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[Official] DAF MAINS 2023 - Ask questions & get answers

@Neyawn i have recently joined Akashwani Prasar Bharti as an assignee announcer. In the DAF, will i mention it as a government job? It's not a permanent employment. I am called only when there is a requirement.

Also, would i need to upload the undertaking wrt having informed the department head?

Please help. 

Thank you.

@Neyawn it says: ye koi niyamit rozgar nahi hai. 

@Neyawn it says: ye koi niyamit rozgar nahi hai. And that we'd be called only when required. Moreover they have mentioned in the letter itself that they have no issue with us seeking employment anywhere.

Sir, what should i mention in the employment columns? Does this qualify as a temporary government service or is it more of a casual work? The employment column asks to select between permanent, temporary and ad hoc.
Thank you.

@Neyawn it says: ye koi niyamit rozgar nahi hai. And that we'd be called only when required. Moreover they have mentioned in the letter itself that they have no issue with us seeking employment anywhere.

Sir, what should i mention in the employment columns? Does this qualify as a temporary government service or is it more of a casual work? The employment column asks to select between permanent, temporary and ad hoc.
Thank you.


Could anyone please help? 

I'd like to mention this field during the interview. But i'm unsure if this qualifies in any of the categories of employment provided in daf 1 at the moment.

Please help.

Thank you.

@GaryVee Thank you so much.
I was going to do as you suggested. However, on clicking yes for government/public enterprise, it says that i need to have intimated my department head in writing and obtained a receipt from them. 
How do i go about this now?
Thanks for your help. Means a lot.

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