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Undergoing with huge depression and sadness. Unable to be enthusiastic and cheerful. Just want to cry and scared of people.

Kindly help. 

sonder,Just_relentlessand15 otherslike this


Friends you have really helped wrt deep sadness and how one can trick his brain to be uplifted.

My next question is, dealing with fear, hopelessness, anxiety. 

Coffee, tea, choclate - all of these help in relieving stress - they help me in relishing the amazing taste, the hot sip. but this cant be an attribute of a civil servant ie depending on external things. 

Being realistic on a positive orientation but extremely is very very very imp. Otherwise no big thing in world is possible.

So friends, kindly help me with mental mantra that has helped you to develop resilience and resistance -no matter what,  with which you all find and carve your way and u've eased your life. 

@whatonly @gaurav@mehuifs 

Adding to what Krishna has already said. You can try meditating or guided meditation. I have been using an app called "Simple habit". If unable to focus initially, try to find a quiet place and just listen to it as a podcast. It really helps when you are experiencing turmoil within.
If at all you decide to give it a try, do check out the 31-day fresh start series and simple habit podcast by cory muscara.
Wishing you all the peace and happiness!!

@ShaktiSankalp01  I hope you are talking about normal anxiety and not when someone may need professional help as my answer would be related to former. 
If you have fear or anxiety which is manageable then it is okay and happens to most of us. But until you work towards what is causing that, it is going to get more. So, say you are anxious about your result of UPSC then best way is to study and get closer to your aim with each passing days.

Other things which really helps: 
1. Engage yourself in any physical activities - sports, gym, running etc. Even simply walking is great.
2. Talk to your friends and family when you want to(but mindful not that much so it interferes with your study schedule)
3. Watch movies if you like them. I do not watch TV series now as once I start I cannot stop myself finishing that particular show :(. Or any other leisure activity when you want to give yourself a break.

I do not have any mental mantra as such but one quote of  Swami Vivekanada is coming to my mind:
 “Arise! Awake! Stop not until the goal is reached.” 

chamomile,Rashmirathiand3 otherslike this

Friends you have really helped wrt deep sadness and how one can trick his brain to be uplifted.

My next question is, dealing with fear, hopelessness, anxiety. 

Coffee, tea, choclate - all of these help in relieving stress - they help me in relishing the amazing taste, the hot sip. but this cant be an attribute of a civil servant ie depending on external things. 

Being realistic on a positive orientation but extremely is very very very imp. Otherwise no big thing in world is possible.

So friends, kindly help me with mental mantra that has helped you to develop resilience and resistance -no matter what,  with which you all find and carve your way and u've eased your life. 

@whatonly @gaurav@mehuifs 

Heyy. If you're feeling severe anxiety that isn't going away for a while, you should see a therapist who can guide you further :) That will be more than forum is going to be able to do.

If you're talking about the general lows and highs that people taking this exam face and the usual anxiety that comes with them, then you're definitely not alone.

If coffee, tea, chocolate relax you, I don't see any reason why you should not bank on them (health being maintained of course). So what if they're external? Worry about what you'll do when you are an IAS officer later, just focus on getting through the current phase.

I may not be the best person to help you with this. I don't have any properly figured out mantra myself. I've also been very lucky with mental health (and i realised this after reading here what others are going through), have not had too much trouble barring a few weeks. I'll tell you some things that I've learnt, but remember there is no need to worry if they don't work for you. This stuff is so subjective. 

One thing i realised is that I feel anxious when I feel overwhelmed and not in control of the prep. The moment I manage to feel like I'm in control somehow, it goes down a lot. I do this by making plans - for the next two weeks or so, and also for the next day. Once the plan is made, I dont have to focus on the whole anxiety-inducing mountain. I just have to focus on the 20 steps I have to take that day. The rest is for future me to worry about bit by bit. But for this to work, the plans have to be realistic, otherwise it will backfire and give you even more anxiety if you're not able to complete the targets. So be very honest and allot only what you feel you can do. If a few days go by and you are not able to stick to the plan, cancel it. Make a new one. The plan is a tool, but the goal is studying. So don't let the plan determine your mood. You control the plan at all times.

When I feel like I'm stuck in a rut, I try to make some big change in my routine. Or if there is no routine I try to make one. Getting up super early, giving myself rewards for tasks done (episodes of shows, food, chocolate, whatever) That itself gives an energy bump thay carries over to prep. 

Speak to friends and family as often as you can if it makes you feel better. Even if you feel too tired to talk, just go and sit among people. "Normal" people who don't have an exam on their minds at all times. Hear people laugh, yell, just be themselves. It will remind you that there is more to life, and more to you, than just prep. This also helps reduce anxiety for me.

Just remember, the goal with prep is ultimately just to clear the exam. That's it. That is inflexible. The goal is not to finish some magazine or clock a certain number of hours or stick to some plan. These things are important, but they are just tools to reach the goal. Keep this distinction always clear. It will help to shed some loads that become too heavy. If you feel something isn't working for you, find something better as long as time allows it. Always be in control. When you feel like you're not, remember you can take control back instantly.

All my best wishes :)

dalpha,chamomileand13 otherslike this

"appreciation is a wonderful thing, it makes what is excellent in others, belong to us as well " - Voltaire.

As always what an answer. What a personality.  Simply the best. Thank You @whatonly

@mehuifs Thank you friend.

@chamomile - thank you friend. Thank you so much. 

@gaurav Thanks buddy.

Time to be say to myself that i am good,  time to be high spirited, time to  implement the solutions which friends told but most importantly not to take tremendous pressure of whole world. Time to start my engine and time to work very very very hard. Godspeed. 

Best- everyday. Nonstop. 
chamomile,Rashmirathiand2 otherslike this

Friends you have really helped wrt deep sadness and how one can trick his brain to be uplifted.

My next question is, dealing with fear, hopelessness, anxiety. 

Coffee, tea, choclate - all of these help in relieving stress - they help me in relishing the amazing taste, the hot sip. but this cant be an attribute of a civil servant ie depending on external things. 

Being realistic on a positive orientation but extremely is very very very imp. Otherwise no big thing in world is possible.

So friends, kindly help me with mental mantra that has helped you to develop resilience and resistance -no matter what,  with which you all find and carve your way and u've eased your life. 

@whatonly @gaurav@mehuifs 

Hi Aarushi,

First of all I am sorry I couldn't see your tag and it's because I am not active on Forum. And I feel, you have been sufficiently advised by some beautiful persons here. Just hold on to what all they suggested and you would definitely fair well in overcoming your sufferings. 

Just adding my bits, I feel howsoever one may refute, we are stuck in that phase of our respective lives where clearing this exam will provide us immense joy more than anything else. So, just move forward in the right direction and be focused on your goal. Additionally I feel you should devote some time daily to Pranayam/Meditation which will take care of your overall mental and emotional health. Millions of people have been benefitted by these exercises and so you could be too. 

I feel 'Fear, anxiety and hopelessness', what you talked about, shouldn't be looked upon in isolation. They can't be separated from sorrow and dejection for they are inextricably linked to it. So, better try to keep yourself happy all the time and when you are successful here, automatically your fear, anxiety and hopelessness will subside and over time will eventually vanish. And as Mahatma Gandhi once said "Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony." 

Also as I have told you earlier, work on your daily routine. Just ensure negativity doesn't creep in. Focus on the moment passing by. Be positive in the moment and utilize it fully. Oprah Winfrey once said "Doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment". The moment you are presently living in is the most basic point where you should work and which you should ameliorate. If you do it successfully, remain assured you are in right direction. 

Rest, I wish you all the best. I hope and wish you manage to overcome your sufferings soon and lead a blissful life ahead. Good luck. 

MaeveWiley,whatonlyand2 otherslike this
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