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CSE 2023: Plan/ Strategy/ Daily Routine

Hi guys hopping into this thread and will try to post my daily targets regularly. Looking forward to having a great community experience like the famous 2021 thread with good friends@nerdfighter @SergioRamos @AzadHindFauz @Rashmirathi @Jammu 

Avengers assemble? 😬

Always felt the lack of peer group in my 2021 attempt, moved to Delhi for 2022. Couldn't find any peer group or something, posted targets on thread for a while & then gave up. Want to make 2023 last, ready to give whatever it takes. Let's go full throttle.


Also am in the hub, would love to connect n discuss daily dukhs with you'll.  Let's do it!

Same,studying in isolation

Lets follow a daily predefined plan for 2023

Absolutely, looking forward.  I need everything planned beforehand.  Don't want decision fatigue at all.

Please count me in too. Have been isolated too long. Peers and decisions are both a dire need. 

An acceptance post.

I have spent the last few days being either hurt or angry. It was my second prelims failure, and one that I wasn't ready for. I am caught in the vicious cycle of blames, of how it was my circumstances that failed me. I know it is no use, and hence I write this post to accept, and let go.
The person I have been blaming the most is my father. He would not allow me to go to a library when I found it impossible studying at home. For no reason at all. I have been obedient so far, never did anything 'immoral' in the eyes of the society. And yet this. Plus, he would force me to get into a job, because it is so hard to get, and so in the 7 months that I had for this attempt, I prepared for three different exams.
That's what is hurting me, and making me angry. But this is not the complete picture. I could have gone to the library had I been a little more obstinate. I could have insisted him for a fully focused attempt all the same.
I know this post is rather negative, but I am writing it as a reminder of how I can indeed control my circumstances if I want to. I don't want to fall in this trap of cribbing ever again.
I accept my faults, and I choose to move on. 

@LetsGetThisBread Indeed. It's not just a good time, it is 'the' time I think. All this while I was simply victimising myself. 

@Lucifer16 thanks for your words friend. You are really kind :)


Finally done with various commitments, and other tasks. The break after prelims has been a bit too long, but now I am ready to go full throttle. Will post targets here until I build the momentum. 

For today, 19.07.22- 

1. Eco- revise class 11 NCERT 

2 . Optional- write pyqs from 2013-15 of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

3. Newspaper

Good day! 



Finally done with various commitments, and other tasks. The break after prelims has been a bit too long, but now I am ready to go full throttle. Will post targets here until I build the momentum. 

For today, 19.07.22- 

1. Eco- revise class 11 NCERT 

2 . Optional- write pyqs from 2013-15 of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

3. Newspaper

Good day! 

1,2 done. 3 not done (which comes as a surprise because newspaper was the only thing I was doing regularly all these days.) 

For today, 20.07.22- 

1. Eco- Mrunal Pillar 1- 60 pages 

2. Optional- pyqs 2016-19

3. Newspaper- of yesterday and today

Good day! 



» show previous quotes

1,2 done. 3 not done (which comes as a surprise because newspaper was the only thing I was doing regularly all these days.) 

For today, 20.07.22- 

1. Eco- Mrunal Pillar 1- 60 pages 

2. Optional- pyqs 2016-19

3. Newspaper- of yesterday and today

Good day! 

1- did 30 pages, 2- not done, 3- done. Overall average day. Productivity is low for days when I've just started. 

For today, 21.07.22- 

1. Complete Mrunal Pillar 1A w current updation 

2. Optional- Huck Finn pyqs 2016-19

3. Newspaper

Good luck friends :) 




» show previous quotes

1,2 done. 3 not done (which comes as a surprise because newspaper was the only thing I was doing regularly all these days.) 

For today, 20.07.22- 

1. Eco- Mrunal Pillar 1- 60 pages 

2. Optional- pyqs 2016-19

3. Newspaper- of yesterday and today

Good day! 

1- did 30 pages, 2- not done, 3- done. Overall average day. Productivity is low for days when I've just started. 

For today, 21.07.22- 

1. Complete Mrunal Pillar 1A w current updation 

2. Optional- Huck Finn pyqs 2016-19

3. Newspaper

Good luck friends :) 

Was about to finish the first target when I dropped out, not to touch my books again for the whole day. Woke up early today and did some work. Now the status is: 1,3- done; 2-not done(again!) 

I want to set my sleep cycle aright, so mentioning only two targets, that I can easily complete before 11. 

1. Optional- all remaining pyqs + test ques. 

2. Newspaper. 

Good day, guys! 





» show previous quotes

1,2 done. 3 not done (which comes as a surprise because newspaper was the only thing I was doing regularly all these days.) 

For today, 20.07.22- 

1. Eco- Mrunal Pillar 1- 60 pages 

2. Optional- pyqs 2016-19

3. Newspaper- of yesterday and today

Good day! 

1- did 30 pages, 2- not done, 3- done. Overall average day. Productivity is low for days when I've just started. 

For today, 21.07.22- 

1. Complete Mrunal Pillar 1A w current updation 

2. Optional- Huck Finn pyqs 2016-19

3. Newspaper

Good luck friends :) 

Was about to finish the first target when I dropped out, not to touch my books again for the whole day. Woke up early today and did some work. Now the status is: 1,3- done; 2-not done(again!) 

I want to set my sleep cycle aright, so mentioning only two targets, that I can easily complete before 11. 

1. Optional- all remaining pyqs + test ques. 

2. Newspaper. 

Good day, guys! 

Did only newspaper. 

Productivity is low, procrastination high. My screen time is an easy 6-8 hours everyday. One particular day it was more than 9. 

So, I have decided to quit my smartphone. Have realised I won't be able to overcome my addiction to my phone until I physically distance myself from it. Will shift to my grandmother's Samsung Guru instead. I have tried this strategy before as well, and it worked pretty good for me. 

Will stay off this platform and ypt for a while. 

Until next time! 


A random thought.

Lately, i've been experiencing the silly ways that cse (and its failures) change you.
I recently joined instagram, after a 3 years-long break. And began to feel a parental pity for how my old classmates are spending (read squandering) their lives. I am 22 this year, so are my friends. 😐. 


I have spent the last few days in uncertainty. Not that anything major happened as such. It is one low phase I guess. 

Today I read Amitabh Bachchan's blog, and the latest post came as a reassurance– that it is indeed normal, more than normal, to fail. Attaching the link here


A few questions 
What readings/book/booklets should I use for these topics? Or should I just read 2-3 years of mains 365 compilations and make notes accordingly?
And how much time these topics should take ideally?

I know that is subjective, I just don't want to allocate more time than necessary( something that I end up doing a lot of times😅)

Same question! 


Productivity has been really low these past few (many) days. Barely clocking 2-3 hours, sometimes even less.

The reasons are a few– poor health,disturbedsleep cycle , people visiting, casual env, and the biggest of all: 'mann nahi kar raha'.

But I'm not here to rant today. Because smh I actually don't feel that bad, there are other things happening too.

I looked back and realised its not even been a full year since my first prelims- 10 Oct, 2021- which I failed. Time has been fast and heavy. After that I gave 3 more exams (AFCAT, SSC and another prelims) and managed to clear only one- AFCAT. The exam that I don't satisfy the physical standards of. (I still am gonna appear for AFSB- aisa experience baar baar nahi milta.)

But no, I'm not here to rant, right? There are better things. I have decided to give NABARD a miss. I realised I wasn't emotionally ready for even another exam, let aside another failure. The good part of it? My parents supported me. Despite all their concerns and insecurities, especially after the result of my second prelims. It is really precarious with families- with all their differences and yet the one uniting fact- they are all you truly have.

I have a little achievement too. Three years ago, I was a complete social media addict. Simply couldn't keep down my phone, simply couldn't focus. Not even for half-hour stretches. So I quit. Its been three months since I returned, and have mostly stuck to the ideal 'twice a day' use- once at morning and once at night. I know its not huge, but I remember how I was, and I have definitely improved.

At the temple we have a 'Janmangal Anushthan' (loosely, a worship ritual for the well-being of the mankind) going on. So the past few evenings have been spent there, and I'm enjoying it. It is the time of the day when I am most active and most calm, both at the same time.

So I think me not studying for a good number of hours is the only problem here, and so I've decided to post my targets here, starting today. Hopefully I'll improve.

Here's to the journey, and the nazare it brings🌤


Targets for today, 06.09.22- 

1. P. Sci NCERT- Ch 6,7,8

2. Tom Jones revision + pyqs (2011-14) 

3. AFSB- TAT practice 

4. Newspaper 

Good day! ☀️


Targets for today, 06.09.22: 

1. P. Sci. NCERT- Ch 6,7,8

2. Tom Jones- Revision + PYQs (2011-14) 

3. AFSB- TAT Practice 

4. Newspaper 

Good day! ☀️



Targets for today, 06.09.22- 

1. P. Sci NCERT- Ch 6,7,8

2. Tom Jones revision + pyqs (2011-14) 

3. AFSB- TAT practice 

4. Newspaper 

Good day! ☀️

1,4 done. 2,3 not done. Well :/ 

For today, 07.09.22- 

1. Polity- ncert ch 9, 10; Laxmikant ch 1-3

2. Tom Jones- Revision + pyqs 2011-14 

3. AFSB- Make a plan first. If time, practice PPDT

4. Newspaper

Good luck guys! 🌸




Targets for today, 06.09.22- 

1. P. Sci NCERT- Ch 6,7,8

2. Tom Jones revision + pyqs (2011-14) 

3. AFSB- TAT practice 

4. Newspaper 

Good day! ☀️

1,4 done. 2,3 not done. Well :/ 

For today, 07.09.22- 

1. Polity- ncert ch 9, 10; Laxmikant ch 1-3

2. Tom Jones- Revision + pyqs 2011-14 

3. AFSB- Make a plan first. If time, practice PPDT

4. Newspaper

Good luck guys! 🌸

1. Ncert done, Laxmikant- did only ch 1. Need to pace up here

2. Not done. Aur kuch ho na ho, need to overcome this optional inertia today

3. Done 

4. Done


For today, 08.09.22: 

1. Tom Jones 

2. Newspaper

3. AFSB- PPDT, lecturette

Good day! 



For today, 08.09.22: 

1. Tom Jones 

2. Newspaper

3. AFSB- PPDT, lecturette

Good day! 


1. Did partially 

2. Not done

3. Done (have found a bunch of aspirants to practice with) 

Overall, i won't count it a good day. The targets were rather unambitious and yet couldn't achieve them 

One good thing happened though. I enrolled in MGP. The first test is tomorrow, but I have decided to appear on Sundays, so I have two days to prepare


For today, 09.09.22: 

1. Polity- Laxmikant part 1 & 2 (I have my notes ready, thankfully) 

2. Newspaper 

That's it, good luck all! 🌤


Just came across a couple of really magnificent pictures, and well, just felt like sharing. 

1- Yarlung Tsangpo Grand Canyon (aka Brahmputra Canyon), Tibet

2- Harishchandragad Peak, Maharashtra


@Rashmirathi no no. It is a big thing if I even step out of my house. Saving all these photography aspirations for Bharat Darshan 🤷‍♀️

@TheNotorious found these on a page called amazinglybeautifulphotography on tumblr

@Morticia I personally prefer pictures that are not processed. Ofc we can edit them according to ourselves to let them convey a certain message. But then, finding messages in unprocessed pictures, especially of nature, is an art too. And subtler I think. (You can check out Vikram Grewal's insta, he does it perfectly) 


This is beautiful! So many good pictures, and so many interesting poems. Saving this one- 

"Supposing you and I (connective we)

Were nothing more than two leaves of tea

Being in hot water




We'd solve the age-old problems easily." 



Lessons from SSB.

(Apologies for the length it is going to have.)

Recently, I attended the Air Force Selection Board at Dehradun. (AFSB/SSB is a five days procedure they have for every Defence exam that lands you onto a commissioned post- AFCAT/NDA/CDS etc). This one brought me to some realisations.

I don't know if it was the sedentary upsc prep or the lockdown (that started in 4th sem of college and didn't end until five days ago) or my introversion that made me awkward, really awkward. I could sense that I wasn't mindful, I said and did stupid things, and my thought process was really slow.

Perhaps it was a mix of all three.
In physical tasks I was weak and scared. The interview (that was mostly personal- about background, family, friends etc) made me feel vulnerable, exposed. The only thing I perhaps enjoyed were the psych tests (in which all you need to do is 'write' responses- to pictures, words and situations). I was suspicious of my roommates and found hard to mix with them.

But SSB had more lessons than just these. As I sensed these problems, my roommates guided me through. They were welcoming despite the competition. I never initiated any conversations, but well, they did. They encouraged me to perform well- 7 complete strangers I was to be with for less than a week. 

My lesson is that most people have good hearts after all. That life isn't supposed to be as serious as we think it should. That being social indeed makes you a little more confident, while introversion a little less. That not all things need to be thought before being acted upon. That when it comes to health- one cannot lessen the importance of either physical or mental health; they are both very important and they both supplement each other.

I have decided to make a few small (but determined) changes, and recording them as little notes to self here-

1. Initiate conversations. With old friends, with new people. You need them as much as it is your responsibility to be when they need you.

2. Exercise. Daily.

3. Do some things without thinking. Regularly. (Things like replying to any random comment anywhere, playing with your brother or simply letting people around you know that you're hurt or angry when you are that.)

4. Love the world, with the things, the people, the many flaws of it. Go out every two weeks (unlike the present once in months) and get a better perspective (and personality).

Maybe it sounds all too idealistic. But I have seen that whenever I realise something in a trip to some other place, it stays with me. Three years ago I felt I needed spirituality and that is the thing that has stayed most consistently. I am not always focused, and not always positive either, but one little part of my day is always dedicated to it.

Forum, just like the SSB, has good people too. And through this post, I thank you guys- for all the bubbly, relatable conversations- and I thank them, for the support. 



Lessons from SSB.

(Apologies for the length it is going to have.)

Recently, I attended the Air Force Selection Board at Dehradun. (AFSB/SSB is a five days procedure they have for every Defence exam that lands you onto a commissioned post- AFCAT/NDA/CDS etc). This one brought me to some realisations.

I don't know if it was the sedentary upsc prep or the lockdown (that started in 4th sem of college and didn't end until five days ago) or my introversion that made me awkward, really awkward. I could sense that I wasn't mindful, I said and did stupid things, and my thought process was really slow.

Perhaps it was a mix of all three.
In physical tasks I was weak and scared. The interview (that was mostly personal- about background, family, friends etc) made me feel vulnerable, exposed. The only thing I perhaps enjoyed were the psych tests (in which all you need to do is 'write' responses- to pictures, words and situations). I was suspicious of my roommates and found hard to mix with them.

But SSB had more lessons than just these. As I sensed these problems, my roommates guided me through. They were welcoming despite the competition. I never initiated any conversations, but well, they did. They encouraged me to perform well- 7 complete strangers I was to be with for less than a week. 

My lesson is that most people have good hearts after all. That life isn't supposed to be as serious as we think it should. That being social indeed makes you a little more confident, while introversion a little less. That not all things need to be thought before being acted upon. That when it comes to health- one cannot lessen the importance of either physical or mental health; they are both very important and they both supplement each other.

I have decided to make a few small (but determined) changes, and recording them as little notes to self here-

1. Initiate conversations. With old friends, with new people. You need them as much as it is your responsibility to be when they need you.

2. Exercise. Daily.

3. Do some things without thinking. Regularly. (Things like replying to any random comment anywhere, playing with your brother or simply letting people around you know that you're hurt or angry when you are that.)

4. Love the world, with the things, the people, the many flaws of it. Go out every two weeks (unlike the present once in months) and get a better perspective (and personality).

Maybe it sounds all too idealistic. But I have seen that whenever I realise something in a trip to some other place, it stays with me. Three years ago I felt I needed spirituality and that is the thing that has stayed most consistently. I am not always focused, and not always positive either, but one little part of my day is always dedicated to it.

Forum, just like the SSB, has good people too. And through this post, I thank you guys- for all the bubbly, relatable conversations- and I thank them, for the support. 

This is so wholesome to read! 

I hope you had a great experience at the  SSB. It is a once in a lifetime experience for many.

* "My lesson is that most people have good hearts after all." - I've been treading this path for long now and can definitely concur; although you do get disappointed many a times but that doesn't mean you stop believing in the goods of people.

As the famous saying goes, "To err is human"

* Talking about the 7 strangers who helped and guided you through; that is how the forces work, aint it? Buddies and comrades maintaining their camaraderie!

*As for the goals you've penned down, even a percent in that direction is enough to manifest cascading changes. Really hope you keep working in that direction.

Signing off wishing on a more transparent, more compassionate and a more loving world (with reduced suspicions 😅)


The experience was definitely once in a lifetime. Though I didn't get recommended, it gave me much needed exposure- to the world, and to myself. 

Also, your wish for the world is beautiful 🌸🌤


Good morning people! 

I am done with all my back up exams, and I feel so relieved. Will be posting targets over here to build the momentum. 

Day 1, 10.10.22- 

1. Mrunal Pillar 4C 

2. Eco Jan CA

3. Pride and Prejudice- 50 pages 

4. Newspaper

5. Hit the bed by 11 so that I can start the day a little earlier from tomorrow 

Also, please suggest a good source for environment. Followed Shankar previously but- one, it is not updated, and two, the content seems scattered. 

Thanks in advance! 🌸



Good morning people! 

I am done with all my back up exams, and I feel so relieved. Will be posting targets over here to build the momentum. 

Day 1, 10.10.22- 

1. Mrunal Pillar 4C 

2. Eco Jan CA

3. Pride and Prejudice- 50 pages 

4. Newspaper

5. Hit the bed by 11 so that I can start the day a little earlier from tomorrow 

Also, please suggest a good source for environment. Followed Shankar previously but- one, it is not updated, and two, the content seems scattered. 

Thanks in advance! 🌸

About 70% of 1 completed. And can safely tick 5. My learning speed has slowed considerably. Hope it increases soon. 


Day 2, Oct 11, 22- 

Complete yesterday's remaining targets, along with today's newspaper. 



@sstarrr @DM thanks for reverting. I think I'll go with PMF 



Day 2, Oct 11, 22- 

Complete yesterday's remaining targets, along with today's newspaper. 


Mrunal 4C and newspaper done. Rest not.


Day 3, 12.10.22- 

1. GS-3 Subtopic 2

2. Jan & Feb Eco CA

3. Pride and Prejudice 50 pages

4. Newspaper

Good day, peeps! 🌻



Day 3, 12.10.22- 

1. GS-3 Subtopic 2

2. Jan & Feb Eco CA

3. Pride and Prejudice 50 pages

4. Newspaper

Good day, peeps! 🌻

Finished 4 and did 1 partially. The rest of the targets have been in the waiting list since Monday. With productivity so low, was about to not post any targets at all today. But then, I have done this before and it has always been the self-signal that I cannot overcome my emotions. This time, i'm not going to that at least. 

So, here are the targets for today: Day 4, 13.10.22- 

1. Finish GS 3 sub topic 2

2. Jan eco CA

3. Newspaper

@Brave it takes strength to truly listen to the self. All the best for whatever you do 🌞




Day 3, 12.10.22- 

1. GS-3 Subtopic 2

2. Jan & Feb Eco CA

3. Pride and Prejudice 50 pages

4. Newspaper

Good day, peeps! 🌻

Finished 4 and did 1 partially. The rest of the targets have been in the waiting list since Monday. With productivity so low, was about to not post any targets at all today. But then, I have done this before and it has always been the self-signal that I cannot overcome my emotions. This time, i'm not going to that at least. 

So, here are the targets for today: Day 4, 13.10.22- 

1. Finish GS 3 sub topic 2

2. Jan eco CA

3. Newspaper

@Brave it takes strength to truly listen to the self. All the best for whatever you do 🌞

Done all. 

Today, Day 5, 14.10.22- 

Have to go out today, so keeping it brief. 

1. Left over topics in GS 3 Subtopic 1 

2. Newspaper

Good day! 🌸


seeing the amount of spam on this forum, and the usefulness of this particular thread, i think its high time to pin it to the top with other important threads.

@Neyawn @root 



Day 122 was pleasant in terms of outcomes, even when I had some other tasks at hand.

Was able to complete economics and environment(except short CA) of Vision. Tomorrow,again is a college day, but lets make some bits of the time at hand.

@huck The ads are absurd.From Visa ads to Viagra ads, pta nahi kya kya!

Shubh Ratri doston!

Ikr! The stock market situation of Vietnam🤦‍♀️


Struggling with consistency, so will be posting here for sometime.  

For today, Feb 25'23- 

1. PMF Env. Ch 16-18 

2. Polity PT pages 21-40 

3. 2018 Env. PYQ (1/2) 



Struggling with consistency, so will be posting here for sometime.  

For today, Feb 25'23- 

1. PMF Env. Ch 16-18 

2. Polity PT pages 21-40 

3. 2018 Env. PYQ (1/2) 

1. did till mid of Ch 17 2. done 3. done

Today, Feb 26'23-

1. PMF Env. Ch 17-19

2. Polity PT pages 40-61

3. 2018 Env. PYQ (2/2)




Struggling with consistency, so will be posting here for sometime.  

For today, Feb 25'23- 

1. PMF Env. Ch 16-18 

2. Polity PT pages 21-40 

3. 2018 Env. PYQ (1/2) 

1. did till mid of Ch 17 2. done 3. done

Today, Feb 26'23-

1. PMF Env. Ch 17-19

2. Polity PT pages 40-61

3. 2018 Env. PYQ (2/2)

Poor day yesterday. Touched all the targets, couldn't finish any. 

I also need to start preparing for cuet pg exam from today, which is nearly just as far as prelims. 

For today, Feb  27'23- 

1. PMF Env. Ch 18, 19

2. Finish polity PT 365

3. Env PYQ - 2018 (second half) & 2017 (first half) 

4. History of English lit.- From Chaucer to Spenser 





Struggling with consistency, so will be posting here for sometime.  

For today, Feb 25'23- 

1. PMF Env. Ch 16-18 

2. Polity PT pages 21-40 

3. 2018 Env. PYQ (1/2) 

1. did till mid of Ch 17 2. done 3. done

Today, Feb 26'23-

1. PMF Env. Ch 17-19

2. Polity PT pages 40-61

3. 2018 Env. PYQ (2/2)

Poor day yesterday. Touched all the targets, couldn't finish any. 

I also need to start preparing for cuet pg exam from today, which is nearly just as far as prelims. 

For today, Feb  27'23- 

1. PMF Env. Ch 18, 19

2. Finish polity PT 365

3. Env PYQ - 2018 (second half) & 2017 (first half) 

4. History of English lit.- From Chaucer to Spenser 

1 & 2 done. 3 only finished 2018. 4 not done.

today, Feb 28'23-

1. PMF Ch 20,21,22

2. 2017 Env. PYQ analysis (1/2)

3. Chaucer to Spenser

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