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Restarting my prep for upsc after 5 years [Target 2021]

So i am restarting my upsc prep after 2015 which i had left abruptly due to various reasons. 

Now with lots of time , i am thinking its better to prepare for UPSC than watch Netflix.

So I have following doubts:

1. I have laxmikanth and Ramesh singh of 2015 editions ,Do I need to buy the latest ?

2. I am thinking of choosing Geology as optional instead of geography ? (i have no background) ORis Geography still good ?( i had completed geography mains syllabus last time and still have material)

3. I am posted in Kashmir Valley hence no access to newspapers , even online.So can i just do Mags like Recitals and Vision etc ? or just important articles initiatives like insights or forumias ?

4.any changes to basic booklistin last 5 years , i googled but not much has changed.

5. Since i have 1.5 yearsany recommendation for optional ?



Welcome back :P

1. Yes, you will have to buy the latest edition of Laxmikanth. Ramesh Singh not required for preparation

2. No idea about geography or geology optionals. Please check because there are many threads on optional there. A trend I have seen is that people are moving away from geography to subjects like anthropology.

3. You should follow a newspaper because it helps you in many ways, including answer writing. Magazines like Vision would help you. There are many current affairs programs like those from Vision, Forum, IASHub, Shubhra Ranjan and Baliyans. You can follow any one of them if you feel the need.

4. I started in 2018, so cannot comment

5. Please explore anthropology and literature subjects. You can see past year papers to gauge interest level.

I wish you luck in your preparation.

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