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Official Thread for Public Administration Optional - Questions & Answers

I will be posting my queries and answers in this thread. others are also welcome to participate.
please help others by clearing their doubts and reviewing their answers.

also,do install camscanner app in case you are uploading any answer...

jack_Sparrow,Allen_Barryand16 otherslike this


@Bhagat-singhI feel like the answer is unidirectional you have explained only the political or parliamentary aspects, you can add other dimension like effect of stability on executive( lateral entry) , stability vs innovation, stability vs reforms etc.

I might be wrong but I would have added these points in my answer. Rest it is open to discussion that my percention is right or wrong.


@Hakunah_MatataI was thinking along similar lines only:

-stability and majority being a result of populist policies eg:10 year reign of SAD BJP in Punjab
-it resulting in reduced responsiveness to needs of citizens eg: Congress rule in delhi for 15 years
-challenges of accountability as opposition is likely to be weak in such cases (eg TRS and Telengana)

Some good examples are also there Chatt and MP experiencing good agri growth and governance coz of long and stable govts


Can someone help me out with this question (Lukmaan 2017) -

A stable and effective democratic government ... depends upon the orientations that people have to the political process-upon the political culture.”(Gabriel Almond and Sydney Verba) Comment.


Thanks@iceblock93@Burningdesire@Hakunah_Matata. I hv note down all ur points. We had healthy discussion , many ideas,suggestions came out. I think we shld discuss everyday few questions,concepts.


@iceblock93almond and verba talks abt 3 types of pol culture -
parochial- ppl r not aware of govt. Here ppl will follow whatever the govt does. Will have stable govt. No opposition frm ppls side. But not effective democratic govt as lacks ppls support. Top down. Few of the african countries or fused societies.
Subject- ppl are aware of govt, but do not participate. Therefore policies will be top down. Will have stable govt but not effective democratic govt.. most developing countries or prismatic societies
Participative- citizens not only aware of govt but participates in governance. It will have eefective democratic govt but because of over involvement of ppl in governance there will be constant opposition to governments decisions which are against one section of population. Therefore stability will not be their.
Almond and gabriel says to have a civic culture i.e, stable and effective democratic govt a combination of all the above three pol culture is needed , so that people will participate in governance but will also follow decisions which are against one section of population but is in public interest.

I wld have written this . Would have try to add more examples in it.


Speaker om birla has modified few rules and the efficiency of ls has increasedin this budget session 9 legislation passed from 21 which were introduced . This is highest for NDA govt. He removed limit of one hr time for zero hour .many minor changes introduced.


@iceblock93Well I would address this question in parts.

  1. Intro with differences: Political process is the actual functioning of the politico-administrative system while political culture is the value, notions that people have about the political subjects.
  2. How process and people orientation towards it impart a democratic character? Eg: Old Localism and New Localism. People orientation was important in later. This brings Follet's participative democracy.
  3. However, process and culture are not 2 separate distinct identity. They influence each other. Culture is formed on the basis of functioning of process. Eg: ECI and voter turnout based on integrity in election.
  4. Conclusion: Combining the two.

Is there anyone who's joined vision mains test series? What's the exact location of their test centre in ORN, after making online payment what we have to do??....plz help m hell confused n new in delhi (n their customer support sucks) ..plz reply asap.


@spriyadarshiin National trust building(100% sure)
And other one I guess near Karol bagh metro arcade center (not sure about this one)

Your victory is right around the corner.


Do you people have any written notes of 1st unit(evolution of indian administration). Please send me to mail thanks in advance. Please I could not find any good notes for it.


@Bhagat-singhbhai please restart that daily answer waiting inititative, though I am not giving mains thisbyear, I would be active , as the initiative benfiyted me last time it started..

Doodlebena man is more than ready to help us out, but for that we also need to help ourselves...



Introduction if ethics paper in civil service examination was an attempt to identify and rehabilitate rational emotive managers (McGregor's views)

Sensitivity training proposed by argyris is somewhat similar to this rehabilitation


@mahi2501gs4 paper is a way to test the managerial cosmology or belief system wrt humanistic dimensions..

I tried to link GS4 with 2 views of McGregor...which is more appropriate?? Please review..


Q)The Right to Information (RTI) has emerged as an effective tool for citizen’s dispute resolution. Discuss.

It ain't about how hard you hit, it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward !


@mahi2501create a telegram group for answer writing. i too am not giving mains this year. But will be active full time. Telegram is much more user friendly


or search pub_ad in telegram. (if the above link doesnt work)

The grp is mainly focussed on upsc 2020.

We will start afresh, cover the syllabus topic wise.

It ain't about how hard you hit, it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward !


@prowesssaid inOfficial Thread for Public Administration Optional - Questions & Answers:

or search pub_ad in telegram. (if the above link doesnt work)

The grp is mainly focussed on upsc 2020.

We will start afresh, cover the syllabus topic wise.

I'm in joined!


Q. “The field of Public Administration is a
field of business.”(Woodrow Wilson)
Comment. (CSE 2009/20 marks-200

CSE-2020 pub ad prep


?is everyone busy in mains prep?

why is this thread not active?

It ain't about how hard you hit, it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward !

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