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Mains 2019 Preparation and Discussion Thread

How do we prepare for world history and art and culture ? Pls help@Yo_Yo_Choti_Singh


@TetsukoSame doubt here. In Vision tests some people have recommended me not to do that on booklet. And considering UPSC instruction that no unnecessary marks should be made on paper, underlining or circling important words might be a cause for penalty right ?


@harsh12345just out of curiosity... how much was considered decent score in essay for mains 2018 paper ?


@Kira0705Lol bhai... even if they give paper in Arabic, insight comment section will say that it's from insight module and tests. So chill marr... GS 3 molestation ke liye tyaar karo.


@BGPLol yeah. I think in last 2 questions it was like that. I was like "Bitch please...I can't even fill 2 pages if you ask questions like this"?


@madeyeLol same here. Just trying to read through whatever I can. Geo syllabus is too huge even to revise short notes I think. Finally gave up and now looking at maps and then have to look at hindi for a while.


Sup with geography ? Paper 1 no theories at all... really screwed with all those who spent their time on perspectives. UPSC really does follow market trends because for few years now toppers have been promoting perspectives for good marks. Also almost 4 10 markers are gone either because of lack of content or because we didn't know the term itself.

Paper 2 was vague really... pretty difficult to write precise answers with data. Even more difficult to link theories as the usual limits to growth and Malthus etc were not easy to incorporate.


@missionmangalHmm.. the usual way to make it geography is by taking the answers region wise. Like for Himalayas...take west middle and east separately and analyse. I dont know how you wrote and I'm no expert. It will have an impact if you wrote all answers like GS. Some answers like trade pattern might be completely like GS that's not an issue. The game is to make all others somehow geographical by maps and theories of paper 1


@MinimumwageLol what did they say ? I dont have the patience to watch such long videos. Tried with GS 1 and quickly realized that watching it will ruin my confidence about what I wrote in exam??


@HartshorneBhai may be you are really good in geo. Paper 1 was definitely not easy. And in both papers most of the people I spoke to said that it was difficult to write specific and relevant content for the given marks. Yeah manageable but definitely not easy.


@zombielandSame here. There were some people regularly scoring above 110. Dont know how. Some of them are cheating which I observed in their good copies it self. One copy had even sub headings similar to that of model answers and even phrases used were same??
But there are some who consistently scored well and actually wrote somewhat close to the actual key. Maybe they are vision students or something.


@Raja123lol paper 2 without looking at any model answers I'm expecting only 80. If I look at model answers probably I'll change it to 50 or 40??


@STLol dude its Kerala. Politicians say stuff like that all the time. In fact Ramesh chennithala's son got into IRS in his 4th attempt I think. If Chennithala could influence UPSC board he would have done it when INC was in power.
So yeah... Mostly baseless allegations only.


@John_TitorLol Jack Dawson was epic shit. He carried on for years until they caught him on a lie.
Hell even I asked for his Geography optional "advice " for answer writing.


@AllMightOk storytime...
Jack dawson was a user who claimed to be an IPS officer or something. His profile flair showed that he was a veteran. Like 5 attempts or something with Geography optional. He used to comment on how to answer questions and such and also on paper difficulty and all.

Fun part was that he claimed to have scored like 280 in Geo for last 3 or 4 attempts. And regularly cleared and went to interview. Finally got caught when someone asked him his Marks on the year he cleared I think... The guy mentioned his language Mark's. As you know... for people who attend interview they dont give language marks. And hence he got caught and disappeared after that.

He had built up some credibility on discuss forum (people had their doubts though). Also his thoughts and comments looked genuine??


For people wanting to see the exact moment when forum witnessed a great troll go down....

Page 3 last comment. I dont know whether the link would stay up.


@paranthapijjalol. Although I was pissed off... I genuinely wonder wtf he gained by all that. Worthless publicity from a bunch of internet strangers is not worth investing so much of time and effort.


@AkkkuLol I have no idea whether you're being sarcastic or not??.


@failureyeah RIP my Mains prep 2019. It was a disaster??


@azam-imame434gave up on God ages ago.??So other than shrines is there any other options ?


@azam-imame434So you want me to do pooja and burn the whole thing down Joker style ???
Not a terrible idea actually.


@sat_009That's a good alternative. But I dont drink so...?♂
Are you writing IFoS mains ?


How do you guys fill the pages ? My handwriting is small and I write in a sort of compressed way. I regularly fill 1.5 pages for 10m and 2 pages for 15m with 3rd page having conclusion or way fwd. Rarely I touch 2.5 pages in 15m.


@dr-ahmednaaz8567Yeah even I think that in "Do you agree" kind of questions where the question demands that you take an YES or NO stand... it's better to take a stand and justify it. Maybe at the end we can write a small para about the validity of the opposite stand too just to show that we have thought about the opposing view too.


@ranyo_asokaIf people have written even 60 - 70% of what they mentioned here in actual exam... then no need to wait for results for me. I already know it??#Prelims2020


@LonewolfThis question I somewhat remember what I wrote and so I'll contribute...
The question was "Do we have cultural pockets of small India ". I started with how cosmopolitan cities exist acting as small india with lots of cultures. Then moved on to migration caused cultural pockets of small India. Gave examples and reason for both points.

Finally then I took a stand that cultural pocket of small india as a whole cannot exist ideally. Gave reasons like NE cultures, tribals and huge linguistic differences, state led economic centres, and federal structure as reasons and ended the answer.

No idea whether my interpretation of the question was correct or not.


@utkarsh_mishraStates name would come in examples. Like PepsiCo in Hoshiarpur of Punjab and potato farming there. I think beyond that if anyone knew any state specific policies like HY is promoting millets now it can be linked to raw material supply and all.


Siachen me humare Jawan lad rahe h....??


@ranyo_asokaWell Shankar academy is saying that results will come on December 9th. Have no idea where they got this info though.


@Biryanimafia_Main hi hoon voh jawan?
Its true though. They are saying it'll be on 9th


@MalcolmCommunity, Brooklyn 99, Its always sunny in Philadelphia, arrested development, modern family, The Office, Parks and recreation and Young sheldon

I dont know how many of these are there in Netflix


@zombielandYeah. So this time I wrote introduction for both essays as real examples rather than a fictional story. And kept the intro as short as possible. Like just a para
Dont know whether it'll work or not. Last time one essay I began with a fictional example and the other a real one from the history. Ended up with 118. I think the major fault in those was that the introduction was way too long.
Anyway this time I am hoping that I will get atleast some decent marks in essay.


@RavsLol I did use some examples as the intro. It's not like I completely avoided it. Mainly because I always have liked starting atleast one essay with historical example. Like for this year I started with king Leopold and his personal greed leading to a destroyed Congo. (For the best for an individual essay)
For AI, there was a hindu article on rising AI. I had mugged up its intro as I felt it was a potential topic.

The major difference was that I kept the intro very short rather than writing a huge story. But now after seeing the comments here... idk whether it was a right move or not.


@atuljiLol ok I wrote this one. I dont remember exact points but i remember the dimensions i covered.

  1. Intro: Historical example
  2. Factors/why best for individual is not good for society. Concluded this by saying that its mainly because the individual and societal goals are not matching
  3. How to align individual and societal goals
  4. is best for individual always bad for society ?

I expanded the question because I felt individual could mean person or a nation's action on global society, or an MNCs action causing disruption to whole economy.

Everywhere I tried to give examples. Dont remember any now. Didn't use quotes but used side headings. Have no idea whether this is the right approach or not.


@bevancomI'm not claiming that your mark sheet was fake or something. But posting marksheet is not a sign of legitimacy. I have multiple friends marksheet with me. I can use them at will. None of them are in forum. So... you know just saying.?

In platforms which provide anonymity there is no way to check people's claims. The anonymity is the strength as well as weakness. So whatever you may post... people will doubt and people should doubt.?♂


@bevancomLol bro that's my point. You cant prove your legitimacy here. So all I'm saying is that there is no point in either claiming legitimacy or asking for other's legitimacy.

And btw if you cut and show us blood we'll claim that its ketchup !! so yeah dont do that either.


@vvvikas0078212Some states like TN have a challenge system. They put out the key immediately after exam and you get 15 days to challenge it. Yeah it does go to court but usually TNPSC is not stopped by courts. Exam and case go on side by side. UPSC can do the same too. All they have to do is provide a valid counter to challenges on maybe 30Q at max.


@kochikaamePls dont start with mentalist. It's just one episode of story mixed with 22 of random rubbish. It would have been good if they had stuck to the central storyline. Plus the hero's face looks more and more punchable as the series progresses lol.?


@IthriveoncocaineDepends on where you are bruh. In India ? Then definitely you can jump the red light. Mainly because even in signals with cameras, there'll be no consequences. Suppose if you are in USA ? Then you have to consider the fine and the urgency. If urgency outweighs cost... then go for it.


You know that the end is near and results are about to come when someone with the username@Ithriveoncocainestarts making perfect sense lol.


@IthriveoncocaineIts both. I was saying that you made sense but yet pointing out the irony of the username. Basically just trying to be funny. And now since I had to explain this... well then it was not funny enough.?
No offense man. But drug users cant be considered to be insane I think. Apparently many thinkers were drunkards or users.?♂

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