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[Official ] Interview Preparation 2021 - Ask Questions, Debates and Doubts, Hobbies, Home State

Hey@Neyawn is there any repository for e-novels? A google drive Link or something of that nature will be highly appreciated 😊

@Neyawn thankyou😊 we can also start a new thread on novels , I can safely assume many of us would have this hobby. 

@ssver2 thankyou. The site is a diamond mine 😊

@Joeyisthebest Hey. I wrote fiction as hobby in my last year's interview. Got an above average  score😁. Though non-fiction is often seen as more "intellectually inclined", I think fiction will do just fine (and even well) if you actually read and enjoy  it. 


Since everyone here seems to be focusing on non-fiction books, just want to know if reading fiction books as a hobby has some issues? I do read non-fiction but those numbers are really less! 

imho :D it's the opposite, fiction gives you the room to make your own choices from a wide array, but with non-fiction the board would expect us of having read (at least heard) of particular recent works on imp issues. In my case, the focus on non-fiction, among other things, is due to the desperation to sound gyaani. *sighs*  

Hey. I wrote fiction as a  hobby in my last year's interview, even though I had this apprehension of not being taken seriously by the board. However, fortunately, got an above average  score😁.
Though non-fiction is often seen as more "intellectually inclined", I think fiction will do just fine (and even well) if you actually read and enjoy it. 

As for the interview, if you readgood classic fictions, board members do ask questions around its social- economic context. Asked me about Mulk Raj anand's books and female Indian fiction writers I like to read. 


@JhansiKiRanii 1857 revolt nd ur contribution snt a mere novel!!😁

I'm sorry, I didn't exactly get your comment?

@JhansiKiRanii did you specify any genre in the fiction section? I mean the questions regarding female Indian fiction writers, is a specific one hence asking.

No. Though mentioning a specific genre is encouraged, but I didn't follow any particular one. So, I thought it would limit my options. So I went ahead with "reading fiction". 

They usually ask female candidates about female personalities of any feild relevant to the DAF. Hence the question. 




Since everyone here seems to be focusing on non-fiction books, just want to know if reading fiction books as a hobby has some issues? I do read non-fiction but those numbers are really less! 

imho :D it's the opposite, fiction gives you the room to make your own choices from a wide array, but with non-fiction the board would expect us of having read (at least heard) of particular recent works on imp issues. In my case, the focus on non-fiction, among other things, is due to the desperation to sound gyaani. *sighs*  

Hey. I wrote fiction as a  hobby in my last year's interview, even though I had this apprehension of not being taken seriously by the board. However, fortunately, got an above average  score😁.
Though non-fiction is often seen as more "intellectually inclined", I think fiction will do just fine (and even well) if you actually read and enjoy it. 

As for the interview, if you readgood classic fictions, board members do ask questions around its social- economic context. Asked me about Mulk Raj anand's books and female Indian fiction writers I like to read. 

 female Indian fiction writers I like to read.

what was your answer, if I may ask? :p

 I  mentioned Jhumpa lahiri, Divya devkaruni ( the palace of illusions) and then Arundhati Roy (could have avoided the last one:p). The member smiled a bit on hearing the last name and went ahead with a follow-up question on booker prize etc. 😁





Since everyone here seems to be focusing on non-fiction books, just want to know if reading fiction books as a hobby has some issues? I do read non-fiction but those numbers are really less! 

imho :D it's the opposite, fiction gives you the room to make your own choices from a wide array, but with non-fiction the board would expect us of having read (at least heard) of particular recent works on imp issues. In my case, the focus on non-fiction, among other things, is due to the desperation to sound gyaani. *sighs*  

Hey. I wrote fiction as a  hobby in my last year's interview, even though I had this apprehension of not being taken seriously by the board. However, fortunately, got an above average  score😁.
Though non-fiction is often seen as more "intellectually inclined", I think fiction will do just fine (and even well) if you actually read and enjoy it. 

As for the interview, if you readgood classic fictions, board members do ask questions around its social- economic context. Asked me about Mulk Raj anand's books and female Indian fiction writers I like to read. 

 female Indian fiction writers I like to read.

what was your answer, if I may ask? :p

 I  mentioned Jhumpa lahiri, Divya devkaruni ( the palace of illusions) and then Arundhati Roy (could have avoided the last one:p). The member smiled a bit on hearing the last name and went ahead with a follow-up question on booker prize etc. 😁

good stuff!

also guys, try not to judge, ok? until this moment, I used to think Jhumpa Lahiri was a guy :/

(matlab kabhi specifically socha nahi, gender field mein default male saved tha. sighs)

Lol lol. It's okay, I guess.. I used to think the same too for quite some time :) 


The thing with my hobbies is that they are mostly things that I do on and off. A little bit of this and a little bit of that.

For example, I've been playing the ukulele the past 8 months now and got reasonably good at it. (Guess who learned the Godfather theme music and Bella Ciao in fingerstyle this past week) Yet, my theoretical knowledge of music is  nil. It's an instrument I learned using the internet entirely. Also, I genuinely love a certain genre of music and I take my Spotify very seriously. However, my interest and knowledge is limited to that alone. If they ask me about Kishore Kumar songs or famous musicians from my State from eons ago, I would know only to the extent I've prepared. 

Similarly, I've honestly been cycling in recent times. My heart and my brain knows it to be true, but my waistline does not. AND I know nothing about cycling in general. I can only balance a cycle.

Coming to reading books, it's a habit I picked up in the past three years. I wouldn't say I'm a voracious reader, but I read books which pique my interest. A lot of books do, and they're generally non fiction books. So, my knowledge is limited to a casual reading of the same. 

I write both prose and poetry, but I mostly dont publish them because I feel it's art and art is always personal. It's weird, I know, but it is what it is.

I also binge watch movies and TV series.

Everything takes a back seat when the cricket is on.

Basically, I'm like Dee Dee from Dexter who goes " Ooo, what does this button do?" when I see something that captures my interest. I don't lose that interest ever, but since there is only so much time every day, I cant give each interest the time it deserves. 

If that is the case, would they be hobbies or just interests?

I think my best bet would beto try and learn the basics the best I can,and just be honest and authentic about the fact that my knowledge is rather shallow about each of these interests of mine, if I dont know the answer? I wouldn't look like a blithering idiot, would I?


Aaaaaaaaaaarrghhhhh. Overthinking would be my primary hobby if it were enjoyable. I definitely do it regularly.

If I were you, I would have written *experimenting with new things* as my hobby.  :D 

@JhansiKiRanii This female candidates being asked about females is new to me. Thanks for sharing it.

I too don't limit myself by genre. There are few authors however who I prefer reading more than others but again not from a single genre.

As a matter of fact, there's also a trend to ask male candidates who put in cricket as a hobby about the female cricket team:p

So,  you never know what the board is up to:D 


@Neyawn How does  “ watching contemporary movies” as a hobby look in your opinion? 


Thankyou! I must have watched more than a dozen movies, was only thinking what if the members would start asking about movies of their era and stuff. How to prepare in  that case?



Thankyou! I must have watched more than a dozen movies, was only thinking what if the members would start asking about movies of their era and stuff. How to prepare in  that case?

Look, you can’t prepare everything. Interview preparation is an incremental , best effort basis thing. Do not be over ambitious and try to do everything.

So be incremental. Prepare things as they come.

We always overestimate what we can achieve in a day and under estimate what we can achieve in a Week or month.

Sure, thanks for the patient reply:) I'll try to make a realistic plan keeping in mind the incremental approach you suggested. Rest is bhagwan ke upar, let's see :-D


Any separate group/ PSIR optional to discuss interview related stuff? If yes, would like to join. Kindly DM.

Or we can create one. Those interested, kindly DM. 


@Neyawn a friend wants to write "learning  bharatnatyam" in  her extracurriculars column. She has been taking formal lessons since Jan 2021. Is it too short a time to mention? Your take?

She has seen people writing learning ..( something, something) in their daf but not sure about the learning period. Please throw some light! 

@Neyawn  Thanks:) Will ask her to expect a few bouncers and prepare well. 

@carborator , My 2 cents.
I was in a similar dilemma last year; Though I have a decent command on English writting, but lacked confidence in spoken English. However, quite contrary to the general perception (at least mine) , the UPSC interview board ( AK Bhonsle in my case) was immensely cordial and flexible in case of language medium. The chairman, in his introductory  remarks itself mentioned "feel free to use English/ hindi, nothing to worry".
I have heard similar comforting incidents from other boards too. Unless a member does not understand Hindi ( is from South India etc), I do not think it would be a big problem.

As for improving  spoken English ( to boost my own confidence), I tried group mocks, started conversing with friends/ siblings in English and practiced some must_know questions before mirror. I also recorded my own audio and listened:) These things worked fairly well for me. I'm not sure of any separate course, but I believe the cost- benefit ratio might not be too good. It also comes with a risk of shifting focus from actual interview prep to mere English prep. IMO, interview is not about your medium of communication but how clearly you convey, what you want to convey.  
So, choose wisely:) 


@Neyawn Regarding the EWS annexure, do we have to mention income details of our siblings over 18 yrs of age? Or just parents and spouse ( if applicable) ? 


In the EWS annexure, Are we required to fill income details of our siblings above 18 years? 

@Neyawn, or  anyone who knows definitely? 


Hello all. This was to be my 2nd interview (2nd mains, 3rd attempt). Since the interviews have been postponed,  I have some time to spare. And so do most of us. 

Planning to start an answer writing series for PSIR, focused on previous year questions. It would be a targeted course ( for a 30- 45 days) , with personalised attention and detailed comments for areas of improvement. 

Given my own experience of the pathetic  evaluation of test copies even  at the leading PSIR coachings, I strongly believe that it would prove a game changer. 

The charges would be nominal, just to ensure seriousness. Interested people kindly DM. Will share more  details then.

Please share among your friends and fellow aspirants who might find it useful. 

@K03 sure, done. Check your inbox. 

@HUMBLEF00L done, check your inbox! 😇


All those interested, please join this channel on telegram for updates about PSIR answer writing. 


My guess, interviews will start in last week June or early July. Should continue till late August (60 days).

And results in sept 1st week. 

It will be a 20-25 day window between prelims 2021 and interview 2020. 

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