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CSE 2022: Plan/ Strategy/ Daily Routine

How much are people scoring in today's SFG? If some can put it down here. 

48 (30 Correct, 18 Wrong)


Next 9-10 days aren't going to be too productive for me. I am moving to a new city. Before that I need to meet up a few people— my newly manufactured cute nephew, my nani, and some of my school friends. So, I will be travelling. And my first week in new city too will demand a lot of time like looking for a place and all the related stuff. I am also kindda trying to chillofy after prelims thingy. But I don't want these days to be total waste. So, I should just start. 


Day 1 (12/10/21): Target To-dos

  • Organize all the PSIR notes, handouts, everything I have
  • Ethics 2 Classes + related notes
  • Hannah Arendt (1/2)
  • Prelims Post Mortem: Economy Questions

Other Stuff:

  • Walk + Audiobook
  • Visit Dermat 

Prelims 2021 Post-Mortem: Economy

Total Questions: 14 >>>11 Correct, 3 Wrong 

Wrong Questions: UCBs, FDI, Financial Markets

I don’t think I need to change my source for the economy. Every single question can be answered with basics, Vivek Sir’s book & telegram channel. There are some chapters that I did not revise well & that cost me two questions. And the UCB one was posted in the telegram channel too. But I did not follow it well. I procrastinated on my telegram readings for too long and only in the last two months, I tried to cover the current affairs of the entire year. A saner strategy is to do the economy every single day. Also, the questions require one to understand the mechanics of how things work. So, if something is in the news, I must try to understand the economic logic behind it. There is some need for a little factual information as well but Sir’s book would cover it.

Every question I was sure of is correct. Every question I was doubtful about & did a wild guess is wrong. Do you see a lesson here?

Lessons for 2022: For economy, multiple revisions of Vivek Sir’s book, Study the telegram news everyday, go deep into the economic logic of a news or static portion when you don’t get a feel of the topic by primary reading. Don’t be reckless in ticking questions. My fall in this attempt is a lot due to over-attempting & many wild guesses. Also, did caffeine in my body make me extra reckless? 

P.S. I went on a caffeine overload as I was not able to get even an hour of sleep at night.

Same thing happened to me, went without sleeping while being loaded on red bull, messed up S&T questions

Studied for 8 hrs for the second time in my life yesterday. Feeling very proud. I know it's not much but I know I have come a long way. 
How many hours do you guys do on an average?



Hey Folks.. New to this community(Joined SFG/ RLG 2022)...

Can anybody suggest one point source for Compilation of Essays Asked in CSE ( Just the Questions ) of atleast Last 15-20 years ? would be highly appreciated....Thanks

Mrunal's previous year

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