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SFG Level 2 - We need your suggestions!

@Neyawn sir please consider some sort of modification for working aspirants. I feel most of the programs nowadays cater for full time aspirants and some of us simply cannot afford that luxury. I was able to manage SFG till my previous attempt when I would just give the test online before rushing off to college. However, now as a school teacher it simply is not an option for me to take a test at 7AM online because I’m halfway to school at that that time.



@Neyawn sir please consider some sort of modification for working aspirants. I feel most of the programs nowadays cater for full time aspirants and some of us simply cannot afford that luxury. I was able to manage SFG till my previous attempt when I would just give the test online before rushing off to college. However, now as a school teacher it simply is not an option for me to take a test at 7AM online because I’m halfway to school at that that time.

If I am not wrong, you have cleared IFoS cut off before and probably also appeared for IFoS interview ?

No sir im sadly ineligible for IFos


@Neyawn sir anyway to give the entrance test for sfg level 2 again? It’s a working Saturday for me (it’s things like this which make me say that programs don’t cater for working aspirants)

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