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Question number 27 of test 2. SFG batch 2

Here, " how is division of power a feature of presidential form of government? Division of power is looked upon to check whether government is federal or unitary."


SFG batch 2. TEST 26

Question number 30

Sandalwood is found in deciduous forest. Deciduous forest are found in foothills of himalayas, so shouldn't the answer be 1,2&3.


SFG batch 2 test 30

Question number 17

Ephernerals are free from any xerophilous adaptations. Also, the species which survive dry season are called rain perennials ajd not Ephernerals. 

@lonecode statement 1 in question says "plants which are adapted" while Ephernerals are not adapted at all. So statement 1 should be wrong na. 
Statement 2. Surviving by seed dormancy is a property of rain perennials and not Ephernerals (according to shankar IAS book) and i guess both are different. 


SFG batch 2, Test 35

Question number 26. Statement 2.

Private remittance (which is calculated as net ie. Total incoming minus outgoing remittance) is part of GNP calculation. Hence income generated by foreigners in india is part of GNP calculation. This makes the 2nd statement wrong and correspondingly correct option should be D instead of B. 


SFG batch 2, test 42

Question number 24. Statement 1.

Bimbisara was not a disciple of Buddhism. "Bimbisara was contemporary to both Mahavira and gautam buddha. Both religions claim him as their supporters and devotee." 

Quoted from TN board book

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