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[Official] OBC certificate for DAF - Eligibility, DAF Filling, Creamy Layer, NCL, Things to keep in Mind

@Sk123 I've OBC NCL certificate of 2008, can I apply with that considering the time constraints - and get new one later?

Anybody...Plz clarify - : My OBC NCL certificate is of 2008 & as per UPSC notification I need to submit the recent one made with the income of last 3 F.Y.s (also,which is made before closing date of application).

I've visited my district collectorate office for recent certificate issue,perhaps will not be able to get the desired certificate before the closing date of the application due to operator strike in my area after trying out hard. 

Sir, What do I need to do in such case, can I apply with old certificate that I'm having and get the new one as soon as possible? 

Please let me know sir as I'm quite concerned regarding the same.
@Sk123 Can we apply with old certificates of 2008 - as new certificate can't be made here due to Election....

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