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Interview 2020 - Official Initiatives + Registrations + Programs - Students Communication Single Thread + Video for candidates with low scores

Personality Test 2020 | ForumIAS Academy Programs

LIVE Session for filling up DAF 2 | CSE 2020

Dear All,

This is for those of you Academy Students/ Community Members who are appearing for the Interview.

First many manycongratulationsfor your Interview call.

This is the Official thread for Communications from the ForumIAS Academy for the programs and initiatives

We will also be posting here all the important links / videos that you can go through.

Most Important Links

  • 13 Things to keep in mind for your Interview -click here
  • Registration Link for Interview Students - Click Here
  • Download Previous Year Interview Compilations -Click here
  • Complete Guide to Interview Preparation -Click Here
  • Questions based on common Hobbies/interests/ sports -Click here
  • Understanding the psychology of Interview ( Only for candidates who have appeared for two or more years and are not able to score above 150 , freshers kindly ignore) -Click here

Initiaves by ForumIAS Academy

ForumIAS conducts the Interview Guidance Program. You can download the brochure from below

With IGP this is how we plan to prepare.

First,there will be a DAF analysis session ( for freshers or for those people who have never done systematic DAF preparation before ) . At the end of the DAF session you will be provided with DAF Analysis sheet. [ PDF] This DAF Analysis sheet will have questionnaires that you can begin your preparation with. Click here for sample DAF Anaylis sheet.

Objective and Expectations from the Session

  • Your complete DAF analysis and areas to focus on.
  • DAF Analysis Document with questions you can start your preparation from
  • You can ask basic questions / teether questions regarding the Personality Test 

Second,there will be a multi-membered panel mock having 4-5 members who will be retired bureaucrats / serving civil servants / academicians / Forum Mentors.

Objective and Expectations from the Session

  • To get a fair idea of the actual UPSC Interview process
  • To learn the basic etiquettes needed for the Personality Test
  • To have an objetive assessment from a multi-membered panel about your preparedness.
  • To have an assessment that can be discussed with the one-on-one session with Forum Mentor in the next session

Third,there will be a one-on-one session with a Mentor from ForumIAS.

Objective and Expectations from the Session

  • To have a final assessment of your preparedness. 
  • To correct any behaviours / attitudes that can be corrected in the time given possible
  • To discuss feedback from various mocks to fix the preparation agenda ahead.
  • To discuss any other queries that you may have regarding the Personality Test

Please note that post the one-on-one Mentor Session , depending on your preparedness and performance mentor may ask you take further mocks with senior panels / multi membered panels at forumias or elsewhere or with himself to verify corrections needed, if any.

You can ask your questions here, and it will be answered by the Academy People.


AzadHindFauz,AJ_and2 otherslike this


@ForumIAS-Academy has current affairs classes started for interview....??? 

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