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Interview Transcripts of CSE/IFoS 2023

Please post Interview Transcripts of UPSC CSE or IFoS 2023 here, so that all can access and get benefitted from them.

jack_Sparrow,curious_kidand4 otherslike this


DATE : 01/03/24

Time : Afternoon, 5th to go

Duration - 25 minutes approx

Board : Sanjay Verma sir

DAF Keywords - CPWD (IES), IIT Kanpur, Mechanical Engineering, Uttarakhand, Hockey, Trekking



1. Want to have tea or coffee ?

2. So you don’t drink tea often? How do you function throughout the day ?

3. Tell me different aspects related to sleep ? Is sleep continuously decreasing ?

4. What is sports to you ?

5. Why people don’t play much in India ?

6. Is there any caste angle to it ?

7. Any mistake from past that you would like to correct, given an opportunity ?


Member 1 (male) :

1. Why CPWD buildings are less accessible ?

2. What is your  opinion that  govt. closes CPWD and directly engages with private players ?

3. What other national importance institutes are near IIT Kanpur ?

4. National sugar institute and IITK share borders across the road and sugar industry is so outdated in terms of machinery. Why don’t they just collaborate?

5. As a  mechanical engineer what changes would you suggest ?


Member 2 (female):

1. Tell me what should we prioritise in construction, cost or quality ?

2. How would you balance in a government setup ?

3. What is the core philosophy of academic curriculum at IITK ?

4. What changes would you suggest ?

5. Have you heard about consumption survey recently ? What indications it gives about rural urban patterns and India-western countries patterns ?


Member 3 (male) :

1. What will you do when a contractor comes with 1 crore cash as bribe to fast forward his file ?

2. Don’t you think your approach is soft ?

3. Why don’t we just scrap this personality test stage of CSE ?

4. Let’s just replace it with Group Discussion or Group Task. It would save time. What’s your take on it ?

5. What is the status of Hockey in India right now after the world cup ?


Member 4 (male) :

1. What do you understand by the phrase, 2 bulls, 2 markets and 2 different stories ? (Don’t know sir)

2. Guess it, it is in terms of capital markets comparison of 2 countries.

3. 1 Favourite Indian and 1 favourite foreign female hockey player of yours ?

4. Uttarakhand separation movement and campaign was based on premise that Uttarakhand will become Switzerland in 20 years. But nothing has changed. What has been the issues ?

5. Is leadership crisis a cause for it ?

6. What has been your favourite trek ?

7. What was the altitude?

8. How will you promote trekking as an administrator ?


Might have forgot a few questions.


Key Takeaways : Almost entirely on DAF. Most questions were opinion based. Members were cordial and chairperson was attentive to the answers. Other members were less attentive. No grilling and they pushed me to speak more and wanted lengthy discussions.


Mocks : Job based questions were repeated from mocks. However environment was very different from mocks. I gave too many mocks and I believe the mocks, with their variable reviews disturbed my preparation.


Board- Dinesh Dasa Sir


Optional- Law

Keywords- Security, Sainik school, International Law



 1. Why did you leave your job?

 2. What was your role?

 3. Tell us about Chinese infrastructure in border areas.

 4. What is the case regarding speaker of Maharashtra?

 5. What about parliamentary privileges? Should it be there?

 6. Does it violate A.21?


Member 1

 1. What is rule based global order?

 2. Do we have it in present times?

 3. What is right to property?

 4. What is the impact of its removal as a FR?

 5. Why does the Constitution use socialist word? Is India socialist in current times?


Member 2

 1. Why were sainik schools established?

 2. Has it served its purpose?

 3. Why RTE introduced as a FR?

 4. How is its implementation? In Jharkhand?

 5. Draft a Right to Health. What are the challenges in its implementation?


Member 3

 1. Define an intelligence operation.

 2. What is cover and alibi?

 3. Should state intercept phone lines?

 4. When can it be permitted?

 5. Ratio of Kehar Singh judgment

 6. Difference between Rawls idea of justice and Amartya Sen’s idea


Member 4

 1. Is ICJ effective in current times?


Opinion-  Cordial board but Chairman sir maintains a poker face. Lady member is encouraging. Most questions from DAF and related areas.


Mocks- Samkalp, Chahal, VR, KSG


Date and Session of Interview – 07/03/2024 & Afternoon session last to go time 25-30 minutes

Board's Chairman –Lt Gen Raj Shukla

Home state and places mentioned in DAF – Madhya Pradesh Gwalior

Optional - Anthropology

College (UG/PG) – MITS Gwalior

Educational background – Electrical Engineer

Profession/Work Profile/Projects mentioned(if any) – Capgemini , SBI PO , Minority

Hobbies – Playing Congo and Dholak, Exploring New places

Other key words – Nasha Mukti Abhiyaan under NSS

Your experience in interview via a detailed transcript –

Chairman – Not strict questions but like a conversation

1.Where did u studied?

2.Okay India is facing a strategic challenge in terms of terrorism so how India is facing a challenge of terrorism now?

(replied convential cross border terrorism to now cyber & narco terrorism).

3.How India has designed its terrorism doctrine now because previously we were use to be a soft state in terms of handling terrorism in case of parliament attack etc

4. What about drone as terrorist activity which we witness in Israel hamas war why India is in a vulnerable situation wrt large numbers of drone activities in the border?

  5. Why such large numbers of drone activities in border areas

6. Can we say drone as number one threat of India now?

7.What India is doing to mitigate such challenge?

8.What is the range of Inderjaal made by drdo? (mentioned inderjaal as one of the technology which India is working upon


Lady Member 1 – (very expressive)


1. What is Plasma?

2.What is blood group?

3.Why in India there is more Rh- but less Rh+ while we are descendents of monkey. Are we descendent of monkey?

4.Name some famous explorers from around the world?

5.How many minorities are there in India?

6.What are steps Government is doing for minority in India?

5.What is hamari dharohar scheme?

6.What India is doing for increasing numbers of parsi?


Male Member 2 (Serious face throughout)

1.Where is opium factory in India located?

2.Which agency undersee the opium farming in Neemuch mandsaur?

3.How black marketing can happen in opium cultivation?

4.Is bhang legal in India and how it is sold then?

5.Should we legalise marijuana in India or not?

6.Recently consignment was seized near India coast what was the size of the seizure and where was it seized and what is it repercussion?

7.Why India is not now just a transit hub of drugs but also coming up as it bigger consumer too (why more youngsters have started consuming drugs)?

8. What is market share of SBI?

9.Why SBI was in news recently?

Discussion about SBI recent request for extension of date for providing details about electoral bonds issuerer


Why SBI is asking for such long time today is the period of digitalisation?

This question extended with interuptions and grilling


Chairman intervened in between –

Are you aware Ex Finance secretery today said that if SBI wanted these details to be public this can be made public within 5 minutes.


Member 3

1 As a citizen of India I am very concerned that few corporates run with my safe money in the banks and how would you convince me that my money in Bank is safe?

2.What is status of Naxalism in MP?

3.How would you eliminate naxalism in these remaining districts firstly as a police officer and second as a District Magistrate of these districts?

4.MP and Chattisgarh divided few years back as a resident of MP and then as a resident of Chattisgarh comment how it affected overall development of both states?


Lady Member 4-

1.U  are interested in Music, Okay tell why Grammy awards was in news?

2.Tell us about recent Bharat Ratna awardees?

3.Tell us about MS Swaminathan what was his contribution?

4.What should India do to achieve status of Viksit Bharat by 2047?

5.What steps should we take in immediate term?

Chairman – Okay your interview is over. All the best

Board: Dinesh Dasa
3rd to go
Kerala, Physics(H), Geography optional, Delhi university


1.How did you come to Delhi?

2.Why Miranda & Delhi University ?

3. Do you think Miranda played an important role in you sitting here?

4.Why IMR & MMR very low in Kerala?

5.Tell me features of Surrogacy Act?

6.Do you think we should allow surrogacy to unmarried women? If I appoint you as a judge what judgement do you take?

7. Do you think  executive & judiciary are impeding into the culture & religion?(Sabarimala judgement context)

8. What about Jallikettu?

9. Tell me some recent judgements that helped women?

1.What is Sonnet?

2.Tell me one Sonnet?

3.Tell me equation of Photo electric effect?

4.What happens to particles when plancks constant  equals to 1?

5.What is entropy?

6.Do you think whether entropy of world is increasing or decreasing?

7.What is the effect of climate change on entropy?

8.Imagine there is a box infront of you and the collision of particles inside the box is decreasing and the particles are staying apart. What inference you can made from that about temperature?

9.Tell me the postulates of special theory of relativity?

10. What is the use of your Physics (H) knowledge these days

1.Tell me the name of some Mangroves?

2.What is North lake? (Not sure about what he meant)

3.Why coast of Odisha, Andhra & West Bengal are more prone to cyclones?

4.As a geography student do you think the Radcliff line is justified?

5.What are the issues that still exist because of this line?

6.What is the significance of Minicoy island?

7.Where is the first naval base in Lakshadweep? ( mentioned INS Jatayu in previous question)

8.Do you think India needs more time zones rather than having one?

1.Long monologue on Lok sabha and asked should we abolish Rajya Sabha?

2.Long monologue on one nation one election. Then asked. If I appoint you as a DM, what all measures do you take as precaution for conducting simultaneous election?

3.Tell me an issue between Kerala and Tamil Nadu? (Mentioned Mullaperiyar)

4.What is the issue & tell me the stand of both the states?

5.Do you think migration is hindering the development of Kerala?

M4: (Lady member)
1.Kerala is very much in news for few days.. Pick one news (Man animal conflict)

2. What are the reasons?& Solutions?

3. What recent changes that state has brought to tackle the issue? (State specific disaster-mentioned )

4. What changes that it has brought?(NDMA)

5. What is the reason for ongoing tussle between governor and state?

6. There were historical reasons behind Kerala's low IMR & MMR rate. Do you agree or Disagree?

Experience : Cordial, no grilling, Chairman (Poker face), Lady member (smiling & encouraging), Other members ( mixed emotions- sometimes attentive & nodding)

One on one session helped a lot to modify the answering style... Most of the questions repeated from peer mocks & one on ones.

Date - 8/3/24

Board - Sanjay Verma sir

DAF- painting, listening to Malayalam melody, clay modelling, Kerala (kannur dt)

Graduation - agricultural engineering (not asked)

Optional - sociology


As I entered the board was being served with tea and snacks, chairman asked if I wanted something, i politely denied....


I was asked to sit by the lady member


Then chairman began with a monologue: this is a conversation, we are just checking your personality etc...then he began asking questions


1. You are very much related to art and culture, so tell me the connection between art and culture and industry

2. He hinted towards design and so I talked about architecture, jwellery design etc

3. Then he asked about my music taste

4. Difference between music in old times and now in movies

5. My favourite Hindi songs


Member 1


1. He asked about ODOP in my district

2. He asked about supreme court case between Kerala and centre and asked about it's outcomes and what is centre's stand

3. Asked whether pencil drawing and doodling are same

4. Asked about my works in pencil drawing

5. Monologue: he feels that Malayalam speakers when conversing feels like argumentative , is that so?- I told we are very lovely people😁


Member 2


1. Asked me which temple in Kerala celebrates marriage - I said I didn't understand, he repeated but I said I don't know, he asked, why? people in Kerala don't get married?!😁

2. Then he asked about my service preference

3. He asked about SMART Policing

4. Asked about the uniqueness of kannur handloom

5. Monologue about the drinking problem( alcohol) in Kerala

6. Why that is so?

7. Do women drink in Kerala, out of 100 how many women will drink?

8. Out of 100 how many men will drink ?

9. How has it affect the domestic lives of people?


Member 3


1. Difference between culture of Kerala Karnataka and Tamil Nadu - sociological analysis

2. Difference between watercolor and oil painting

3. Why have you specifically written Malayalam melody

4. Do you hear English songs


Member 4 (lady)


1. Hyderabad encounter killing issue- police was made heroes after the act by public. .why so? - she was not satisfied by my answer and asked again

2. Then she asked the meaning of my name

3. She asked which I will give importance to , personal ideals or communal good

4. She gave a situation, like if I'm the DM and i could fudge some figures so that I will get more money and can help the society better.....will I do it? I said no

5. Then she tried to persuade me with a lot of benefits of getting more money with regard to development and helping the poor



1. Ok name some prominent economist in India

2. You know anyone from agriculture?


Ok thank you!


I said thank you


Experience - it was a cordial board, friendly conversation. There was points of laughter and everything was at ease.


Date - 8/3/24

Board - Sanjay Verma sir

DAF- painting, listening to Malayalam melody, clay modelling, Kerala (kannur dt)

Graduation - agricultural engineering (not asked)

Optional - sociology


As I entered the board was being served with tea and snacks, chairman asked if I wanted something, i politely denied....


I was asked to sit by the lady member


Then chairman began with a monologue: this is a conversation, we are just checking your personality etc...then he began asking questions


1. You are very much related to art and culture, so tell me the connection between art and culture and industry

2. He hinted towards design and so I talked about architecture, jwellery design etc

3. Then he asked about my music taste

4. Difference between music in old times and now in movies

5. My favourite Hindi songs


Member 1


1. He asked about ODOP in my district

2. He asked about supreme court case between Kerala and centre and asked about it's outcomes and what is centre's stand

3. Asked whether pencil drawing and doodling are same

4. Asked about my works in pencil drawing

5. Monologue: he feels that Malayalam speakers when conversing feels like argumentative , is that so?- I told we are very lovely people😁


Member 2


1. Asked me which temple in Kerala celebrates marriage - I said I didn't understand, he repeated but I said I don't know, he asked, why? people in Kerala don't get married?!😁

2. Then he asked about my service preference

3. He asked about SMART Policing

4. Asked about the uniqueness of kannur handloom

5. Monologue about the drinking problem( alcohol) in Kerala

6. Why that is so?

7. Do women drink in Kerala, out of 100 how many women will drink?

8. Out of 100 how many men will drink ?

9. How has it affect the domestic lives of people?


Member 3


1. Difference between culture of Kerala Karnataka and Tamil Nadu - sociological analysis

2. Difference between watercolor and oil painting

3. Why have you specifically written Malayalam melody

4. Do you hear English songs


Member 4 (lady)


1. Hyderabad encounter killing issue- police was made heroes after the act by public. .why so? - she was not satisfied by my answer and asked again

2. Then she asked the meaning of my name

3. She asked which I will give importance to , personal ideals or communal good

4. She gave a situation, like if I'm the DM and i could fudge some figures so that I will get more money and can help the society better.....will I do it? I said no

5. Then she tried to persuade me with a lot of benefits of getting more money with regard to development and helping the poor



1. Ok name some prominent economist in India

2. You know anyone from agriculture?


Ok thank you!


I said thank you


Experience - it was a cordial board, friendly conversation. There was points of laughter and everything was at ease.


Date and Session of Interview - 8th March 2024, Afternoon (last candidate of the day)


Board's Chairman - Sh. Sanjay Verma Sir.


Home state and places mentioned in DAF - Chandigarh


Optional - Economics


College (UG/PG) -

Department of Economics, Panjab University Campus


Educational background - 5 years integrated Honours School in Economics


Profession/Work Profile/Projects mentioned(if any) - NA


Hobbies - Not asked


Achievements (if any) -Not Asked


Your experience in interview via a detailed transcript -


Took the permission to enter the room. Entered the room wished all and they asked to sit.

Then I wished all a vey Happy International Women’s Day  and MahaShivratri.


Chairman Sir.(very cordial and a gentleman )


1) Would you like to have some tea or Coffee?

2) How many cups of tea and coffee you have in a day?

3)How many you have today? (Told 2  cups of coffee. Sir mentioned that means you are caffeinated)

4) When did you come from Chandigarh?

5) How many mocks have you given?

6)You have a nice CV it means you are also doing  good parallelly in life.It seems you are married to economics.

7) What is trilemma?

8) What is new monetary policy?

9) Which economic authors you read and from where?

10) Will India be high middle income country?

11) What is present per capita income?

12) Is our growth overrated?

13) What major failures you see in our economy?


Member 1 (Sir)


1) You have a nice CV.

2) You are from Chandigarh, can I ask you questions related to punjab?

3)I’m the CM of punjab and you are my adviser, what policy changes you will advice me? ( lot of counter questions)

4)What is more important agriculture or industry?

5) Okay if we remove militancy and other sops given by other states the how will you attract industry in punjab?


Member 2 (Sir)


1) What are your service preferences?

2) What is BNS?

3) How long the custody extended?

4) what is SMART police?

5) Have you heard house of elders?

6) what role does it have ? Should we abolish it?

7) I’ll give you a statement the youth in india both rural and urban is in economic distress. Do you agree?

8) what are we lacking then?

9) Our health expenditure? What is important Gdp or health?

(Chairman sir came and said this is the problem with you candidates you assume as you are already part of government say yes our health is very poor )

10) okay tell me penicillin or Artificial Intelligence which is more important to humanity?

( Sir said I don’t agree with your observations I feel AI will take over human intelligence)


Member 3 ( Sir)


1)What  is our growth rate?

2)What  is the growth rate by other private agencies?

3)Will we be able to have 10% growth rate?

4)What about inequality?


Member 4 ( Ma’am)


As running short of time and as lot of economics covered will ask you two questions.


1) ___village in punjab( have not heard the name of village) the women and youth are is distress? As not heard village name she expanded and said  it is related to drug abuse.

2) Have you read about P Sainath and UAPA ? How process can be more punishable than the punishment itself?


Chairman Sir.


1. Have you watched udata punjab? Was it true?

2. Can you name the drugs?

3. Okay you are student of economics. Lots of people give 5-6 years into this job, what is your opportunity cost of this?

(Mine was final 6th attempt)



Wished all and left the room.


Time: 30-35 mins


Any Suggestions-

It is like living your dream so enjoy the process, control your controllables . Give your best and god will do the rest.🙏🙏😊😊



Utility of Mocks or O2O (if any):

Helps to build confidence and get into the interview feeling. Helps to overcome FOMO but don’t blindly follow the recommendations. You are your best judge. Take what suits you.


Some good experiences:

O2O with Puneet Sir( SOMP), O2O with Dheeraj Sir, Elocution sessions with Kapil Sir(Vision)

Full Mocks: Next IAS, Samkalp, Unacademy, Vajirao.


Board : Suman sharma maam

Date : 04/03/2024 ; 1st to go (AN) ; lasted for 40 minutes. 😶

Daf pointers : IIT KGP, mining , anthropology , Hyderabad, Telangana .

No questions from work profile and hobbies.




 1. what do you know about LAC advancements in recent past ?

 2. What programmes are we doing ? Do you think we are late ?

 3. Benefits of VVP. Is it really useful ?

 4. Why IITians are best employees and not employers

 5. Why are lakshadweep and Andaman important ? Just for strategical purposes?

 6. How to develop sustainable tourism? What is 5R strategy ?

 7. What are problems in startups ?

 8. Recent mine accident in world?

 9. E-waste disposal issues? What is epr ? What are various types of liabilities?

 10. What is 50/30/20 rule?


Member 1


 1. why did you choose anthropology ?

 2. What are problems in water conservation ? What steps shall be taken ?

 3. Opinion on rythu bandhu scheme( discussion for 5 minutes)

 4. What is great nicobar project? Whom is it impacting ?

 5. Tell me specific species which is getting impacted .

 6. Opinion on small states. Divison of up.


Member 2


 1. what are critical minerals. How are they used ? Give examples.

 2. What are atomic minerals

 3. What are major minerals? Give examples of India ?

 4. Who extracts Iron ore in India?  What is nmdc?

 5. How to reduce carbon footprint in mines ?

 6. What is mmdr act ? What are recent amendments ?

 7. What is your take on solar energy ? How to improve efficiency ? What is pump storage mechanism ?


Member 3


 1. what is red corridor ? Explain its history ?

 2. How to tackle naxalism ?

 3. Who are tribes ? What are their problems ?

 4. Constitutional provisions for tribes?

 5. Should ladakh be added to 6th schedule ? Issues with it ? Why is govt reluctant ?

 6. Recent amendments to EWS Act ?



Member 4


 1. historical evolution of myanmar conflict

 2. Historical evolution of governor office

 3. Why governor office was created ?

 4. What is integrated theatre command ?

 5. Should we have it ? Which model shall we have ? 


Ps : I forgot some more questions which I was unable to answer .


Mocks : Sankalp, Vision .

O2O (most helpful) : Dr. Vivekananda sir (reflexions IAS) , Dr. Rambabu sir transcript discussion , Puneet sir from SOMP.


Date - 8/3/24

Board - Sanjay Verma sir

DAF- painting, listening to Malayalam melody, clay modelling, Kerala (kannur dt)

Graduation - agricultural engineering (not asked)

Optional - sociology


As I entered the board was being served with tea and snacks, chairman asked if I wanted something, i politely denied....


I was asked to sit by the lady member


Then chairman began with a monologue: this is a conversation, we are just checking your personality etc...then he began asking questions


1. You are very much related to art and culture, so tell me the connection between art and culture and industry

2. He hinted towards design and so I talked about architecture, jwellery design etc

3. Then he asked about my music taste

4. Difference between music in old times and now in movies

5. My favourite Hindi songs


Member 1


1. He asked about ODOP in my district

2. He asked about supreme court case between Kerala and centre and asked about it's outcomes and what is centre's stand

3. Asked whether pencil drawing and doodling are same

4. Asked about my works in pencil drawing

5. Monologue: he feels that Malayalam speakers when conversing feels like argumentative , is that so?- I told we are very lovely people😁


Member 2


1. Asked me which temple in Kerala celebrates marriage - I said I didn't understand, he repeated but I said I don't know, he asked, why? people in Kerala don't get married?!😁

2. Then he asked about my service preference

3. He asked about SMART Policing

4. Asked about the uniqueness of kannur handloom

5. Monologue about the drinking problem( alcohol) in Kerala

6. Why that is so?

7. Do women drink in Kerala, out of 100 how many women will drink?

8. Out of 100 how many men will drink ?

9. How has it affect the domestic lives of people?


Member 3


1. Difference between culture of Kerala Karnataka and Tamil Nadu - sociological analysis

2. Difference between watercolor and oil painting

3. Why have you specifically written Malayalam melody

4. Do you hear English songs


Member 4 (lady)


1. Hyderabad encounter killing issue- police was made heroes after the act by public. .why so? - she was not satisfied by my answer and asked again

2. Then she asked the meaning of my name

3. She asked which I will give importance to , personal ideals or communal good

4. She gave a situation, like if I'm the DM and i could fudge some figures so that I will get more money and can help the society better.....will I do it? I said no

5. Then she tried to persuade me with a lot of benefits of getting more money with regard to development and helping the poor



1. Ok name some prominent economist in India

2. You know anyone from agriculture?


Ok thank you!


I said thank you


Experience - it was a cordial board, friendly conversation. There was points of laughter and everything was at ease.


Date and Session of Interview – 07/03/2024 & Afternoon session last to go time 25-30 minutes

Board's Chairman –Lt Gen Raj Shukla

Home state and places mentioned in DAF – Madhya Pradesh Gwalior

Optional - Anthropology

College (UG/PG) – MITS Gwalior

Educational background – Electrical Engineer

Profession/Work Profile/Projects mentioned(if any) – Capgemini , SBI PO , Minority

Hobbies – Playing Congo and Dholak, Exploring New places

Other key words – Nasha Mukti Abhiyaan under NSS

Your experience in interview via a detailed transcript –

Chairman – Not strict questions but like a conversation

1.Where did u studied?

2.Okay India is facing a strategic challenge in terms of terrorism so how India is facing a challenge of terrorism now?

(replied convential cross border terrorism to now cyber & narco terrorism).

3.How India has designed its terrorism doctrine now because previously we were use to be a soft state in terms of handling terrorism in case of parliament attack etc

4. What about drone as terrorist activity which we witness in Israel hamas war why India is in a vulnerable situation wrt large numbers of drone activities in the border?

  5. Why such large numbers of drone activities in border areas

6. Can we say drone as number one threat of India now?

 7.What India is doing to mitigate such challenge?

8.What is the range of Inderjaal made by drdo? (mentioned inderjaal as one of the technology which India is working upon


Lady Member 1 – (very expressive)


1. What is Plasma?

2.What is blood group?

3.Why in India there is more Rh- but less Rh+ while we are descendents of monkey. Are we descendent of monkey?

4.Name some famous explorers from around the world?

5.How many minorities are there in India?

6.What are steps Government is doing for minority in India?

5.What is hamari dharohar scheme?

6.What India is doing for increasing numbers of parsi?


Male Member 2 (Serious face throughout)

1.Where is opium factory in India located?

2.Which agency undersee the opium farming in Neemuch mandsaur?

3.How black marketing can happen in opium cultivation?

4.Is bhang legal in India and how it is sold then?

5.Should we legalise marijuana in India or not?

6.Recently consignment was seized near India coast what was the size of the seizure and where was it seized and what is it repercussion?

7.Why India is not now just a transit hub of drugs but also coming up as it bigger consumer too (why more youngsters have started consuming drugs)?

8. What is market share of SBI?

9.Why SBI was in news recently?

Discussion about SBI recent request for extension of date for providing details about electoral bonds issuerer


Why SBI is asking for such long time today is the period of digitalisation?

This question extended with interuptions and grilling


Chairman intervened in between –

Are you aware Ex Finance secretery today said that if SBI wanted these details to be public this can be made public within 5 minutes.


Member 3

1 As a citizen of India I am very concerned that few corporates run with my safe money in the banks and how would you convince me that my money in Bank is safe?

2.What is status of Naxalism in MP?

3.How would you eliminate naxalism in these remaining districts firstly as a police officer and second as a District Magistrate of these districts?

4.MP and Chattisgarh divided few years back as a resident of MP and then as a resident of Chattisgarh comment how it affected overall development of both states?


Lady Member 4-

1.U  are interested in Music, Okay tell why Grammy awards was in news?

2.Tell us about recent Bharat Ratna awardees?

3.Tell us about MS Swaminathan what was his contribution?

4.What should India do to achieve status of Viksit Bharat by 2047?

5.What steps should we take in immediate term?

Chairman – Okay your interview is over. All the best


Board: Dinesh Dasa


3rd to go

Kerala, Physics(H), Geography optional, Delhi university 




1.How did you come to Delhi?


2.Why Miranda & Delhi University ?


3. Do you think Miranda played an important role in you sitting here?


4.Why IMR & MMR very low in Kerala?


5.Tell me features of Surrogacy Act?


6.Do you think we should allow surrogacy to unmarried women? If I appoint you as a judge what judgement do you take?


7. Do you think  executive & judiciary are impeding into the culture & religion?(Sabarimala judgement context)


8. What about Jallikettu?


9. Tell me some recent judgements that helped women?



1.What is Sonnet?


2.Tell me one Sonnet?


3.Tell me equation of Photo electric effect?


4.What happens to particles when plancks constant  equals to 1?


5.What is entropy?


6.Do you think whether entropy of world is increasing or decreasing?


7.What is the effect of climate change on entropy?


8.Imagine there is a box infront of you and the collision of particles inside the box is decreasing and the particles are staying apart. What inference you can made from that about temperature?


9.Tell me the postulates of special theory of relativity?


10. What is the use of your Physics (H) knowledge these days



1.Tell me the name of some Mangroves?


2.What is North lake? (Not sure about what he meant)


3.Why coast of Odisha, Andhra & West Bengal are more prone to cyclones?


4.As a geography student do you think the Radcliff line is justified?


5.What are the issues that still exist because of this line?


6.What is the significance of Minicoy island?


7.Where is the first naval base in Lakshadweep? ( mentioned INS Jatayu in previous question)


8.Do you think India needs more time zones rather than having one?



1.Long monologue on Lok sabha and asked should we abolish Rajya Sabha?


2.Long monologue on one nation one election. Then asked. If I appoint you as a DM, what all measures do you take as precaution for conducting simultaneous election?


3.Tell me an issue between Kerala and Tamil Nadu? (Mentioned Mullaperiyar)


4.What is the issue & tell me the stand of both the states?


5.Do you think migration is hindering the development of Kerala?


M4: (Lady member)

1.Kerala is very much in news for few days.. Pick one news (Man animal conflict)


2. What are the reasons?& Solutions?


3. What recent changes that state has brought to tackle the issue? (State specific disaster-mentioned )


4. What changes that it has brought?(NDMA)


5. What is the reason for ongoing tussle between governor and state?


6. There were historical reasons behind Kerala's low IMR & MMR rate. Do you agree or Disagree?

Experience : Cordial, no grilling, Chairman (Poker face), Lady member (smiling & encouraging), Other members ( mixed emotions- sometimes attentive & nodding)

One on one session helped a lot to modify the answering style... Most of the questions repeated from peer mocks & one on ones.


6th march, 2024 AF(3rd to go)

Chair: lt.Gen Raj Shukla sir


Daf key words: supply chain mgmt, ayurveda, engineering,  sociology, kerala


Environment of room: extra large office, chair sitting 10-15 ft apart, 4 other members sitting at a distance from me. 2 female and 2 male




1. What do you do now? (Operations manager in sports ayurvedic firm?

2. What is sports ayurveda?

3. long monologue (in hindi) on how india unfortunately left traditions for modernity,  do you think we should teach mahabharata and ramayana in school?

4. What would it's negatives be? you think ayurveda and modern medicine should converge?

(I said it should integrate rather than converge)

6. But modern medicine don't accept ayurveda right?

(Said there are integrated course already existing in india)



1. Do you know G20? What are the initiatives taken in G20?

2. What is a troika?

3. Current g20 president?

4. Do you know AQI?

5. What are the 8 pollutants in AQI?



1. Kerala polity is fragmented. Do you think it's the reflection of it's society?

2. What is it that keralites find in common? (He also added not to say language- I said 3 points and then he added migration to it and asked me whether it is true, i acknowledged it)

3. Why kerala has a rich history of ayurveda diff from other parts of india?

4. What is a payment bank? Do you know any examples of payment banks other than paytm payment banks?

5.One question about a concept that I have not heard of for which I said don't know sir. Cant even remember the term he asked



1. How old is your company?

How long have you been working in your company?

2. Taking from what Chairman sir asked how would you improve acceptability of ayurveda since modern practitioners don't accept it saying no data is there?

3. What from your graduation have you implemented in your firm?

4. Do you think fintech was a disruptive technology? Was it or is it  the way out?

5. Asked some new concept implemented in NEP which can help ayurveda? (Said I don't know sir. I don't have the facts to make an opinion on this particular question)

6. Kerala people are known to protect their Environment and biodiversity? ( Said yes sir)

7. Kerala is also lacking in industrial sector. Do you think this Environmental protectionism is causing this?



1. Why do so many engineers come to civil services? Do you think engineering graduates don't have enough skills?

2. Why socio despite engineering?

3. What is the unique thing about kerala society sociologicaly? (She seemed very happy to hear matriarchal families among Nairs)

4. Changes in migration pattern in kerala?

5. Impacts of migration in kerala society?

6. Is kerala govt doing anything for countering this issue?(add on to some negatives that i mentioned)


Chairman: chalo hogaya. All the best.


Experience : Board was cordial.  No grilling. Seemed satisfied with most answers or atleast was acknowledging my answers with nodding and adding points. Chairman sir was looking in his phone after his line of questioning often but at times was also watching me.


Questions were mostly opinion based and work experienced related. Except one member who only asked factual questions. Overall an enhancing experience. Feels like a conversation that they are interested to hear from us.


Board- Sanjay Verma Sir

Date-07-03-2024, Forenoon, last to go

Optional- Sociology

Keywords- DAAD Scholarship, MUN, Street play, Quiling, BALCO, Vedanta, Korba,HR,  Jharkhand, Miranda House, Jamia Millia Islamia.



Do you want tea/coffee?

How are you?

Are you happy?

1. So, if I give you a street play to write with only 2 characters one from Miranda and another from Jamia and both have to talk about nation's development, what will they say?

2. Tell me any book/movie/journal which you have read, which gave you that "Ahaa' moment and reflected India in true sense to you?

M1 (Female)

1. Have you watched Animal movie? Name 2 sociological phenomenon shown. Why do you think it was a huge commercial success?

2. Where do you see ghettoisation in Delhi?

3. I will give you a statement, listen carefully and explain it from sociological perspective. This statement was given by a CM, 5 years back. "Mard agar Mard se shaadi krne Lage to bacche kaun paida krega"?


1. BALCO has been in news for violation of environmental laws and pollution, how do you see this?

2. What was your role in the company?

3. % of tribal population in BALCO'S employees.

3. What is DAAD Scholarship?

4. What is Quiling?

Chairman sir interrupted. Here's a paper do quiling right now and simultaneously answer next member's questions. I explained that quiling papers are different and I need a tool to roll the paper, he said use pencil.M1 tried to help in cutting the paper, Chairman sir said no.


1. How do you look at intercaste marriages at Village level?

2. Is it right to arrest incumbent CM?

3. Are our institutions getting politicised? Why are you giving diplomatic answers? You are young generation, we want to know your opinion.

4. Is vedanta plant currently working? What was SC order?

5. Why do you think vedanta didn't follow the norms? They can afford brilliant lawyers, why did they lose the case?


1. Tell me your service preferences?

2. You have done some UN smiluatuon and If you are made IFS officer and I ask you to make a display of Indian fabrics from J&K to kanyakumari, what will you include?

3. You come from Jharkhand, what is nari shakti in political sphere of your state? What happened with the Spanish tourist in your state, how do you look at it?

4. What will you do for women development in your district. Tell me 2 things and no such things like schemes in education, skills, health sector.

M1 then asked what is the fabric of your saree? Is it pure silk? Is it costly? Can it be hand washed or only dry-cleaned?

M3- Does Jharkhand has silk processing facilities?

Chairman sir looked at my quiling which I couldn't finish. He asked are these things durable? What do you usually make from it? You could have worn quil earrings for the interview. I replied we are not allowed to.

He said ok, your interview is over.

Experience - Questions were mostly on opinion lines. In some questions members interrupted me, in some they tried to build pressure. Chairman sir was very keen that I do quiling and answer questions simultaneously. He had a continuous smile and was observing my answers throughout the interview.


Date and session - 8th March 2024, afternoon

3rd in sequence


DAF - Maths IITK, Maths optional - nothing asked

Asked from DAF - Premchand, Goldman, risk management, artificial intelligence


Chairman - Raj Shukla Sir

C - You worked at Goldman, then why did you leave?

C - But in government you don’t have to work so much?

(Sir was quite friendly and relaxed, sunk in his chair and smiling)

C - You read Premchand. Tell me why do you like him.

C - Favourite book and why?

C - Compare Premchand and Shakespeare.

C - Premchand’s story always has a moral lesson, compare the morality of Premchand and Mahabharata.

C - Does morality change with time?

C - Give an example of changed morality in Mahabharata. 

C - Dharma aur niyam mein kaun upar hai?

C - Dharma aur Rule of Law mein kaun upar hai

C - helped - Chaupar mein Rule of law says you can take everything (including wife) from the loser.

C - Lessons from Mahabharata

C - When people learn to respect women from scriptures? Why do people harass women?


M1 (mam, smiling in between)

1 - Libor and SOFR

2 - Repo and reverse repo rate

3 - Tell me about Lakshadweep

4 - Name if Island PM visited, Total no. of islands in Lakshadweep, Name of Naval base

5 - Name of few female head of states (interview was on women’s day)

6 - “obesity is no longer the problem of the rich in India” - what do you understand by this

7 - Lancet survey and PDS cross Qs


M2 (Sir, listening intently)

1 - Artificial Intelligence and Job losses

2 - what can we do?

3 - Situational - police - control mob violence

4 - New criminal laws - provision on lynching

5 - Difference between mob violence and mob lynching


M3 (Sir, nodding in between)

1 - Work ex of Goldman

2 - Role of statistics in risk management

3 - Cyber Tehsil - I said haven’t heard about it - Sir asked to guess and I guessed correctly

4 - Food adulteration - situational Q and law


M4 (Mam, looked strict)

1 - Who is you role model in celebrity

2 - Why?

3 - Did he inspire you to join bureaucracy?

4 - Social media - Pros and cons

5 - How to tackle cyber stalking?


Chairman - PDS 80 cr beneficiaries - are we making the poor obese by feeding them?

Cross Qs.


Interview over. Thanked all and left.


Date - 11/03/24 (forenoon, 2nd to go)

Board - Sanjay Verma sir

DAF keywords - IRS IT, Sangli, Latur, Maharashtra, Polymer Engineering, UDCT Mumbai, Watching social issues based movies, running, waste water technology.


Chairman -

1. When did you come to Delhi? (I said a few days back)

2. Did you give any mocks?

3. What do you mean by temple of India? And which PM said it?

4. If you were to direct a movie on some social issues which would it be? (I said education)

5. Who will cast? (I said Ayushman or Rajkumar)

6. Not a female lead?

7. You are from UDCT. It's a good college.. tell me 4 years of experience in 30 sec from a female perspective. (More counter questions on that)



1st member -

1. What 3 things will you want to bring in the budget?

2. Should direct taxes be more or indirect taxes?

3. But if we see consumption survey, don't you think direct tax will harm them?

4. Do you know about reduction in income tax for corporates? Why was it done?

5. But aren't you contradicting saying that tax base should be more. (I said we need to increase tax base and reduce tax rate)

6. So, you want to increase tax base and reduce tax rate? So, should we tax agriculture?


2nd member -

1. Sangli is famous for 2 things - turmeric and grapes. Do you know why?

2. What is special about Sangli's turmeric?

3. How is it different from Odisha's turmeric?

4. Which is better for health?

5. Polymers are used in plastic. But they are non biodegradable. What are the alternatives?

6. Do you think polymers have a future in packaging given the impact they have?


3rd member -

1. What are the different aspects of national security?

2. What changes do you think should be brought in the budget regarding it?

3. What was the main objective of agnipath scheme?

4. What is impact of social media on children?

5. What steps will you take to protect them for it?

6. But, social media is also used by children for education. So, how will you draw the line?

7. What is your opinion on open book exam declared by CBSE?

8. Is there a need to train the teachers?

9. And how will the exam be different from other methods?


4th member -

1. You have done some chemical engineering.. I want to ask something related to food technology. Maharashtra is famous for wine production. Do you know how it is prepared? What are the different types of wine? How are they prepared?

2. Do you think shifting from food to non food crops affect our national food security?

3. Chemical fertilizers are bad for environment.

4. What were the main components of green revolution? (He added fertilizers after my answer).

5. So what changes are necessary in our current fertilizer regime? Where do we need to focus?

6. You said we shouldn't tax the agriculture right now.. then how should we increase the tax base?


Sir said - we have exhausted the time. Your interview is over. Thank you.


Date and Session of Interview - 8th March 2024, Afternoon (last candidate of the day)

Board's Chairman - Suman Sharma mam

Home state and places mentioned in DAF - Maharashtra Dhule, Mumbai, Pune

Optional - Anthropology


College (UG/PG) - COEP pune


Educational background - Engineering- town Planning


Profession/Work Profile/Projects mentioned(if any) - secret agency


Hobbies - Not asked


Achievements (if any) -Not Asked


Your experience in interview -


Chairman ma'am .(with smile )

Secret agency man is here, recently joined, let's not discuss about it


1) Have u heard Press bill?

2) How will you increase export of your district?

3)What is EPR ? .I was clueless.

she elaborated it ( Extended Producer responsibility)

4) again, What is ARC? ( I was confused with first , second ARC) but said, mam I am not aware abt it, then she told me Asset Reconstruction Company?

5- Recent happening in Maldives



Member 1 (Sir)


1) what is money laundering?

2) Is Hawala synonym with money laundering

3)what are internal security challenges of India

4- types of terrorism - I tried but he was not satisfied

5) what do you think about fake news.don't you think we need to be more proactive to curb it ?

6- government measures  against it

7 - don't you think we should include constitutional provisions against it

8 - Role of ECI in curbing fake news

9- what is your take, that UAPA is outdated law. we must struct down it



Member 2 (Sir) - IR  ( Deep questions) sir was on fire mode

(Continuous smile was my driving force )


1) long monologue for 2minutes (talk about south american countries, its regional politics ) later asked what is your take on failing of south American countries in terms of trade prospect? What is political issue of it

2) again long monologue on European regional politics and asked why politics in Europe are moving toward the right wing ideology, conservatism  and why conservative government are coming up?


3) recent NATO conflict - role of USA, Uk and France respectively . If Donald Trump elected again, how will he see NATO

4) ok, you and I have responsibility to prepare outer space policy for india, what will you suggest me


Member 3 ( Madam)


Ma'am wanted to listen only those thing or factual points which she had in her mind

1)you are student of Town planning, now tell me, why NCR development is not going in proper manner? - fortunately I have read about Delhi Master Plan 2041 but when I started, she interrupted me and said, I am asking about NCR not NCT. Both are different

She grilled me on that topic only - smile saved me


2)which city imitates indus valley civilization and why  ( I want your view)

3 - what is DRDO very recent controversy - I said I am not aware about it,

Ok tell me the role of DRDO



Member 4 (Sir) continuously observing me throughout the interview


1) your degree is planning, is it town planning or only planning ?

2) you are student of town planning, what is your take on progress of smart cities mission

3 - ok you talked about sewage waste management, what is status of sewage waste treatment projects under smart cities mission.

3- Difference between town and cities

When it becomes metropolitan cities

4 - tell me about Anna Hazare.


Chairman Ma'am


Ok, your interview is over, you may leave now


Now everyone was busy in their work


I said with smile. Ma'am ,Happy Women's Day ( to both lady members)


Smile spread in the room




Time: 35-37mins


Any Suggestions-

Never go with preconceived mindset.

Smile and confidence save us🙏🙏



Utility of Mocks or O2O (if any):

Vajirao and reddy interview questions were similar to actual interview



Full Mocks: Samkalp, Vajirao, Hamdard, Vajiram


Date- 11/03/24

Key words- Education, PSIR,Conflict resolution and peace building, Reflective journalling (rest que not asked, no questions on home state), Edsarrthi Student


1. Who is your favourite political thinker- west as well as India?

2. What were Gandhi ji’s views on industrialisation?

3. Where did he experiment this form of industrialisation?


1. What is multilateralism?

2. Is it relevant why?

3. What are we doing for Climate change?

4. How are we doing?


1. What is (initiative I started)?

2. Since you are in education, is India’s young unskilled population an asset and liability?

3. Have we really succeeded in skilling our population?

4. What is the impact of AI in terms of employment?


1. What is conflict resolution and peace building?

2. What is reflective journalling?

3. Do you publish these journals?


1. What are three most important values according to you?

2. So will you display courage every-time?

3. What is difference between Genocide and ethnic cleansing?

Everyone went silent for a minute. Then chairperson said we have time, please someone ask questions. After two people refused to ask, finally one did.


1. What do you know about Five eyes alliance?

2. What is the origin of five eyes alliance?


Mocks- Vajirao (recommended- but no substantial feedback on things to work on), Sankalp (recommended) , Next, Unacademy, Chahal (recommended), CMP, Shubhra Ranjan, Raj Malhotra, Vision

One on one- Utkarsh sir, Insights, Vision, Next IAS faculty

Group Discussions- one small group for discussion daily, group discussions by Utkarsh Sir from Ed Sarthi.


Overall it was a very short and crisp interview which lasted for less than 20 minutes. After a while they were just passing time with no questions to ask. Real interview experiment was nowhere close to mocks and stressing too much about content may not help.


Date - 12/03/2024 - forenoon

Sanjay Verma Sir

2nd to go

Optional - Anthropology

Home state - Chhattisgarh

DAF Keywords - Road Safety, Writing, Music, Chhattisgarh, Books


Round table sitting intimately, nice pictures and frames in the background of “common man” by RK Narayan, well lit room.


Sanjay Verma sir: Most jovial of all, very accepting and accomodating.

Welcome, are you feeling good?

Tea coffee?

You are the only one wearing a tie with a motif/design (said yes sir it’s ancestral)

do you know where it was made?

So you have taken anthropology, what do you think we can use from anthropology for the future of India? (told cultural relativism, NMSC, mentioned Indian genome project)

Can you shed some light on HGP? (answered a few details)

Some more? - I said this is the extent of my knowledge

Have you read Arvind Adiga, Arundhati Roy?

Started talking about his own experience about when Indian writers started in English, he and his friends lost themselves in their books.


M1: (Kept nodding, slightly accepting of answers but also pushed for the depth of my knowledge, seemed nice)


So talking about forests (I had given example of Hasdeo Aranya forest in the anthropology answer)..

Is there a way we can calculate the value of forest?

Carboon footprint vs Ecological footprint?

No but I am asking about a specific price tag?

What about monetary value of biodiversity?

Is there a specific number CG budget where there is precise mention of the value of green cover? (Did not know)


M2:  (Was kind of in grilling mode, not satisfied, kept on looking at other panel members after every question as if to prove his mettle)

So the dollar has appreciated a few days back, what do you think will be its effect (told import export)

What more?

what do we import? I said crude oil and gave some numbers.

So what it will lead to? (then i caught on and continued)

Inflation has been going up what RBI and government do?

But why RBI tightening but government spending?

What is govt doing to bring down food inflation? (spoke of Onion - I said I don’t know about specifics)

Will government expenditure and welfare schemes not make people lazy and dependent?

Signalled to move on to other panel member



We are talking about viksit Bharat by 2047, what is your vision of the same?

What are the challenges in the same?

What are the things we should focus on?

Some global headwinds which can come in the way of it?



you belong to CG, why after so many efforts LWE still prevalent?

Let’s talk about road safety, so many accidents in India going on what do you think is the reason?

Irresponsible driving? why it happens?

Why people in India not following rules like in other countries - lane driving etc etc.


Chair person takes over again:

Writing books is a big claim, which books have you written?

What inspires you to write?

what is ___ (workplace name) - was expecting them to ask questions on it but they did not sadly.


M4 takes over again:

Coming back to LWE, what do you think can be done more?

Going back to your previous answer, is the funding of naxals from cross border agencies so much to sustain them? (Gave a satisfactory answer)



Before you go please tell me your favourite hindi movie song


Overall experience - nobody can say, rest in god’s hands.


Date - 11.03.2024, forenoon, last to go

Board - Sanjay Verma sir (all male member board)

State - Kerala (nothing asked)

DAF pointers covered - Psychology, Exploring cuisines, singing marathi abhang


Chairman (very cordial, cracking jokes in btw)

Are you comfortable? Do you want tea/ coffee?

1. Read out my edu background, graduation subject

2. Name 5 prominent Indian psychologists

3. Long monologue on Michelin star. Why restaurants in India have not received it although Indian chefs have received it abroad?

4. Can you apply behavioural psychology to understand unique aspects of Indian behaviour?


M1 (poker face)

1. What is ESG?

2. What is sustainable development ?

3. What are means of achieving sustainable development?

4. Conflict between development and ecology. What is your approach?

5. Any leader you admire and why?

6. What is demographic dividend? How do you reap it?


M2 (smiling throughout)

1. Relation between attitude and job? Can they be matched and measured?

2. Describe about Marathi Abhangs, Who are prominent saints, singers who have popularised abhangs and what is the significance of abhang


While answering last question, Chairman interrupted and asked to sing an abhang.


M3 (from army, serious face)

1. Long monologue on hardiness required in armed forces. How to apply psychology to make them more hardy? How will this apply to current Agnipath scheme?

2. Effect of social media on adolescents psychology and what policies can address these issues?


M4(poker face)

1. Long monologue on inequality. How to address individual and regional disparities. Asked to explain through example of skilling

2. Long and vague monologue on change resistance in people. How to tackle hesitancy? Asked to identify stakeholders and prepare a plan for change management strategy (didn't know what he meant)



Select 5 personalities from around the world (historical or alive) whom you'd like to invite and prepare a gourmet 5 course menu for them


Overall - had many lighter funny moments. Cordial experience. No grilling. Provided clue when I wasn't able to answer a question.


Full mocks - Fortune IAS, Samkalp (similar seating arrangement), Vajirao, Chahal, Civilsdaily - all helped in building confidence


O2O - Shinas Sir (IlearnIAS), Nitin Sir (FortuneIAS) helped in structuring answers better

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