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[Official ] Interview Preparation 2021 - Ask Questions, Debates and Doubts, Hobbies, Home State

@Knightsword Hey I had mentioned watching wildlife docus as a hobby in my Capf AC daf. I was also asked a couple of questions on that which I answered reasonably well. Got my results last month and I cleared. Can share my transcript with you if you'd like to go through.
Let me know if you'd want to prepare some questions on this with me.

@Sankoza Karnataka here. Let's do this

I'm attaching the relevant hobby (watching wildlife docus) related Q&A here.

M2 : So you like watching Wildlife documentaries. Have you seen “Born Free”?
A : Born free? Is that a documentary?<>
M2 : Yes yes, leave you haven’t watched it. Do you know about Serengiti National park. You know a very famous event takes place there?
A : Yes sir, it is a very beautiful sight, The Wildebeest Migration. It’s the migration of buffaloes, zebras, wildebeests after the Okavango basin dries up during summer.
M2 : Yes, these animals don’t recognize any boundaries and move freely. Do you know across which 2 countries they migrate?
A : Sir I believe they migrate across Tanzania and Kenya. 
M2 : They move in large groups. There are lions also in Serengiti. Do you know what a group of lions is 
A : Sir it’s called a pride of lions.
M2 : Yes, and do you know if lions are found anywhere outside Africa?
A : Sir the Asiatic lion is found outside Africa. It is found only in India in Gir, Gujarat. It also used to be found in Iran.
M2 : Leave Iran, but lions are found only in Gujarat in India?
A : Yes sir.
M2 : Are you sure they are not found anywhere else?
A : Sorry sir, none that I can think of.

Rest of the interview followed from here onwards. 

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