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Mathematics Optional Group UPSC 2021

People with mathematics optional who are aiming for CSE 2021, please join this discussion forum so we can have relevant discussions on issues specific to our optional subject. I have been trying to look for people with math optional online, but it is quite difficult as it is a sparse population. Most people have Sociology, Pub Ad., History, Geography as optional subjects. Libraries have the same problem. There is no currently active group on forum either. I tried civilsdaily habitat platform but the math group is inactive there. 

We can discuss strategies to finish syllabus, topics to choose (rarely does someone study all the 13 topics), discuss best source materials and books, ask specific math problems, discuss previous year papers, etc.

MikeWozniak,shivshankar_iasand14 otherslike this


Can anyone help with this one?


Can anyone help with this one?

I haven't revised uniform convergence yet so can't help. Just googled the question but everywhere the sequence is mentioned, not the series. Also PYQ solution by IMS as well as Made Easy seem to be wrong for this question. 

If I find out the correct answer later, I'll let you know. 


@Celeborn Have you solved this 2020 Qs? Couldn't find it in IMS Solutions. And are there any complete solutions available


@Celeborn Have you solved this 2020 Qs? Couldn't find it in IMS Solutions. And are there any complete solutions available

I couldn't solve this in the exam hall. 

Here's a solution

It starts at 32:30.

Have any of you watched the modern algebra lectures on exademy? Are they sufficient? I tried studying it from IMS notes at first but couldn't understand anything.
Have any of you watched the modern algebra lectures on exademy? Are they sufficient? I tried studying it from IMS notes at first but couldn't understand anything.

I have not seen the lectures that you have talked about but not understanding anything in modern algebra in your first reading is a very normal thing. I've done multiple readings and I can still only moderately understand group theory, ring theory and am yet to figure out how to score in questions from other topics. 

Every person is different, just take a call on your strategy and improvise accordingly. In terms of trying to understand, you can check out mathstackexchange, it has a lot of problems and people discuss their solutions. Apart from that, I would just go to youtube and search for the concepts, it helped me. All the best!


hello everyone! 

can some one suggest which book to use for practice problems?or which book have lots of practice problems.I tried some books but they have lots of unsolved ques. its just creating lots of doubts  ki esa ans kyu nhi aaraha :/

Have any of you watched the modern algebra lectures on exademy? Are they sufficient? I tried studying it from IMS notes at first but couldn't understand anything.

I have not seen the lectures that you have talked about but not understanding anything in modern algebra in your first reading is a very normal thing. I've done multiple readings and I can still only moderately understand group theory, ring theory and am yet to figure out how to score in questions from other topics. 

Every person is different, just take a call on your strategy and improvise accordingly. In terms of trying to understand, you can check out mathstackexchange, it has a lot of problems and people discuss their solutions. Apart from that, I would just go to youtube and search for the concepts, it helped me. All the best!

Thanks !!


hello everyone! 

can some one suggest which book to use for practice problems?or which book have lots of practice problems.I tried some books but they have lots of unsolved ques. its just creating lots of doubts  ki esa ans kyu nhi aaraha :/

There are two sets of books in krishna series one is textbook and other is fully solved. Get those fully solved ones.


Did anyone solve this question? Shouldn't p and q be same from symmetry? Wasn't statics and dynamics section very difficult in 2020?

@Celeborn @Archand 


Did anyone solve this question? Shouldn't p and q be same from symmetry? Wasn't statics and dynamics section very difficult in 2020?

@Celeborn @Archand 

Don't consider the weight to be uniformly distributed. Assume a centre of gravity at a certain length and then solve by taking moments accordingly. Let me know if you'll need anything else. 

I remember that the last two questions have very difficult (or maybe seemingly difficult) questions. That does limit our choices but the general consensus seems to be that 2020 was more difficult than earlier years across chapters. Haven't given any mains so perhaps Celeborn can clarify it for us :)


Did anyone solve this question? Shouldn't p and q be same from symmetry? Wasn't statics and dynamics section very difficult in 2020?

@Celeborn @Archand 

Don't consider the weight to be uniformly distributed. Assume a centre of gravity at a certain length and then solve by taking moments accordingly. Let me know if you'll need anything else. 

I remember that the last two questions have very difficult (or maybe seemingly difficult) questions. That does limit our choices but the general consensus seems to be that 2020 was more difficult than earlier years across chapters. Haven't given any mains so perhaps Celeborn can clarify it for us :)

In the above question, when the weight is hung from A, the rod will tilt when reaction at C becomes zero. Right?

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In the above question, when the weight is hung from A, the rod will tilt when reaction at C becomes zero. Right?

Yes. That's the concept. Too many variables otherwise I think. We won't be able to solve :)


Did anyone solve this question? Shouldn't p and q be same from symmetry? Wasn't statics and dynamics section very difficult in 2020?

@Celeborn @Archand 

Don't consider the weight to be uniformly distributed. Assume a centre of gravity at a certain length and then solve by taking moments accordingly. Let me know if you'll need anything else. 

I remember that the last two questions have very difficult (or maybe seemingly difficult) questions. That does limit our choices but the general consensus seems to be that 2020 was more difficult than earlier years across chapters. Haven't given any mains so perhaps Celeborn can clarify it for us :)

2020 was definitely tougher. In fact the past few years, Maths is definitely getting tougher. You can feel the difference in solving PYQs. 

I just hope there's reversion to the mean and Maths comes easier next couple of years :p

» show previous quotes

2020 was definitely tougher. In fact the past few years, Maths is definitely getting tougher. You can feel the difference in solving PYQs. 

I just hope there's reversion to the mean and Maths comes easier next couple of years :p

Hahaha, totally. Irrespective of that, you're going to do really well this time. Perhaps then we'll pester you with even more doubts :P

All the best :D

chamomile,Celebornand2 otherslike this

Hey, so they've essentially written Psi (n) = n. Can anyone help me with that?

According to me, Psi (n) could be m (any number) but then that doesn't help with the proof. 

@Archand psi(n.r)=psi(r+r+....n times)=psi(r)+psi(r)+...n times = n.psi(r)=n.s ?? 
@Archand psi(n.r)=psi(r+r+....n times)=psi(r)+psi(r)+...n times = n.psi(r)=n.s ?? 

Oh yes. Thank you. Should have got this myself. 


Just want to confirm if this approach is correct? The IMS solution for the PYQ contains partitioning of matrices. I don't see why we need that here. Thanks!

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