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Factoids for Prelims 2021


Ranyo Ashoka, Himalayan nettle, Denisovan - Who would have thought of such random questions?

Creating this thread with the sole purpose of sharing facts that can be relevant for Prelims. While there is always this thought, that there is no end to learning and mugging up facts, but if we observe closely - the options are not very close and elimination is easy. By pooling our resources here, if we give it one reading also, the probability of retaining it on the D day and eliminating options increases exponentially. 

I request the aspirants to actively contribute here and let's hope that we strike gold on 31st ;). 

jack_Sparrow,curious_kidand112 otherslike this


Dalbergiasissoo orrosewood, as it is commonly known as, is available in abundance in India and is widely preferred in Indian households as the best choice for home furniture.

- Has been asked by UPSC previously. 

- Was in news :


Negative pricingcan occur when demand for a commodity drops to an extent that suppliers are prepared to pay others to take it away, in effect setting the price to a negative number. This phenomenon has occurred in electricity prices, natural gas prices, and sour crude oil prices.

Negative prices are a signal to either increase demand or reduce supply. 

Gochi,Casablancaand1 otherslike this


 A steep recession might increase the natural unemployment rate if workers lose the skills necessary to find full-time work. Economists sometimes call thishysteresis.”

Gochi,upsc2020and1 otherslike this

 the poison pill, the crown-jewel defense,golden parachute, or the Pac-Man defense :  company's management will defend against unwantedhostile takeoversby using several controversial strategies

Just_relentless,Gochiand3 otherslike this

:star:Orchha, MP

·       Orchha town in Niwari distt , Bundelkhand region of Madhya Pradesh

·       Built by King RP(Rudra Pratap) Singh of Bundela Dynasty in 1501

·       On river Betwa

·       In Orchha fort Complex includes Chaturbhuj temple, Jahangir Mahal, Raj mahal and       Sheesh Mahal

·       Influence of Bundela and Mughal architecture

·       News: in tentative list of UNESCO cultural heritage list

Gochi,upsc2020and1 otherslike this
The first book printed in India in an Indian language "Thambiran Vanakkamin"in 1578 was a translation of a Portuguese book in Tamil. 
prashantshukla,Gochiand2 otherslike this
Jhum cultivationis one of the most ancient system of cultivation believed to have originated in theNeolithicperiod. The system is regarded as the first step in transition from food gathering and hunting to food production.
Gochi,Casablancaand2 otherslike this
A new variety of wheat calledHD-3226orPusaYashasviwas released by the Indian Agricultural 
Research Institute.

It has higher levels of resistance against major rust fungi such as the yellow/stripe, brown/leaf and black/stem.
Kira0705,Gochiand3 otherslike this
Artificial leafis capable of producing a widely-used gas without the consumption or combustion of fossil fuels. Syngas is used to make all kinds of products and commodities, such as fertiliser, fuel, pharmaceuticals and plastics, but it’s currently made by burning oil or gas.
Deepak802,Gochiand2 otherslike this
Bank of Natural Capital is an educational initiative associated with The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB)to communicate natural capital investment and value theory related to what are sometimes called "economic intangibles" to the global public, in particular the direct economic and financial value of ecosystem services to man.
Forest Advisory Committee

It is a statutory body which was constituted by the Forest (Conservation) Act 1980.

It comes under the Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change (MoEF&CC).

It considers questions on the diversion of forest land for non-forest uses such as mining, industrial projects, townships and advises the government on the issue of granting forest clearances. 

However, its role is advisory.
Patrick_jane,Haryanaand1 otherslike this

Botanical Survey of India (BSI)




The Geological Survey of India (GSI)


Ministry of Mines


The Fishery Survey of India (FiSI)


Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries


Forest Survey of India (FSI)




The Archaeological Survey of India


Ministry Of culture

New Delhi

Zoological Survey of India (ZSI)




National Institute of Oceanography


Under CSIR


Registrar General and Census Commissioner of India


New Delhi

Deepak802,Patrick_janeand3 otherslike this

SATHI Initiative

Department of Science & Technology has launched a unique scheme called“Sophisticated Analytical & Technical Help Institutes (SATHI)

These Centres are expected to house major analytical instruments to provide common services of high-end analytical testing, thus avoiding duplication and reduced dependency on foreign sources. SATHI will address the problems of accessibility, maintenance, redundancy and duplication of expensive equipment in our Institutions.

If SAATHI = Min of textile +Power  (A matters :P) 

prashantshukla,Patrick_janeand3 otherslike this

(K-Fon) project that will provide free high speed internet connection to over 20 Lakh Below Poverty Line (BPL) families.

 Kerala-Fiber Optic Network

Patrick_jane,upsc2020and1 otherslike this

Deepak802,Patrick_janeand3 otherslike this
Styreneis a flammable liquid that is used to make polystyrene plastics, fiberglass, rubber, and latex.It occurs naturally in some fruits, vegetables, meats, nuts, and beverages.

Styrene is used to make:

  • Insulation
  • Pipes 
  • Automobile parts
  • Printing cartridges and copy machine toner
  • Food containers
  • Packaging
  • Carpet backing
  • Luggage
  • Shoes
  • Toys
  • Floor waxes and polishes
Cigarette smoke and vehicle exhaust contain styrene.

  • Where is Styrene found?

    • Consumer products – cigarettes, and many packaging, household, and building products
    • Air – emissions from styrene-based products, cigarettes, vehicle exhaust, and copy machines
    • Food and water – containing styrene from naturally occurring sources or contamination
Deepak802,Patrick_janeand4 otherslike this

Some confusing things in modern history 

1)Deenabandhutitle give for C F Andrews by Gnadhi n st stephen students. Deshbandhupopular name for C R Das. Dinbandhuweeklymarathijournal byNm lokhande 1880

Deenabandhuweeklymalayalamnewspaper byVR  Krishnanin 1941.

2)Servants of People societyfounded byLala lajpat Rai in 1921 st lahore. (Inaugurated by gandhi)

Servants of Indian Society  founded by Gopal krishna Gokhale in 1905.

3)Indian Independence League 1942formed by rash behari bose in Tokyo japan.

Independence of Indian League 1927formed byJ L nehru n bose against dominion status in nehru report.

4)Delhi Chalo movementis associated withIndividual satyagraha movementduring 1940-1941)

Dilli chalo marchor slogun given bysubashChandra boseto motivate INA members.

5)Dwarkanath Tagore (1764 -1846) founded Landholders society in 1838 along with Radhakanta Deb.

His son is Debendranath tagore.

Debendranath tagore(1817 to 1905)was founder oftattwabodhini sabha in 1839n Tattvabodhini patrika in 1843,became head of bramho samaj

In 1865 due to differences with Kc sen he reorganized brahmo samajinto Adi bramo samaj.

His sons areSatyendarnath tagore 1st Indianto qualify ICS in 1863.

Rabindranath tagore - Jana gana mana, Amar shonar Bangla,srilanka national anthem,Gitajali,nobel prize in Literature(1913), founded vishwabharthi.

Abanindranath Tagorenephew of Rabindranath tagore foundedIndian Society of orientalArt,painted Bharat mata(1905)

Hey, just a correct - Rabindranath Tagore did not compose the Sri Lankan national anthem. It was composed by Ananda Samarakoon who was Tagore's disciple. Some of course say that the music and lyrics was inspired by Tagore. :-)


Some confusing things in modern history 

1)Deenabandhutitle give for C F Andrews by Gnadhi n st stephen students. Deshbandhupopular name for C R Das. Dinbandhuweeklymarathijournal byNm lokhande 1880

Deenabandhuweeklymalayalamnewspaper byVR  Krishnanin 1941.

2)Servants of People societyfounded byLala lajpat Rai in 1921 st lahore. (Inaugurated by gandhi)

Servants of Indian Society  founded by Gopal krishna Gokhale in 1905.

3)Indian Independence League 1942formed by rash behari bose in Tokyo japan.

Independence of Indian League 1927formed byJ L nehru n bose against dominion status in nehru report.

4)Delhi Chalo movementis associated withIndividual satyagraha movementduring 1940-1941)

Dilli chalo marchor slogun given bysubashChandra boseto motivate INA members.

5)Dwarkanath Tagore (1764 -1846) founded Landholders society in 1838 along with Radhakanta Deb.

His son is Debendranath tagore.

Debendranath tagore(1817 to 1905)was founder oftattwabodhini sabha in 1839n Tattvabodhini patrika in 1843,became head of bramho samaj

In 1865 due to differences with Kc sen he reorganized brahmo samajinto Adi bramo samaj.

His sons areSatyendarnath tagore 1st Indianto qualify ICS in 1863.

Rabindranath tagore - Jana gana mana, Amar shonar Bangla,srilanka national anthem,Gitajali,nobel prize in Literature(1913), founded vishwabharthi.

Abanindranath Tagorenephew of Rabindranath tagore foundedIndian Society of orientalArt,painted Bharat mata(1905)

Hey, just a correct - Rabindranath Tagore did not compose the Sri Lankan national anthem. It was composed by Ananda Samarakoon who was Tagore's disciple. Some of course say that the music and lyrics was inspired by Tagore. :-)

Oh tq,i will rectify .

Can you post the source pls.

» show previous quotes

5)Dwarkanath Tagore (1764 -1846) founded Landholders society in 1838 along with Radhakanta Deb.

His son is Debendranath tagore.

Debendranath tagore(1817 to 1905)was founder oftattwabodhini sabha in 1839n Tattvabodhini patrika in 1843,became head of bramho samaj

In 1865 due to differences with Kc sen he reorganized brahmo samajinto Adi bramo samaj.

His sons areSatyendarnath tagore 1st Indianto qualify ICS in 1863.

Rabindranath tagore - Jana gana mana, Amar shonar Bangla,srilanka national anthem,Gitajali,nobel prize in Literature(1913), founded vishwabharthi.

Abanindranath Tagorenephew of Rabindranath tagore foundedIndian Society of orientalArt,painted Bharat mata(1905)

6)1813 actendedmonopoly of company in india except trade in tea with india and trade with china(all other trades were open to all brtish subjcts)

1833 act(st helena act 1833)ended all commercial activites of company made purely administrative body.

7)Regarding Secretary of State

  • Secretary of state office + 15 mem council created by(1858 act).(he oversees the indian civils services)
  • High commissioner office created and transferred some functions of secretary of state(1919 act)
  • Abolished the 15 member council of secretary and replaced it with team of advisors(1935 act)
  • It finally abolished secretary of state for India & transferred its  functions to the secretary of state for common wealth affairs (1947 act)

8 Regarding Budget in colonial era

  • Budget introduced in 1860
  • Power of discussing Budget & addressing questions to executive (1892 act)
  • Power to ask supplementary questions + move resolution on budget (1909 act)
  • 1st time provincial budget separated from central budget + gave power to prov leg to enact their budget(1919act)

9)Confusing personalities in Acts

  1. 1863 -1st Indian ICS officer -Satyendranath Tagore.
  2. 1909 act-1st Indian in executive council of viceory (1st Indian law member) -Satyendra prasad sinha.
  3. 1946 Dec 9th(1st Const Assem meeting- Temporary President based on french practise -Dr.Sachchidananda Sinha.

10)Regarding Constitutional Borrowing confusions 

  1. PRESIDENT -Method of Election (Irish),Impeachment (USA)
  2. Governor-Office of governor (1935 act),Appointment of Governor by center(Canada)
  3. Rajyasabha-Electons of Members of Rj sb(South Africa),Nomination of Members to Raj sbh(Irish)
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