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Many of us have already wasted a lot of time. It's time to come out of slumber. Let's start the preparation of interview. Share your wisdom.

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My points on 3 capitals in AP apart from abv mentioned ones:
-Difficulty for employees- remember they came from hyderabad and settled in amaravati for improving governance, now they shd again mve to vishakapanam.
-planning and amount already spent on amaravati development
-no concrete guidelines for farmers who gave their land for capital
S i agree that decentralisation happens but most feasible way is to continue with amaravati and promote development of other cities in planned manner rather than shifting with no concrete planning
My personal opinion, i belong to AP


For answering this , we have to go back to the history of partition. Though we never supported the two nation theory ,its well documented that Ahmedis in large number voted for Pakistan during partition .So its safe to say that It’s the communities self choosen motherland. But still , as a responsible neighbour & a secular nation , we should take steps to apprise the world of violation of human rights of these communities in Pakistan . At the same as a nation , we also have to take care of our economic & social concerns & at the end we can’t open or gates for each & every community of our neighbours . It might open the pandora box of deliberate persecutions of various communities in Pakistan to push them to India .


I have a doubt in this point
Illegal immigrants are not eligible to be given citizenship by naturalisation ( 11 yrs etc)
Now the CAA held that these 6 minorities will not be considered illegal immigrants & also reduces te period of residence required to 5 years for them.
So 11 years option is still not available to ahmedis etc .
Am I right ?


@ManchesterOfcourse not as an illegal immigrant but as an asylum seeker!
Like in the case of Tasleema Nasreen where she is residing in India on a long term visa and that would make her eligible in few years to apply!
(Just an example,she has a swedish citizenship)


You know I have observed one thing in US, that for many of their states, their capital cities are relatively unknown and not so popular. I believe their concept is to take any underdeveloped county (district) and make it developed by virtue of being a capital city. I know the governance and political system is very different from us but definitely the idea of taking a very poor district to make a capital is very rationale considering the stress on already overburdened capital cities and at the same time as@AzadHindFauzpointed out it results in decentralization. We must stop viewing Cities as an agent of economic growth. This might work in western world where the country size barring few was small.


@visionmanI beg to differ bhai. In the age of urbanization, cities alone can unlock the true potential of development and achieve the goal of inclusive growth at the same time. Small towns and villages may not have adequate social and human capital to assist in economic development banked on new age interventions like IT (AI,Big data etc.), Startup ecosystem etc. Also, reviving the manufacturing sector most of which is already based in urban centres only.


@visionmanI think few state governments tried to do this!
By attracting investors to hitherto underdeveloped regions,but very few succeeded!
Americans,Chinese are looking for avenues to invest whereas we are looking for investors!


How would 3 capitals lead to decentralisation?
The three are for different functions(leg,exe,judi).
Development, yes. Economic activities would increase in the districts.


@Caesarokay.. Point stressed was decent of dev, my bad


@BehemothA few more.

  • Making CDS as the point of concurrency of the three services could bring friction among the three chiefs and the CDS especially when all hold the same rank. All are 4 star. This implied subordination comes with the office of the CDS

  • CDS will be drawn from the three services. Harsh V Pant argues that one cannot deny the case ofservice parochialismwherein CDS prefers the needs of service he belongs to ahead of the needs of other services that might be important.


  • Brings domain expertise

  • Better address of demands of the services + puts an end to inter-service rivalries.

  • Will send a symbolic message to adversaries. A good way of what we call power projection in IR.

PS- Pasting from my Evernote.


@AzadHindFauzYes this might have worked for past 70 years where in cities itself was not fully developed and there was some potential left which was unlocked thru expanding city zones(example-Suburban Mumbai, NCR, Hitec City(Hyderabad). But now those areas have even reached saturation point. By 2025 I feel almost all metropolitan cities in India would not be able to handle further. Its too much to ask for further development from overburdened cities and are literally crumbling with traffic, water shortage, frequent fires, poor waste management and poor living conditions of migrants.
PS- Any suggestions to further the development of cities while considering these issues in mind.


@AzadHindFauzOne more point, several committees including the Kargil Review committee also stressed on a CDS

Other +ves:

  • would help promote jointness, which is the need of the hour, 3 services can't work in silos

  • Recent focus has been on restructuring of the military, creation of Integrated Battle Groups(IBGs) would help in effective utilisatiom of resources(CDS would play a key role in creation of IBG)

  • CDS, being a member of Def Acquisition Council, would help in assimilating the needs of different forces

  • The 3 service chiefs have retained their autonomous functioning and would independently advise the RM


  • Administratively, the CDS has a rank & pay higher than Def Secy, who is the admin head of DoD & Min

  • The DMA should not become another hurdle in acquisitions


@visionmanFor the development of cities, we must focus on planned urbanisation of Tier 2 cities, addressing the internal migration problem through jobs creation and to avoid their concentration in select centres, undertaking more schemes like Smart Cities Mission, but sector-specific in nature like water stress, waste disposal, pollution etc.


Going to note down some important discussed points here.


Guys, can something be done to improve the segregation of posts to save important ones from getting lost in the oblivion? Much like bookmarks, page-save feature etc.?



Why women of certain age group are not allowed in Sabarimala temple?

  1. Simple answer- Because of menstruation which is not considered sacred.
  2. Specific answer - Hinduism is based on the notion of purity and pollution. Eg East direction, gold, milk, white colour etc are considered as pure while south direction, non-veg, black etc are considered as polluted. Similarly the blood coming out of body is considered as polluted. Hence menstruation is perceived as pollution.

@BehemothSwamy Aiyappa being Naishtka Bramhachari is the reason for sabarimala!
Hindu women avoid temples while being in periodic cycle but in sabarimala all those who are physically capable of being in cycle aren’t allowed!


@BehemothCould we also include these or would they be too specific-

  • Does minority judgement hold much thought in the act of advancing justice by the judiciary in our country?

  • Should the judiciary be allowed to explore the possibility of rational nexus in the matters of faith and religion?


@ManchesterUnitedThe notion of purity and pollution is very much the foundation of our ritual practices. Although other reasons also exist.

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