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What is the 1 thing you learned from your Prelims failure?

Revision holds the key to see your roll no in the holy pdf

You cant buy time!. if you are weak in some subjects or not motivated enough etc etc., then take help in form of coaching, mentorship etc. Money can be earned later but not time.

“I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself.” Even after following all golden rules, you may still fail. But the reason shouldn’t be lack of your effort. Give your best, even if you fail, you will walk with your head held high.

Muhammed Ali once said “I don't count my sit-ups; I only start counting when it starts hurting because they're the only ones that count”. Studying those extra hours, postponing your favourite TV shows for weekend, attending mocks on time, analysing and understanding PYQs, waking up on time to attend SFG test at 7am etc…will make the difference 

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