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Can anyone enlighten me on this question. How many scholars we need to write on a particular answer ? Does writing  some answers without any scholars makes my answer very bad . Like in national commission for women type questions do I need to write scholar opinion  in this question too or I can just write the facts .@AzadHindFauz @whatonly 


Can anyone enlighten me on this question. How many scholars we need to write on a particular answer ? Does writing  some answers without any scholars makes my answer very bad . Like in national commission for women type questions do I need to write scholar opinion  in this question too or I can just write the facts .@AzadHindFauz @whatonly 

As many you can fit without altering the logical flow of arguments. 

It comes down to one's writing style really. There are people who would be able to mention 6-7 scholars per answer. There are people who would be able to write 2-3 scholars only. 

It doesn't matter which category you fall in. What really matters is whether you are mentioning scholars to substantiate a particular viewpoint. Use of scholars shouldn't be just for the sake of mentioning them. 

As long as I can extract logic from your arguments, I don't care about the number of scholars. That being said, you must mention at least 2 scholars as that is bare minimum to establish the difference between a GS answer and an optional answer- latter being more analytical. 

However, you point out rightly the problem of mentioning scholars in questions like NCW. You need to be smart here. Here's how I would think about introducing scholars in such questions- 

  • NCW is about empowering Indian women in general. I will bring feminist perspective of politics in some way. 
  • Views of any Indian feminist, if possible. 
  • A remark on NCW by any famous Indian or institutions like SC, HC, NHRC etc. 

The idea should be to let the thoughts flow freely across the paper without digressing from the demand. You have complete freedom to talk about Plato who talks about philosopher women and JS Mill who talks about the sorry state of women. It depends on your skill to put them to use. 

In a bid to mention all these, you must be careful not to miss out on the flow. Flow is more important than the number of scholars. 

Thank you@AzadHindFauz you have cleared my doubts


Can anyone enlighten me on this question. How many scholars we need to write on a particular answer ? Does writing  some answers without any scholars makes my answer very bad . Like in national commission for women type questions do I need to write scholar opinion  in this question too or I can just write the facts .@AzadHindFauz @whatonly 

I'm a bit hesitant to give advice before I know my PSIR marks. For questions like NCW I had tried to make a list of quotes that I could use in pretty much any related question, and intended to use these in the exam. However I did not end up quoting scholars in every question in the exam, partly because sometimes it didn't seem to add much value and partly because I couldn't recall a relevant scholar.

So I think quoting a scholar is the best way to make an answer seem scholarly (:p) but you can achieve the same thing by analyzing the concepts related to the facts as well, as@AzadHindFauz said above with the NCW-feminism example. If you do that I think the answer will be complete even without a thinker quoted - but I won't be able to say so for certain until I know my marks.

Thank you@whatonly I got the point 

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