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PSIR - Strategy, resources & discussion

Hi peeps. Let’s do this!

1. Previous papers from 2009 (both papers are in the same PDF):here

2. Topic-wise PYQs: here 

3. Look for PDFs of books here: b-ok.cc

4. Model answers from SR:here 

5. OnlyIAS notes, if you need extra matter for a few topics:here 

6. SR notes,

Bajrang Lonikar,Saloni2607and92 otherslike this


Villanelle,Muffinand3 otherslike this
Has anyone joined the Vajiram test series for PSIR or heard anything (good or bad) about it?
@D503 I feel it isn't just limited to the field of diplomacy & to further expand the idea, I have observed it be a developing world phenomenon where you command respect based on the usage of those jargon. Simplicity is the hardest thing to achieve & the last effort of a genius (-George Sand).

D503,THE_MECHANICand1 otherslike this

I have SR's notes which are bit old(2016) which seems good for 1A, but for 1B..I need some updated content especially scholars part..commentry on constitutional provision, role of judiciary etc..done anyone have some latest material on eg. for Judiciary, electoral reform, pol parties, pressure groups, etc..anyone?@whatonly 

@D503 Where can one find Krishan Kumar Singh's booklets!?


I have SR's notes which are bit old(2016) which seems good for 1A, but for 1B..I need some updated content especially scholars part..commentry on constitutional provision, role of judiciary etc..done anyone have some latest material on eg. for Judiciary, electoral reform, pol parties, pressure groups, etc..anyone?@whatonly 

Check Only IAS material for 1b

THE_MECHANIC,Muffinand2 otherslike this

Hi friends, I'm struggling to write answers in psir, I have taken test series at an institute in Hyderabad 

I can share some of my sample answers, I'm scoring very low in the range of 60-70/250

Can someone please help me


Hi friends, I'm struggling to write answers in psir, I have taken test series at an institute in Hyderabad 

I can share some of my sample answers, I'm scoring very low in the range of 60-70/250

Can someone please help me

I think first take the question paper and a paper. For each question that you are going to write know whatever you know that you can think of is relevant. This also means that you do the interlinking concepts as well. And SR ma’am advices to think of the conclusion and 1 sentence answer first. Like for example if there is a question whether realism is the best school in IP? Discuss. Here the short is no, but it is dominant discourse with relevance. Also conclusion will be somewhere in the lines that realism is an useful discourse if also used with tactful use of other approaches.

now you bring your paper write down your knowledge in the topic to establish that one sentence answer. Say for example a brief on realism would mean noting down the keywords like hegemonic discourse, timeless wisdom, anarchy in international politics, different schools within realism. 

Then to establish that it is not the best, because no one school is. Bring viewpoints of different approaches that counter realist approach. Marxists- wallerstien model, Feminists- not emancipatory and excludes women, Liberals- peace and can be achieved by institutions , and even variations within realism. 

Think if you can link something from current as well, and adding theoretical understanding from paper 1 can also help. For example : Chanakya’s Shadgunya Niti and explain in the complex interdependence  of current state how that isn’t sufficient for eg: the complexity of India-China relations. 

Once you have the content create the flow. Only then write. This means you are going to breach time limit but that is okay for few tests. ATB. hope this helps

iOTA,sstarrrand5 otherslike this
@Pam123 Thank you very much 
I'll try to inculcate them next time in my answers 

Hows the feedback for this years mams crash course? Sessions were prolonged last year until the final date, is there any change in regards to that? Anybody who is attending, please chip in. Thank you
Bajrang Lonikar,THE_MECHANICand1 otherslike this


I think mam has interpreted State is individual writ large assertion of plato upside down. Plato arrives at what should be the Just person after establishing the theory of Just State. In a Just State there is proper stationing of classes based on virtues of Reason,Courage, and Temperance , and each class restricts itself to performing its designated role without interfering with the other class. The end result is a state where perfect harmony and order prevail. Since State is individual write large , Plato argues whats applicable at level of state must also be true at the level of individual. Thus, a Just Man is one in whom Reason, Courage and Appetite are arranged in the correct order, in whom reason is the dominant Virtue. Mam has explained in the reverse order.

"If the state is simply the man writ large, Plato argues , then we
must expect that as justice and the other subordinate virtues begin to deteriorate
at the collective level, they will deteriorate within the souls or personalities
of the citizenry as well. This means that the decline of the ideal state,
from perfect justice to perfect injustice, will be matched by an equivalent decline
of the inner life of the citizenry, from genuine happiness to utter misery."

very pertinent idea in present times

Interesting analysis, I didn't know about it. But keep in mind, the theory is vast maybe you have interpreted this by quoting one para of Plato. Can you please confirm the source of the same?

» show previous quotes

Interesting analysis, I didn't know about it. But keep in mind, the theory is vast maybe you have interpreted this by quoting one para of Plato. Can you please confirm the source of the same?

Brian Nelson western political thought. True, political theory has no end , you can keep reading and reading yet there will be a lot left to cover. I have only read Plato and Aristotle from Brian Nelson,for rest of the theory I willl just revise Tushar Gupta notes , which I had crammed in earlier attempt.


On Property :

Plato - against private property for Guardian class as it leads to corruption and selfishness and militates against public spiritedness. So suggested Communism of Property for ruling class.

Aristotle - Supports private property , everyone's property is no ones responsibility , besides Property helps develop virtues of generosity and prudence. However, property should not be pursued for its own sake. It should be a means towards the end of good life and happiness.

Locke - absolute right to property, provided 3 conditions are met - acquisition only throughmixingoflabor, should leaveenough and goodfor others to appropriate, and finally acquire only as much as you can consume withoutspoiling or decay.

Utilitarians - critical of Locke but support right to property but not as a natural right rather as a legal right. Furthermore, institutions are needed to protect peoples right to property. justification - Property is the reward that an individual gets for his hardwork. If i sow a seed but somebody else reaps the fruit then it will lead to anger and frustration. Individual property adds to societal property and thus leads to net happiness/pleasure.

Marx - private property = appropriation of surplus labor,control of means of production, alienation , animal existence and not species being.

"So that, however it may be mistaken,theend of law isnot to abolish or restrain, butto preserve and enlarge freedom:for in all the states of created beings capable of laws,where there isno law, there is no freedom:forlibertyis, to befree from restraint and violence from others;which cannot be, where there is no law: but freedom is not, as we are told,a liberty for every man to do what he lists:(for who could be free, when every other man’s humour might domineer over him?) but alibertyto dispose and order as he lists, his persons, actions, possessions, and his whole property, which the allowance ofthose laws under which he is,and therein notto be subject to the arbitrary will of another, but freely follow his own" —John Locke,Two treatises of government

summary of the day.

@D503 Hi can u give me the link of Tushar Gupta complete notes?

Civils Mains:2017,2018,2020,2021,Forest Mains:2021.

@D503 Hi can u give me the link of Tushar Gupta complete notes?

@D503 thanks bro

Civils Mains:2017,2018,2020,2021,Forest Mains:2021.

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