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[OFFICIAL] Workbooks for Prelims by ForumIAS

Workbooks for Prelims by ForumIAS

Dear Friends,

ForumIAS is happy to announce its launch of  Prelims Workbooks  which will assist you to ace Civil Services Prelims Examination.
These are a set of six workbooks covering different subjects. They are well-curated and well-researched question banks with previous year UPSC-CSE prelims questions as well as practice questions on each topic. 4000+ questions spread across six workbooks have been categorized into topics and sub-topics providing a detailed and comprehensive coverage for each subject. These workbooks help you revise and self-assess your progress in a steady manner.

Order your workbooks now at –

These workbooks are perfect for beginners as they allow you to self-assess your understanding of specific topics. The workbooks will become your best friend during the last few days of examination when you can easily revise your syllabus with the help of the detailed solutions in them. These workbooks are also helpful for our students enrolled in SFG Level 2 series. The questions are in line with UPSC pattern and difficulty level, helping you understand the relevance and utility of each topic. We have took upon ourselves the painstaking exercise of including everything you need to understand a specific topic and questions so that you don’t have to go through multiple resources.



The workbook for Art and Culture and Ancient and Medieval Historycovers not only previous year questions but also practice questions for each topic. Each and every aspect of the Political, Economic, Social, and Cultural History of India from Pre Historic times up to the Advent of Britishers has been covered in a comprehensive and detailed manner.

Our workbook for Modern History will help you learn about the colonial invasion and expansion of the British and India’s struggle for freedom through a series of questions. The whole era of Britishers and social, economic and political transitions in the society during British rule has been covered crisply through detailed solutions to questions.

Our workbook for Geography provides comprehensive coverage of all topics. To facilitate proper understanding of each topic and question, we have included maps, diagrams, illustrations and charts thoroughly in our explanations.

Our workbook for Polity provides you with a complete question bank for frequent question paper solving and helps you enhance your scores in Polity. With topics ranging from the basics of Polity to Judiciary, Constitutional and Non-constitutional bodies, this workbook shall become your best friend in your preparation. The question bank goes beyond the articles of the Constitution to cover debates surrounding the Indian Polity and concepts like justice, equality, liberty all of which are relevant to the UPSC prelims exam.

The workbook for Economy is a compendium for all possible questions on topics ranging from Basics of Economy to Public Finance, Banking, Inflation, Health, Agriculture, and International Economic Institutions. Each chapter contains 50+ questions and is sufficient for you to cover your economy syllabus and quickly revise it.

Our combined workbook for Science and Technology and Environment is a very essential workbook considering the lack of proper resources in these two subjects. The workbook like all our other workbooks shall help you identify the relevant topics for the Prelims exam and understand the current issues and debates around these subjects.

These workbooks are a must-have for every serious UPSC aspirant. Our workbooks are meant for you to spend less time worrying about finding relevant questions and to spend more time, learning.

Order your workbooks now at –

The workbooks can be ordered online by clicking the above link. For any assistance with respect to workbooks, you can Whatsapp us at 9311740397.

jack_Sparrow,Mettleand11 otherslike this


can you please add some sample pages it will be very helpful@AzadHindFauz @Neyawn 

Osho,D7and9 otherslike this

Osho,D7and8 otherslike this

@Neyawn How does one make the best use of the Workbooks? 

Well i spoke to someone old today, He said he will finish the polity workbooks by Wednesday and "get back to me". Had finished off first 70 pages within 3 days of recording his books. 

Finish it off. Use red blue colours to mark concepts you need to revise. That is all.

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir

MatildasMissHoney,DMand3 otherslike this

D7,Muffinand3 otherslike this

How many questions are there per booklet? A ballpark figure?

And, can we have 1-2 samples of solutions screenshots too?

chamomile,nerdslayerand3 otherslike this
^^ For geeks who like data.

@Vedgiri  Can you put clicked pictures of some pages so that people can get an idea of the print quality - what they can expect.

I ordered the workbooks on Feb 25. They are yet to be despatched. This is pretty shoddy service. No reply on whatsapp after multiple queries, even though I was assured that the package would be on the way by March 3. 
@DM I have the same question. Also, what is the delivery time for these booklets?


@Vedgiri Can you update some pics of the workbook here and the Blog post?

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