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CSE 2022: Plan/ Strategy/ Daily Routine

Back to exam preparation after a loooooong break! Need this thread and the motivation that all you amazing people bring to it. 

"Show up, show up, show up, and after a while, the muse shows up, too." - Isabel Allende

:hourglass:D1 / 88DTG (March 09, 2022)

:one: Environment chapters 2 :white_check_mark: ,3,4,5 :x:

:two: Solve Environment T1 :white_check_mark:

:three: Revise Environment T1 :white_check_mark:

:four: CA L1 :x:

:five: Economics L3 :x:

:love_letter: Posted at 0920 hrs

:pushpin: Updated at 0833 hrs on March 10, 2022


"Great things are done by a series of small things brought together." - Vincent Van Gogh

:hourglass:D2 / 87DTG (March 10, 2022)

:one: Environment chapters 3,4,5 :white_check_mark: 6,7,8 :x:

:two: Solve Environment T2 :x:

:three: Revise Environment T2 :x:

:four: CA L1 :arrows_clockwise:

:five: Economics L3 :white_check_mark:

:love_letter: Posted at 0838 hrs

:pushpin: Updated at 1110 hrs on March 11, 2022


"Go as far as you can see; when you get there, you'll be able to see further." - Thomas Carlyle

:hourglass:D3 / 86DTG (March 11, 2022)

:one: Environment chapters 6,7,8,9,10,11

:two: Solve Environment T2 :white_check_mark:

:three: Revise Environment T2 :white_check_mark:

:four: CA L1 :arrows_clockwise:

:five: Economics L4 

:love_letter: Posted at 1123 hrs

:pushpin: Updated at 0833 hrs on March 12, 2022


"A man on the top of the mountain didn't just fall there." - Vince Lombardi

:hourglass:D4&5 / 84DTG (March 12 & 13, 2022)

:one: Environment chapters 6,7,8:white_check_mark: ,9,10,11 :x:

:two: Solve Environment T3 :x:

:three: Revise Environment T3 :x:

:four: CA L1 :white_check_mark:

:five: Economics L4 :white_check_mark:

:six: CSAT 10Q :white_check_mark:

:love_letter: Posted at 0836 hrs

:pushpin: Updated at 1701 hrs on March 13, 2022. Will begin with fresh targets tomorrow.

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