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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Reasons why I think Prelims 2020 won’t postpone:-

1. Recent announcement by Cabinet Secretary that the Govt has no plans to extend the lockdown period.

2. Video conference held by PM Modi along with various CMs asking them to suggest staggered end to lockdown indicating that the lockdown won’t be extended.

3.  Indian Railways started booking tickets for 15th April and onwards.

4. Food outlets like Dominos and other restaurants have started delivering food. All these points indicate  that normal life will come on track very soon.

Reasons why I think Prelims 2020 may postpone:-

1. Number of cases rising at an increased rate, say in Delhi.

2. Proof of community transmissions coming up like the Nizamuddin incident.

3. Even if the lockdown is not extended, I think that things will take some time to settle. Say, govt uplifts the lockdown on 15th of April but still movement of people via public transportation, social gathering etc would take time to happen. So the commission won’t be conducting interviews soon after the upliftment. Also, people will still wear masks, so will the candidates and the interview panel members. It will be impossible to conduct interviews while wearing masks and the commission won’t risk the lives of panel members and candidates by allowing them to conduct interviews without wearing masks. 

4. Another example I can give is that I think most of the panel members who conduct interviews are the ones who hold high posts in the system. I am saying this because I have a friend whose maternal uncle is DIG of some State at present and he is called every year to Delhi for conducting interviews. If the lock down gets over , all these high level officers will be busy making  sure that the nation gets a smooth transitioning and comeback  post lockdown period and hence they won’t be called to Delhi anytime sooner for conducting interviews. If the interview gets delayed, so will the Prelims.

5. Last but not the least. My personal opinion  would be that, even though the govt was in a hurry to announce a sudden lockdown to stop transmission, UPSC has no haste-spell cast upon it to make the selection process complete  in a hurry. It can and should take its time to conduct either Interview or Prelims or both.

Neyawn sir has said that Commission may not wait for this years results for conducting next years prelims. Nor do other state PCS. The logic of old members of commission being more susceptible to the virus is also there.

I think lockdown is not doing to continue after April 15th. If things open up even by May 10th, exam is likely to be on time :-(

@IthriveoncocaineMany may's. that is my life right now. thank you.

It matters buddy.
UPSC is not foolish or unsympathetic.
They know that many in-service candidates, doctors, police personnel, media persons (yes, they appear for the exam as well), other subordinate staff are working their hardest at this time, 24x7, while others are studying from the comfort of their homes.
They should not be put to disadvantage for their service towards the community and the nation.
Restrictions on freedom of movement affect psychologically to many of the candidates.
If an affected case is located in the neighborhood, that adds to even more stress. 
It is not always about being ready for the adverse situations, it is about being smart, humane and sympathetic.

If lockdown is extended till the end of April and beyond, which is quite possible in the hotspots like Mumbai or Delhi, dates will be postponed for sure.

How can you be so naive? Upsc only concern will be that if it is able to conduct examination on May 31st.

I have appeared for interview, and I dont think upsc is thinking about us also, as it may go ahead and conduct prelims even without declaring this years result in worst case.

My sister who is in IRS , she flunked in her first interview and upsc gave only 15 days for next prelims. They did not think that 2/3 of interview people will flunk and they will need to cry for twenty days and may flunk prelims.

Also they are not concerned about coachings, and aspirants being busy and fair platform. The exam is tough and that is the fairness principle in it.

UPSC doesnt care if the coaching institutes complete the portions or not. IF UPSC postpond the exam at all, it will be mostly to avoid mass gathering. 



Guys we haven't reached the peak of covid19,still 1200 cases per day are coming and our testing %age is way too low.So brace for impact this disease is gonna raise its head for sure and any person who thinks prelims can happen on may 31 is oblivious to reality.UPSC being a constitutional body should ascertain its facts and don't engage in speculation,it demands factual answers but doesn't gives one via press release.Bit dissapointed with UPSC's response

That's how UPSC has always been. Welcome @captainamerica . Hoping for the rest of the Avengers to arrive. The world and forum needs saving.



Why so much dichotomy between Forumias andForumias blog!


Signed the petition. The guys have cleverly added a small promotion at the end of it!

@hound I don't think so. But then we now have PM Modi. He is a little tech-savvy and cares for public perception and social media . So you never know. 


Anyone who has given the interview and not read a single word for prelims till now?

most of us. i was preparing before my interview, but nothing AFTER my interview. :(

and now everything is looking lost!


Anyone who has given the interview and not read a single word for prelims till now?

most of us. i was preparing before my interview, but nothing AFTER my interview. :(

and now everything is looking lost!

Think of those who have their interviews pending !! 

yes sir. the only people who are in worse position than those who have appeared for interview and are wasting time waiting for results are the ones who are waiting for the interview itself!!!!


When we start to deify people/organisations, rationality takes a hit. That is certainly what is happening here. UPSC is an organisation, a great one, but Just an organisation in the larger scheme of things. The world is going through unprecedented times.

Saving lives is the primary focus with reviving the economy a close second. But the latter cannot be done at the cost of the former as in the long run results will be adverse on both fronts. An exam will not be used to spur the economy in such circumstances as the risk is too big and the reward is too little. 5-6 lakh students from myriad backgrounds come forward to take this exam with Min. 100 at each centre. Last time during my Prelims, Lucknow centre, I knew 5-6 guys, each from a separate district. Some from the most backward districts in UP. After the exam, they took an auto to the nearest railway/bus/metro station(some had to change conveyance once or twice to reach their respective stations) and then proceeded home from there. It will be a nightmare to trace and quarantine even if 1 centre comes under suspicion. Plus, it is not like the steel frame will collapse if the next batch of officers goes 3 months late.

2-3 days ago, UPSC deferred the CAPF notification until further notice. The exam was supposed to be held on 9th August. That is the 3rd notification deferred in the last month. My reasoning says that UPSC will come with a new calendar where exams will be announced August onwards.

2-3 days ago, UPSC deferred the CAPF notification until further notice. 

upsc conducts several exams. cse is the priority. i think it will finalise cse dates first before other exams.


no updates on prelims, no updates on interview future schedule. zilch!

thanks upsc.

@PowerPuffMojo  ye to is baat pe depend karta h ki aap jaha se shuru kar rahe ho uska level kya h.....

likely to be in August second half or september week 1. Vajiram is right! mains in december. no time between prelims and mains



Above are the guidelines issued by CBSE for conduct of their examination beginning July. 

I know 'normal' would change post corona and it is for our benefit, but just stating that giving an exam with a mask on is such an inconvenience. Especially giving UPSC CSE Mains. Imagine giving personality interview with masks, so much will change ! 

Strange how actions of 1 country can really alter so many things for everybody. 

When are the dates of the CBSE exam? 

Exam is going to be held in August end or 1st week of September. Confirmed news from son of a member. Not claiming insider information, but that is the broad plan of the Commission, given that recruitment exam is not as important as CBSE Board exam. States like Maharashtra are expecting a peak in July. Vajiram Test Series Calendar is right. 
In a parallel universe, people are giving last minute micro revisions for pre on Sunda


Haha, so true!


Hello all. Let me share with you how things are here in Mumbai. Since Janta Curfew, i.e, from March, there is absolute NO MOVEMENT of Mumbai Local. Ask any Mumbaikar, and s/he will tell you what does it mean to the mobility of this city. My area is a containment zone, and as a result, we are witnessing strict implementation of Lockdown. Two weeks back, we had a positive case in my own housing society, and since then, the main gates of residential complex is sealed. We are allowed only 2 hours in morning for essentials, and after that police volunteers are deployed on my gates to make sure no one goes out. The patrolling vehicle often comes in evening, and they come along with loudspeakers announcing safety measures and other information. And not to mention strict night curfew from 7pm to 7am. 

Friends, it's a long battle here in Mumbai. We are loosing unfortunate lifes every day. The hospitals are overburdened with COVID patients. There is extreme shortage of ICU beds, and corona positive patients are loosing valuable time (the initial golden hour) in finding an empty ICU bed. Local administration is completely engaged in Covid- contract tracing, and managing impatient guest workers (aka migrant workers) who just want to go back home. 

The city is also far away from community heard immunity. Some say we are still about to witness the peak. Some predict about second wave. I am myself no expert on this. But the situation here is not positive. Even if we have further relaxation in lockdown, the fear of getting infected by the virus will be there. I really can't fathom the fact that how come Delhi mei log bahar aane lag gaye hai. My friends living there say that- "yaha cheeze normal ho rahi h". I mean how come even this is possible? That ugly virus is still there. Khair, it is difficult to predict dates. In this post truth world, every argument looks convincing. Baaki UPSC is supreme, and I hope it will consider the varied impact of this pandemic across the different spectrum of aspirants. Be safe friends. Coz abhi 'jaan hai to jahan hai' superceeds everything. 

Was watching TV. Uddhav Thankrey  has said that they are expecting cases to peak in June - July. And that too with Mumbai which is already in so much trouble. I wonder what will happen in June - July!

Any latest updates? Any insider info?
Heard that some schools are being asked to Prepare for the exam in October. Anyone else has the news?

Guys have faith in institutions.

Corona is not a political / academic issues like age/csat/ attempt ,its a deadly disease and if things are lefr loose it will take inummerable lives.

UPSC is constitutional body and it will not take any random decision. It will consider every aspect and until the things become as clear as 'normal' it wont risk spread.


@LeoMessi next year new virus aayega bhai, abhi se kuch mat socho



By 4th October, for the exam to happen:

१. Daily death toll should be near zero.

२. There has to be no containment zone anywhere in India.

३. Herd immunity to levels of more than sixty percent should be reached.

४. Or a vaccine should have been developed.

Otherwise, they will have to shift the date once again to some further date.

Here's a fact: Corona reached US in early Feb, after four months today, their daily death toll is still १०००+. And statistically, it will need more than two months AT MINIMUM to reach about zero daily toll. That's a period of six months very conservatively disregarding any other negative factor. And India is four times USA in population. And we have slowed down the spread meaning it will take yet longer to reach peaks/plateau top and then taper off.

Logically bole to Meri baat maano, chill karo is saal. No exam is possible this year, especially in favourite months of flu.If not that itna to hai October mein bhi hone ke chances bahut kam hain.


PS: Two minutes silence for those KUTAs (Keen & unimaginative type aspirants) who were illogically spreading the news (and fear) that exam will be taken on time (३१ May) earlier and then July/August. Hari Om🙏

Just a question. People this year are either having Covid or not having even normal cough and cold? Why? We had so many days where weather changed a lot. Some days cold , then suddenly hot. But noone is falling sick with regular cough and cold. Why?


Basically, looking at the number of days left, I can pick up only 1 monthly compilation. 

So, can anyone give analysis ofVisionvs.Insightvs.IASBaba (monthly + babapedia)vs.Drishti

If you can share your experience, it will be easier for me and other fresh aspirants to make an informed decision and stick to 1 source till the exam.

My 2 cents. Go with Drishti. Daily News and Analysis if possible. Why-

1. Unlike Insights, it does not merely copy pastes stuff and makes the analysis readable and understandable. I followed Insights from July- November. Since December, I have been exclusively following Drishti.

2. Vision too is good. I followed Monthlies during 2018-19 attempt. But I always have a feeling that in their pursuit to put more content in less number of pages, they sometime bombard too much of content.

3. Drishti has decent horizontal as well as vertical coverage. Give it a try. You probably will like it.

4. And for Mains GS,there is nothing as good as Insights Secure Initiative,though it takes a good amount of time.

Do you think insights secure is worth doing? i mean the compilation they provide of questions and answers is really huge. I have just seen that compilation. Never read that. Don't know if the cost-benefit is good? I think they provide 10 questions daily. So all in all 3600 questions in a year. (300*12). That's like too much! Even upsc in gs 2 and gs 3 doesn't ask all 20 questions of current affairs only. They also don't follow any pattern like they won't restrict to last one year. Some questions are generic. Mostly will be be contemporary i.e. based on the theme of last 4-5 years be it economy or polity. And some static too. 

Please do not do insights secure at all. I have suffered from it for 2 years as I actually thought that doing it will help. It is trues that you come up with many types of questions. But if I have cleared Mains in my fourth attempt only because for 2 years i was busy doing secure bogged down the huge bulk and volume of it. 

You will feel all good while seeing the compilation, but in the end there will be so much duplication of content that you will end up with khichdi. You will not be able to write consistent matter on any question, becuas every time a new type of answer will be given. It is true that we need perspectives, but it was only this year for my Mains I realised that you dont need to write 100 answers on same topic. I did forum current affairs and faculty did one single document of 2-3 pages on each issue. That is what you need in the end before Mains. If you have 100 pages on Covid 19 before Mains, you are screwed. You will get max of 1 question each in all four papers.

At the end of the year you will have thousands of questions and no coherence, and you will be forced to join some classes at the last moment - after doing secure for 2 years. And I am not saying from my own experience, but from experience of entire group of people who followed secure religiously.

Main thing is nobody is there to tell and we dont know until we pay for by wasting 1-2 years. So save yourself a year or two, dont waste time over secure. 


@mightyraju  Can you share Drishti magazine link? Fed up of vision and badly want to see something fresh for now. 

» show previous quotes

Please do not do insights secure at all. I have suffered from it for 2 years as I actually thought that doing it will help. It is trues that you come up with many types of questions. But if I have cleared Mains in my fourth attempt only because for 2 years i was busy doing secure bogged down the huge bulk and volume of it. 

You will feel all good while seeing the compilation, but in the end there will be so much duplication of content that you will end up with khichdi. You will not be able to write consistent matter on any question, becuas every time a new type of answer will be given. It is true that we need perspectives, but it was only this year for my Mains I realised that you dont need to write 100 answers on same topic. I did forum current affairs and faculty did one single document of 2-3 pages on each issue. That is what you need in the end before Mains. If you have 100 pages on Covid 19 before Mains, you are screwed. You will get max of 1 question each in all four papers.

At the end of the year you will have thousands of questions and no coherence, and you will be forced to join some classes at the last moment - after doing secure for 2 years. And I am not saying from my own experience, but from experience of entire group of people who followed secure religiously.

Main thing is nobody is there to tell and we dont know until we pay for by wasting 1-2 years. So save yourself a year or two, dont waste time over secure. 

You have a point. Since I didn't qualify for Mains in 2018-19 mains, so not a person to comment on real exam situations. But it did help me in Mains TS. This is how I do-

1. I skip for GS4 part.

2. Avoid repetitive themes. I jot down in Q-A Format on plain sheets. 

3.1 Page(both sides)- 4 Q-A. 

4. Since I have been doing this since past >1.5 years, it takes me around 15 plain sheets to cover GS1-3.This is around 60 questions out of around 300+ in a month for GS 1-3

Again I must confess that this may prove disastrous and you may be absolutely right.But I believe UPSC is a game of trial and errors in many senses. What may seem a right strategy today might be wrong in 2021 for the same person.

Suggestions are welcome.

That is a fair enough approach. If you that much time you can do so, but if you do not have affordability issues, forum current affairs classes will save you a lot of time. Even if you dont do the classes, get the class handouts. That is my point blank opinion. 

@goldberry thanks for this

But what is the replacement for secure

 vision mains test series of 2-3 year can be done and make notes issue wise,like we did in secure(topic wise note)?

Coz as u said in the end only matter is 1-2 pages notes for every keyword
But vo notes kis material se banaye?
Vision test series of past 2-3 years seem good to me

Yes. Best is go for 3 - 4 years Vision Mains Test Series compilations . Get it theme wise from iMagerunners shop. They are especially good for Indian Society and GS 4. 


In context to the  discussion of which Institue’s CA material is better one, I know that Vision’ material like PT365 and monthly magazines are best in the market, can anyone shed some light on Rau IAS material as well, like they also have their monthly magazines called Focus as well as full year compilation known as Prelims Compass Magazines. Does anyone follow them? Please provide your suggestions.

Also, GS Score has provided such yearly compilations of various subjects as well. They are available in PDF format free of cost at their website.

Can anyone  who is done with revising the yearly compilations for CA please just have a look at all of them and suggest which one would be the best one to go for Prelims 2020.

Thank you!

I have seen rau's . It is good. But the problem is that for Prelims, we should always read the most popular magazine. Hence Vision wins hands down. 

@goldberry thanks for this

But what is the replacement for secure

 vision mains test series of 2-3 year can be done and make notes issue wise,like we did in secure(topic wise note)?

Coz as u said in the end only matter is 1-2 pages notes for every keyword
But vo notes kis material se banaye?
Vision test series of past 2-3 years seem good to me

Yes. Best is go for 3 - 4 years Vision Mains Test Series compilations . Get it theme wise from iMagerunners shop. They are especially good for Indian Society and GS 4. 


Wt will you suggest to me regarding notes making of vision ts,or shall i just read them

Also pls tell me the sources especially gs2,3

Also of possible plz tell me the strategy to cover gs2,3 before pre,pre ka itna dar nhu hai

Pre ka syllabus 2-3 baar padke ho rkha haj

See, for Mains there is an approach that is needed. I would strongly say to go for forum current, just to get the approach. Sir is most accurate. Otherwise, to understand it, it will take plenty of time. I also took 2-3 years to understand this.

You can take a look at Chokkalingham Sir's notes if you absolutely dont want to do classes. I had referred to them last to last year, but it was too bulky. 

Vision is damn good otherwise, but that orientation for making notes comes usually after you have written the Mains or after attending some classes. If you cant afford it, I will say at least see 4-5 classes of Mains Dipin sir and you will understand how to study a topic and then you can do it on your own.



On the topic of CA classes, how is Santosh Sir's CA Program (Shubhra Ranjan)? 

Sir is good. He tries very hard, but for Prelims, my flatmate joined and he taught and taught endlessly . I am talking about last year Prelims. 

I have been following factly and I think it serves the purpose for prelims. What do you think about forumias mains marathon compilation? Is it worth pursuing?

I have been following it too. It serves the purpose quite well actually. I am keeping it as my primary reference point and doing Vision just for safety. 


Guys  plz explain this 

 The nature of the legal imperatives in any given state corresponds to the effective demands that state encounters, and that these, in their turn, depend, in a general way, upon the manner in which economic power is distributed in the society which the state controls.
47. The statement refers to:
(a) the antithesis of Politics and Economics
(b) the interrelationship of Politics and Economics
(c) the predominance of Economics over Politics
(d) the predominance of Politics over Economics

I am just taking a guess here.

The passage says that what the state legally does depends on demands made by the people to the state. These demands depend on economic distribution of power in society.

In my opinion answer should be (C) or ( B) 

Please let me know if I am correct :( 

@goldberry Buddythank you. you r right. Good yr, i couldnt understand it

Hello, Is my answer correct or not? Please tell me that :(

It also took me lot of time to understand.

@goldberry regarding Forum's CA class, i can only see Prelims CA on their website. Is there a separate Mains CA course? Could you please share the link. 

Sorry I cant help you with that. I had joined it offline and I had gone to the center. I find the academy website quite clumsy. You can call them and ask. Not being rude, just saying.



Wizard publication:the pages are of low quality,may also have some mistakes( download official upsc key) but so do others like new vishal and disha....this worked for me because i liked the format ...the questions are given above and the solutions below...i also saw other publications but the solution is given on back of the book.....
3: After completing any one full test series...say vision i think you can try tests of all coaching selectively ( 5 or 6 tests per coaching)... preferably full length tests....that would take you to 50+ tests in total and i think it would be sufficient

I have always liked Wizard only. Answers are given at the bottom of the page. As neyawn sir says, see the PYQ during having food. My whole confidence in PYQs came from Wizards's Compilation. Not sure about the key errors though. 


Has UPSC prelims 2020 paper leaked?

Can someone verify this info please? 

FAKE NEWS. They just edited 2018 Paper front page to look alike 2020 paper. See TBC number in the post and this pic !! :)

Just saw this. Thank God it is a fake news. Or else UPSC would be reduced to State PCS and Vyapam!!!


What is the best book to prepare for ethics?

I know books are not enough to prepare for ethics but I want a starting point. There are so many options out there that I am now thoroughly confused. Here are the top books recommended:

1) Lexicon (I was about to buy this but then saw that Vajiram teachers tell students not to buy this book specifically) 

2) Subba Rao (Bulky) 

3) Decode Ethics by Mudit Jain (although written by a topper, I couldn't find genuine reviews)  

4) DK Balaji (again written by a topper but no genuine reviews good or bad) 

5) M Kartikeyan book 

I will be grateful for any other books/sources. Thank you.

I have had to read all these books, so I can give you a feeback.

1. Lexicon - You buy it but it is no longer useful. Better than that is this dictionary of ethics by Insights . I am not able to find the link right now, but I will share with you. It is gold for beginners.

2. Subba Rao - some parts are good, but its better to leave.

3. Decode - It has some answers, but baat kuchch nikal kar nahi aayi.

4. D K Balaji - Damn good book - Must have - it has lot of good things - will help build the base.

5. M Kartikeyan - Also a good book - This and Balaji both are good, but between Balaji and M K , I would say go for Balaji because it is less bulky and you will actually finish it. You can buy both.

If you don't know anything, check out handwritten notes of Forumias. It was shared by someone last year before Mains, and it was gem - the person had beautifully written it down. You could answer 70% of questions from it.

Can someone share Insights Link of Dictionary? Unable to find it! Have they removed it from website?


could someone please throw some light on this?How come current affairs can be taught  by some xyz?

Isn’t it supposed to be prepared on our own only?

I am new here or is it a just market gimmick?

or is this spoon feeding really efficient and beneficial?

What is your strategy to do Current Affairs? What are your sources? How long have you been referring to these sources?

Is the DK Balaji book available on the internet? Can someone please share the pdf, if possible. Thank you

I tried looking on but its not there. If you manage the PDF somehow, do share!

newespaper , rajyasabha tv, mains test series , vision booklet 
2 years

Before Mains, it gets tough to manage all these things. Sir, teaches issues - so it becomes easy to manage before mains. Thats all. If you can manage all of these on your own, you can skip joining any classes.


@Agog can i get his booklets from somewhere?

Try freeupscmaterial or upsc pdf website. All coaching study material on the planet is there



@Akanksha_Jain i referred to Dipin sir booklets,if he does teach ditto same in class nothing xtra i culd find ther srry 2 say,in fact it seemed rstv playlist jotted down.At most it m8 b satisficing/time saving 4  those in job who culdnt read paper whole year eg rank 5 2017.I hav seen almost evry1 reading paper and even classes,dnt know if tht really saves time!Issue s consolidation even with me wch can by done by any institute compilation lik vision or insight not both!

Handouts have 40-50% of what is taught in class. There is significant value addition over and above handouts, otherwise what will be the use of sitting 3 hours in the class for so many days! handouts are anyway available in Imagerunners.

@goldberry just curious about one thing- won’t that lead to duplication of efforts?

I have followed Secure and TLP for 2 years. In between 2016 and 2017 I wrote at least 1000 questions. I felt I was doing fine. Last year I changed my strategy to making 1 single document on every issue instead of reading hundreds of articles on the same issue. In discuss there was Pratham Sir with ID peacefulwarrior who said that he had joined classes and made notes of sirs notes also and had one page notes for every topic. Otherwise it becomes difficult to revise before exam. 

In SFG Minal ma'am was there who told me to join the classes, so I did it. I didnt do anything else apart from it ( first mains, lack of time , read half of vision). I don't waste too much time on CA, I just do classes and do selective topics from Vision.  

My approach is to have single notes on every topic like women empowerment, food security, and classes align with my strategy. It may or may not align with your strategy. 


I am just sharing part of my notes, how i organise it in Evernote


I am just sharing part of my notes, how i organise it in Evernote

Don't u think this will end up to huge pile up of copy paste notes ?

I copy paste only relevant stuff. Also, i dont copy paste whole article, only keywords. I take print outs and study them. I use them for revising before every test. MGP tests are tough, its  not like solving Prelims MCQs where you can read Laxmikant and go. You dont have one single book, so own notes are important. 

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