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CSE 2022: Plan/ Strategy/ Daily Routine

This is an everything thread for all stuff 2022. You can post your daily goals, end-of-the-day updates, weekly targets or any weird thing you use to measure your progress. You can put into words & post the soul-sucking sadness that is threatening to devour you & your productivity. You can write what made your day & let others experience the happiness too, at least vicariously. This is a thread to pick each other up. This is a thread to keep each other accountable. This is a no-judgement zone.


“This is one more piece of advice I have for you: don't get impatient. Even if things are so tangled up you can't do anything, don't get desperate or blow a fuse and start yanking on one particular thread before it's ready to come undone. You have to realize it's going to be a long process and that you'll work on things slowly, one at a time.”

— Haruki Murakami, Norwegian Wood

jack_Sparrow,Fireheartand160 otherslike this



Friends, I need some help in making a dependable plan for 2022 attempt. I appeared in 2021. I had done basic books for prelims around 4-5 times. In few FLTs I gave, the maximum I scored was 84. 

I've gone through my optional once but haven't done much of answer writing. 

As of now, I'm thinking of being mains focussed till feb'22, and give last 3 months to pre'22. 

I'm not sure about the number of months to be kept reserved for prelims at the end in my case. 

Giving this year's paper, I felt even if I had given it one more month, I would have scored the same. 

I need some guidance on this.@Neyawn  can you pls find a few minutes to help me on this. 



Friends, I need some help in making a dependable plan for 2022 attempt. I appeared in 2021. I had done basic books for prelims around 4-5 times. In few FLTs I gave, the maximum I scored was 84. 

I've gone through my optional once but haven't done much of answer writing. 

As of now, I'm thinking of being mains focussed till feb'22, and give last 3 months to pre'22. 

I'm not sure about the number of months to be kept reserved for prelims at the end in my case. 

Giving this year's paper, I felt even if I had given it one more month, I would have scored the same. 

I need some guidance on this.@Neyawn  can you pls find a few minutes to help me on this. 


Or if others can share their rough strategy for next 7-8 months that will be very helpful to me.@nerdfighter or anyone else. 

Ayushi7,chamomileand2 otherslike this

Friends, I need some help in making a dependable plan for 2022 attempt. I appeared in 2021. I had done basic books for prelims around 4-5 times. In few FLTs I gave, the maximum I scored was 84. 

I've gone through my optional once but haven't done much of answer writing. 

As of now, I'm thinking of being mains focussed till feb'22, and give last 3 months to pre'22. 

I'm not sure about the number of months to be kept reserved for prelims at the end in my case. 

Giving this year's paper, I felt even if I had given it one more month, I would have scored the same. 

I need some guidance on this.@Neyawn  can you pls find a few minutes to help me on this. 


Or if others can share their rough strategy for next 7-8 months that will be very helpful to me.@nerdfighter or anyone else. 

Not the right person to consult mate. :)


I just don't want to start blindly thinking whatever I do will work, because it didn't this time. 

Thanks anyway. You spread positivity, that has helped me at times. And, now that I'm trying to be vocal on this platform. I must thank you :) 


Friends, I need some help in making a dependable plan for 2022 attempt. I appeared in 2021. I had done basic books for prelims around 4-5 times. In few FLTs I gave, the maximum I scored was 84. 

I've gone through my optional once but haven't done much of answer writing. 

As of now, I'm thinking of being mains focussed till feb'22, and give last 3 months to pre'22. 

I'm not sure about the number of months to be kept reserved for prelims at the end in my case. 

Giving this year's paper, I felt even if I had given it one more month, I would have scored the same. 

I need some guidance on this.@Neyawn  can you pls find a few minutes to help me on this. 


@Neyawn I too feel the same. Like, I don't think a little more prep could have helped me in the exam. If I had given the paper in August end, I feel like I would have scored the same. So, should I still be giving 5 months on Prelims as you write? 

I believe if I had written in June, it wouldn't have made much difference. 

chamomile,TambourineManand4 otherslike this



Did my optional once but as you say doing once is not doing at all, now thinking to give daily 2 hours for optional answer writing, Prelims 2021 was scary and I have developed the prelims phobia, trying to do an integrated preparation for both prelims and mains and will focus completely on prelims by test series in March.

should I write mains test as of now?

Also waiting for your blog for us (first attempt in 2022)

I woke up at 5 am just to tell you this, please get the exam calendar right. Not March. If you are poor at Prelims, you do it from December 31st. Period. Man, it takes 4 month. If you have not cracked prelims before make that five.

Give the exam the respect it deserves. I had a guy who flunked and said I have it two months. The next year, he flunks again and said this time I gave it three month, then the next year he goes four months and flunks.

In the last attempt, I asked him how many months? He said sir - five months. That’s how you are thrown out of the game.

He would have been much better if he had given five months in the first attempt , if any later attempts would have been taken, they would be diminishing ..

Hello! I don't know even if you notice? But I have a similar story! I don't know which door to knock! But if you could help me out here I would be really obliged! I have contacted you once through you might not remember me! How can I contact you? 

P. S I am not delhi sir! 

  1. Thomas Hobbes
  2. Judiciary (1/3)
  3. Economy (1/45)

Only did the initial two. Will do economy tomorrow, perhaps. Not the productive day I expected though. 


Political non-fictions often catch my imagination. Thought of sharing this with you. Not related to the thread perhaps, but a powerful anecdote. 

Good Morning friends ! 

Targets for 14th October 2021

Ethics in Public administration 

Sociology : Social Change 

Steps: 10K

Thank you@nerdfighter for the initiative. I had been looking for something sort of this thread since some time. The preparation being a long and tiring journey, a beacon, a lighthouse, a target and more importantly self discipline to put in the hours day in and day out, is what is needed. Realized this the hard way after two years of preparation and two failed attempts at Prelims. 

Some sense of an unknown confidence, probably misplaced, made me quit my cushy PSU job and there I was brimming with confidence to tame the beast in minimum attempts. 2019 attempt - prepared for 4 months and missed Prelims by a margin of 3 marks. Disappointed yes, but thought that next attempt would be the lucky one. 2020 attempt - all was according to plan till the pandemic hit. Uncertainty while preparing at home, procrastination made things go haywire. Covid infection just a week and half before the Prelims was the final nail in the coffin. Failed Prelims again. Probably the lowest point in the last couple of years. Graduating for a top tier law school and leaving a cushy job, the feeling of worthlessness was killing and self confidence was down in dumps. 

As@Patootie speaks, self preservation was the key and I went back to a job. Worked till mid of this year when it again felt that something was bothering me. CSE felt like an unfinished business. Picked up the pieces of self worth and self confidence to start out again on the journey for CSE 2022, with 2021 attempt dropped. Giving a go at the State PCS as a backup Threads on Forum have been a great source of motivation, guidance and at times, self assessment. I have been a silent spectator since an year, but trying not to repeat the behavior this time round. Be more active and make sure that all efforts are made at taming the 'beast' this time.

Starting with daily targets for 13/10/2021       

1. Law Optional - Art 19       

2. State PCS History Optional- Mahajanapadas and Buddhism        

3. State Geography        

4. Current Affairs and Notes.

1, 3 and 4 done. Not a greatly productive day. Spent a chunk overthinking about planning for the exam and what all to do. I do realize that sticking to a plan is most important. Trust the process. I remember the book by James Clear, "Atomic Habits", the substantial gains in repeating the habits every day. Will try to worry less and just concentrate on completing the targets one at a time. 

Targets for today 

1. Law optional - notes for FOSE (19(1)(a)) 

2. State PCS History optional - read Mahajanpadas, Buddhism and Jainism 

3. Current Affairs and Notes 

4. State Geography 

Let's get this done! 



Whenever I feel down about results, I try to keep this passage from the book "Make it Stick" in mind. May be relevant here. 

Trying to read this book ... NOW before/alongwith starting another year's preparation
Is it a good read ?


It was a slow start from my side, but went pretty well till evening. 

Today's targets - Do what you have written in diary. 

TambourineMan,BDand4 otherslike this

Woke up late for no reason. Guilt trip has already started.

Targets for 14/10/21

  •  10:45-12:45 Anthro 
  •  1:15-2:30 Anthro
  •   4-6 : Ethics
  •  7:15-9:15 Answer Writing
  •  Extra- Read  50 pages of Sapiens before sleeping


Good luck to me and others who are struggling and studying !!

@nerdfighter Same here 

@Freakhoto I also need guidance! 
I am feeling lost after this year's prelims. So much so that I'm not able to focus on UPPSC even one bit. I am losing confidence in myself by every passing day


@Neyawn completely directionless after prelims 2021(1st attempt). I did study for an entire year(probably which is why I could get the polity and economics questions correct). Had neglected history, considering being good at polity and economics would at least get me through prelims. But that was not the case as even though there were questions from environment, science&tech, the pattern of questions asked was changed(according to me)— no ramsar, no national parks, no recent technologies like 5G, Quantum, which might have fetched 20-30 marks. Hence prelims 2021 has been a failed attempt for me and i do not even know if I do seriously prepare for 2022, will I be able to get through it ? Because now even the topper talks aren’t helping because they advice you study the things that UPSC has decided to drastically change this time around. Sir, request you to kindly shed some advice on this. Also, had enrolled for dipan sir’s current affairs classes for 2021, now I do not even know how should I go about doing and completing that. 

Resigning from a stable, well paying job is also troubling me now post prelims. Should I go back to the private sector? Or should I atleast give one more full fledged attempt in 2022(since it is just roughly 7months away)?

Ayushi7,Ash5Manand4 otherslike this
@Aazaad yes it is a good read. It has helpful tips on learning strategies.

Btw you too have philosophy optional? 

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