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Thread to Clarify Doubts, Seek Guidance from 2021 Batch Civil Servants

1. Could you please give a broad timeline of your preparation?, including

a) When you started with & completed Mains Topics? Ans: GS: Dec 2020-Feb 2021

b) Was Optional Preparation Simultaneous? Ans: Completed GS before Pre and Optional(PSIR) after pre.

c) Your Revision strategy. Daily? Weekly? Ans: Completed the First reading of all subjects in one go. Followed it by revision

d) When did you start giving Mocks for Pre? Ans: I joined SFG for Pre.

e) When did you write 1st answer? Ans: Joined AWFG for Mains.

f) Time set aside for Prelims-only Preparation (and how were Mocks incorporated in this phase) Ans: 3 months for Pre only preparation. Focused on SFG only for Pre.

2. Your specific strategy for Current Affairs:

a) In how much depth did you read Newspaper (Only Op-Ed/Science Tech?, or all of it?) Ans: No newspaper for Pre and Mains. Followed Youtube videos for daily newspaper analysis. For interview read IE in-depth and made notes.

b) When did you read CA Magzines? Did you read them bit-by-bit everyday, or all in one sitting? Ans: Monthly. Completed in one go.

3. How did your general Day Schedule look like?

a) Did Newspaper first, or Static Subject? Ans: I completed one subject in one go.

b) Did 1 subject per day? Or,GS & Optional Simultaneously everyday? Ans: Did 1 subject per day.

Was this your first attempt? If not, could you please tell what went wrong in the previous ones? 



1.) I am a beginner, starting with reading Laxmikant etc when according to you should I join a mains test series?

I have doubts whether I'll be able to write good answers later and I should join it early. Could please help and give me some perspective for that.

2.) Should I start prelims only preparation from March or should start it from Jan?

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