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Many of us have already wasted a lot of time. It's time to come out of slumber. Let's start the preparation of interview. Share your wisdom.

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@Abraham-Maslowsaid inCS INTERVIEW 2019 PREPARATION : COMBAT:

Anti-Rape Laws and Justice delivery. (In wake of Unnao, Hyderabad & encounter and AP's Disha Act).

Demand for capital punishment in all rape related cases

  • there is no study which shows that awarding capital punishment decreases rape incidents.
  • if death penalty is awarded in all cases then the guilty may be inclined to kill the victim as punishment for both the crimes is same.

Present status of anti-rape laws

  • capital punishment is awarded in rarest of the rare cases and rape with girl child (<12 years).
  • the criminal law amendment act, of 2013 and 2019 has already provided stricter punishment in rape related crimes.

justice delivery

  • the cause of the delay in awarding the punishment is the lengthy process.
    Crime→FIR (Suspect)→Investigation→Charge Sheet (Accused)→Court trial→Conviction (Guilty)→Award of punishment (Lower courts)→HC then SC→Review petition→curative petition→mercy plea→final punishment.
  • AP's DISHA act- investigation to complete within 7 days and court trial within 14 days. But the delay can occur in other stages as well.
  • to expedite the justice delivery, vacancies of judges need to be fulfilled.


  • fake encounters to provide swift justice undermine the RoL and PNJ.
  • Justice should be rehabilitative and not retributive.
  • police resort to extra-judicial killing as an exercise of image makeover.


  • solution lies in preventing such crimes. more police trips to high crime areas can help. Also implementing Justice J S Verma committee report suggestions.
  • However, the problem lies with understaffing of police officials. a large no. of vacancies are pending. Police officials are also overburdened with as high as 16 hours job per day. Fulfilling these Vacancies and bringing the much needed police reforms can also help in gaining public confidence in police and fear in the minds of criminals.

@AzadHindFauzNot sure about that, bro.


@Barry_AllenVery well written.

Apart from the suggestions you mentioned, few futuristic ones (slightly on the philosophical side ) :

  1. What is Rape from moral point of view ? It is basically a degradation of character. Disregard to the modesty of women. The indoctrinated minds which believes that women are an object to be used.

How this develops ?
From families, friends, elders, colleagues, political leaders and likes. It's a long process of corruption of mind.

How to deal ?
The strict laws and rules will deter the grown ups. But that will not prevent developing this attitude.
The best population to be targeted are : CHILDREN.

We should start with them. Let they be introduced with altogether different perspectives to develop a positive world view. To start with, schools and parents should take the responsibility together.

Various ways :

  1. Don't tell boys : Don't cry like girls. Let them vent their emotions.
    Don't tell girls : You should choose Barbie doll, car's are boys play.

  2. Teach both to do their work on their own. Be it washing clothes, cleaning their room or preparing some dish. Teach equally.

  3. If you disallow girl from moving out after a particular time, disallow boys too. Ideal case would be to allow BOTH, with of course some caution applicable to both.

  4. Keep tab on what your son is doing, especially on the internet.

  5. Teach boys to respect girls. But not with the phrases like 'Good boys don't hurt girls', 'Boys duty is to protect girls'. No, but by saying, 'Girls are to be respected because they deserve respect. Every HUMAN deserves.

  6. Zero tolerance to women-related abuses. Every single abuse is centered around Sex. A long years of usage and exposure to these abuses fills the mind of the boys of girls being a sex object.
    If your son fails in exam, give him a toffee.
    If your son( these days, girls too use) use anti-women abuses, give him/her : Age appropriate stricter punishment.

  7. Sex education in a child friendly manner. The teachers for this purpose shall be suitably trained. It would be better if experts from outside be allowed to train on a lateral entry format. The regular teachers are themselves uncomfortable on topic like these.
    Apart from teachers, the parents should also start establishing communication with their sons/daughters when they are about to hit puberty. It is that time, when the child needs answers to so many questions. As objective and plain answers as possible should be told to them.

There are many small but crucial steps which can be taken to reverse the psyche of the males which has been in existence. This will take atleast a couple of decades to show some significant result. But we need to start it sooner.

Since laws are not efficient in changing the mindset, they can only deter. The psyche would be as it is. One loophole in a law or one day of misgovernance, would result into such acts like it has been.

Sooner we start working on our children's psyche, the earlier we would witness substantial decline in crimes like Rape.


@BehemothGood suggestion in the last. Uttar Pradesh should be the next state to go ahead with this. A state with 19.98 crore population (Census 2011) is the top contender for either trifurcation of state itself or before that, this three capitals model may be given a try.

Since it is observed that there is radial growth around the capital, this may serve the regional aspirations to some extent as well, apart from increasing access to public services and institutions.


Thanks for elaborate write-ups@Barry_Allenand@Abraham-Maslow


@AzadHindFauzThanks mate. Although being succinct is the key, but clarity lies in the details. For stage like interview, detail will allow us to grasp the issue better, making us able to put it succinctly there.


Given the crisis of internal migration in India, do you think that District Planning Committee can play a significant role in addressing this?


@BehemothDistrict Planning Committees have largely been plagued by shortage of funds. But, in my opinion, it is the proper institution to implement evidence-based plans to tackle the developmental deficit in districts. However, their functioning is contingent on two other issues-

  • Shortage of funds and inadequate devolution of power from the state governments.

  • Developmental plans drafted by the committees are based on the feedback and plans laid out by municipalities and panchayats in the district. So, we would need to strengthen the grassroots institutions too.

There should be involvement of DPCs in executing schemes like aspirational district program.


How do you see the recent Karnataka and AP orders of reserving most C and D level plus 50 percent of private jobs to native people?


@AzadHindFauzDPC can play an effective role in addressing this. In India, most of the migrations take from rural to urban areas even within a district due to development deficit in rural areas. Panchayati Raj due to its constraints of finance, functions and functionaries doesnt fulfill the aspirations of people pushing them to urban areas nearby. This malfunctioning of PRIs complicate the work burden of Municipalities.
So, there is a need to enhance the coordination between the two local bodies in a particular district.This is where the role of District Planning Committee comes into place. DPC, a constitutional body, integrates the development of both thus bringing holistic development. It combines the planned proposals of both Panchayats and municipalities in a particular district. Thus, DPC can play an effective role in addressing the issues of internal migration.
Please evaluate it.


@BehemothWe may also include the potential of pairing of states (under EBSB), for better coordination between district planning committees. This can prove to be useful in cases of border districts, as well as for analyzing push vs pull factors in states.


@abhish-94821yes, indeed a nice point.


Also, I think today's article regarding SC's 'ponderance' over the 7 questions of religion, is a good place for a well rounded understanding of the Sabarimala issue. Each question involves high subjectivity, and so are interview worthy.


@BehemothThe thought process is good and underlying causes is also highlighted well.

Just adding on from PRIs perspective as well :

PRIs are failing because of the structural issues in rural areas :

  • lack of multiple employment opportunities (agri-centered , which is contingent on various resources).

  • inadequate roads of good quality (discouraging daily up/down of commuters )

  • lesser number of health professionals at CHCs/PHCs

And issues like these.

Here, a intervention of Union for right policies ( Agri Export Policy, Ayushman Bharat, PM-GSY) and State government's effective devolution of 3Fs together can enable panchayat to bring substantial makeover of rural areas.

Along with this, vision of APJ Abdul Kalam regarding PURA ( Providing Urban amenities to Rural Areas) and re-christened National Rurban Mission 2016 can also help arrest R to U migration. More such 'Blue Sky Thinking' (Eco Survey 2019) is also needed.

This will ease of the load on DPCs. As they will get more informed and carefully planned developmental goals from bottom.


@BehemothEvery point deserves a separate discussion, IMHO.



Guys, can something be done to improve the segregation of posts to save important ones from getting lost in the oblivion? Much like bookmarks, page-save feature etc.?


There is an option of bookmark, the 3 dot ahead of the name, although don't know where the posts go(never done that)


@CaesarThanks. Just checked. They're accessible from the profile menu.


@AzadHindFauzThe first question is universal. Second one is specific to the case, isn't it ?

But yes, these two questions, especially the first one will change the way Verdict is being delivered and justice is done.

Good questions?



@ManchesterUnitedThe notion of purity and pollution is very much the foundation of our ritual practices. Although other reasons also exist.

Can the notion of purity and pollution be cited? The caste system and lower caste exploitation is also based on the same notion.

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