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What not to do in Rajinder Nagar ?

Don't take advise from just anybody be it ORN or Telegram expert groups or channels. This has massive repercussions. It can ruin 1-2 years of preparation for just anybody. If you want to know how to clear prelims, Talk only to those who actually clear prelims. If you want to know how to clear mains, talk to Only those who have scored well.

Seek support from mentors (and NOT subject experts or outdated teachers) who givepractical advise and shut yourself from unsolicited gyaan.

Otherwise the content terrorists(in the words of Dipin sir -  Btw one can learn from him  practical way of notes making for Mains) by advising new aspirants to read Yojana, Kurukshetra or Bipin Chandra for post independence can unnecessarily complicate life 

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