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Mains 2019 Preparation and Discussion Thread

How to improve writing speed ?
To be clear- To complete paper in previous mains was biggest challenge. Finally quality compromised.

Suggest apart from writing practice ( I am doing it.)

  1. Which Pen to use ?( I am using pilot v5 grip wala.)
  2. Any technique about how to grip?
  3. Any other suggestions.

It will great help if anyone reply. Thank you in advance.


@VikaYes bhai.... I will. Thanks.


@John_TitorGive atleast one line conclusion. It will give an ending to answer, which may fetch an 1/2 mark. To be honest not all questions will permit this- time, space, knowledge constraints. Try to write it for maximum questions possible.


If anyone previously referred forumias current affairs mains compilation ? (Handwritten notes document 1 uploaded today) It seems good. What are your opinions.?


@sernihiloFocus on writing less content. Ethics is said as an open ended essay. I faced same issues and worked on them-

  1. Write less and avoid over explaining.
  2. We feel ethics is new subject. Need elaboration to convey message correctly. We have to recognise that evaluator knows better than us.
  3. Don't think too much while writing. We try to do ethics writing beautiful amd spend time. So write basic points and move to next points.

Hope this helps. Follow your own approach if found unsuitable.


@Akkkufew cents from my side

  1. Use better pen . ( Still 18 days to go, one can adjust new pen). Focus on completion of paper than quality handwriting.
  2. Use your whole arm while writing. Don't use wrist as this was my problem. It enhances writing.
  3. Think only what could be next point to write ? Cloudy thoughts are hindrance for a flow.
  4. Divide 7/10 minutes properly for subparts.
  5. Don't take extra extra minutes to write few additional points. Move forward with what you have written. (AIR 1)



@paranthapijjaIf someone with mathematics optional solve around 480 marks with all steps required. In that case, by scaling they didn't get full marks. Also someone with humanity optional, where multiple variables apply in checking process may get 230 marks. Both cases scaling apply to balance it. (As per my understanding in simple form).


@Shy_guyhappy birthday in advance... Enjoy.


@mishra7597shivani373hey, I did joined iasnetwork evaluation for this year mains.
Pros: Timely evaluation, no limit on number of answers or essays.
Cons : feedback short & sometimes done in hurry.

I submitted few essays and answers. Overall okayish. Affordable and sometimes really good suggestions.
Op- you can join. It brings discipline of writing daily. But also focus on self evaluation. You can opt out after month or two.


@mishra7597shivani373Better be monthly. Check its feasibility as per your need. It may work wonders or may little. Sir is cordial in his approach. ( I paid only for one month and he checked my copies thereafter also). But i already done well previously in gs so basic writing skills were with me. So minor improvements did happen.


@mishra7597shivani373all pleasure is mine. Wishes for you.


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@BehemothTelegram group is itself an psc. Upsc chairman there saying, if results are not out by today, he wish to leave telegram.


@DKTB there is/are enquiry committees looking after genuineness of facts surrounding the incident happened. To give an opinion about particular incident of Hyderabad, we can wait for committee report. And if we take into account big picture surrounding this incident, first we need to be honest with ourselves. Majority portion of society celebrated this incident as one glorious event. We need to be honest that reforms are needed. As in Investigation, judiciary etc. This will bring the culture of justice and respect for it in society. Though justice sometimes delays, but encounter like immediate action (except event which are unsuspecting) should not have place in our constitutional democracy.


@marxSystem derives its power from legal acts. Encounters are not permitted as per present law of land. The current incident happened so many cases of encounter , where law enforcement agency acted to protect themselves or protect some legally permitted interest. So rather than what is stand of government we should concern about what the law of land permits and what it doesn't. No form of government at anytime given written permission to indulge its law enforcement agency to indulge in such acts. No government takes the responsibility of act, this shows it. Justice should only happen in legally permitted ways and not other way round. And to ensure justice, we need reforms to ensure its robustness, integrity in both letter and spirit.


@bevancomNo disrespect for anyone's decision or anyones maturity or lack of it - But I feel that, when one spend four or five years in exam or exhaust all attempts doesn't mean he has wasted his youth or prime time.

  • Life has its own timing. If one feels giving multiple attempts make him/her closer to a goal, one can go for it.

  • UPSC is a great leveller. Someone may get selected in state psc and do there job well.

  • If one doesn't get anything out of this preparation, one doesn't become unsuccessful. As you may fail in first attempts (god forbid this may never happen) this doesn't mean you are a failure.

  • Though A strong respect for you - you have a good sense of what you want in your life, your decision making and responsibility around it .

I disagree on one point - you say if you fail by one mark and never give this exam again. This is like you wish to allow someone else to take your seat in next attempt.

meanwhile, why no one should underestimate anyone. Especially when someone is having rough patch or taking years to succed.

Year - 2012
Tweet about Virat kohli doesn't belong to test cricket. This was perception of many Manjrekar was leader of that pack.

Year - end of 2019.
Question - All great players have one reply.

  • Who is the best player of decade ?

  • Who is the best batsman of modern era ?

  • Who is the most complete batsman ever played ?

  • Who is the best finisher or chaser in cricket ?

No offense to how people comment or how they react. Power Nd energy of response lies with us.

P.S. just to motivate all. Have patience apna time aayega.


@lakadbaggaThis is reality of exploiting loopholes for benefits.
How people have manipulated EWS -

  1. LAND DIVISION between father and elder brother. Nominee for father is beneficiary candidate. (My friend did it.)
  2. No mechanism to ensure land ceiling limit is not violated by candidate by transferring land just before obtaining certificate.
  3. Income certificate of below rs 8 lakh. (Manipulated in other reservation also).

I am EWS candidate itself. I have fulfilled all criteria. But I feel EWS is problem than a solution. Many genuine beneficiary are left out.

My opinion and it may be incorrect - Better scrap this ews reservation and compete in general list.



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