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Official Thread for Public Administration Optional - Questions & Answers

I will be posting my queries and answers in this thread. others are also welcome to participate.
please help others by clearing their doubts and reviewing their answers.

also,do install camscanner app in case you are uploading any answer...

jack_Sparrow,Allen_Barryand16 otherslike this


Good coverage of NPM and Nps, however devoting a full page on NPM is not the right approach, rather more focus be given to NPS...

You gave a very beautiful conclusion...

Except from word limit issues.. Your answer is perfect.. In my opinion

Learnt a lot


@mahi2501thanks for the feedback. And totally agree with your comments. In every answer I find my intro part inefficient and inprocess of making it efficient it gets converted into a vague one. Struggling with it and working on it.


@Redthis answer has got all the right concepts. Just need to focus on "where to focus"..

The first three paragraph can be shortened to one paragraph of 4-5 lines which talk about NPM and NPS in brief.

The next part(body part) is all about substantiation how NPS is an improvement over NPM. You have used the right words, just show them explicitly.

Can use expression likes: NPM brings efficiency in public administration, but NPS restores soul of public administration by keeping public interest in the centre ( serve not steer) and thus improves upon deficiency of a "Pure NPM" approach.

Use of MIS tool to manage MNREGA shows blending of NPS( citizen focus) aspect and NPM aspect (Efficiency focus).



Make intro more sharp and short.

How about this.

NPM started in 1990s through the work of Christopher Hood. Here focus was on using private managerial practices like performance management, use of technology, target based approach, efficiency, productivity focus to manage public projects.
NPS comes through work of Denhardt & Denhardt ( who also originally gave concept of rowing and steering). Here they talk about state role of "serving,not steering". By this focus NPS can be called to be an improvement over NPM in many sense :

So tips for you:

Reduce focus on NPM in first part. Write the same things and get it done in few lines.

Focus should be how NPS is improvement over NPM. Hence identify problems, shortcomings in NPM approach and show how NPS makes an improvement there.

In the end you can make suggestions like: what we need today is a state with focus on NPS philosophy with NPM tool.


@IWRAThis is what no other platform can provide.
Thanks a lot sir.
Keep guiding.?


To all,

This old post from Mango dolly sir takes a fresh perspective on NPG & NPM.

Go through it, you will have some ideas.

I will share more on these in future:

Following is from mango_dolly:

Shift from Public Management to Public Governance. What does it mean?

Thinker to look for: Werner Jann ( Activating state)

If the item in bold is your query then my explanation follows:

Actually public policy implementation and public services delivery has undergone three waves of reform (if I may say so) .. first was the traditional PA .. then came NPM and then we are now in New Public Governance (NPG) wave..
Your statement deals with the transition from wave 2 (NPM) to wave?NPG) ..

Actually NPG is a reaction to flaws in NPM .. wht flaws?

NPM had more intra-organizational focus( hence neo-taylorism came into being .. EEE of org etc)
NPM led to fragmented nature of Public Service Delivery .. so using analogy .. PAN card is being delivered by NSDL, UTISL and now govt is also trying to bring in e-Biz concept (Business Identification Number etc) .. So these varied institutions compete against each other and customer will have a choice.
Owing to its legacy in concepts of Taylor and mgmt theories which were majorly manufacturing focussed (Ops Research etc) .. NPM tended to become a muscular manufacturing centric (?) ..But as we all know .. govt is not into business of manufactured product deliveries (well atleast in developed countries .. as govt. here in India did deliver watches and bread till about 10-15 yrs back) .. and public service is more of a service based concept .. therefore tenets of NPM were not fitting well ..

Therefore a need was felt and more so in the 21st Century and in midst of globalisation .. that ..

there should be an approach of study which will focus NOT just on intra-org .. but also inter-org ..because public service delivery has been fragmented .. there is not just one party involved in delivery of service ..
there should be an approach of study on efficacy of public service delivery systems rather than individual units. (Focus of NPM was on individual units which used to compete amongst themselves)

So thinkers started putting their different approaches .. which are collectively grouped under New Public Governance.
Central ideas of NPG:

Citizens are at the centre of frame of reference in NPG. (You see above NPM had different frame of ref.)
State delivers public services through multiple actors and also through multiple processes ..
Citizens are central contributors to the public policy making

In my opinion the Mohalla Sabha and their contribution in budget and other public policy making initiatives taken by Delhi Govt. comes somewhat close to this NPG concept.

BTW .. Among the many approaches which are collectively grouped under NPG .......... New Public Service (NPS) is one such approach coined by, I think Denhardt ..

I hope I am clear .. you can piece out important items from above and frame your answer to fit in the word limit.

Good Luck !

P.S: i am not sure what is Activating State concept.

( End of text)


To all, how do I upload an image from mobile gallery here?


@IWRAthis should work



@IWRASir just slide the icon bar. The upload icon is there.



Oh. Got it. Thanks.?


@IWRAthanks for sharing this sir. Much clr now


@Bhagat-singhsaid inOfficial Thread for Public Administration Optional - Questions & Answers:

@IWRAthanks for sharing this sir. Much clr now


This is from original paper of Osborne on NPG.
Mainly Network aspects/collaboration are dominant in NPG.

Inter-organisational relationship.

Example: PPP project, SHG etc


This is the original paper, in case you want to read.



@IWRAthanks sir keep sharing they are very helpfull


@Bhagat-singhanswer aaj ka?


@mahi2501said inOfficial Thread for Public Administration Optional - Questions & Answers:

@Bhagat-singhanswer aaj ka?

Guys once we are done with Question paper we will move to Chapter wise discussion. This might look cumbersome now, I know I can relate. But this will definitely help 6 months down the line. Buck up pls...


@doodlebean@IWRANew Doc 2019-04-13 01.07.21_1.jpgNew Doc 2019-04-13 01.07.21_2.jpg

I know a very vague answer but would not let my ego, ruin my chance of learning.

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