world after end of oil ? Your views

5. Whats challenges India is facing in solar energy ?

6. Tell me technological implication if power is transferred from solar grid to national electric grid ?



1. Why you did NCC C certificates as its take lots of time & energy ?

2. So why not thought to join the armed forces ?

3. What is QUAD ? What is it doing in various fields ?

4. Tell me how IT can be used in village areas where internet presence is not much ? & counter question



1. When you shifted from hindi medium UP board to english medium ?

2. What is the issue of Facebook with govt of India ? Recent data privacy issues

3. Why regulation of these big tech companies is needed ?

4. Are India lagging behind in the regulation of these companies ?

5. These is so much issue of e-waste in IT sectors so is it having the potential to become disaster for India ? Your opinion



1. As you said, you are good in implementation so tell me why so many projects in india got delayed ?

2. What steps you can suggest to streamline these projects completion ?

3. Why recently Delhi airport was in bad news ?

4. As DM of Agra, what steps you can take to improve tourism in Agra ?

5. How multi-model transport connectivity require in Agra ?

6. Whats are the place to visit in Agra, apart from Taj Mahal ?


Ma'am: your interview is over. My best wishes to you.


Mostly questions are from DAF & current affairs. Overall good experience

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