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Une breve histoire de legalite

Thomas Piketty describes the great movements that have made the modern world better and worse: the growth of capitalism, revolutions, imperialism, slavery, wars, and the building of the welfare state. He traces the history of equality through these events. Revolts and revolutions, social struggles and crises play a central role in the history of equality discussed in his book "A Brief History of Equality" -

 Inequality is first of all a social, historical, and political construction.

For the same level of economic or technological development, there are always many different ways of organising a property system or a border system, a social and political system or a fiscal and educational system. These options are political in nature.

Since the end of the 18th century, there has been a long-term movement toward equality. 

This is the consequence of conflicts and revolts against injustice that have made it possible to transform power relationships and overthrow institutions supported by the dominant classes, which seek tostructure social inequality in a way that benefits themand replace them with new institutions and new social, economic, and political rules that are more equitable and emancipatory for the majority. 

Human societies have moved fitfully toward a more just distribution of income and assets, a reduction of racial and gender inequalities, and greater access to health care, education, and the rights of citizenship.



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