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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Someone rightly pointed out abtTopper's storm  a few days before it started, got a notification. Let the games begin.

PS- had to tap 'see fewer notifications' 

2019 AIR 93.

Aishwarya Sheoran. 😂🤣

This is a Femina Miss India 2016 consistent, also named Aishwarya Sheoran. The UPSC Topper Aishwarya Sheoran's picture is not available on Google for now.


Yeah, she seems to be the same person and it's written in the article too that she's been a model too. I'm amazed :O



please confirm the answer of RAKHMABAI CASE's & Desher katha's answer....? ANYONE

In Rakhmabai... I think it is not related to education... i read whole case... there was nothing related to v women's education '?? 

And regarding desher katha? 

AND REGARDING AADHAR QUESTION... Irdai on 1st of September has made it mandatory for imsuramce POLICIES...

This guy also wrote in hindi and marathi .. I dnt see a reason why he wld refer "desh" as only bengal . There is hindi translation of this book as well . Someone had shared a link of article plz check .

I think this 1,2 is correct as the third statement is true about Anandmath and they had replaced the name of the book here. The statement has to be picked from somewhere.

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