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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

@Lemillion Yes...
It seems a fake profile... 

Any civillian public servant can not threaten Pakistan and China with war at open platform... 
Even a common person of sound mind will not do so...


Pic- Yashoda dairy

Few blocks of ORN have been declared as containment zone after 39 NEW cases were detected in single day on 18 june. Police zipsy with mic announcements roaming here round the clOck.....

DM oorder came last night.

Rest, one can conclude.

Neither we have willingness to track it nor the manpower to do so.

All we can do is to turn a colony into police camp. No civilian officer is to be seen. So, u can see the only solution which we have is to turn the containment zone into a police camp.

I am also going through similar situation. Took two years leave on pretext of doing MTech from job in oct 2018. Appeared for 2019 mains but couldnot get interview call. Had prepared for full nd final attempt in 2020 and then had plan to join job after giving mains in oct 2020.

I m working as Electrical executive engineer in state govt. I shall have to join job in Sept/Oct. I am feeling confused about joining. If date gets extended beyond 4 Oct, I shall join job as it is taking toll on finance as well as other  social issues.
Let us see.


Delhi residents are showing Covid imuunity. It is on an average 15% but also 25% in one district. That comes to almost 30 lack of population of Delhi. I hope it is a good news.

To be precise, Oxford University was being established exactly when Nalanda University was being burnt...

But, new University of Nalanda has been planned and is under construction by Ministry of External affairs in collaboration with Bihar govt and Govt of 21 Asian countries. U may like to visit, for infotainment, the link below:


yes, well said and good observation.

#2 Infact, CBDT, Ministry of Finance has initiated enquiry against those IRS officers. They are being harassed for expressing their views in FORCE. 

#1 looking at the condition of states of Gangetic plains( Bihar and UP) ORF is not unjust. These states were once cradle of civilizations, birthplace of 3 major religions of world and produced a huge chunk of bureaucracy. Infact, if one starts counting secretaries in present Union govt, right from cabinet secretary to finance, most of them would be born in gangetic plains. Still, these states are behind pakistan in per capita income and behind many african countries in other parameters. IAS were present in these states even before independence. State of Kerala and Gujrat got IAS officers only after independence and see their status. So, it is time to think about role of IAS in “Development and prosperity”. 

NB- It is my personal observation. Will not write in exams.


Shaibal Gupta is very good observer. His Patna based think tank ADRI- Asian Development Research Institute is doing quite well. But, since we are overwhelmed by think tanks of western world, we donot hear it quite often. Infact, national level think tanks and their reports like ORF or some other are never asked anywhere. 

In the above article, he had also put forward “lack of sub- national identity” in Hindi heartland states while it is present in all other states.

If u read my comment in isolation, it might create misinterpretation. It is in continuation of previous one.

It is well known fact that 50% of IAS would belong to the home state itself. The reaining quota of 50% IAS had large chunk from UP and Bihar till recent past. Though, that is on decline and almost every state is having equal share.
It is a sarcastic comment about IAS/AIS and their role in development of states of Gangetic plains viz. Bihar and UP. It is a critic of service which we are aspiring for.  So, donot go much into it.
Let us close it here.


Hey bro
Donot worry.
U have gone too far in stereotyping about my homestate.😉☺️

Come to my homestate and have a feel of Blissful Bihar. Days of sardan khan and ramadhir are long gone. Bihar attracts more foreign tourist than Goa. 
U shall have a nice time here...
And, if u are willing, do contact me after interview, I shall make u travel a land which many people of south east asian countries dream of. This Bihari guy will be there to welcum you.

Yes, ur talk about ease of doing business and relation with bureaucracy is right. And I was making same point in sarcastic way. I shall have to improve upon my witty skills. 


This is a video by Vikas Divyakirti sir, founder of Drishti IAS coaching. 

It is a video worth watching. He has resolved many queries very logically. He has also explained which subjects to focuss and how to study for prelims.

Off beat, I am waiting for our much hyped Covid vaccine to be launched on 15th August. 

Hope that it does not end as another farce.
I know.

It is “Dark sarcasm”

Even our govt is damm sure about it..😂😂😂

But, I donot understand this logic of

Creating posts and gathering virtual signatures on some “random website “(in this case is not going to create any impact for sure.

@ankith88 May be you r right. None of daily newspapers of Patna including Hindustan(hindi) and The Hindu(patna edition) have published any such news.

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