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CSE 2022: Plan/ Strategy/ Daily Routine

This is an everything thread for all stuff 2022. You can post your daily goals, end-of-the-day updates, weekly targets or any weird thing you use to measure your progress. You can put into words & post the soul-sucking sadness that is threatening to devour you & your productivity. You can write what made your day & let others experience the happiness too, at least vicariously. This is a thread to pick each other up. This is a thread to keep each other accountable. This is a no-judgement zone.


“This is one more piece of advice I have for you: don't get impatient. Even if things are so tangled up you can't do anything, don't get desperate or blow a fuse and start yanking on one particular thread before it's ready to come undone. You have to realize it's going to be a long process and that you'll work on things slowly, one at a time.”

— Haruki Murakami, Norwegian Wood

jack_Sparrow,Fireheartand160 otherslike this



1. Newspaper 

2. Collate Optional Notes 

3. Prelims 2020 analysis

4. Read something positive

Celeborn,Rashmirathiand3 otherslike this
Celeborn,Rashmirathiand4 otherslike this
  1. Thomas Hobbes
  2. Judiciary (1/3)
  3. Economy (1/45)

plmokn25688524,Celebornand3 otherslike this


1) Create a plan/timetable for the next 3 months

2) Sort out notes + make a list of new resources + figure out what test series/programs to join 

3) Go through various topper strategies/last year's Mains thread to figure out the nitty-gritties. 

4) Newspaper 

BD,pilgrimand5 otherslike this
ANy link for newspaper pdf hindu . Please do share the telegram link please 


Villanelle,TambourineManand11 otherslike this


1) Matrices Notes  : 1:00 PM

2) Vector Notes : 5:00 PM

3) Single Variable Calculus : 10:00 PM

ThePhenom,Rashmirathiand1 otherslike this

Some thoughts which occured to me today : Long read, please read at your own discretion. 

1.Understanding and confronting your feelings- I was in a denial all this while . I felt that loosing prelims did not hurt me and its pretty normal. But it is not, I have been into preparation since 3rd year. A 2 year long journey where I have sacrificed many things, which I don't regret as it was my own choice. But somebody yesterday told me you must not be feeling sad unlike all of us because this is your first attempt whereas we all are in our second/third/fourth attempt. All my attempts to forget about my prelims came haunting me back. Feelings confronted me today and I couldn't control it much longer.

An unpredictable paper it was and I would not have worried much if it had gone bad , but I am standing somewhere close to 84-86, the thing that is haunting me is those 5 questions which I did wrong against the wishes of my gut feelings - water, pressure cooker, article 14, one history question and a eastern ghat river question. I am unable to come to terms that this is going to be the reason behind my failure in prelims.

Still I am trying, trying to shift my focus from this exam and the prelims failure and move on. Moving on seems hard at this point but this is the most I can do. 

So to everyone reading this, confront your feelings, don't be in a denial and accept your feelings with open arms. Let this flow, because if you allow feelings to quell up, it would block the veins in your body, your heart and brain would stop working and you will react or over-react to things. In these two days, I got irritated pretty easily, shouted , screamed and cried. The more I tried to forget the more it came back haunting me making my life more difficult. Welcoming it with open arms would have been much easier. 

2. To deviate my mind I watched Criminal Justice ( I know a little late) - One thing that struck me was UPSC chahe jitna bhi unpredictable ho, it actually offers you a lot to work. The situation in prison made me think why prisons are even created? Are they created for the purpose of punishment or for reforming the person? The prison where the guy aditya sharma was kept, was not reforming him but instead it created another monster from humans. The state of our prison is one of the worst in the world, we need urgent reform, for protecting and promoting the basic human rights of people. Unsanitary conditions, constant threat to life , politicisation of prisons and many more things. It just gave me one more reason to continue trying for this exam. Baaki as life would take, kuch nahin toh dhairya ki tarah NGO hi khol legen.  

Hurt is hurt, irrespective of the attempt. Efforts are made irrespective of attempts. Expectations to clear are set irrespective of the attempt. Please do not let anyone belittle you or your efforts because “it is only your first attempt”. Happy studying :)

Villanelle,TambourineManand14 otherslike this

Hello Fellow Hustlers, 

I have started a thread in an attempt to beat the "randomness" of the prelims! [Time will tell if we actually can] 

I have seen some very heartbreaking posts made by people, on how the randomness of the paper has made their years of struggle seem worthless! We all read the standard books and current affairs, and anything that comes from their can be tackled. It is the randomness against which we don't seem to have a weapon. I hope that this repository becomes that weapon.

Richard Dawkins says "the only alternative to randomness is Intelligent design" and I hope that we all can together beat that randomness or atleast put up a fight against that randomness

Please check out the thread and contribute if you like :) 

discoFighter,MaeveWileyand5 otherslike this

Hello Fellow Hustlers, 

I have started a thread in an attempt to beat the "randomness" of the prelims! [Time will tell if we actually can] 

I have seen some very heartbreaking posts made by people, on how the randomness of the paper has made their years of struggle seem worthless! We all read the standard books and current affairs, and anything that comes from their can be tackled. It is the randomness against which we don't seem to have a weapon. I hope that this repository becomes that weapon.

Richard Dawkins says "the only alternative to randomness is Intelligent design" and I hope that we all can together beat that randomness or atleast put up a fight against that randomness

Please check out the thread and contribute if you like :) 

Not related but posting it because I want to. :D

Why do I feel you have a repository of videos :p Keep'em coming! 

nerdfighter,sstarrrand1 otherslike this
sbhati,Tina1997and2 otherslike this

Prelims 2021 Post-Mortem: Art & Culture + Ancient & Medieval

Total Questions: 12 >>>5 Correct, 6 Wrong, 1 did not attempt

Wrong Questions: Bhavabhuti, different territories emerging from erstwhile empires, Harshavardhana, Nuniz, Invaders and Chronology, St. Francis Xavier

Did not attempt: Dholavira


My sources for this portion were Nikhil Sir's Art & Culture course videos + Handouts (did half of them multiple times, did not even touch half); TN NCERT selected reading for ancient; Medieval Satish Chandra (could only do this once and only half of it).

Almost everything that I answered correcrly is due to Nikhil Sir. There was a slide for Chandraketugarh.  There was a slide on Chausath Yogini temple and I also have a flashcard for that. There was also a slide for bhavabhuti. But I didn't revise or even read the ppts from the later portion of the classes because I am an absolute idiot. The material is huge, something like 80 handouts. But I think they must be done well. I must do them slowly as well, relishing the beauty of Indian Culture rather than approaching it like any other subject. I have begin to love the subject, shouldnt be too torturing. That is only how I will be able to study and remember these things. 

Nuniz question was total out of my material. Even my handout on travelougues does not contain it. I did 3 pure history based question wrong because I really haven't understood the trajectory of Indian history well. Like, I understand every topic in silo & that too not too well. Like, If MBT is ruling delhi, I am awfully bad at telling what exactly is happening anywhere else at that time. 

Xavier question was my mistake. It was discussed by Sir. I did not pay attention. Also, need study Christianity & Islam (if there is anything more than mere Sufism to the story) separately as among the religions of India. That  should have been my approach. 

Even Dholavira one was discussed by Sir. What is wrong with me?

I could answer Mitakshara one as it was discussed in Polity & not through pure A&C sources.

Lessons for 2022:

No need to change the sources. Do all the handouts really well to the point of internalizing stuff. Also need to do Ancient and Medieval well. Need to understand the trajectory & get an actual feel of the subject. So, at least a few revision of R.S. Sharma & Satish Chandra.

Also, I attempted the questions I had no right to touch. Serves me right for being a guesshole. So, It's time to stop being so reckless about logical guesses. 

Kaun nikhil sir? If possible can you share the handouts?


Idk if this is the right thread, but just putting my learnings out there! 


Barium Salts are responsible for giving green color to the fireworks. [ News Item: SC and the firecrackers manufacturers case - S&T angle that I observed ] 

Components and their function in fireworks

Potassium nitrate, sulfur, charcoal - Burning

Nitrates, chlorates, perchlorates - provide O2 for combustion

Aye Boss, saw that you are one of the toppers in  MGP FLT1. 

So yaa looking forward to interact and learn from ya'll, v excited.


Whenever I feel down about results, I try to keep this passage from the book "Make it Stick" in mind. May be relevant here. 

DM,nerdslayerand4 otherslike this
"Failure as a badge of effort and a source of useful information" being the key phrase.

Thank you@nerdfighter for the initiative. I had been looking for something sort of this thread since some time. The preparation being a long and tiring journey, a beacon, a lighthouse, a target and more importantly self discipline to put in the hours day in and day out, is what is needed. Realized this the hard way after two years of preparation and two failed attempts at Prelims. 

Some sense of an unknown confidence, probably misplaced, made me quit my cushy PSU job and there I was brimming with confidence to tame the beast in minimum attempts. 2019 attempt - prepared for 4 months and missed Prelims by a margin of 3 marks. Disappointed yes, but thought that next attempt would be the lucky one. 2020 attempt - all was according to plan till the pandemic hit. Uncertainty while preparing at home, procrastination made things go haywire. Covid infection just a week and half before the Prelims was the final nail in the coffin. Failed Prelims again. Probably the lowest point in the last couple of years. Graduating for a top tier law school and leaving a cushy job, the feeling of worthlessness was killing and self confidence was down in dumps. 

@Patootie speaks, self preservation was the key and I went back to a job. Worked till mid of this year when it again felt that something was bothering me. CSE felt like an unfinished business. Picked up the pieces of self worth and self confidence to start out again on the journey for CSE 2022, with 2021 attempt dropped. Giving a go at the State PCS as a backup 

Threads on Forum have been a great source of motivation, guidance and at times, self assessment. I have been a silent spectator since an year, but trying not to repeat the behavior this time round. Be more active and make sure that all efforts are made at taming the 'beast' this time. Starting with daily targets for 13/10/2021

        1. Law Optional - Art 19
        2. State PCS History Optional- Mahajanapadas and Buddhism 
        3. State Geography 
        4. Current Affairs and Notes. 


Thank you@nerdfighter for the initiative. I had been looking for something sort of this thread since some time. The preparation being a long and tiring journey, a beacon, a lighthouse, a target and more importantly self discipline to put in the hours day in and day out, is what is needed. Realized this the hard way after two years of preparation and two failed attempts at Prelims. 

Some sense of an unknown confidence, probably misplaced, made me quit my cushy PSU job and there I was brimming with confidence to tame the beast in minimum attempts. 2019 attempt - prepared for 4 months and missed Prelims by a margin of 3 marks. Disappointed yes, but thought that next attempt would be the lucky one. 2020 attempt - all was according to plan till the pandemic hit. Uncertainty while preparing at home, procrastination made things go haywire. Covid infection just a week and half before the Prelims was the final nail in the coffin. Failed Prelims again. Probably the lowest point in the last couple of years. Graduating for a top tier law school and leaving a cushy job, the feeling of worthlessness was killing and self confidence was down in dumps. 

As@Patootie speaks, self preservation was the key and I went back to a job. Worked till mid of this year when it again felt that something was bothering me. CSE felt like an unfinished business. Picked up the pieces of self worth and self confidence to start out again on the journey for CSE 2022, with 2021 attempt dropped. Giving a go at the State PCS as a backup Threads on Forum have been a great source of motivation, guidance and at times, self assessment. I have been a silent spectator since an year, but trying not to repeat the behavior this time round. Be more active and make sure that all efforts are made at taming the 'beast' this time.

Starting with daily targets for 13/10/2021       

1. Law Optional - Art 19       

2. State PCS History Optional- Mahajanapadas and Buddhism        

3. State Geography        

4. Current Affairs and Notes.

nerdfighter,THE_MECHANICand1 otherslike this

Idk if this is the right thread, but just putting my learnings out there! 


Barium Salts are responsible for giving green color to the fireworks. [ News Item: SC and the firecrackers manufacturers case - S&T angle that I observed ] 

Components and their function in fireworks

Potassium nitrate, sulfur, charcoal - Burning

Nitrates, chlorates, perchlorates - provide O2 for combustion

Aye Boss, saw that you are one of the toppers in  MGP FLT1. 

So yaa looking forward to interact and learn from ya'll, v excited.

LOL! None of us are toppers until we actually find our names on the 'holy pdf'!

Also paraphrasing Vikram grewal (IFS, 2019) here 'Only those who get in the top 10 are toppers others are probably just crackers :p'

Homo Neanderthalensis ,THE_MECHANIC
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