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Challenging UPSC Answer key 2023

IMP.For those who attempted Prelims 2023

In the official answer key released today of GS1, there are atleast 3-4 questions whose answers given by upsc can be challenged in court by providing credible sources justifying the correctness of the other option.

I am looking for interested candidates to help me provide credible sources, info, documents, websites challenging the upsc answers from which I will create a file to submit it in court

It will be helpful for those who lost their attempt especially their sixth/ninth attempt last year
Also it will help challenge the credibility of the whole paper, and help give an extra attempt

I will compile everything and pay all legal expenses, I just want assistance to create a credible legal document with valid supporting proofs

Kindly reply back, I will add you to a specific group
curious_kid,Neyawnand3 otherslike this



I finished analysing the Prelims 2023 key and the answers of the following questions are highly doubtful. If anyone could explain the following answers or has any inputs, then it would be really helpful.  

(As per SET - A)

Q.38 - Community Reserves (3 are correct but UPSC has given 2 correct)

Q.59 - There is no known safe level of exposure to mercury. (Again given wrong by UPSC) 

Q.64 -The temperature contrast between continents and oceans is greater during summer than in winter. (Given as incorrect, but should be correct right?)

Q.77 - According to the Prevention of Terrorism Act, 2002, confession of the accused before the police cannot be used as evidence. (Given correct by UPSC, but should be wrong)

Answers for 64 and 77 are absolutely right in my opinion 

Q 38 is poorly framed that they copied from Down to Earth. There is no official source to back those statements for which they should be dragged to court

Also finance bill is a money bill. UPSC has done a blunder by confusing financial bill with finance bill

Lastly, Nagarjuna & Nagasena are same person and yet UPSC has considered that option wrong

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