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Doubt Clearance Thread: UPSC 2021

On Tuesday, the National Statistical Office (NSO) released the first advance estimates of the national income that projected growth in India’s GDP at market prices for 2019-20 at 4.98% in “real” terms, the lowest since the 3.89% in the global financial crisis year of 2008-09.

What does GDP at market prices  in 'real' terms mean? Is this the same as real GDP?


Gold is imported. When its price goes up, we spend more foreign exchange to buy it. So exclude option 3. 

What is the answer given? 

@Oatmeal It is generally assumed that depreciation of currency would improve exports and bring in more foreign exchange.

@Freakhoto C seems to be the right answer if we do not overthink and limit our knowledge strictly to what forex reserves are made of. Yes, if this came in the exam I would lean towards C.

some relevant info in the above link

@ShinchanNohara Yes. See gist of IR Coelho(2007) case.

@IamThat Go with the Supreme Court's interpretation.

@Joeyisthebest Subhash Kashyap in Our Parliament says prior notice is not required


I think option D as correct answer assumes that whatever is not going out under PSL is being loaned out the usual way.

Otherwise answer could be A as well. Only when the bank's money is loaned out will the money multiplier change. Lending under PSL goes down >amount loaned out goes down >money multiplier goes down. 

@AlexanderSupertramp Government itself encourages certain monopolies to encourage innovation like patents. Since oligopoly market structure is closer to monopoly market structure, using the same logic we can argue it won't harm innovation. Atleast in the health market oligopoly won't harm innovation. Otherwise such a recommendation would not have been given in the ES.


I don't know of any oligopoly in health sector of India. But you can google oligopoly+health insurance+USA to understand more about how they operate.

Free market does not have government imposed restrictions. Assume 90% of all crude oil reserves in a country come under only two companies - A and B. They have a huge say in what the price of the oil should be. Both companies are made up of smaller companies which essentially came together to form a cartel. Government did not interfere under anti-competition laws because under a free market there is no need for such laws.

I just gave a nation's version of the international OPEC market power.

Market for mobile browsers can also be considered oligopoly. No government interference there too. Just by bundling them with their respective OSs resulted in this market structure.

So, a free market will not prohibit an oligopoly or monopoly from coming up.

My optional is not economics so my knowledge about this issue is limited. Frankly I don't think this level of depth is required.

Was getting around 84 from keys. Actual marks = 81.63.
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