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CSE 2022: Plan/ Strategy/ Daily Routine

This is an everything thread for all stuff 2022. You can post your daily goals, end-of-the-day updates, weekly targets or any weird thing you use to measure your progress. You can put into words & post the soul-sucking sadness that is threatening to devour you & your productivity. You can write what made your day & let others experience the happiness too, at least vicariously. This is a thread to pick each other up. This is a thread to keep each other accountable. This is a no-judgement zone.


“This is one more piece of advice I have for you: don't get impatient. Even if things are so tangled up you can't do anything, don't get desperate or blow a fuse and start yanking on one particular thread before it's ready to come undone. You have to realize it's going to be a long process and that you'll work on things slowly, one at a time.”

— Haruki Murakami, Norwegian Wood

jack_Sparrow,Fireheartand160 otherslike this


















1. Optional - P1B1 ODE (4/4), P1B3 VA (1/3)

2. Newspaper + Online + 1 TV discussion 

3. Society 3/4

For the first time, I was able to finish GS target for the day (at the cost of daily news though :P )


1. P1B3 Vector Analysis (2/3) 

2. Newspaper (27th and 28th) + 1 TV debate

3. Society (4/4) 

4. Read through GS1 Geography PYQs

1, 3 - partly done 


1. P1B3 Vector Analysis (2/3, 3/3) 

2. Newspaper + 1 TV Debate 

3. Polity 1/4 

4. Read through GS2 Polity PYQs

Society backlog - pushed to Sunday.

1,2,4 done. Need to flip through Laxmikanth faster.


1. Optional P1A2 Calculus (1/4) 

2. Newspaper

3. Polity Static repeat (1/4)

4. Current Affairs Class

Only 2, 4 done. Plus went through Ethics Syllabus and PYQs.


1. Repeat Calculus (1/4) 

2. Newspaper + 1 TV Discussion 

3. Repeat Polity (1/4)

4. CA class revision

Despite everything, monsoon brought some relief and cheer! :D 

2, 3, 4 done. But at the cost of Maths.


1. P1A2 Calculus (1/4, 2/4) 

2. Newspaper 

3. Polity Static (2/4) 

4. CA class 

1,2 done; 3 partly done; 4 not done. 

03/07/2022 (Backlogs and revisions day tomorrow)

1. Optional backlog - Laplace, Curvature/Torsion

2. Society backlog

3. CA classes - revise

4. Newspaper + 1 TV discussion

Quote of the day - 

"Renewables are the peace plan of the 21st century"

- Antonio Guterres

1,4 done; 3 only 25% done; 2 not done. 

Many different things on a single day is not working out. 

Keeping it simpler for tomorrow, 04/07/2022 - 

1. Optional - Calculus (3/4 + 4/4) 

2. Polity Static (3/4) (only after finishing Calculus)

3. Newspaper + 1 TV debate

1 - almost done, 2 - partly done, 3 done 


1. Optional - P2A2 RA (1/5)

2. Polity - 3/4

3. CA class

4. Newspaper

It was a better day today.

06/07/2022 - 

1. P2A2 Real Analysis (2/5) 

2. Polity book - (4/4) 

3. Newspaper + 1 TV discussion 

4. CA class revise

2,3 - almost done; 1,4 - not done.

Not a good day - inefficient morning, overslept in the afternoon.


1. Optional - RA (2/5, 3/5) 

2. Newspaper

3. CA class

1,3 done. Also looked at some GS2 PYQs. Skipped newspaper. 


1. Optional - RA (4/5, 5/5) 

2. Newspapers + 1 TV debate 

3. Start Ethics

1 - partly done; 2 - done; 3 - little bit


1. Optional - finish RA

2. CA class

3. Newspaper 

4. Ethics - Topic A

Felt a lack of control over my time today, and generally thoda not good (for no reason). It was not gloomy, not lack of motivation, but somehow still not normal. Like something was missing.

Test of perseverance has just begun. Lots of strength to us all !!

Could compensate for yesterday's loss of time to some extent. 

1,3,4 - done; 2 - half done


1. CA - finish class

2. Newspaper 

3. Ethics - B, C

If time, start Optional - 3D 

1,2,3 done; optional 3D not started. 


1. Optional 3D (Cone, Cylinder) 

2. Newspaper + 1 TV debate 

3. CA - Revise 2 classes

4. Practice some IR questions

2,3,4 done; 1 - not done 


1. Optional - 3D (Cone, Cylinder) 

2. CA class + Polity RPA 

3. Newspaper 

Celeborn,Archandand3 otherslike this


















1. Optional - P1B1 ODE (4/4), P1B3 VA (1/3)

2. Newspaper + Online + 1 TV discussion 

3. Society 3/4

For the first time, I was able to finish GS target for the day (at the cost of daily news though :P )


1. P1B3 Vector Analysis (2/3) 

2. Newspaper (27th and 28th) + 1 TV debate

3. Society (4/4) 

4. Read through GS1 Geography PYQs

1, 3 - partly done 


1. P1B3 Vector Analysis (2/3, 3/3) 

2. Newspaper + 1 TV Debate 

3. Polity 1/4 

4. Read through GS2 Polity PYQs

Society backlog - pushed to Sunday.

1,2,4 done. Need to flip through Laxmikanth faster.


1. Optional P1A2 Calculus (1/4) 

2. Newspaper

3. Polity Static repeat (1/4)

4. Current Affairs Class

Only 2, 4 done. Plus went through Ethics Syllabus and PYQs.


1. Repeat Calculus (1/4) 

2. Newspaper + 1 TV Discussion 

3. Repeat Polity (1/4)

4. CA class revision

Despite everything, monsoon brought some relief and cheer! :D 

2, 3, 4 done. But at the cost of Maths.


1. P1A2 Calculus (1/4, 2/4) 

2. Newspaper 

3. Polity Static (2/4) 

4. CA class 

1,2 done; 3 partly done; 4 not done. 

03/07/2022 (Backlogs and revisions day tomorrow)

1. Optional backlog - Laplace, Curvature/Torsion

2. Society backlog

3. CA classes - revise

4. Newspaper + 1 TV discussion

Quote of the day - 

"Renewables are the peace plan of the 21st century"

- Antonio Guterres

1,4 done; 3 only 25% done; 2 not done. 

Many different things on a single day is not working out. 

Keeping it simpler for tomorrow, 04/07/2022 - 

1. Optional - Calculus (3/4 + 4/4) 

2. Polity Static (3/4) (only after finishing Calculus)

3. Newspaper + 1 TV debate

1 - almost done, 2 - partly done, 3 done 


1. Optional - P2A2 RA (1/5)

2. Polity - 3/4

3. CA class

4. Newspaper

It was a better day today.

06/07/2022 - 

1. P2A2 Real Analysis (2/5) 

2. Polity book - (4/4) 

3. Newspaper + 1 TV discussion 

4. CA class revise

2,3 - almost done; 1,4 - not done.

Not a good day - inefficient morning, overslept in the afternoon.


1. Optional - RA (2/5, 3/5) 

2. Newspaper

3. CA class

1,3 done. Also looked at some GS2 PYQs. Skipped newspaper. 


1. Optional - RA (4/5, 5/5) 

2. Newspapers + 1 TV debate 

3. Start Ethics

1 - partly done; 2 - done; 3 - little bit


1. Optional - finish RA

2. CA class

3. Newspaper 

4. Ethics - Topic A

Felt a lack of control over my time today, and generally thoda not good (for no reason). It was not gloomy, not lack of motivation, but somehow still not normal. Like something was missing.

Test of perseverance has just begun. Lots of strength to us all !!

Could compensate for yesterday's loss of time to some extent. 

1,3,4 - done; 2 - half done


1. CA - finish class

2. Newspaper 

3. Ethics - B, C

If time, start Optional - 3D 

1,2,3 done; optional 3D not started. 


1. Optional 3D (Cone, Cylinder) 

2. Newspaper + 1 TV debate 

3. CA - Revise 2 classes

4. Practice some IR questions

2,3,4 done; 1 - not done 


1. Optional - 3D (Cone, Cylinder) 

2. CA class + Polity RPA 

3. Newspaper 

1, 3 - done, 2 - class pending 


1. Optional 3D (Conicoids) 

2. CA - finish class + Revise 1 class

3. Geography - World

D503,Celebornand2 otherslike this

Today's update 12/07

    - Solid state physics-  theory 40% done

    - Newspaper 


    - Newspaper 

    - Solid state 

            - finish theory

            - start with tut sheet

    - Yojana july

    - AWP - 3 

Celeborn,Archandand3 otherslike this


Past few days haven't gone well. I fully believed that this being 4th Mains, I had figured out how to handle this exam. But new challenges keep rising again and again. Anxieties increasing. Confidence decreasing. 

Lesson learned. This exam never gets easy as attempts increase. 

To be honest I haven't been able to put my best efforts. I'd consciously tried to reduce the strain a bit (in hopes of reducing anxiety). But it still isn't working. So going back to the full-effort mode. 

Targets for today:

1) Fluid Dynamics (try to finish) 

2) CA class 

3) Newspaper 

4) Answer Writing 

DM,GaryVeeand14 otherslike this
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Could not start statics & dynamics, I've finished 3D but not happy with my progress. Will revise it tomorrow once more before I proceed. Could not see the topper copy either. Have to make it a regular habit. 


  • 3D - Revision 
  • Statics & Dynamics - Theory 
  • Newspaper 
  • Ethics Topper Copy 
  • Answer Writing & Review 
  • Disaster Management (1/3)

Wasted the first half today. Was able to touch upon all the topics but my progress in them wasn't satisfactory. 


  • Finish S&D Theory 
  • Disaster Management (2/3) 
  • Ethics Topper Copy 
  • Newspaper 
  • Answer Writing Review + Write 2 Case Studies 

I was fanboying over Vishakha Yadav's topper copies a while back, saw Divya Mishra's copy today and I'm awestruck. They deserve all the success that they've got, insane skills. Need to put in a lot of efforts to even run in the same race as them. Hopefully one day! Good luck people. 


  • Finish S&D 
  • Revise 3D 
  • Disaster Management (3/4) 
  • Ethics Topper Copy 
  • Newspaper 
  • Answer Writing + Review

Bad day streak continues. Only did maths today and the newspaper. 


  • Review - S&D, 3D
  • Disaster Management (3/4) 
  • Ethics Topper Copy 
  • Newspaper 
  • Answer Writing + Review

Was able to cover most of the targets yesterday. However, my efficiency was less and it reflected in the test I gave today. Might have to give more time to same topics, confused as of now. 


  • Test - done 
  • Finish Disaster Management 
  • Ethics Topper Copy 
  • Newspaper 
  • Answer Writing + Review

Celeborn,Vesuviusand2 otherslike this


can someone help me with case studies for physical anthropology?

does someone have Vishnu sir's case studies?

please help


Today's update 12/07

    - Solid state physics-  theory 40% done

    - Newspaper 


    - Newspaper 

    - Solid state 

            - finish theory

            - start with tut sheet

    - Yojana july

    - AWP - 3 

Update for 13/07 

Solid state theory, newspaper and Yojana done. Couldn't do AWP because dinner break turned into full time movie break. 


    - Newspaper 

    - Electronics portion and meet sesh 

    - AWP 3 

    - GS2 - jitna marzi 

can anyone tell how many times can we view the current affairs lecture 



















1. Optional - P1B1 ODE (4/4), P1B3 VA (1/3)

2. Newspaper + Online + 1 TV discussion 

3. Society 3/4

For the first time, I was able to finish GS target for the day (at the cost of daily news though :P )


1. P1B3 Vector Analysis (2/3) 

2. Newspaper (27th and 28th) + 1 TV debate

3. Society (4/4) 

4. Read through GS1 Geography PYQs

1, 3 - partly done 


1. P1B3 Vector Analysis (2/3, 3/3) 

2. Newspaper + 1 TV Debate 

3. Polity 1/4 

4. Read through GS2 Polity PYQs

Society backlog - pushed to Sunday.

1,2,4 done. Need to flip through Laxmikanth faster.


1. Optional P1A2 Calculus (1/4) 

2. Newspaper

3. Polity Static repeat (1/4)

4. Current Affairs Class

Only 2, 4 done. Plus went through Ethics Syllabus and PYQs.


1. Repeat Calculus (1/4) 

2. Newspaper + 1 TV Discussion 

3. Repeat Polity (1/4)

4. CA class revision

Despite everything, monsoon brought some relief and cheer! :D 

2, 3, 4 done. But at the cost of Maths.


1. P1A2 Calculus (1/4, 2/4) 

2. Newspaper 

3. Polity Static (2/4) 

4. CA class 

1,2 done; 3 partly done; 4 not done. 

03/07/2022 (Backlogs and revisions day tomorrow)

1. Optional backlog - Laplace, Curvature/Torsion

2. Society backlog

3. CA classes - revise

4. Newspaper + 1 TV discussion

Quote of the day - 

"Renewables are the peace plan of the 21st century"

- Antonio Guterres

1,4 done; 3 only 25% done; 2 not done. 

Many different things on a single day is not working out. 

Keeping it simpler for tomorrow, 04/07/2022 - 

1. Optional - Calculus (3/4 + 4/4) 

2. Polity Static (3/4) (only after finishing Calculus)

3. Newspaper + 1 TV debate

1 - almost done, 2 - partly done, 3 done 


1. Optional - P2A2 RA (1/5)

2. Polity - 3/4

3. CA class

4. Newspaper

It was a better day today.

06/07/2022 - 

1. P2A2 Real Analysis (2/5) 

2. Polity book - (4/4) 

3. Newspaper + 1 TV discussion 

4. CA class revise

2,3 - almost done; 1,4 - not done.

Not a good day - inefficient morning, overslept in the afternoon.


1. Optional - RA (2/5, 3/5) 

2. Newspaper

3. CA class

1,3 done. Also looked at some GS2 PYQs. Skipped newspaper. 


1. Optional - RA (4/5, 5/5) 

2. Newspapers + 1 TV debate 

3. Start Ethics

1 - partly done; 2 - done; 3 - little bit


1. Optional - finish RA

2. CA class

3. Newspaper 

4. Ethics - Topic A

Felt a lack of control over my time today, and generally thoda not good (for no reason). It was not gloomy, not lack of motivation, but somehow still not normal. Like something was missing.

Test of perseverance has just begun. Lots of strength to us all !!

Could compensate for yesterday's loss of time to some extent. 

1,3,4 - done; 2 - half done


1. CA - finish class

2. Newspaper 

3. Ethics - B, C

If time, start Optional - 3D 

1,2,3 done; optional 3D not started. 


1. Optional 3D (Cone, Cylinder) 

2. Newspaper + 1 TV debate 

3. CA - Revise 2 classes

4. Practice some IR questions

2,3,4 done; 1 - not done 


1. Optional - 3D (Cone, Cylinder) 

2. CA class + Polity RPA 

3. Newspaper 

1, 3 - done, 2 - class pending 


1. Optional 3D (Conicoids) 

2. CA - finish class + Revise 1 class

3. Geography - World

1 - done, and newspaper. 2,3 - not done. 

DAF done.


1. Optional - Paraboloid, Generating Lines 

2. CA class 11 + class 12

3. World Geography

can anyone tell how many times can we view the current affairs lecture 

Not sure. I've heard 3 times. 

But I was also facing issues accessing the lecture a while back. Working now. Check again maybe? 

can anyone tell how many times can we view the current affairs lecture 

I don't think so there is any restrictions on that. 

U can watch n no. Of times. 


Nearly completed yesterday's targets. Some portions of Fluid Dynamics is left.

Targets for today:

1) Polity 

2) Governance 

3) CA class 

4) Newspaper 

Have a great day! 


If the documents to be uploaded along with DAF are scanned in black and white instead of grayscale, will that be an issue?

I mean rejection of application or something?

This might seem silly ..but need help 

Hello friends I have left my job in 2020 for upsc. Started preparing for it and gave 2 attempts but could not clear prelims. I am presently 27 years old and have 4 years work experience in 2 different companies before that. My basics of different subjects are not cleared and also due to lack of practice and revision could not clear prelims. I am totally confused whether to got for full fledged upsc 2023 preparation or once again join a job or prepare alongside. Could anyone from you please help what should be my course of action? 
Hello friends I have left my job in 2020 for upsc. Started preparing for it and gave 2 attempts but could not clear prelims. I am presently 27 years old and have 4 years work experience in 2 different companies before that. My basics of different subjects are not cleared and also due to lack of practice and revision could not clear prelims. I am totally confused whether to got for full fledged upsc 2023 preparation or once again join a job or prepare alongside. Could anyone from you please help what should be my course of action? 

Join a foundation course. 

Read this article plz,

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Could not start statics & dynamics, I've finished 3D but not happy with my progress. Will revise it tomorrow once more before I proceed. Could not see the topper copy either. Have to make it a regular habit. 


  • 3D - Revision 
  • Statics & Dynamics - Theory 
  • Newspaper 
  • Ethics Topper Copy 
  • Answer Writing & Review 
  • Disaster Management (1/3)

Wasted the first half today. Was able to touch upon all the topics but my progress in them wasn't satisfactory. 


  • Finish S&D Theory 
  • Disaster Management (2/3) 
  • Ethics Topper Copy 
  • Newspaper 
  • Answer Writing Review + Write 2 Case Studies 

I was fanboying over Vishakha Yadav's topper copies a while back, saw Divya Mishra's copy today and I'm awestruck. They deserve all the success that they've got, insane skills. Need to put in a lot of efforts to even run in the same race as them. Hopefully one day! Good luck people. 


  • Finish S&D 
  • Revise 3D 
  • Disaster Management (3/4) 
  • Ethics Topper Copy 
  • Newspaper 
  • Answer Writing + Review

Bad day streak continues. Only did maths today and the newspaper. 


  • Review - S&D, 3D
  • Disaster Management (3/4) 
  • Ethics Topper Copy 
  • Newspaper 
  • Answer Writing + Review

Was able to cover most of the targets yesterday. However, my efficiency was less and it reflected in the test I gave today. Might have to give more time to same topics, confused as of now. 


  • Test - done 
  • Finish Disaster Management 
  • Ethics Topper Copy 
  • Newspaper 
  • Answer Writing + Review

Not able to come here on a daily basis but I'll keep trying. 


  • Maths Test Analysis 
  • Maths Daily Module 
  • Ethics Test Analysis 
  • Write 1 Essay 
  • Newspaper 
D503,Vesuviusand2 otherslike this

If the documents to be uploaded along with DAF are scanned in black and white instead of grayscale, will that be an issue?

I mean rejection of application or something?

This might seem silly ..but need help 

I doubt that B&W and grayscale will be differentiated. I uploaded what you would call a scanned copy of the xerox copy of original last year as well as this year. No problem. Hope this helps.

Hello friends I have left my job in 2020 for upsc. Started preparing for it and gave 2 attempts but could not clear prelims. I am presently 27 years old and have 4 years work experience in 2 different companies before that. My basics of different subjects are not cleared and also due to lack of practice and revision could not clear prelims. I am totally confused whether to got for full fledged upsc 2023 preparation or once again join a job or prepare alongside. Could anyone from you please help what should be my course of action? 

Disclaimer: The basis of my answer is "Basics not cleared"

Answer: You may have to throw out all notes you have made and start afresh. By now you have understood what are the demands of the exam so what you need is pin pointed clarity and external assistance to reach that clarity. I doubt this task would be possible in part-time preparations. There are exceptions, of course, but they are few so you are the best judge. Do read the advise and article that@DM has shared. It is by@Neyawn , who is an institution in himself on all things UPSC.

Getting a job may sound like a good option, but it will also remain an option a year later. So if finances are not an issue, consider joining a full comprehensive program. Good luck!

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Could not start statics & dynamics, I've finished 3D but not happy with my progress. Will revise it tomorrow once more before I proceed. Could not see the topper copy either. Have to make it a regular habit. 


  • 3D - Revision 
  • Statics & Dynamics - Theory 
  • Newspaper 
  • Ethics Topper Copy 
  • Answer Writing & Review 
  • Disaster Management (1/3)

Wasted the first half today. Was able to touch upon all the topics but my progress in them wasn't satisfactory. 


  • Finish S&D Theory 
  • Disaster Management (2/3) 
  • Ethics Topper Copy 
  • Newspaper 
  • Answer Writing Review + Write 2 Case Studies 

I was fanboying over Vishakha Yadav's topper copies a while back, saw Divya Mishra's copy today and I'm awestruck. They deserve all the success that they've got, insane skills. Need to put in a lot of efforts to even run in the same race as them. Hopefully one day! Good luck people. 


  • Finish S&D 
  • Revise 3D 
  • Disaster Management (3/4) 
  • Ethics Topper Copy 
  • Newspaper 
  • Answer Writing + Review

Bad day streak continues. Only did maths today and the newspaper. 


  • Review - S&D, 3D
  • Disaster Management (3/4) 
  • Ethics Topper Copy 
  • Newspaper 
  • Answer Writing + Review

Was able to cover most of the targets yesterday. However, my efficiency was less and it reflected in the test I gave today. Might have to give more time to same topics, confused as of now. 


  • Test - done 
  • Finish Disaster Management 
  • Ethics Topper Copy 
  • Newspaper 
  • Answer Writing + Review

Not able to come here on a daily basis but I'll keep trying. 


  • Maths Test Analysis 
  • Maths Daily Module 
  • Ethics Test Analysis 
  • Write 1 Essay 
  • Newspaper 

Could not start Ethics Test review due to time paucity. Did the rest. 


  • Maths - Complex Analysis (1/2) 
  • Maths Daily Module 
  • Ethics Test Analysis 
  • Newspaper 
DM,Vesuviusand1 otherslike this
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