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Psychology Optional

So, I've created a dedicated forum for psychology discussions.

An explainer, if anybody wants: I'd purchased the domain and hosting some months ago for organizing my notes in a private knowledge-base system, on a selfhosted Obsidian-like platform, but that was taking too much time and I reverted to simpler solutions, like MS Word.

The domain was just sitting idly, and I thought to make the best possible use of it, by converting it into a forum.

I don't intend to make any profits out of it. The forum is quite simple in design and I will not bother much about the "management" aspect of it. In fact, anybody who wants to be a sysadmin can be one; I, for one, do not want that role, couldn't be bothered less with that headache.

So, the forum is open. I don't know how to "launch" it. I'll not market it beyond this one message, and another that I will post in the forumias.

That's about it. Use it as you guys seem fit. People who want to take the admin job just let me know.

The domain expires in 2 years. If it remains inactive, I'll let it die. But I do a better place for discussions comes to be, be it that forum or someplace else.
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